Code of Conduct a Disciple of the Holy Spirit
1. Be ever conscious that you aspire to the full expression of God, and devote all your Being and service to that end, as expressed so ably in the First Commandment.
2. Learn the lesson of harmlessness; neither by word nor thought nor feeling inflict evil upon any part of life. Know that action and physical violence are but a lesser part of the sin of harmful expression.
3. Stir not another’s sea of emotion, thoughtlessly or deliberately. Know that the storm in which you place their Spirit will sooner or later flow upon the banks of your own Lifestream. Rather, bring tranquility to life and be, as the Psalmists so ably put it, “oil on troubled waters.”
4. Disassociate yourself from your personal delusion. Let self-justification never reveal that you love the self more than the harmony of the Universe. If you are right, there is no need to acclaim it; if you are wrong, pray for forgiveness. Watching the self, you will find the rising tides of indignation among the more subtle shadows on the path of right, called “Self Righteousness.”
5. Walk gently through the Universe, knowing that the body is a temple in which dwells the Holy Spirit that brings Peace, Truth and Illumination to life everywhere. Keep your temple always in a respectful and cleanly manner as befitting the habitation of the Spirit of Truth. Respect and honor, in gentle dignity, all the other temples, knowing that oft times within a crude exterior burns a great Light.
6. In the presence of Nature, absorb the beauties and gifts if Her Kingdom in gentle gratitude. Do not desecrate Her by vile thoughts or emotions or by physical acts that despoil Her virgin beauty.
7. Do not form nor offer opinions unless invited to do so, and then only after prayer and silent invocation for guidance.
8. Speak when God chooses to say something through you. At other times, remain peacefully silent.
9. Make the ritual of your living the observance of God’s rules so unobtrusive that no one shall know that you aspire to Godliness, lest the force of their outer will be pitted against you or lest your service become impinged with pride.
10. Let your heart be a song of Gratitude, that God has given unto your keeping the Spirit of Life, which through you chooses to widen the borders of God’s Kingdom.
11. Be alert always to use your faculties and the gifts loaned to you by the Father-Mother God of all Life in a manner to extend God’s Kingdom.
12. Claim nothing for yourself, neither powers nor principalities, any more than you claim the air you breathe or the Sun. Use them freely, knowing the God ownership of all.
13. In speech and action be gentle, but with dignity that always accompanies the Presence of the Living God that is within your temple.
14. Constantly place all the faculties of your Being, and all the inner unfoldment of your nature, at the Feet of the God Power, especially when endeavoring to manifest perfection through one in distress.
15. Let your watchwords be Gentleness, Humility and Loving Service, but do not allow the impression of humility to be mistaken for lethargy. The servant of God, like the Sun in the Heavens, is eternally vigilant and constantly outpouring the gifts which are in his/her particular keeping.
From “What On Earth is Going On?” by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
1. Be ever conscious that you aspire to the full expression of God, and devote all your Being and service to that end, as expressed so ably in the First Commandment.
2. Learn the lesson of harmlessness; neither by word nor thought nor feeling inflict evil upon any part of life. Know that action and physical violence are but a lesser part of the sin of harmful expression.
3. Stir not another’s sea of emotion, thoughtlessly or deliberately. Know that the storm in which you place their Spirit will sooner or later flow upon the banks of your own Lifestream. Rather, bring tranquility to life and be, as the Psalmists so ably put it, “oil on troubled waters.”
4. Disassociate yourself from your personal delusion. Let self-justification never reveal that you love the self more than the harmony of the Universe. If you are right, there is no need to acclaim it; if you are wrong, pray for forgiveness. Watching the self, you will find the rising tides of indignation among the more subtle shadows on the path of right, called “Self Righteousness.”
5. Walk gently through the Universe, knowing that the body is a temple in which dwells the Holy Spirit that brings Peace, Truth and Illumination to life everywhere. Keep your temple always in a respectful and cleanly manner as befitting the habitation of the Spirit of Truth. Respect and honor, in gentle dignity, all the other temples, knowing that oft times within a crude exterior burns a great Light.
6. In the presence of Nature, absorb the beauties and gifts if Her Kingdom in gentle gratitude. Do not desecrate Her by vile thoughts or emotions or by physical acts that despoil Her virgin beauty.
7. Do not form nor offer opinions unless invited to do so, and then only after prayer and silent invocation for guidance.
8. Speak when God chooses to say something through you. At other times, remain peacefully silent.
9. Make the ritual of your living the observance of God’s rules so unobtrusive that no one shall know that you aspire to Godliness, lest the force of their outer will be pitted against you or lest your service become impinged with pride.
10. Let your heart be a song of Gratitude, that God has given unto your keeping the Spirit of Life, which through you chooses to widen the borders of God’s Kingdom.
11. Be alert always to use your faculties and the gifts loaned to you by the Father-Mother God of all Life in a manner to extend God’s Kingdom.
12. Claim nothing for yourself, neither powers nor principalities, any more than you claim the air you breathe or the Sun. Use them freely, knowing the God ownership of all.
13. In speech and action be gentle, but with dignity that always accompanies the Presence of the Living God that is within your temple.
14. Constantly place all the faculties of your Being, and all the inner unfoldment of your nature, at the Feet of the God Power, especially when endeavoring to manifest perfection through one in distress.
15. Let your watchwords be Gentleness, Humility and Loving Service, but do not allow the impression of humility to be mistaken for lethargy. The servant of God, like the Sun in the Heavens, is eternally vigilant and constantly outpouring the gifts which are in his/her particular keeping.
From “What On Earth is Going On?” by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
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