Saturday, January 01, 2005

Examination of Conscience ''High-Tech'' version

From the Roman Catholic Catechism

  • 1st Commandment
    I am the Lord thy God. Thou shall not have strange gods before Me.

Have I neglected prayer? Have I failed to make an effort at prayer to keep my mind on what I was saying?
Have I gone to places of false worship?
Have I consulted fortune tellers, attached undue importance to dreams, omens and the like, or been guilty of other superstitious practices?
Have I misused the sacraments, been guilty of bad confessions or bad communions?
Have I profaned places or things consecrated to God?
Have I sinned against Faith by denying it or culpably trying to conceal it?
Have I ever willfully doubted the truths of Faith, or made light of the teaching authority of the Church?
Have I assented to books or writings which attacked Catholic belief or practice? Do I trouble to keep as well informed in matters pertaining to my religion as I should?
Have I offended against Hope by despairing of God's mercy, or failing to have confidence in the power of Divine Grace to support me in trouble or temptation?
Have I murmured against the dispositions of Divine Providence?
Have I rashly presumed upon God's mercy?
Have I sinned against Charity by entertaining rebellious thoughts towards God?

  • 2nd Commandment
    Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Have I made irreverent use of God's Holy Name?
Have I cursed or profaned holy things in my speech?
Have I provoked others to cursing or profanity?
Have I taken rash or unnecessary oaths, or made false statements when under oath?

  • 3rd Commandment
    Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath Day.

Have I, through my fault, missed Mass on Sundays or Holydays of Obligation?
Have I, through carelessness, been late for Mass?
Have I always made a reasonable effort to assist at Mass attentively and prayerfully?
Have I engaged unnecessarily in work on Sundays or Holydays of Obligation? Have I caused others to do so?

  • 4th Commandment
    Honor thy father and thy mother.

For children:
Have I shown contempt or disobedience to my parents?
Have I spoken to them disrespectfully? Have I provoked them to anger or caused them grief?
Have I neglected to show them affection?
Have I harbored resentment or ill-will against them?
Have I neglected them in their necessity, or failed to do my share in helping with the household duties?
Have I been disrespectful or disobedient to other lawful superiors?

For parents:
Have I borne ill-will toward my children, or been angry and impatient with them?
Have I been harsh or cruel in correcting them?
Have I given them bad example?
Have I been allowing them to grow up in ignorance, idleness, or sin?
Have I taken due care with regard to their religious instruction, sending them to Catholic schools when this was possible?
Have I encouraged them by work and example to prayer and to the formation of solid habits of virtue?
Have I been careless in watching over their bodily health, or attending to their needs?
Have I shown undue partiality to one or another of them?
Have I shown them due affection?
Have I allowed myself to be too possessive with them, forgetting that it is my duty as a parent to train my children to self-sufficiency rather than to expect them to remain always dependent on me?
Have I taken care, proportioned to my means, to see that they are trained and fitted to make their own life?

For husbands and wives:
Am I doing my share toward making of a happy and peaceful home? Have I grieved or abused my partner in marriage?
Have I been guilty of bad temper, sulking, quarreling or nagging?
Have I shown a want of gentleness or consideration in regard to my partner's faults?
Have I been unreasonably jealous? Have I given cause for jealousy?
Have I put any obstacles in the way of my partner's practice of religion?
Do I cheerfully show the marks of affection which my partner has a right to expect of me in marriage?
Do I show respect for my wife (or husband) before the children?

  • 5th Commandment
    Thou shall not kill.
Under this commandment it is forbidden to take one's own life or that of another human being, to destroy the life of the unborn, or to endanger human life by negligence or carelessness.
Under the same prohibition there also fall lesser aggressions against the bodily welfare or integrity of ourselves or others. Just as we are forbidden to kill, so also are we forbidden to maim, injure or mutilate. Neither may we take a secondary or accessory role in the commission of such crimes by counseling, encouraging, consenting to them, or helping in any way to bring them about. Happily, however, the more violent offenses against this commandment are rare, and detailed points for consideration concerning them need not be included in an examination of conscience meant for general use.
Our most common violations of the fifth commandment are indirect and include all kinds of thoughts, words, deeds, willful feelings and emotions, which can dispose and incline a man to acts of violence. Hence, in coming to this commandment, the penitent can generally content himself to ask such questions as these:

