Tarot Read, Sept. 22 - Part 1
Thursday, September 22, 2005 at 9:17:27 AM
Spread: Tree of Life
Question: I gave my power away and showed my vulnerable side to friendships even in recent years, allowed Hutan to enslave me with his brutality and his attempts to hook me onto heroine and alcohol. For years, I subconsciously relived the day Papa wanted to drown me, and unwittingly feared for my life when there was any problem with my parents, school, friends, & such with a virtual paranoia. The anxiety and unexplainable shame set me up as a chronic "Hanged Man".
1: Crown
Your intuitive receptivity is your greatest strength.
The High Priestess craves deep communion with Nature and attunement with cosmic law. She wants to be far from the hustle and bustle, the daily traffic of life, so she can meditate. Get your ego out of the way and let your mind become attuned to a more subtle, spiritual view. Seek to divine the principles behind seemingly chaotic events, daily life or society in general. Take some time out. Write in your journal. Sit on a mountain top. Work with your feelings until you become reflective like the smooth calm of still waters at dawn.
2: Contemplation
Card: The Empress
A magnetic soul draws others with beauty and abundance.
A charismatic individual in the environment is attracting people like bees to a flower. This person helps us see and feel the truth of an inspiring ideal. Naturally this is a valuable person to have around. Such a person creates and spreads boundless love and acceptance for everyone to be nurtured by. Seek to emulate people who manifest creative harmony, inclusiveness and warm acceptance.
3: Activation
Your hard-won wisdom can help protect others from their inexperience or foolishness. Be generous with it.
With the Knight of Cups in this position, distill the essence of what you have learned on your journey, in order to let your wisdom inform the dreams and aspirations of others. Not everyone is able to go through the kind of awesome transformations you have. But you can wring the essence of your experience, and the feelings and insights that came with it, into the grail cup, and share this elixir of knowledge. This multiplies the benefits of your quest, and vindicates the difficulty of your labors, by uplifting everyone. In this way you can also relieve some of the loneliness you suffered while undergoing your trials.
4: Wisdom
Pioneering role models have taught you how to motivate yourself to feel passionate even about necessary duties and tedious details.
The Horseman of Wands in this position suggests exposure to inspired, successful, crusading people who have the determination to make headway toward new frontiers. These pioneering role models inspired you to organize yourself carefully to carry out your mission well and with full commitment. Understanding how to motivate yourself to feel passionate about the completion of even humdrum duties is an important skill. It is the best insurance you can have against overconfidence and hastiness.
5: Discipline
Your level of proficiency has been put to the test, with positive results.
The Page of Coins in this position indicates that you’ve been tested on what you’ve learned as a student in your chosen field. There’s been an accounting of how well you have mastered your medium and your level of competency. You have probably come through it looking pretty good, achieving expectations and moving right along. If you have had doubts about your abilities or have been burdened by perfectionist thinking, try to be more accepting, patient and faithful with yourself. If you can win the acknowledgment of teachers or mentors in your field, that’s a very good sign. Appreciate your achievements and how far you have come.
6: Heart
Even when we have overcome all contenders, it may be unclear whether what is gained exceeds what is sacrificed.
When the Nine of Wands is in this position, ask yourself if what has just been accomplished represents the final battle and whether what was fought for is now finally won. If so, do you consider it to have been a worthwhile experience? If what was gained was just the privilege to fight another day, then it is advisable to rethink the situation. Determine whether it’s worth it to keep it going, because it’s definitely not producing any discernible success. Even when we prove ourselves superior and overcome adversaries, recovery from the experience may be long and arduous. Does the outcome justify the cost?
7: Cycles
Become more careful in your choices; don’t be so naive, opening yourself to unnecessary trauma.
With the Eight of Cups in this position, you will be lucky to get through an upcoming situation without being taken advantage of or even abused. Such experiences can humble us and destroy our feelings of security. This is a tough situation. Keep your eyes open; be vigilant; it is not a safe environment. For now be less open, less willing to just let things happen to you. Be protective of your boundaries. If you are about to put yourself in a challenging or unpredictable situation, take responsibility. Only foresight can provide you any safety. Once you are caught up, there will be no rescue and you will be forced to go through it alone. Forewarned is forearmed.
8: Waking Up
Use your imagination and the power of desire to rouse you to create change.
When the Ace of Wands falls in this position, there is a dangerous habit of deferring your self will to the stronger will of others. As a result you lose track of what your own real purpose is. Use your imagination to create a dream scenario and feel it passionately. If this is difficult for you, it’s because you have been neglecting this exercise too long. Without the ability to fully define and feel your own personal desires, you won’t be fired up enough to achieve them. Get animated so you can create change.
9: Safety Net
A pocket of good will is waiting for you to drop into it.
The Nine of Cups in this position suggests that you have a friend or group of people who want to see you acknowledged, elevated and granted the credibility you deserve. Some movement is afoot to connect you with sources of benefit and support. Don’t be so humble that you miss the invitation. Keep your eyes open; pay attention to whose path you come across. Your admirers would go the extra mile for you if you would look up, acknowledge them and give them permission. You will be glad that you graciously received their support, that you trusted them to be faithful allies who would further your cause.
10: Outcome
Lay aside any dreams of peace and quiet for the time being. Accept that your world will be changing for a while.
The Wheel of Fortune in this position indicates that you will be in motion most of the time, resting only sporadically. Circumstances will become more complicated and difficult to keep balanced. Having been in the right place at the right time with the right energy took you from famine to feast. Yet tottering in the balance of success is the loss of privacy and spontaneity that makes you long for the state you left behind. That feeling can tip the wheel and down you will go. Everything is touch and go. You may have plenty of interesting experiences, see the world and go through a lot of fascinating changes, but the situation doesn’t settle into stability or predictability for a while to come. With that in mind don’t promise consistency to yourself or anyone else. You will continue to roll and tumble and learn a lot in the process.
10:23:01 AM
Tree of Life
I have life times of experience in giving my power away as scapegoat — my natal chart was designed that I finally gain victory over this. I have never had the chance to use my gifts for anything other than survival and my charms have only attracted men who were users, rapists or even psychopaths. Logic told me to chalk it up as a fact of life but my faith told me miracles were possible.
1: Crown
You appreciate the benefits that come from confidence and authority.
The King of Wands in this position shows you projecting an authority and security that can rightfully inspire pride and appreciation. This is your time to shine and for your accomplishments to be recognized. He is sometimes interpreted as autocratic, however, so strive to be objective and open-minded to avoid overly offending others who may feel jealous. Remember that everything is cyclical and passes through its own seasons: a sense of serenity felt at the top is no guarantee that the high ranking position will last. Stay balanced and use power wisely to set a good example for those who will follow in your footsteps.
2: Contemplation
Use the larger force of transformation active in this situation to bring about change and new directions for you, too.
When the Chariot is in this position, an electrifying force is driving you towards your personal victory. The wheels of the chariot symbolize both the wheels of time and the motion of the planets. Unstoppable change is sweeping through this situation. It’s an exciting time, though it can seem chaotic. Those who can’t move and grow with the times may feel overwhelmed by this driving force, but don’t let that happen to you. See if there is a way you can hitch a ride on this chariot and use it to help advance your goals and aspirations. There is no reason why you should let it go by without you.
3: Activation
Champion your own needs; put some distance between yourself and those who would hamper your progress.
With the Queen of Swords in this position, improve your ability to balance your needs against the pressures of other people’s expectations. Turn this challenge into an opportunity. Develop some enthusiasm for spending more time with yourself, making the pivotal decisions in your own life, and living directly with the consequences of your choices. Become your own best advocate. To help you accomplish this goal, shorten the list of people and circumstances that have the power to distract you or divert your energy. Define your boundaries. State your goals. Start acting on your own behalf.
4: Wisdom
One’s past experiences as a victim or scapegoat can be assimilated and transmuted into compassion for all beings.
The Hanged Man in this position suggests that you have been in this situation before — where a sacrifice was demanded, a victim called for, ritual punishment to be acted out. This process is not personal; it’s a function of the group’s psychological “shadow” in which our collective fears and inner demons are released, so the atavistic dark side can be purged. Like being picked on at school, this experience is not fatal. It can be recovered from, outgrown, assimilated, even turned into wisdom. Perhaps you can help the current victim become more objective and release feelings of guilt, shame or persecution that want to attach to the one hanging. Your story might help bring understanding to others and your past experiences could bring peace to the present Hanged Man.
5: Discipline
An experience of the Fool can be a valuable wake-up call.
With the Fool in this position, you have had an encounter with destiny. It proved to you in no uncertain terms that your concept of what’s going on is off center. When you have an episode with the Fool, the reality that seemed so substantial and compelling a moment ago is suddenly revealed as threadbare and frivolous. This motley clad jester questions the very foundations of life. These experiences are brisk and bracing and put things in perspective. Be grateful if the Fool has visited your neighborhood and cast his comedic and piercing eye into your life. Distortions get reduced to size and the real issues are revealed.
6: Heart
When you combine your talents with the talents of others, you gain the best results.
When the Five of Coins presents in this position, it is favorable to join forces with others — give synergy a chance to occur. Together you can get results that you could never hope to achieve alone. Trust your intuition and the Higher Power that is saying, “Yes, go with this relationship or this mission. This is a true and proper partnership.” The rewards of teamwork will outweigh whatever loss of individual autonomy it may produce.
7: Cycles
You will gain a new idea of what center is.
With the World in this position, it appears that you are rounding the last bend on the winding road to the promised land. There you can lay down your burden, stop struggling and ascend to a higher order of meaning. Soon you will feel you are in the right place at the right time, safe to relax in the trust and security that comes when you are one with the greater good.The experience will reorient your inner gyroscope. Be prepared by staying open and flexible and keeping your wits about you. A great completion is forthcoming that could be camouflaged as a normal experience. You may be the only one in the situation who will understand it, but that is fine. The point is not publicity, but grasping the truth of this subtle shift and cooperating with it.
8: Waking Up
When you feel uncomfortable about showcasing your unique talents, fully experience the discomfort in order to break through the blockage.
When the Three of Coins falls in this position, it indicates that you may be hesitant or unwilling to showcase your talents and skills at this time. Perhaps the thought makes you feel particularly vulnerable. But you need to bring your talent out of the closet if you are to connect with colleagues and supporters who can appreciate and encourage your vision, talents, and skills. You need to stretch beyond your comfort zone to fully experience the discomfort you feel when you reveal your unique skills. Then you will be able to simply accept your uneasiness, which is the first step towards freedom. Breaking through this blockage will bring incredible rewards. You will jump with joy!
9: Safety Net
Look to friends who know how to create richness under any circumstances, and make them your role models.
In this position, the Queen of Coins suggests that you have friends who know how to create abundance and prosperity. Such people are secure and comfortable even during times of limited resources. Let them help you. At the very least, they are important to you as models and inspirations. Let such allies take you under their wing and tutor you in the art of successful living. Let them exemplify how gracious and fulfilling Life can be under almost any circumstances. Learning from them will smooth your way considerably.
10: Outcome
You are not tempted to return to the patterns of the past; you are truly prepared to move on.
The Death card in this position points to the potential of severing a long-standing attachment that has repeatedly held you back, even when you swore you were truly done with it. At this point your confidence is focused enough so that you are no longer willing to repeat the old patterns. Now you know you can cut the cords and free yourself. Mixed with a natural trepidation, there is tremendous feeling of optimism. You are on the verge of experiencing and accomplishing great things. As the glimmer of the future grows brighter, and you are willing to leave the past behind to pursue that light. You will feel much better when you finally cut the ties that bind.
10:31:53 AM
Tree of Life
You’d think I was a reincarnated Jesus, the epitome of helpless victim - make that "hapless" - only I'm not proving any point or serving a cause. Even though I can trust my cognitive faculties and my body signals, emotional intelligence escapes me as I'm drawn to the consuming flame addicted as a moth.
In fact, I even fear your disapproval, dear Spirit; I don’t have the willpower to ignore doggie-begging so I take my plate into the bathroom. I continue to allow myself to depend on my husband to provide for my survival and security needs. By default he's the shopper for anything from food to shoes, drives the car, monitors phone-calls and knows what I get for health pension. My senses are restored but my life-patterns remain. I’m growing more bitter and cynical, and ever bitchier about my gross ineptitude.
1: Crown
Give yourself credit for the quality work you are producing.
The Eight of Coins in this position reveals a gift or talent for design, engineering, or problem solving — the know-how necessary to combine utility with efficiency and beauty. This points to a master developing his or her craft. When a person becomes proficient at something, his or her good reputation can spread until the work is showcased in the loftiest venues. It is important for you to respect and appreciate the high quality of the works you are producing and the acclaim your achievements merit.
2: Contemplation
You have it in you to see what needs to be done. Now it’s time to get organized and use your skills as a manager.
When the Queen of Coins is in this position, you are being called upon to help steer the collective enterprise. Call up the manager within you or procure the assistance of someone who is a natural manager. Perceive what needs to be done, in what order it should be administered and with what amount of support or staff. It’s time to be organized and be energetic about it. This effort will not only benefit you personally, but just as importantly, it will support the well being of those you are involved with.
3: Activation
Prepare yourself for the lightning strike coming your way.
The Tower challenges you to make yourself strong enough to channel a high voltage blast. When the lightning strikes, most people feel fearful of their ability to assimilate the impact of sudden, forceful change. A few others go into overdrive — they feel enlivened, creative, more intelligent and intuitive than usual. It all depends on your ability to sustain shock and carry the charge. Prepare yourself to ensure that you are well grounded, as well as psychologically open and flexible. In this way, you can leverage some of the positive force of this energy when it’s released and experience the least amount of negative kickback.
4: Wisdom
Refrain from aggravating an old, deep wound; be gentle with yourself.
The Ten of Swords in this position points to a significant loss in your history, an old tragedy which still impacts you. It is occasionally re-stimulated, giving rise to emotional eruptions others cannot understand. As this old, deep, painful theme rumbles and rises within you again, you might wonder how to keep it from interfering with your life now. The answer may be to just be still, rather than reacting or trying to distract yourself in some way. Whatever you decide to do, do it with care, gentleness and compassion for yourself. Tread gently, staying aware of those old wounds. This is the time to focus on being a good parent to your wounded inner child; don’t wait until you are totally drained and desperate.
5: Discipline
Ask yourself whether the outcomes of a partnership effort correspond to your original objective.
When the Five of Coins is in this position, you have had a chance to team up with someone whose attributes and qualities complement your skills and talents. Look closely, however; do the others involved have the skills to function as a team, as equals? No matter how attractive or tempting this partnership may seem, it is important to examine whether the results of this connection truly align with your personal goals. Perhaps they do, but on the other hand, it could be a glamorous illusion that will set you back. Use this moment for some objective analysis.
6: Heart
Even when we have overcome all contenders, it may be unclear whether what is gained exceeds what is sacrificed.
When the Nine of Wands is in this position, ask yourself if what has just been accomplished represents the final battle and whether what was fought for is now finally won. If so, do you consider it to have been a worthwhile experience? If what was gained was just the privilege to fight another day, then it is advisable to rethink the situation. Determine whether it’s worth it to keep it going, because it’s definitely not producing any discernible success. Even when we prove ourselves superior and overcome adversaries, recovery from the experience may be long and arduous. Does the outcome justify the cost?
7: Cycles
When you willingly cast off old identities, you become more aware of your authentic self.
The Death Card in this position indicates that some cords need to be cut. Clean out old distractions, obligations and identifications and close the door to the past. Fresh inspiration is ready to lead you in an entirely new direction. Some part of yourself will experience this as a death, an irreparable loss of something that will be mourned and missed. Another part of you, however, will see this change as a rebirth, a transformation into a larger framework, a broader scope of identity. Don’t fear the loss of someone dear to you. That is less likely than the loss of a cherished identity you wrapped around yourself like a cloak. You will come to drop that disguise and step into the future a more authentic person. Don’t resist this worthy experience. It will ultimately be of great benefit to you.
8: Waking Up
Don’t relax your self discipline; there is much more work to do.
When the Eight of Wands falls in this position, your assessment of how far you have progressed toward your goals may be faulty. You may think you are in a good position, that you are nearing the finish line, but in reality Nature is telling you there is much more to do. If you coast on past effort, the situation may get away from you or cease working altogether. Your will and commitment have to measure up to the enormity of your project; this is no time to relax your self discipline and be casual about your responsibilities.
9: Safety Net
You are nurtured by a compassionate person who is pleased to champion your best efforts.
The Empress here suggests the presence of a powerful role model — a person with a warm, embracing demeanor who thinks expansively and inclusively. She or he is happy to help you nurture your genius, develop your creativity and locate the resources you need to complete important projects. This feminine spirit — so soft, warm and magnetic — makes things easy and enjoyable. She models an attitude of confidence in Nature, a feminine form of strength who gives people permission to ask for and receive what they need. The conciliatory and open handed style you are learning from her creates enjoyable relationships that bear fruit for everyone.
10: Outcome
Be a warrior, defending your rights and speaking up for yourself.
The Queen of Swords in this position shows a potential for resolution when the correct stance is taken. If you adopt this queen’s no-nonsense, take care of business style, you will find the straightest path to your goal. If you concentrate on being polite, deferring to others or modifying what you are inclined to do in order to please others, you will abandon your best interests and be dissatisfied with the results. It’s time to be a little more assertive so you won’t be victimized. To avoid disappointment, don’t allow yourself to be manipulated.
Thursday, September 22, 2005 at 10:40:17 AM
I no longer care about proving my point, defending myself, even getting the job done. I spent my talents surviving. Now that I've clawed out of my abyss with only chronic pain and anxiety from damaged joints and seared neurons to cope with, I have no drive left in me. My pain/patience threshold is limited to doggie kisses and clothes that don’t hurt within my hermitage. I’m done here. Death as the pain reliever.
Spread: Tree of Life
1: Crown
Although a fond look at the past is pleasing and refreshing, your fulfillment lies in the future.
The Six of Cups symbolizes nostalgia and its power, illustrating two sides of your nature. When you look back at the past, your emotions soften; you feel tender, open and sentimental. When you look to the future, you know your will must harden; you need to be more powerful, directing the flow rather than following. The past was a time when you were younger and lighter. It also was a time when issues were less complex and confusing. You were not empowered in the way you are now, however. The present is full of fresh potential while the past is two-dimensional, a snapshot of times gone by. It’s fine to enjoy nostalgia and sentimentality, but when you have finished refreshing yourself in the waters of memory, come back to the present with energy for the future, where your scope is so much broader.
2: Contemplation
You have been offered the freedom to follow your heart; don’t let the opportunity go by.
When the Nine of Coins is in this position, it means you are supported by an established enterprise that will provide for you while you increase your knowledge and abilities. All that is required in return is for you to thrive and flourish. It’s a great trade! This is an unusual situation — take advantage of it to pursue your interests and develop your talents. But do stay humble. You are benefiting from some larger institution or structure; you don’t want to poison the waters for yourself or others who will come after you. Be receptive to the benefits and the advantage, but make sure you give fair value in return.
3: Activation
Stay focused on the common good rather than personal compensation.When the Queen of Coins is in this position, the challenge is to keep your eye on the collective best interest and carefully de-emphasize personal reward. The depth of sensuality the Queen is capable of experiencing supports her incredible good sense and feel for nature. She instinctively knows what kind of action or response is appropriate. But it can also be very distracting when she is not attending to productivity and organization. She works hard, she plays hard, and sometimes on the weekend she spends all the profit she made during the week. It helps to have an environment that gently nudges her back to her concern for productivity, so she doesn’t get lost in how much fun she is having and how fully she can feel all the nuances of earthy life. The challenge is to stay focused on highest priorities.
4: Wisdom
The ability to achieve closure will serve future projects well.
The Ten of Wands in this position suggests that you have learned from past experience when to end a cycle and come to closure and this ability is essential to your present situation. A wise person knows when to leave well enough alone. Before you take up a new quest, be clear of lingering entanglements, and then fortify yourself with wisdom gained in the past.
5: Discipline
You have shaken off the need to lean on others. Your independence is blossoming.
With the Six of Coins in this position, you are just coming out of a position of dependence and are learning to carry your own weight. Where in the past you may have felt more comfortable taking your cues from strong forces around you, you are now outgrowing the need to be “helped.” From here you can build and expand until you, as opposed to others, are the strong force in your own life, maybe even modeling self sufficiency for others in time. As this process unfolds, it would be a good exercise for you to make careful notes on your evolving outlook and new experiences. In the future, this will help you guide others through similar transformations.
6: Heart
The process of releasing the past is transforming; don’t resist it.
When the Death card appears in this position, it symbolizes releasing past attachments and moving forward toward an entirely new agenda that circumstances seem to be imposing on you. It is wiser to take your cues from the new situation than try to hold firm and resist the trend. This fertilizing, progressive change requires you to strip down, disconnect your ties to the past and shift your focus from the surfaces of things to the bones. In the process, your goals shift from the short term to the long term. You no longer identify with your mortal self, but with your immortal self. Under these circumstances, allow your priorities to transmute. Willingly release any limiting conditions that keep you from expressing your essential nature. Nothing you lose at this point will cost you as much as resisting change.
7: Cycles
Change is inevitable but you don’t yet know what form it will take.
With the Wheel of Fortune in this position, new information, a new development or a new person will soon enter the scene and completely change the odds. Maybe a savant could predict the course of its unfolding, but all you can feel at the moment is the hair rising on the back of your neck. When you get that feeling, gather yourself at the hub of the wheel, the place where all the variables converge, study the situation and use practical knowledge from past experience to help you understand what these circumstances portend. Once you have searched your memory banks, if there is a basis for hope, you will remember it; if there is a basis for concern, you will address it.
8: Waking Up
Under the circumstances you are inclined to hold yourself back, limiting your probability of success.
When the Page of Coins falls in this position, there will be a tendency to use your station in life, your craft or your occupation as an excuse to hold yourself back. In spite of this, your path of service is a platform for all kinds of growth if that’s what you want, but with a negative attitude you can certainly turn it into a dead end. Once you take that route, doors and windows begin to slam shut around you. So why slow yourself down with excuses? Why cling to limited thinking about yourself or your potential? When you answer these questions, you will break through what has been holding you back and your natural confidence will rise again.
9: Safety Net
Persist in your efforts to get the attention of a spiritual mentor.
The Hermit in this position suggests that you know of a wise person who could advise you on upcoming challenges. This Hermit is not easy to locate, however. To make matters worse, he is generally reluctant to dispense advice, and demands what seems like an inordinate amount in order to share wisdom with you. He’s not going to make it easy. Nevertheless, his wisdom is essential. Be willing to scale the mountain to reach his cliff side dwelling or go the extra mile to find him in the wilderness. Do whatever it takes. What he can offer you is priceless, drawn from direct and deep experience.
10: Outcome
A lasting impact on future generations can spring from your willingness to manifest it.
With the Four of Wands in this position, you’re planting the seed for something that may last far into the future because of its enduring usefulness to many people. Perhaps it’s a methodology or a philosophy; perhaps it’s a new profession, industry or school. In any case, this spontaneous act of brilliance could prove momentous for a long time to come. Proceed with due deliberation, with respect and integrity, remembering the potential impact you can have on the world. Accepting this seminal mission is your responsibility.
10:48:00 AM
Question: I'm not even sure if I can tolerate the cheery note in your inspirations. Right now I could gamble being tossed into "Hell" if it were real and tell God "I quit" to his face. I know there's a plethora of Faithful to see His Plan gets done without me being the Piscean Poster Child. I don’t feel like cooperating, I only feel my arthritis. Give me another incarnation to start over, only with better equipment.
Spread: Tree of Life
1: Crown
Take time to honor your feelings as you heal from devastating circumstances.
Allow yourself to look forward to the future with optimism. The Nine of Swords in this position portrays a person suffering the lonely grief of abandonment or bereavement, and perhaps a sense of panic due to loss of power and position. Overcome with feelings of helplessness, he or she is beset with fear of what might happen next. But no matter what has happened, all meaning is not lost from life. You can and will recover from setbacks. To do so, you must overcome pessimism. As you recover from misfortune, you will see the way clear before you. Give yourself time to explore your feelings, and you will awaken tomorrow with confidence in the future.
2: Contemplation
Use the larger force of transformation active in this situation to bring about change and new directions for you, too.
When the Chariot is in this position, an electrifying force is driving you towards your personal victory. The wheels of the chariot symbolize both the wheels of time and the motion of the planets. Unstoppable change is sweeping through this situation. It’s an exciting time, though it can seem chaotic. Those who can’t move and grow with the times may feel overwhelmed by this driving force, but don’t let that happen to you. See if there is a way you can hitch a ride on this chariot and use it to help advance your goals and aspirations. There is no reason why you should let it go by without you.
3: Activation
Do your homework. Gain a thorough and deep understanding of your situation and devise a workable plan to see it through.