Have I been careless in exposing myself or others to danger without reasonable cause? Especially, have I been careless or taken chances while driving an automobile?
Have I nourished a desire for revenge, or been quarrelsome and given to bickering?
Have I shown contempt or aversion for others, or refused to treat them with courtesy and consideration? Do I harbor class, racial, or religious hatred or prejudices?
Have I ignored offers of reconciliation, or refused to forgive wrongs that were done to me? Do I refuse to speak to anyone when courteously addressed?
Have I ridiculed or insulted others, or irritated them by my words and actions?
Have I envied another's prosperity or rejoiced at his misfortune?
Have I refused to help others in their need?
Have I induced others to sin by my word or example?
Have I been temperate always in the use of food?
Have I taken too much to drink? Have I encouraged others to drink, knowing that they would abuse it?
Have I injured my health by over-indulgence in tobacco, sedatives or foods which are harmful to me, or by neglecting to take necessary rest?
Have I procured, aided in or recommended an abortion?
Have I used artificial contraceptive devices?
  • 6th + 9th Commandments
    Thou shall not commit adultery.
    Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife.
Have I willfully entertained indecent thoughts, taken deliberate pleasure in them or been negligent in repelling them when they came unbidden to mind?
Have I entertained indecent thoughts and taken deliberate pleasure in papers, magazines; by attending moving pictures or watching television programs which I had reason to know were dangerous?
Have I desired to offend in any way against purity?
Have I been unclean in my speech, or conversed with others upon immodest topics? In my association with others, have I offended in any way against decency?
Have I allowed another to take any liberties or to be dangerously affectionate with me?
Have I committed an act contrary to holy purity?
(Note: In confessing any deed contrary to purity, one should declare briefly and without any unnecessary detail what kind of action it was. Furthermore, the fact that one is married, or has allowed himself to become involved with a married person, is significant and should be confessed.)
  • 7th + 10th Commandments
    Thou shall not steal.
    Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods.
Have I stolen anything or done culpable damage to the property of another?
Have I in my possession any ill-gotten goods?
Have I charged exorbitant prices for things which I have sold?
Have I misrepresented or adulterated things which I have sold? Have I taken unfair advantage of the ignorance or simplicity of another in any transaction?
Have I failed to return things which I have borrowed from others?
Have I appropriated things which I have found without taking reasonable pains to find the owner?
Have I been guilty of culpable delay in paying my just debts? If I have done an injustice to anyone, have I made restitution for it - or, failing that, do I sincerely intend to make restitution as soon as I am able to do so?
Have I lived up to the obligations that I have assumed by entering into contracts and agreements with others? Do I always make a reasonable and conscientious effort to make a good job of whatever I am employed to do, so that my employer always gets value received for the wages which he pays me?
Have I been guilty of wasting time or otherwise neglecting my work?
Have I been careful with my employer's property? In case I employ others, am I considerate in my dealings with them?
Have I dismissed employees arbitrarily or without serious reason?
Have I paid them an adequate wage and provided decent working conditions?
Have I encouraged the growth of avarice in me by letting money and external goods mean too much?
Have I allowed myself to become so preoccupied in the pursuit of wealth that I neglect my family, religious or social obligations? Am I overly elated by financial success, or unreasonably dejected when I suffer a loss?
  • 8th Commandment
    Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Have I told lies? If so, have any of these lies been injurious to my neighbor's character, or caused him to suffer loss?
Have I been guilty of detraction - that is, have I published discreditable secrets about others, even though what I told was true?
Have I caused trouble by carrying stories?
Have I engaged in gossipy conversation, or encouraged it or listened to it with pleasure?
Have I failed to defend my neighbor's character when my silence could be understood as approval of discreditable or false statements that were made against him?
Have I, in my own mind, been guilty of rash judgments or groundless suspicions to the discredit of my neighbor?
Have I revealed other matters about which I was bound to secrecy?


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