With the Horseman of Coins in this position, you are being asked to go to the roots of things. So, start from the beginning and gain some experience to match your intellectual grasp of the situation. Temper whatever power you possess with patience and sensitivity to detail. It would be wise to steep yourself in the traditions of your field of endeavor so you can tap the spirit and ideas of your predecessors as well as their source materials. In this way you will not stray far from the truth, the substantial reality which supports your vision, and your greater goal. Too many people have a big dream and move immediately into action with no research, understanding, game plan or skills. See to all of these things so that your ventures can be successful from the beginning.
4: Wisdom
Optimism frames every experience or insight you have.
The Page of Cups in this position suggests that you have been deeply influenced by an idealistic environment. A part of your inheritance is a resolute, un-crushable belief in the goodness of life and the future. You possess the ability to perceive the good in all things. You have learned how to take setbacks as motivation for renewed effort. No amount of harsh reality diminishes your sense that the future will turn out better. This is a wonderful legacy; value it for the blessing it is. The only time life seems to fail you is when you don’t eat right or rest well, which goes to show the integral importance of health and vitality, no matter how positive one’s outlook or how many fine friendships it brings to your life. The only warning here is to be on guard against naïveté and a reckless optimism that borders on irresponsibility.
5: Discipline
The end to a daunting period of pressure requires respite.
The Queen of Wands in this position indicates that you are finally concluding the demanding task of overseeing a job to completion. It’s been an exhausting challenge that asked a lot of you. You have needed patience, firmness and stamina to keep all the variables organized. Even though the results of your work inspire pride, you’ve also worn yourself out providing willpower for an entire group of individuals. Take a hard-earned respite from your labors and turn responsibility over to someone else for awhile.
6: Heart
A door is opening to a higher level of function and experience.
When the Ace of Coins appears in this position, a door is opening that can lift you closer to your dream. You will become increasingly aware of how meaningful your assignment is. In a certain way, you have been chosen to hold or carry something of high value, and that thing you hold and invite others to participate in is going to bless those who get involved with you. You are gaining a sense of the larger meaning of your life, and everything looks new and fresh. Take the ball and run with it!
7: Cycles
When you willingly cast off old identities, you become more aware of your authentic self.
The Death card in this position indicates that some cords need to be cut. Clean out old distractions, obligations and identifications and close the door to the past. Fresh inspiration is ready to lead you in an entirely new direction. Some part of yourself will experience this as a death, an irreparable loss of something that will be mourned and missed. Another part of you, however, will see this change as a rebirth, a transformation into a larger framework, a broader scope of identity. Don’t fear the loss of someone dear to you. That is less likely than the loss of a cherished identity you wrapped around yourself like a cloak. You will come to drop that disguise and step into the future a more authentic person. Don’t resist this worthy experience. It will ultimately be of great benefit to you.
8: Waking Up
Attempts to regain control are not only disabling, they will ultimately prove fruitless.
When the Five of Swords falls in this position, it suggests that you devote too much of your communication skills, ideas and mental pictures to the negative side of circumstances. You are hyper aware of what could go wrong, what kind of problems could happen, how you might lose face, ways you could lose power or dominance. You tend toward worry and stress while rehearsing or reliving conversations. As long as you are expending energy trying to regain control of the situation, you can no longer respond appropriately to what it is truly offering you. You don’t have control over the outcome anyway, so surrender attachment and examine your motives for trying to manipulate it. Examine how “I, me, mine” thinking is undermining the naturalness and harmony in this situation.
9: Safety Net
Withhold action until you consult experienced guides; they can provide profound insight into your options.
The Two of Wands in this position challenges you to discern your full spectrum of choices. Guides are available who can provide realistic insights into your choices, help you evaluate the implications of your options and intercept any hasty decisions. Ask your mentors and elders to assess their lives and the fruits of their labors — not in terms of fame or monetary achievement but on deeper levels. If you don’t get them to reveal information and insights beyond the obvious, you may miss the essential message for you now. This is an important time to make good choices. A small deviation in your path today can create a widening wedge of change in your life tomorrow.
10: Outcome
Use your talent for pairing others’ skills to the work that needs to be done.
The Six of Coins in this position indicates that whatever you do now to help other people is going to return to you later in the form of many blessings. Do your best to operate from altruistic motives, sharing your riches and creating new opportunities, and your investment will confer huge dividends. The universe evolves faster with cooperation. Be like a matchmaker, linking people and their capacities to the work that needs to be done. In this way, you are helping them earn a place at the table when the rewards come in. What fantastic synergy!
10:54:01 AM
Q: I'm too pooped to participate but I'll allow myself to be a figurehead from my retreat and, look like I'm important, if ridiculous, like the Queen of England.
Will others have the faith to rely on the word of Spirit unquestioningly in lieu of their addicted egos, their beloved denial, idols, indulgences, and their lust for xenophobia, random ethnic-cleansing and mass graves. I’ll play the prophet-queen if they hold up my arms, like Aaron did for Moses parting the Red Sea.
Spread: Tree of Life
1: Crown
Misunderstandings and unsuccessful communication are straining a relationship to the breaking point.
When the Three of Swords is in this position, elements within you are in opposition and tearing at your heart. Heartbreak is classically associated with this card. The energy is not restricted to romantic situations; it can be sibling or familial, any relationship where differences have the power to rend the fabric of the bond. The number three, however, also represents the fulcrum between polarized elements — a hinge, a balance point between opposites. At best this card implies a fifty-fifty chance of mending the rift, but it also carries a sense of tragedy or impending pain. One needs to ask oneself, “Did I bring this sense of frustration and pessimism into this situation? Am I acquiescing to a pattern that’s been laid over this relationship by others involved? Or is this just a non-workable relationship?
2: Contemplation
You must accommodate an entire spectrum of experience as you move among the privileged.
The Ten of Coins in this position speaks of people who have a high degree of privilege. Both the negative and positive sides of these highly achieved, highly endowed individuals are revealed, and daily contacts require that you find your level in this culture. You have something important to learn by witnessing this exclusive mode of living. To become a true world citizen, you need to be able to move among all kinds of people, and in this case, that involves learning to feel natural in situations of great luxury and comfort, among people who take it totally for granted.
3: Activation
When you willingly step forward to be a leader, you win recognition and gratitude.
The Seven of Swords in this position suggests that you volunteer to fill an emerging void in leadership. You may be the person who can serve as an inspiring figurehead and rallying point for existing unfocused mental and emotional energy. It is possible that you have a hero latent inside you who is being called forth by current circumstances. If that is the case, don’t resist; accept the invitation. It’s not often that we get a ready made opportunity to be gallant. It’s to everyone’s benefit that you think of yourself as a person who is able and willing to make a positive difference.
4: Wisdom
A strong moral foundation confers the ability to skillfully discern right from wrong.
The Justice card in this position suggests a moral influence in early life taught you right action and right relationship with your fellow beings. You may have felt the training was severe or restrictive at the time, but it has helped protect you from the excesses of our times. Self-control through moderation, awareness of the collective welfare, the bonds of community, and a sense of personal accountability combine to make a strong inner refuge. By being there for others, you ensure they will be there for you.
5: Discipline
Because significant differences have been mediated, you no longer need to doubt your path of action.
With the Two of Wands in this position, a recent deadlock, stalemate or blockage is breaking up, freeing you to feel optimistic and creative again. For a while it was unclear whether you had chosen a dead end path or were just temporarily detoured. But you reoriented yourself, reexamined and reframed your objectives, and it was an exercise that proved to be fruitful. Now you can get back into action with an updated outlook and attitude.
6: Heart
Value and apply the lessons of your heritage as they are brought forward into the present.
The Four of Swords in this position instructs you to take time out to compare experiences of the past with those of the present. Do you see the patterns? Investigate family members’ past experiences as well as your own; look at the history of your tribe, to the extent that you know it. Analyze the life lessons, the broad themes. Your memories can provide a surprising wealth of information about human nature, the laws of probability and ways to get through, over and around obstacles. Remind yourself of the tools, skills, sensibilities and the wits your ancestors passed on to you through their example. Future successes may hinge on your ability to see those patterns re-emerging. Don’t scorn what you have inherited from the past; refine it and apply it correctly. As you access and model what’s good about your tribal ways, you will forgive earlier excesses or deficiencies, and help to shape the patterns flowing through to future generations.
7: Cycles
Be prepared for an upcoming decisive moment; know your will and be ready to implement it.
When the King of Wands appears in this position, an imminent leadership opportunity requires psychological and emotional preparation. Many of us have negative or mixed programming about success, achievement, striving and competition. Those mixed emotions keep us from fulfilling our true potential when opportunities arise. Circumstances now demand leadership and dynamic action, not introspection. Use your strength of will to make a decision and act on it; don’t equivocate.
8: Waking Up
Tear down whatever separates you from the happiness enjoyed by others.
When the Ten of Cups comes up in this position, a part of you wants to believe the universe is conspiring against you — everyone gets what they want and need but you. Your rational mind may tell you that such a thing is not so. But with the suit of Cups, emotions and feelings rule. It feels as if there is an invisible barrier between you and the happiness you imagine that everyone else is enjoying. Ask yourself who built this wall, you or them? It may be that those on the other side would be happy to include you if you could just imagine yourself being included. Try to see the situation from the other side. If you can dissolve that barrier, you can join the rosy picture. You won’t have given up anything but your isolation.
9: Safety Net
Centuries of knowledge and wisdom are available to you.
In this position, the Hierophant points to a long standing tradition of highly refined craftsmanship which you can tap into and draw inspiration from. It would behoove you and speed up your project if you would allow a Hierophant, a master of the Mysteries, to advise you. The Hierophant has acquired direct knowledge by going to the heart of an issue and experiencing it. If you have a problem to solve, cast aside your pride. Determine who has the key to the situation and how you can befriend them, win their confidence and learn at their knee what you need to know. This Hierophant knows the direct path, the exact formula, the perfect key to the situation.
10: Outcome
If things are left to develop on their own, you may land an important supporting role.
With the Page of Cups in this position, you may remain in the background as things develops, serving as a secretary, assistant or confidant for someone or some group in power. Not everyone is psychologically suited for this role. Examine the opportunity carefully, asking yourself if you are willing to be of service on this level. Perhaps you have leadership aspirations of your own right now. You will be happier with whatever role you choose and your contributions if you are realistic and honest with yourself.
11:09:31 AM
Q: True, I’m languishing in my cynicism. So, motivate me. Give me a reason to get off my butt. Show me the people who will invest all their life-force, talents, for the Common Good without guarantee of any gratification. Before I get off my butt, "Show me the money".
Horoscope Spread
Wild Card: 9 The Hermit
The challenge of the Hermit card is to be able to recognize the Teacher in this humble disguise. He will not make it easy for the student to acquire his wisdom, as it takes time and long contemplation to fathom what he is illuminating. He often speaks wordlessly, or in ancient and barbaric tongues, communicating with the elements, the animals, the laws of Nature.
While the hourglass was an identifying feature of the earliest Hermit cards, more modern ones have shifted the metaphor, showing more or less light released from his lantern. But every Hermit card reminds us of the value of time away from the everyday hubbub of community life, to relax the ego and enjoin the mind of Nature.
1: House of Identity
You are down for the count, and it is appropriate to admit it.
The Ten of Swords in this position signifies a sense of grim relief. At this point you are no longer obligated to exert any more effort because there is nothing more you can do. Under the circumstances, no one can rationally expect you to have any power to change the situation. In that sense, you are free. You may be in shock, flattened , but that is understandable and acceptable. It is best not to try to do anything about your condition at this time. This card gives you permission to surrender to the inevitable. Be assured that in time you will recover, you will again have some wind behind your sails. But for the present, you’re just knocked out. Admit it and go with it — what else can you do?
2: House of Work
Allow a process to unfold at its own pace even if it’s hard for you to yield control.The Two of Wands in this position reveals a person or group that is not clear about its goals, and stalls on the tiniest details. Although this can feel agonizing to an ambitious person, it’s wise to accept this kind of hesitation as a natural stage in the process. The collective mind has yet to identify its highest interests. Not until people become sufficiently uncomfortable with the situation will anything significant happen. Don’t rescue anyone and don’t get hasty about trying to fix or push things, because others need time in which to assess the situation and act. Otherwise they will proceed unprepared and you will be faced with greater problems later.
3: House of Ideas
Protect all areas of your health to increase your vigor and self reliance.
The Nine of Coins in this position challenges you to stay healthy and fit — emotionally, physically and psychologically. Don’t let yourself become soft and out of shape. You can’t expect this period of relative abundance and support to last forever. Even in the best of situations there are fluctuations; no situation is immune to change. As you proceed on your way, be aware of maintaining your muscle tone as well as your intellectual and emotional vigor. Use this situation to improve yourself and prepare for whatever may come next.
4: House of the Family
You have paid your dues and understand the process.
The Judgment card suggests that you have learned something about redemption. You have either done transformative work or have had a teacher. The experience has shown you how people survive and even flourish after deep inner work. In the process of expanding your consciousness, you have learned how resourceful, deep and multidimensional a human being can be. Life force resurrects itself from the deepest levels no matter how tragic or sacrificial one’s experience has been. When this mystery is fully understood, you will possess exceptional confidence and fearlessness.
5: House of Magic
Your accomplishment has the power to bolster your self esteem. Others are supporting this inner growth, helping you learn to take it in.
With the Nine of Cups in this position, you have recently experienced a moment of success, followed by acknowledgment and pledges of support. You worked hard for this, and you earned it. Now you deserve the benefits that come as a result of your efforts. If at the moment of recognition you felt undeserving or overwhelmed, let go of those feelings. Accept the rewards you have earned, so your self-esteem can be strengthened. After all, your friends and supporters would like to see you graciously receive their loving appreciation. This is a good time to make some notes in a personal journal to help keep these times firmly fixed in your memory. That way, you will always be able to access the feelings of joy and optimism you have experienced — no matter what kinds of challenges may be happening.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Clear judgment, accountability and responsibility are demanded.
When the Eight of Swords is in this position, it is up to you to sharpen your focus, demand accountability and question authority, including your own. There is no room for denial or dissembling. You must take a firm line with yourself and the situation. Careful analysis is necessary in order to eliminate blind spots and be ready for any contingency. If you are not willing to undergo rigorous self discipline, discipline will be inflicted upon you by the environment. You will then feel as if you have no choices left. Discard false logic, rationalizations and denial. If you don’t throw intellectual baggage overboard now, you may be sunk by it later. Face the truth and speak it, even if it’s unflattering to you. You will then come through this experience as part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
7: House of Relationships
Accept that choosing one means letting go of the other.
With the Lovers in this position, you must discriminate carefully between options that are presenting themselves to you. Be like a youth who must choose which potential partner will be the most compatible and interesting. All the options are attractive, but if you choose one, you have to give up the other. Make a decision and commit to it fully. Use whatever maturity, wisdom and good sense you possess to determine the direction most appropriate for you. Say no to any other possibilities, no matter how seductive.
8: House of Secrets
Because someone’s personal criteria are dominant, a relationship lacks balance and harmony.
When the Five of Coins falls in this position, you are experiencing inequity in relationship. Respect is not flowing freely in both directions. One person’s agenda may be dominating another’s. It’s important to examine this trend before the situation becomes more unbalanced. Instead of feeling overwhelmed or annoyed, prepare to question these relationships, both within yourself and with significant others.
9: House of Visions
When you receive recognition from higher-ups, accept it with confidence.The Six of Wands in this position suggests that you have the wherewithal to be seen as a peer by those people you value as role models and leaders. They may even be enthusiastic about working with you or willing to lend their expertise and good name. This is not a time to be humbly in awe; hold your head up and join these new circles proudly. Acknowledge that you are accepted. Take time to learn what it means to join the ranks of those you used to admire as role models. This is a great time for you.
10: House of Reputation
Project all the confidence you can muster, as if you already know your plans are working and your goal is secured.
The King of Coins in this position advises you to behave as if you were already a success. Project confidence that your plans and goals are in the process of perfectly unfolding. Make your moves with that kind of authority and trust right now without waiting for acknowledgment or approval. Soon enough you will receive blessing after blessing. If you can learn to feel that kind of confidence in your body and get comfortable with it as your natural state, you will soon attract the support you need or desire.
11: House of the Future
Lay aside any dreams of peace and quiet for the time being. Accept that your world will be changing for a while.The Wheel of Fortune in this position indicates that you will be in motion most of the time, resting only sporadically. Circumstances will become more complicated and difficult to keep balanced. Having been in the right place at the right time with the right energy took you from famine to feast. Yet tottering in the balance of success is the loss of privacy and spontaneity that makes you long for the state you left behind. That feeling can tip the wheel and down you will go.Everything is touch and go. You may have plenty of interesting experiences, see the world and go through a lot of fascinating changes, but the situation doesn’t settle into stability or predictability for a while to come. With that in mind, don’t promise consistency to yourself or anyone else. You will continue to roll and tumble and learn a lot in the process.
12: House of Surrender
Do whatever it takes to get your job done expediently and correctly.
The Horseman of Coins in this position requires that you buckle down to the work you need to do. Necessity is driving you beyond your own comfort level or prospects for any immediate gratification. There will be rewards, but that’s not the point right now. For some reason everybody involved is being called upon to make a heroic effort. Anything less will not be enough. Push has come to shove.
11:17:28 AM
Q: As I see it, my last job is to put out my “I quit” shingle on-blog with an email invite to my wonderfully gifted, spiritually high-minded friends who have yet to invite me into their "Inner Circles". Yeah, there's a pool of talent, genius, and love surrounding me ready to funnel their "light-worker energy" with the bravado of pioneers and Gandhi's “ahimsa” to make short-shrift of ushering in the Aquarian Age.
Horoscope Spread
Wild Card: The Five of Wands symbolizes struggles caused by ambitious maneuvering and the spirit of competition, which jostles to push the self forward at the expense of others. There is a fine line between demonstrating personal excellence and making others feel like losers. It may be necessary to ask yourself, who is it that really benefits when we all fight so hard for such small rewards? Am I serving a negative, manipulative agenda when I start applying battle metaphors to business? Even when your only motive is to be the best you can be, to get yourself noticed and define what is unique about you, it is still sensible to minimize the number of egos bruised in the process, lest your successes will be celebrated alone.
1: House of Identity
Everything in the world is in balance and you participate fully in that.
The World in this position symbolizes the energy of the Great Goddess Sofia — the universal womb from which all manifestation comes forth. This state of consciousness is characterized by a balance between inner life and outer life, where you are no longer alienated from other life forms, great and small. You worked hard through many cycles to achieve such a mystical experience.Your ego can no longer block the light of awareness that moves through you. According to the Tarot, the spiritual mission of human beings is to mediate the three worlds of universal consciousness, self consciousness and the collective unconscious. When such epiphanies happen, we experience ourselves in a timeless state of grace where there is no doubt, shame or grief. Such a moment is priceless and worth all the work and waiting. It’s the culmination of all your efforts and a harbinger of remarkable potentials.
2: House of Work
Enthusiastic response to a cooperative, challenging effort goads participants to greater heights.
When the Seven of Wands is in this position, a number of excellent players in your environment are challenging each other to rise to personal bests. Because participants in a cooperative effort are being encouraged by an enthusiastic audience in this exciting, stimulating situation, they are performing better than they ever thought they could. In this friendly competition there are rewards for all who have participated, and clearly the greater good is enhanced by the excitement of people engaged in challenging themselves.
3: House of Ideas
The goal is to ensure that abundance is made available for everyone.When the Seven of Cups is in this position, stay focused on the highest possible outcome for the greatest number instead of just for yourself. The tendency this card warns us of is that of ego-inflation, wherein you imagine that all this beauty, wonder and fulfillment is rightfully yours to possess and consume. While many things are indeed possible at this time, only one is ready to be realized. Which one you choose is not about you alone. The true choice concerns what is the best direction you can lend your will to in order to serve the greater good. Amidst all the abundant possibilities, you must concentrate on the best choice in the larger context, then discipline your will to pursue that direction alone.
4: House of the Family
Focus on passing on what you have received.The Three of Coins in this position suggests that your background and conditioning have supported the pursuit of your interests. You have been sufficiently encouraged to follow your passion and develop real expertise. This is a precious inheritance, to be cultivated and passed on to others who are also in the process of self discovery for the enrichment of the world. You are in a position to become a benefactor: it’s your turn to pass on what you have received.
5: House of Magic
Exposure to a person imbued with the spirit and style of true justice is an inspiration to you.The King of Swords in this position indicates a fair-minded soul who sorts through things very carefully until he discovers the original facts. His conclusion has taken everything into account. It is a powerful example to witness someone make sense of things from an unbiased and unattached point of view. It’s even more powerful to realize that you are, or are becoming, such a person. Traditionally, the King of Swords is a judge or a lawyer, and his word becomes law. This king’s integrity and powers of perception are unparalleled, and his or her influence leaves a mind-expanding legacy. You have received an example of an authoritative and trustworthy person’s style of thinking, communicating, and doing business. Increasingly, you are able to translate such examples into your own life here and now.
6: House of Apprenticeship
You know there is a benevolent presence in the universe that blesses you.
The Nine of Cups in this position points to great blessings. Because your ego has remained pliant and teachable, your Higher Self has arranged abundant rewards for you. Although you are clever and creative, in your heart of hearts you know that divine providence and synchronicity have had a lot to do with whatever success you have achieved. Be grateful to a Higher Power; acknowledge that you never could have accomplished anything worthwhile without its backing. Additional awareness may come as well: that you are not alone, that you are being protected, that your endeavors are supported by the Greater Whole. When you want what is best for everyone, then spiritual forces arrange what is best for you. That may seem illogical to some, but when you have experienced it, a tremendous amount of fearful anxiety goes away. You can directly acknowledge the light that shines upon you from on high. The evidence lies right here in this experience.
7: House of Relationships
Accept that choosing one means letting go of the other.
With the Lovers in this position, you must discriminate carefully between options that are presenting themselves to you. Be like a youth who must choose which potential partner will be the most compatible and interesting. All the options are attractive, but if you choose one, you have to give up the other. Make a decision and commit to it fully. Use whatever maturity, wisdom and good sense you possess to determine the direction most appropriate for you. Say no to any other possibilities, no matter how seductive.
8: House of Secrets
Use your imagination and the power of desire to rouse you to create change.
When the Ace of Wands falls in this position, there is a dangerous habit of deferring your self will to the stronger will of others. As a result you lose track of what your own real purpose is. Use your imagination to create a dream scenario and feel it passionately. If this is difficult for you, it’s because you have been neglecting this exercise too long. Without the ability to fully define and feel your own personal desires, you won’t be fired up enough to achieve them. Get animated so you can create change.
9: House of Visions
A transformational advisor is offering to work with you. Decide if you are ready.
Temperance in this position suggests that a highly developed individual is opening a door that will greatly speed your evolution if you let yourself go through it. If you do, you must be willing to strip away denial, defense mechanisms, excuses and resistance to change. When you shake yourself loose from your emotional armor, you will be free to accept this extraordinary offer. If you are immobilized and rigid, this potential ally will move on without you — the need for transformation is great and the time is short.
10: House of Reputation
Be patient and observant as you go through the decision making process.
The Two of Wands in this position advises you to respect your own decision making process. Instead of berating yourself for indecisiveness, appreciate the various implications of possible choices. Avoid pushing yourself to make a commitment. Keep meditating, watching the situation and witnessing the forces at work; at some point you will have enough information to see clearly. The decision-making process will be over and the choice will be clear.
11: House of the Future
Finding a common vocabulary gives proponents of differing viewpoints a basis for future agreement.
With the Two of Swords in this position, there is a potential to learn to work with differing sets of priorities and world views. Diversity is actually an important and necessary ingredient which adds creative spice to a group. On the other hand, superficial differences may, upon deeper inspection, reveal serious divisiveness beneath the surface. It’s important to continue the dialogue — keep talking until you have fleshed out the truly defining elements of the situation or dilemma. This process takes time, so be patient.
12: House of Surrender
Accept a challenge or imperative and get started; this is not the time for hesitation.
The Horseman of Wands in this position requires that you climb into the saddle and get moving whether you are sure you want to go or not. A potential project, challenge or imperative that is bigger than your preferences and personal projects is calling you. Sometimes, present affairs and state of mind notwithstanding, we have to obey such imperatives. This is not a punishment, this is just a situation that could be outside your normal experience and usual definition of self. Under the circumstances it’s best to surrender to it because, really, there is no other choice.
11:33:12 AM
Q: Great. I take it your giving me the go-ahead to drop my end of the rope, finally. Consider it done. Like Custer's last stand, I'm making an Official Dare for good-willing souls to put their money where there mouth is, to walk the talk. Let them forsake their personal agendas end embrace Your mandate of compassion, cooperation until death or until The Aquarian Age is reality, whichever comes first.
Horoscope Spread
Wild Card: The Four of Cups refers to a restless time, where a person has become dissatisfied with life, emotionally uncomfortable. Feeling stagnated and longing for change, the heart is questioning its options.
1: House of Identity
You inhabit that transitional world between the past and the future.
The Fool is associated with circumstances that are unique, unpredictable, inscrutable — one who is suspended between realities. The Fool is often portrayed as an empty headed simpleton unaware of the forces that move him to and fro, following his impulses. But tradition tells us that this Fool has a secret that protects him: the magic of synchronicity. He proceeds without calculation, spontaneously, without hesitation or resistance. If you trust in your own mystery and that of Divine Providence, you can step into a new realm of opportunities. For now, trust your instincts. If you have no expectations, you have nothing to lose.
2: House of Work
Be careful not to polarize the situation, supporting a struggle between darkness and light.
The Devil card in this position suggests that you are facing a shadow force you have always feared. Far from crushing you, however, it is educating you. If you refrain from judging things to be good or bad, you will see there is a tremendous amount of life force and vitality coursing through this situation that could go either way, depending on how it is directed. It could express as a vital passion of love, or devolve into some sort of self-centered gratification. You may want to follow someone else’s lead, but no matter what decision is made, it’s important to keep your head above water in this powerfully moving situation. Pay attention to how this life force wants to move, so that you can follow the flow and keep learning. A deeper spiritual dimension beckons you; no matter how bedeviling they may seem, face your instincts or problems with tenacity and a touch of humor.
3: House of Ideas
If you use breaks in the action to rest yourself and refresh your awareness, you will be strengthened.
The Two of Wands in this position provides a challenge to learn to use down time productively. Creativity requires leisure. There is no available energy for forward progress at this time anyway, so rest and restore yourself. Rather than waste time during such an opportunity, use it for contemplative relaxation or meditation. Don’t worry about how to orchestrate things just yet; just open yourself to the sights, sounds and realities of the situation as it is. This will put you in a more favorable position when the time for action arrives.
4: House of the Family
The ability to keep the faith in the face of uncertainty will serve you well.
The Two of Coins in this position suggests that you have some experience with uncertainty and understand the value of flexibility and adaptability. If so, you are less upset by undefined conditions than others would be, giving you a tremendous advantage. You can juggle and accommodate mixed results, and that may just make you a leader in a time of stress and difficulty. Just about anybody can succeed when things are going well; it takes a genius to succeed when situations get strange. Keeping the faith in the face of uncertainty or doubt is an ability that will serve you well.
5: House of Magic
Sharing common ground with another has opened many possibilities, revealed new facets of your feelings, and inspired new responses.
With the Two of Cups in this position, recent experiences of mutual recognition have touched your heart. This may have influenced your sense of priorities in surprising ways. Observe differences in your awareness, feelings and sensitivities. That which is opening within you is stimulating noble feelings. Neither fight this process nor romanticize it. Let yourself be drawn to the harmonious elements of the situation, but don’t let yourself be swept away or commit too soon. Time will show you if this is just a symbolic wake-up call, or if it’s meant to be followed up with further interaction.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Card: The Moon
Don’t fight the inevitable tides of emotion and psychic transformation that penetrate our most hidden selves.
Get your ego out of the way of the great wave sweeping over you, inviting you to submit to your highest spiritual self. Surrender to the psychic forces that move through all of us in generational tides to bring about cleansing experiences, revelations and corrections. Fear and uncertainty often accompany this unpredictable flood. Nevertheless, resist the temptation to succumb to doubt and recriminations. You are in a protected position regarding the moon, a “lunatic” moved from within by the monthly cycle of invisible tides. This could be a time to study transits in your chart to see what is shaping the timing of events in your life. Perhaps you should study your dreams. In any case, stop fighting the flow.
7: House of Relationships
Your deliberate, focused efforts will launch a successful endeavor.
When the Seven of Swords falls in this position, you have an opportunity to see your dreams of achievement play out step by step according to grand plan. As you cause your intended goal to materialize, everyone around you will gain confidence that evolutionary change is possible. This is not just about successfully completing a challenge. You have disciplined your mind, and formed clear insight and attitudes that benefit the goal, without letting yourself be derailed by transient concerns. Continue to demonstrate the focus and directed will that serves as an exemplary role model for those around you.
8: House of Secrets
A reversal can contain the seeds of blessings.
When the Queen of Coins falls in this position, it indicates a sense of loss or diminishment, perhaps the feeling of having fallen from a high station in life to a lower one. Painful as this might be, resolve to view setbacks as educational experiences rather than punishments and you will be better able to appreciate the value of these challenges.
Try to remember that in this life you are given the experiences necessary to shape you into who you need to be for the sake of the greater good. Whatever your losses, Nature and the material plane is still a splendid and beautiful place to be. Get back on track with your full-bodied participation with life and you will be able to rebuild, start fresh or simply find reason to go on whether your cash flow — or reputation — is up or down.
9: House of Visions
You will move more quickly toward your goal when you involve others who can share your vision.
When the Four of Wands is in this position, you are advised to describe your dream, vision or ideal to everyone who will listen, including that growing network of active, forward looking people you are a part of. Take the pulse of your community. Seek out connections to people who may want to get involved. This gives you the opportunity to see who warms to your ideas, who is ignited by your dreams. You will move toward your goal quickly and more efficiently when you understand the minds of the people you are trying to reach.
10: House of Reputation
Develop your expertise and know that you are a master in the making.
The Hierophant in this position advises that you return to your education and the role of meticulous, probing student. Learn everything you can about your chosen subject or the issue in question. Process the knowledge until it becomes a part of you, an experiential awareness. Slowly and steadily build to a peak of understanding in your field or chosen subject. Earn respect and recognition by completing your education and broadening your direct experience. If you already have all the necessary experience, then rewrite your résumé so others can understand who you are and what you can bring to a situation. You are destined to be a master in your realm.
11: House of the Future
The foundation is firm; a growth trend is established, the future is abundant.
With the King of Wands in this position, there is potential for expansion of your domain; an increase in clout and reputation opens new doors. The foundation you stand on, be it a business, project, relationship or feelings of competence and confidence, is firm enough to support a growing and lasting power base. You can afford to branch out and take a calculated risk. Examine the present with an eye to the future. Seek innovation at this time of success.
12: House of Surrender
You are called to the mothering role of nurturer and supporter.
The Empress in this position calls upon you to serve as a resource for spiritual or emotional nurturing. World weary souls may seek you out in their need for solace, care and support. The Empress is depended upon for all that it takes to grow up and become competent in the world. There are times in our lives when we are asked to serve in this way. This is not a punishment or a tax; it is a calling. If you give it your best when it is your turn to do so, the rewards will be great.
Spread: Tree of Life
Question: I gave my power away and showed my vulnerable side to friendships even in recent years, allowed Hutan to enslave me with his brutality and his attempts to hook me onto heroine and alcohol. For years, I subconsciously relived the day Papa wanted to drown me, and unwittingly feared for my life when there was any problem with my parents, school, friends, & such with a virtual paranoia. The anxiety and unexplainable shame set me up as a chronic "Hanged Man".
1: Crown
Your intuitive receptivity is your greatest strength.
The High Priestess craves deep communion with Nature and attunement with cosmic law. She wants to be far from the hustle and bustle, the daily traffic of life, so she can meditate. Get your ego out of the way and let your mind become attuned to a more subtle, spiritual view. Seek to divine the principles behind seemingly chaotic events, daily life or society in general. Take some time out. Write in your journal. Sit on a mountain top. Work with your feelings until you become reflective like the smooth calm of still waters at dawn.
2: Contemplation
Card: The Empress
A magnetic soul draws others with beauty and abundance.
A charismatic individual in the environment is attracting people like bees to a flower. This person helps us see and feel the truth of an inspiring ideal. Naturally this is a valuable person to have around. Such a person creates and spreads boundless love and acceptance for everyone to be nurtured by. Seek to emulate people who manifest creative harmony, inclusiveness and warm acceptance.
3: Activation
Your hard-won wisdom can help protect others from their inexperience or foolishness. Be generous with it.
With the Knight of Cups in this position, distill the essence of what you have learned on your journey, in order to let your wisdom inform the dreams and aspirations of others. Not everyone is able to go through the kind of awesome transformations you have. But you can wring the essence of your experience, and the feelings and insights that came with it, into the grail cup, and share this elixir of knowledge. This multiplies the benefits of your quest, and vindicates the difficulty of your labors, by uplifting everyone. In this way you can also relieve some of the loneliness you suffered while undergoing your trials.
4: Wisdom
Pioneering role models have taught you how to motivate yourself to feel passionate even about necessary duties and tedious details.
The Horseman of Wands in this position suggests exposure to inspired, successful, crusading people who have the determination to make headway toward new frontiers. These pioneering role models inspired you to organize yourself carefully to carry out your mission well and with full commitment. Understanding how to motivate yourself to feel passionate about the completion of even humdrum duties is an important skill. It is the best insurance you can have against overconfidence and hastiness.
5: Discipline
Your level of proficiency has been put to the test, with positive results.
The Page of Coins in this position indicates that you’ve been tested on what you’ve learned as a student in your chosen field. There’s been an accounting of how well you have mastered your medium and your level of competency. You have probably come through it looking pretty good, achieving expectations and moving right along. If you have had doubts about your abilities or have been burdened by perfectionist thinking, try to be more accepting, patient and faithful with yourself. If you can win the acknowledgment of teachers or mentors in your field, that’s a very good sign. Appreciate your achievements and how far you have come.
6: Heart
Even when we have overcome all contenders, it may be unclear whether what is gained exceeds what is sacrificed.
When the Nine of Wands is in this position, ask yourself if what has just been accomplished represents the final battle and whether what was fought for is now finally won. If so, do you consider it to have been a worthwhile experience? If what was gained was just the privilege to fight another day, then it is advisable to rethink the situation. Determine whether it’s worth it to keep it going, because it’s definitely not producing any discernible success. Even when we prove ourselves superior and overcome adversaries, recovery from the experience may be long and arduous. Does the outcome justify the cost?
7: Cycles
Become more careful in your choices; don’t be so naive, opening yourself to unnecessary trauma.
With the Eight of Cups in this position, you will be lucky to get through an upcoming situation without being taken advantage of or even abused. Such experiences can humble us and destroy our feelings of security. This is a tough situation. Keep your eyes open; be vigilant; it is not a safe environment. For now be less open, less willing to just let things happen to you. Be protective of your boundaries. If you are about to put yourself in a challenging or unpredictable situation, take responsibility. Only foresight can provide you any safety. Once you are caught up, there will be no rescue and you will be forced to go through it alone. Forewarned is forearmed.
8: Waking Up
Use your imagination and the power of desire to rouse you to create change.
When the Ace of Wands falls in this position, there is a dangerous habit of deferring your self will to the stronger will of others. As a result you lose track of what your own real purpose is. Use your imagination to create a dream scenario and feel it passionately. If this is difficult for you, it’s because you have been neglecting this exercise too long. Without the ability to fully define and feel your own personal desires, you won’t be fired up enough to achieve them. Get animated so you can create change.
9: Safety Net
A pocket of good will is waiting for you to drop into it.
The Nine of Cups in this position suggests that you have a friend or group of people who want to see you acknowledged, elevated and granted the credibility you deserve. Some movement is afoot to connect you with sources of benefit and support. Don’t be so humble that you miss the invitation. Keep your eyes open; pay attention to whose path you come across. Your admirers would go the extra mile for you if you would look up, acknowledge them and give them permission. You will be glad that you graciously received their support, that you trusted them to be faithful allies who would further your cause.
10: Outcome
Lay aside any dreams of peace and quiet for the time being. Accept that your world will be changing for a while.
The Wheel of Fortune in this position indicates that you will be in motion most of the time, resting only sporadically. Circumstances will become more complicated and difficult to keep balanced. Having been in the right place at the right time with the right energy took you from famine to feast. Yet tottering in the balance of success is the loss of privacy and spontaneity that makes you long for the state you left behind. That feeling can tip the wheel and down you will go. Everything is touch and go. You may have plenty of interesting experiences, see the world and go through a lot of fascinating changes, but the situation doesn’t settle into stability or predictability for a while to come. With that in mind don’t promise consistency to yourself or anyone else. You will continue to roll and tumble and learn a lot in the process.
10:23:01 AM
Tree of Life
I have life times of experience in giving my power away as scapegoat — my natal chart was designed that I finally gain victory over this. I have never had the chance to use my gifts for anything other than survival and my charms have only attracted men who were users, rapists or even psychopaths. Logic told me to chalk it up as a fact of life but my faith told me miracles were possible.
1: Crown
You appreciate the benefits that come from confidence and authority.
The King of Wands in this position shows you projecting an authority and security that can rightfully inspire pride and appreciation. This is your time to shine and for your accomplishments to be recognized. He is sometimes interpreted as autocratic, however, so strive to be objective and open-minded to avoid overly offending others who may feel jealous. Remember that everything is cyclical and passes through its own seasons: a sense of serenity felt at the top is no guarantee that the high ranking position will last. Stay balanced and use power wisely to set a good example for those who will follow in your footsteps.
2: Contemplation
Use the larger force of transformation active in this situation to bring about change and new directions for you, too.
When the Chariot is in this position, an electrifying force is driving you towards your personal victory. The wheels of the chariot symbolize both the wheels of time and the motion of the planets. Unstoppable change is sweeping through this situation. It’s an exciting time, though it can seem chaotic. Those who can’t move and grow with the times may feel overwhelmed by this driving force, but don’t let that happen to you. See if there is a way you can hitch a ride on this chariot and use it to help advance your goals and aspirations. There is no reason why you should let it go by without you.
3: Activation
Champion your own needs; put some distance between yourself and those who would hamper your progress.
With the Queen of Swords in this position, improve your ability to balance your needs against the pressures of other people’s expectations. Turn this challenge into an opportunity. Develop some enthusiasm for spending more time with yourself, making the pivotal decisions in your own life, and living directly with the consequences of your choices. Become your own best advocate. To help you accomplish this goal, shorten the list of people and circumstances that have the power to distract you or divert your energy. Define your boundaries. State your goals. Start acting on your own behalf.
4: Wisdom
One’s past experiences as a victim or scapegoat can be assimilated and transmuted into compassion for all beings.
The Hanged Man in this position suggests that you have been in this situation before — where a sacrifice was demanded, a victim called for, ritual punishment to be acted out. This process is not personal; it’s a function of the group’s psychological “shadow” in which our collective fears and inner demons are released, so the atavistic dark side can be purged. Like being picked on at school, this experience is not fatal. It can be recovered from, outgrown, assimilated, even turned into wisdom. Perhaps you can help the current victim become more objective and release feelings of guilt, shame or persecution that want to attach to the one hanging. Your story might help bring understanding to others and your past experiences could bring peace to the present Hanged Man.
5: Discipline
An experience of the Fool can be a valuable wake-up call.
With the Fool in this position, you have had an encounter with destiny. It proved to you in no uncertain terms that your concept of what’s going on is off center. When you have an episode with the Fool, the reality that seemed so substantial and compelling a moment ago is suddenly revealed as threadbare and frivolous. This motley clad jester questions the very foundations of life. These experiences are brisk and bracing and put things in perspective. Be grateful if the Fool has visited your neighborhood and cast his comedic and piercing eye into your life. Distortions get reduced to size and the real issues are revealed.
6: Heart
When you combine your talents with the talents of others, you gain the best results.
When the Five of Coins presents in this position, it is favorable to join forces with others — give synergy a chance to occur. Together you can get results that you could never hope to achieve alone. Trust your intuition and the Higher Power that is saying, “Yes, go with this relationship or this mission. This is a true and proper partnership.” The rewards of teamwork will outweigh whatever loss of individual autonomy it may produce.
7: Cycles
You will gain a new idea of what center is.
With the World in this position, it appears that you are rounding the last bend on the winding road to the promised land. There you can lay down your burden, stop struggling and ascend to a higher order of meaning. Soon you will feel you are in the right place at the right time, safe to relax in the trust and security that comes when you are one with the greater good.The experience will reorient your inner gyroscope. Be prepared by staying open and flexible and keeping your wits about you. A great completion is forthcoming that could be camouflaged as a normal experience. You may be the only one in the situation who will understand it, but that is fine. The point is not publicity, but grasping the truth of this subtle shift and cooperating with it.
8: Waking Up
When you feel uncomfortable about showcasing your unique talents, fully experience the discomfort in order to break through the blockage.
When the Three of Coins falls in this position, it indicates that you may be hesitant or unwilling to showcase your talents and skills at this time. Perhaps the thought makes you feel particularly vulnerable. But you need to bring your talent out of the closet if you are to connect with colleagues and supporters who can appreciate and encourage your vision, talents, and skills. You need to stretch beyond your comfort zone to fully experience the discomfort you feel when you reveal your unique skills. Then you will be able to simply accept your uneasiness, which is the first step towards freedom. Breaking through this blockage will bring incredible rewards. You will jump with joy!
9: Safety Net
Look to friends who know how to create richness under any circumstances, and make them your role models.
In this position, the Queen of Coins suggests that you have friends who know how to create abundance and prosperity. Such people are secure and comfortable even during times of limited resources. Let them help you. At the very least, they are important to you as models and inspirations. Let such allies take you under their wing and tutor you in the art of successful living. Let them exemplify how gracious and fulfilling Life can be under almost any circumstances. Learning from them will smooth your way considerably.
10: Outcome
You are not tempted to return to the patterns of the past; you are truly prepared to move on.
The Death card in this position points to the potential of severing a long-standing attachment that has repeatedly held you back, even when you swore you were truly done with it. At this point your confidence is focused enough so that you are no longer willing to repeat the old patterns. Now you know you can cut the cords and free yourself. Mixed with a natural trepidation, there is tremendous feeling of optimism. You are on the verge of experiencing and accomplishing great things. As the glimmer of the future grows brighter, and you are willing to leave the past behind to pursue that light. You will feel much better when you finally cut the ties that bind.
10:31:53 AM
Tree of Life
You’d think I was a reincarnated Jesus, the epitome of helpless victim - make that "hapless" - only I'm not proving any point or serving a cause. Even though I can trust my cognitive faculties and my body signals, emotional intelligence escapes me as I'm drawn to the consuming flame addicted as a moth.
In fact, I even fear your disapproval, dear Spirit; I don’t have the willpower to ignore doggie-begging so I take my plate into the bathroom. I continue to allow myself to depend on my husband to provide for my survival and security needs. By default he's the shopper for anything from food to shoes, drives the car, monitors phone-calls and knows what I get for health pension. My senses are restored but my life-patterns remain. I’m growing more bitter and cynical, and ever bitchier about my gross ineptitude.
1: Crown
Give yourself credit for the quality work you are producing.
The Eight of Coins in this position reveals a gift or talent for design, engineering, or problem solving — the know-how necessary to combine utility with efficiency and beauty. This points to a master developing his or her craft. When a person becomes proficient at something, his or her good reputation can spread until the work is showcased in the loftiest venues. It is important for you to respect and appreciate the high quality of the works you are producing and the acclaim your achievements merit.
2: Contemplation
You have it in you to see what needs to be done. Now it’s time to get organized and use your skills as a manager.
When the Queen of Coins is in this position, you are being called upon to help steer the collective enterprise. Call up the manager within you or procure the assistance of someone who is a natural manager. Perceive what needs to be done, in what order it should be administered and with what amount of support or staff. It’s time to be organized and be energetic about it. This effort will not only benefit you personally, but just as importantly, it will support the well being of those you are involved with.
3: Activation
Prepare yourself for the lightning strike coming your way.
The Tower challenges you to make yourself strong enough to channel a high voltage blast. When the lightning strikes, most people feel fearful of their ability to assimilate the impact of sudden, forceful change. A few others go into overdrive — they feel enlivened, creative, more intelligent and intuitive than usual. It all depends on your ability to sustain shock and carry the charge. Prepare yourself to ensure that you are well grounded, as well as psychologically open and flexible. In this way, you can leverage some of the positive force of this energy when it’s released and experience the least amount of negative kickback.
4: Wisdom
Refrain from aggravating an old, deep wound; be gentle with yourself.
The Ten of Swords in this position points to a significant loss in your history, an old tragedy which still impacts you. It is occasionally re-stimulated, giving rise to emotional eruptions others cannot understand. As this old, deep, painful theme rumbles and rises within you again, you might wonder how to keep it from interfering with your life now. The answer may be to just be still, rather than reacting or trying to distract yourself in some way. Whatever you decide to do, do it with care, gentleness and compassion for yourself. Tread gently, staying aware of those old wounds. This is the time to focus on being a good parent to your wounded inner child; don’t wait until you are totally drained and desperate.
5: Discipline
Ask yourself whether the outcomes of a partnership effort correspond to your original objective.
When the Five of Coins is in this position, you have had a chance to team up with someone whose attributes and qualities complement your skills and talents. Look closely, however; do the others involved have the skills to function as a team, as equals? No matter how attractive or tempting this partnership may seem, it is important to examine whether the results of this connection truly align with your personal goals. Perhaps they do, but on the other hand, it could be a glamorous illusion that will set you back. Use this moment for some objective analysis.
6: Heart
Even when we have overcome all contenders, it may be unclear whether what is gained exceeds what is sacrificed.
When the Nine of Wands is in this position, ask yourself if what has just been accomplished represents the final battle and whether what was fought for is now finally won. If so, do you consider it to have been a worthwhile experience? If what was gained was just the privilege to fight another day, then it is advisable to rethink the situation. Determine whether it’s worth it to keep it going, because it’s definitely not producing any discernible success. Even when we prove ourselves superior and overcome adversaries, recovery from the experience may be long and arduous. Does the outcome justify the cost?
7: Cycles
When you willingly cast off old identities, you become more aware of your authentic self.
The Death Card in this position indicates that some cords need to be cut. Clean out old distractions, obligations and identifications and close the door to the past. Fresh inspiration is ready to lead you in an entirely new direction. Some part of yourself will experience this as a death, an irreparable loss of something that will be mourned and missed. Another part of you, however, will see this change as a rebirth, a transformation into a larger framework, a broader scope of identity. Don’t fear the loss of someone dear to you. That is less likely than the loss of a cherished identity you wrapped around yourself like a cloak. You will come to drop that disguise and step into the future a more authentic person. Don’t resist this worthy experience. It will ultimately be of great benefit to you.
8: Waking Up
Don’t relax your self discipline; there is much more work to do.
When the Eight of Wands falls in this position, your assessment of how far you have progressed toward your goals may be faulty. You may think you are in a good position, that you are nearing the finish line, but in reality Nature is telling you there is much more to do. If you coast on past effort, the situation may get away from you or cease working altogether. Your will and commitment have to measure up to the enormity of your project; this is no time to relax your self discipline and be casual about your responsibilities.
9: Safety Net
You are nurtured by a compassionate person who is pleased to champion your best efforts.
The Empress here suggests the presence of a powerful role model — a person with a warm, embracing demeanor who thinks expansively and inclusively. She or he is happy to help you nurture your genius, develop your creativity and locate the resources you need to complete important projects. This feminine spirit — so soft, warm and magnetic — makes things easy and enjoyable. She models an attitude of confidence in Nature, a feminine form of strength who gives people permission to ask for and receive what they need. The conciliatory and open handed style you are learning from her creates enjoyable relationships that bear fruit for everyone.
10: Outcome
Be a warrior, defending your rights and speaking up for yourself.
The Queen of Swords in this position shows a potential for resolution when the correct stance is taken. If you adopt this queen’s no-nonsense, take care of business style, you will find the straightest path to your goal. If you concentrate on being polite, deferring to others or modifying what you are inclined to do in order to please others, you will abandon your best interests and be dissatisfied with the results. It’s time to be a little more assertive so you won’t be victimized. To avoid disappointment, don’t allow yourself to be manipulated.
Thursday, September 22, 2005 at 10:40:17 AM
I no longer care about proving my point, defending myself, even getting the job done. I spent my talents surviving. Now that I've clawed out of my abyss with only chronic pain and anxiety from damaged joints and seared neurons to cope with, I have no drive left in me. My pain/patience threshold is limited to doggie kisses and clothes that don’t hurt within my hermitage. I’m done here. Death as the pain reliever.
Spread: Tree of Life
1: Crown
Although a fond look at the past is pleasing and refreshing, your fulfillment lies in the future.
The Six of Cups symbolizes nostalgia and its power, illustrating two sides of your nature. When you look back at the past, your emotions soften; you feel tender, open and sentimental. When you look to the future, you know your will must harden; you need to be more powerful, directing the flow rather than following. The past was a time when you were younger and lighter. It also was a time when issues were less complex and confusing. You were not empowered in the way you are now, however. The present is full of fresh potential while the past is two-dimensional, a snapshot of times gone by. It’s fine to enjoy nostalgia and sentimentality, but when you have finished refreshing yourself in the waters of memory, come back to the present with energy for the future, where your scope is so much broader.
2: Contemplation
You have been offered the freedom to follow your heart; don’t let the opportunity go by.
When the Nine of Coins is in this position, it means you are supported by an established enterprise that will provide for you while you increase your knowledge and abilities. All that is required in return is for you to thrive and flourish. It’s a great trade! This is an unusual situation — take advantage of it to pursue your interests and develop your talents. But do stay humble. You are benefiting from some larger institution or structure; you don’t want to poison the waters for yourself or others who will come after you. Be receptive to the benefits and the advantage, but make sure you give fair value in return.
3: Activation
Stay focused on the common good rather than personal compensation.When the Queen of Coins is in this position, the challenge is to keep your eye on the collective best interest and carefully de-emphasize personal reward. The depth of sensuality the Queen is capable of experiencing supports her incredible good sense and feel for nature. She instinctively knows what kind of action or response is appropriate. But it can also be very distracting when she is not attending to productivity and organization. She works hard, she plays hard, and sometimes on the weekend she spends all the profit she made during the week. It helps to have an environment that gently nudges her back to her concern for productivity, so she doesn’t get lost in how much fun she is having and how fully she can feel all the nuances of earthy life. The challenge is to stay focused on highest priorities.
4: Wisdom
The ability to achieve closure will serve future projects well.
The Ten of Wands in this position suggests that you have learned from past experience when to end a cycle and come to closure and this ability is essential to your present situation. A wise person knows when to leave well enough alone. Before you take up a new quest, be clear of lingering entanglements, and then fortify yourself with wisdom gained in the past.
5: Discipline
You have shaken off the need to lean on others. Your independence is blossoming.
With the Six of Coins in this position, you are just coming out of a position of dependence and are learning to carry your own weight. Where in the past you may have felt more comfortable taking your cues from strong forces around you, you are now outgrowing the need to be “helped.” From here you can build and expand until you, as opposed to others, are the strong force in your own life, maybe even modeling self sufficiency for others in time. As this process unfolds, it would be a good exercise for you to make careful notes on your evolving outlook and new experiences. In the future, this will help you guide others through similar transformations.
6: Heart
The process of releasing the past is transforming; don’t resist it.
When the Death card appears in this position, it symbolizes releasing past attachments and moving forward toward an entirely new agenda that circumstances seem to be imposing on you. It is wiser to take your cues from the new situation than try to hold firm and resist the trend. This fertilizing, progressive change requires you to strip down, disconnect your ties to the past and shift your focus from the surfaces of things to the bones. In the process, your goals shift from the short term to the long term. You no longer identify with your mortal self, but with your immortal self. Under these circumstances, allow your priorities to transmute. Willingly release any limiting conditions that keep you from expressing your essential nature. Nothing you lose at this point will cost you as much as resisting change.
7: Cycles
Change is inevitable but you don’t yet know what form it will take.
With the Wheel of Fortune in this position, new information, a new development or a new person will soon enter the scene and completely change the odds. Maybe a savant could predict the course of its unfolding, but all you can feel at the moment is the hair rising on the back of your neck. When you get that feeling, gather yourself at the hub of the wheel, the place where all the variables converge, study the situation and use practical knowledge from past experience to help you understand what these circumstances portend. Once you have searched your memory banks, if there is a basis for hope, you will remember it; if there is a basis for concern, you will address it.
8: Waking Up
Under the circumstances you are inclined to hold yourself back, limiting your probability of success.
When the Page of Coins falls in this position, there will be a tendency to use your station in life, your craft or your occupation as an excuse to hold yourself back. In spite of this, your path of service is a platform for all kinds of growth if that’s what you want, but with a negative attitude you can certainly turn it into a dead end. Once you take that route, doors and windows begin to slam shut around you. So why slow yourself down with excuses? Why cling to limited thinking about yourself or your potential? When you answer these questions, you will break through what has been holding you back and your natural confidence will rise again.
9: Safety Net
Persist in your efforts to get the attention of a spiritual mentor.
The Hermit in this position suggests that you know of a wise person who could advise you on upcoming challenges. This Hermit is not easy to locate, however. To make matters worse, he is generally reluctant to dispense advice, and demands what seems like an inordinate amount in order to share wisdom with you. He’s not going to make it easy. Nevertheless, his wisdom is essential. Be willing to scale the mountain to reach his cliff side dwelling or go the extra mile to find him in the wilderness. Do whatever it takes. What he can offer you is priceless, drawn from direct and deep experience.
10: Outcome
A lasting impact on future generations can spring from your willingness to manifest it.
With the Four of Wands in this position, you’re planting the seed for something that may last far into the future because of its enduring usefulness to many people. Perhaps it’s a methodology or a philosophy; perhaps it’s a new profession, industry or school. In any case, this spontaneous act of brilliance could prove momentous for a long time to come. Proceed with due deliberation, with respect and integrity, remembering the potential impact you can have on the world. Accepting this seminal mission is your responsibility.
10:48:00 AM
Question: I'm not even sure if I can tolerate the cheery note in your inspirations. Right now I could gamble being tossed into "Hell" if it were real and tell God "I quit" to his face. I know there's a plethora of Faithful to see His Plan gets done without me being the Piscean Poster Child. I don’t feel like cooperating, I only feel my arthritis. Give me another incarnation to start over, only with better equipment.
Spread: Tree of Life
1: Crown
Take time to honor your feelings as you heal from devastating circumstances.
Allow yourself to look forward to the future with optimism. The Nine of Swords in this position portrays a person suffering the lonely grief of abandonment or bereavement, and perhaps a sense of panic due to loss of power and position. Overcome with feelings of helplessness, he or she is beset with fear of what might happen next. But no matter what has happened, all meaning is not lost from life. You can and will recover from setbacks. To do so, you must overcome pessimism. As you recover from misfortune, you will see the way clear before you. Give yourself time to explore your feelings, and you will awaken tomorrow with confidence in the future.
2: Contemplation
Use the larger force of transformation active in this situation to bring about change and new directions for you, too.
When the Chariot is in this position, an electrifying force is driving you towards your personal victory. The wheels of the chariot symbolize both the wheels of time and the motion of the planets. Unstoppable change is sweeping through this situation. It’s an exciting time, though it can seem chaotic. Those who can’t move and grow with the times may feel overwhelmed by this driving force, but don’t let that happen to you. See if there is a way you can hitch a ride on this chariot and use it to help advance your goals and aspirations. There is no reason why you should let it go by without you.
3: Activation
Do your homework. Gain a thorough and deep understanding of your situation and devise a workable plan to see it through.
With the Horseman of Coins in this position, you are being asked to go to the roots of things. So, start from the beginning and gain some experience to match your intellectual grasp of the situation. Temper whatever power you possess with patience and sensitivity to detail. It would be wise to steep yourself in the traditions of your field of endeavor so you can tap the spirit and ideas of your predecessors as well as their source materials. In this way you will not stray far from the truth, the substantial reality which supports your vision, and your greater goal. Too many people have a big dream and move immediately into action with no research, understanding, game plan or skills. See to all of these things so that your ventures can be successful from the beginning.
4: Wisdom
Optimism frames every experience or insight you have.
The Page of Cups in this position suggests that you have been deeply influenced by an idealistic environment. A part of your inheritance is a resolute, un-crushable belief in the goodness of life and the future. You possess the ability to perceive the good in all things. You have learned how to take setbacks as motivation for renewed effort. No amount of harsh reality diminishes your sense that the future will turn out better. This is a wonderful legacy; value it for the blessing it is. The only time life seems to fail you is when you don’t eat right or rest well, which goes to show the integral importance of health and vitality, no matter how positive one’s outlook or how many fine friendships it brings to your life. The only warning here is to be on guard against naïveté and a reckless optimism that borders on irresponsibility.
5: Discipline
The end to a daunting period of pressure requires respite.
The Queen of Wands in this position indicates that you are finally concluding the demanding task of overseeing a job to completion. It’s been an exhausting challenge that asked a lot of you. You have needed patience, firmness and stamina to keep all the variables organized. Even though the results of your work inspire pride, you’ve also worn yourself out providing willpower for an entire group of individuals. Take a hard-earned respite from your labors and turn responsibility over to someone else for awhile.
6: Heart
A door is opening to a higher level of function and experience.
When the Ace of Coins appears in this position, a door is opening that can lift you closer to your dream. You will become increasingly aware of how meaningful your assignment is. In a certain way, you have been chosen to hold or carry something of high value, and that thing you hold and invite others to participate in is going to bless those who get involved with you. You are gaining a sense of the larger meaning of your life, and everything looks new and fresh. Take the ball and run with it!
7: Cycles
When you willingly cast off old identities, you become more aware of your authentic self.
The Death card in this position indicates that some cords need to be cut. Clean out old distractions, obligations and identifications and close the door to the past. Fresh inspiration is ready to lead you in an entirely new direction. Some part of yourself will experience this as a death, an irreparable loss of something that will be mourned and missed. Another part of you, however, will see this change as a rebirth, a transformation into a larger framework, a broader scope of identity. Don’t fear the loss of someone dear to you. That is less likely than the loss of a cherished identity you wrapped around yourself like a cloak. You will come to drop that disguise and step into the future a more authentic person. Don’t resist this worthy experience. It will ultimately be of great benefit to you.
8: Waking Up
Attempts to regain control are not only disabling, they will ultimately prove fruitless.
When the Five of Swords falls in this position, it suggests that you devote too much of your communication skills, ideas and mental pictures to the negative side of circumstances. You are hyper aware of what could go wrong, what kind of problems could happen, how you might lose face, ways you could lose power or dominance. You tend toward worry and stress while rehearsing or reliving conversations. As long as you are expending energy trying to regain control of the situation, you can no longer respond appropriately to what it is truly offering you. You don’t have control over the outcome anyway, so surrender attachment and examine your motives for trying to manipulate it. Examine how “I, me, mine” thinking is undermining the naturalness and harmony in this situation.
9: Safety Net
Withhold action until you consult experienced guides; they can provide profound insight into your options.
The Two of Wands in this position challenges you to discern your full spectrum of choices. Guides are available who can provide realistic insights into your choices, help you evaluate the implications of your options and intercept any hasty decisions. Ask your mentors and elders to assess their lives and the fruits of their labors — not in terms of fame or monetary achievement but on deeper levels. If you don’t get them to reveal information and insights beyond the obvious, you may miss the essential message for you now. This is an important time to make good choices. A small deviation in your path today can create a widening wedge of change in your life tomorrow.
10: Outcome
Use your talent for pairing others’ skills to the work that needs to be done.
The Six of Coins in this position indicates that whatever you do now to help other people is going to return to you later in the form of many blessings. Do your best to operate from altruistic motives, sharing your riches and creating new opportunities, and your investment will confer huge dividends. The universe evolves faster with cooperation. Be like a matchmaker, linking people and their capacities to the work that needs to be done. In this way, you are helping them earn a place at the table when the rewards come in. What fantastic synergy!
10:54:01 AM
Q: I'm too pooped to participate but I'll allow myself to be a figurehead from my retreat and, look like I'm important, if ridiculous, like the Queen of England.
Will others have the faith to rely on the word of Spirit unquestioningly in lieu of their addicted egos, their beloved denial, idols, indulgences, and their lust for xenophobia, random ethnic-cleansing and mass graves. I’ll play the prophet-queen if they hold up my arms, like Aaron did for Moses parting the Red Sea.
Spread: Tree of Life
1: Crown
Misunderstandings and unsuccessful communication are straining a relationship to the breaking point.
When the Three of Swords is in this position, elements within you are in opposition and tearing at your heart. Heartbreak is classically associated with this card. The energy is not restricted to romantic situations; it can be sibling or familial, any relationship where differences have the power to rend the fabric of the bond. The number three, however, also represents the fulcrum between polarized elements — a hinge, a balance point between opposites. At best this card implies a fifty-fifty chance of mending the rift, but it also carries a sense of tragedy or impending pain. One needs to ask oneself, “Did I bring this sense of frustration and pessimism into this situation? Am I acquiescing to a pattern that’s been laid over this relationship by others involved? Or is this just a non-workable relationship?
2: Contemplation
You must accommodate an entire spectrum of experience as you move among the privileged.
The Ten of Coins in this position speaks of people who have a high degree of privilege. Both the negative and positive sides of these highly achieved, highly endowed individuals are revealed, and daily contacts require that you find your level in this culture. You have something important to learn by witnessing this exclusive mode of living. To become a true world citizen, you need to be able to move among all kinds of people, and in this case, that involves learning to feel natural in situations of great luxury and comfort, among people who take it totally for granted.
3: Activation
When you willingly step forward to be a leader, you win recognition and gratitude.
The Seven of Swords in this position suggests that you volunteer to fill an emerging void in leadership. You may be the person who can serve as an inspiring figurehead and rallying point for existing unfocused mental and emotional energy. It is possible that you have a hero latent inside you who is being called forth by current circumstances. If that is the case, don’t resist; accept the invitation. It’s not often that we get a ready made opportunity to be gallant. It’s to everyone’s benefit that you think of yourself as a person who is able and willing to make a positive difference.
4: Wisdom
A strong moral foundation confers the ability to skillfully discern right from wrong.
The Justice card in this position suggests a moral influence in early life taught you right action and right relationship with your fellow beings. You may have felt the training was severe or restrictive at the time, but it has helped protect you from the excesses of our times. Self-control through moderation, awareness of the collective welfare, the bonds of community, and a sense of personal accountability combine to make a strong inner refuge. By being there for others, you ensure they will be there for you.
5: Discipline
Because significant differences have been mediated, you no longer need to doubt your path of action.
With the Two of Wands in this position, a recent deadlock, stalemate or blockage is breaking up, freeing you to feel optimistic and creative again. For a while it was unclear whether you had chosen a dead end path or were just temporarily detoured. But you reoriented yourself, reexamined and reframed your objectives, and it was an exercise that proved to be fruitful. Now you can get back into action with an updated outlook and attitude.
6: Heart
Value and apply the lessons of your heritage as they are brought forward into the present.
The Four of Swords in this position instructs you to take time out to compare experiences of the past with those of the present. Do you see the patterns? Investigate family members’ past experiences as well as your own; look at the history of your tribe, to the extent that you know it. Analyze the life lessons, the broad themes. Your memories can provide a surprising wealth of information about human nature, the laws of probability and ways to get through, over and around obstacles. Remind yourself of the tools, skills, sensibilities and the wits your ancestors passed on to you through their example. Future successes may hinge on your ability to see those patterns re-emerging. Don’t scorn what you have inherited from the past; refine it and apply it correctly. As you access and model what’s good about your tribal ways, you will forgive earlier excesses or deficiencies, and help to shape the patterns flowing through to future generations.
7: Cycles
Be prepared for an upcoming decisive moment; know your will and be ready to implement it.
When the King of Wands appears in this position, an imminent leadership opportunity requires psychological and emotional preparation. Many of us have negative or mixed programming about success, achievement, striving and competition. Those mixed emotions keep us from fulfilling our true potential when opportunities arise. Circumstances now demand leadership and dynamic action, not introspection. Use your strength of will to make a decision and act on it; don’t equivocate.
8: Waking Up
Tear down whatever separates you from the happiness enjoyed by others.
When the Ten of Cups comes up in this position, a part of you wants to believe the universe is conspiring against you — everyone gets what they want and need but you. Your rational mind may tell you that such a thing is not so. But with the suit of Cups, emotions and feelings rule. It feels as if there is an invisible barrier between you and the happiness you imagine that everyone else is enjoying. Ask yourself who built this wall, you or them? It may be that those on the other side would be happy to include you if you could just imagine yourself being included. Try to see the situation from the other side. If you can dissolve that barrier, you can join the rosy picture. You won’t have given up anything but your isolation.
9: Safety Net
Centuries of knowledge and wisdom are available to you.
In this position, the Hierophant points to a long standing tradition of highly refined craftsmanship which you can tap into and draw inspiration from. It would behoove you and speed up your project if you would allow a Hierophant, a master of the Mysteries, to advise you. The Hierophant has acquired direct knowledge by going to the heart of an issue and experiencing it. If you have a problem to solve, cast aside your pride. Determine who has the key to the situation and how you can befriend them, win their confidence and learn at their knee what you need to know. This Hierophant knows the direct path, the exact formula, the perfect key to the situation.
10: Outcome
If things are left to develop on their own, you may land an important supporting role.
With the Page of Cups in this position, you may remain in the background as things develops, serving as a secretary, assistant or confidant for someone or some group in power. Not everyone is psychologically suited for this role. Examine the opportunity carefully, asking yourself if you are willing to be of service on this level. Perhaps you have leadership aspirations of your own right now. You will be happier with whatever role you choose and your contributions if you are realistic and honest with yourself.
11:09:31 AM
Q: True, I’m languishing in my cynicism. So, motivate me. Give me a reason to get off my butt. Show me the people who will invest all their life-force, talents, for the Common Good without guarantee of any gratification. Before I get off my butt, "Show me the money".
Horoscope Spread
Wild Card: 9 The Hermit
The challenge of the Hermit card is to be able to recognize the Teacher in this humble disguise. He will not make it easy for the student to acquire his wisdom, as it takes time and long contemplation to fathom what he is illuminating. He often speaks wordlessly, or in ancient and barbaric tongues, communicating with the elements, the animals, the laws of Nature.
While the hourglass was an identifying feature of the earliest Hermit cards, more modern ones have shifted the metaphor, showing more or less light released from his lantern. But every Hermit card reminds us of the value of time away from the everyday hubbub of community life, to relax the ego and enjoin the mind of Nature.
1: House of Identity
You are down for the count, and it is appropriate to admit it.
The Ten of Swords in this position signifies a sense of grim relief. At this point you are no longer obligated to exert any more effort because there is nothing more you can do. Under the circumstances, no one can rationally expect you to have any power to change the situation. In that sense, you are free. You may be in shock, flattened , but that is understandable and acceptable. It is best not to try to do anything about your condition at this time. This card gives you permission to surrender to the inevitable. Be assured that in time you will recover, you will again have some wind behind your sails. But for the present, you’re just knocked out. Admit it and go with it — what else can you do?
2: House of Work
Allow a process to unfold at its own pace even if it’s hard for you to yield control.The Two of Wands in this position reveals a person or group that is not clear about its goals, and stalls on the tiniest details. Although this can feel agonizing to an ambitious person, it’s wise to accept this kind of hesitation as a natural stage in the process. The collective mind has yet to identify its highest interests. Not until people become sufficiently uncomfortable with the situation will anything significant happen. Don’t rescue anyone and don’t get hasty about trying to fix or push things, because others need time in which to assess the situation and act. Otherwise they will proceed unprepared and you will be faced with greater problems later.
3: House of Ideas
Protect all areas of your health to increase your vigor and self reliance.
The Nine of Coins in this position challenges you to stay healthy and fit — emotionally, physically and psychologically. Don’t let yourself become soft and out of shape. You can’t expect this period of relative abundance and support to last forever. Even in the best of situations there are fluctuations; no situation is immune to change. As you proceed on your way, be aware of maintaining your muscle tone as well as your intellectual and emotional vigor. Use this situation to improve yourself and prepare for whatever may come next.
4: House of the Family
You have paid your dues and understand the process.
The Judgment card suggests that you have learned something about redemption. You have either done transformative work or have had a teacher. The experience has shown you how people survive and even flourish after deep inner work. In the process of expanding your consciousness, you have learned how resourceful, deep and multidimensional a human being can be. Life force resurrects itself from the deepest levels no matter how tragic or sacrificial one’s experience has been. When this mystery is fully understood, you will possess exceptional confidence and fearlessness.
5: House of Magic
Your accomplishment has the power to bolster your self esteem. Others are supporting this inner growth, helping you learn to take it in.
With the Nine of Cups in this position, you have recently experienced a moment of success, followed by acknowledgment and pledges of support. You worked hard for this, and you earned it. Now you deserve the benefits that come as a result of your efforts. If at the moment of recognition you felt undeserving or overwhelmed, let go of those feelings. Accept the rewards you have earned, so your self-esteem can be strengthened. After all, your friends and supporters would like to see you graciously receive their loving appreciation. This is a good time to make some notes in a personal journal to help keep these times firmly fixed in your memory. That way, you will always be able to access the feelings of joy and optimism you have experienced — no matter what kinds of challenges may be happening.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Clear judgment, accountability and responsibility are demanded.
When the Eight of Swords is in this position, it is up to you to sharpen your focus, demand accountability and question authority, including your own. There is no room for denial or dissembling. You must take a firm line with yourself and the situation. Careful analysis is necessary in order to eliminate blind spots and be ready for any contingency. If you are not willing to undergo rigorous self discipline, discipline will be inflicted upon you by the environment. You will then feel as if you have no choices left. Discard false logic, rationalizations and denial. If you don’t throw intellectual baggage overboard now, you may be sunk by it later. Face the truth and speak it, even if it’s unflattering to you. You will then come through this experience as part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
7: House of Relationships
Accept that choosing one means letting go of the other.
With the Lovers in this position, you must discriminate carefully between options that are presenting themselves to you. Be like a youth who must choose which potential partner will be the most compatible and interesting. All the options are attractive, but if you choose one, you have to give up the other. Make a decision and commit to it fully. Use whatever maturity, wisdom and good sense you possess to determine the direction most appropriate for you. Say no to any other possibilities, no matter how seductive.
8: House of Secrets
Because someone’s personal criteria are dominant, a relationship lacks balance and harmony.
When the Five of Coins falls in this position, you are experiencing inequity in relationship. Respect is not flowing freely in both directions. One person’s agenda may be dominating another’s. It’s important to examine this trend before the situation becomes more unbalanced. Instead of feeling overwhelmed or annoyed, prepare to question these relationships, both within yourself and with significant others.
9: House of Visions
When you receive recognition from higher-ups, accept it with confidence.The Six of Wands in this position suggests that you have the wherewithal to be seen as a peer by those people you value as role models and leaders. They may even be enthusiastic about working with you or willing to lend their expertise and good name. This is not a time to be humbly in awe; hold your head up and join these new circles proudly. Acknowledge that you are accepted. Take time to learn what it means to join the ranks of those you used to admire as role models. This is a great time for you.
10: House of Reputation
Project all the confidence you can muster, as if you already know your plans are working and your goal is secured.
The King of Coins in this position advises you to behave as if you were already a success. Project confidence that your plans and goals are in the process of perfectly unfolding. Make your moves with that kind of authority and trust right now without waiting for acknowledgment or approval. Soon enough you will receive blessing after blessing. If you can learn to feel that kind of confidence in your body and get comfortable with it as your natural state, you will soon attract the support you need or desire.
11: House of the Future
Lay aside any dreams of peace and quiet for the time being. Accept that your world will be changing for a while.The Wheel of Fortune in this position indicates that you will be in motion most of the time, resting only sporadically. Circumstances will become more complicated and difficult to keep balanced. Having been in the right place at the right time with the right energy took you from famine to feast. Yet tottering in the balance of success is the loss of privacy and spontaneity that makes you long for the state you left behind. That feeling can tip the wheel and down you will go.Everything is touch and go. You may have plenty of interesting experiences, see the world and go through a lot of fascinating changes, but the situation doesn’t settle into stability or predictability for a while to come. With that in mind, don’t promise consistency to yourself or anyone else. You will continue to roll and tumble and learn a lot in the process.
12: House of Surrender
Do whatever it takes to get your job done expediently and correctly.
The Horseman of Coins in this position requires that you buckle down to the work you need to do. Necessity is driving you beyond your own comfort level or prospects for any immediate gratification. There will be rewards, but that’s not the point right now. For some reason everybody involved is being called upon to make a heroic effort. Anything less will not be enough. Push has come to shove.
11:17:28 AM
Q: As I see it, my last job is to put out my “I quit” shingle on-blog with an email invite to my wonderfully gifted, spiritually high-minded friends who have yet to invite me into their "Inner Circles". Yeah, there's a pool of talent, genius, and love surrounding me ready to funnel their "light-worker energy" with the bravado of pioneers and Gandhi's “ahimsa” to make short-shrift of ushering in the Aquarian Age.
Horoscope Spread
Wild Card: The Five of Wands symbolizes struggles caused by ambitious maneuvering and the spirit of competition, which jostles to push the self forward at the expense of others. There is a fine line between demonstrating personal excellence and making others feel like losers. It may be necessary to ask yourself, who is it that really benefits when we all fight so hard for such small rewards? Am I serving a negative, manipulative agenda when I start applying battle metaphors to business? Even when your only motive is to be the best you can be, to get yourself noticed and define what is unique about you, it is still sensible to minimize the number of egos bruised in the process, lest your successes will be celebrated alone.
1: House of Identity
Everything in the world is in balance and you participate fully in that.
The World in this position symbolizes the energy of the Great Goddess Sofia — the universal womb from which all manifestation comes forth. This state of consciousness is characterized by a balance between inner life and outer life, where you are no longer alienated from other life forms, great and small. You worked hard through many cycles to achieve such a mystical experience.Your ego can no longer block the light of awareness that moves through you. According to the Tarot, the spiritual mission of human beings is to mediate the three worlds of universal consciousness, self consciousness and the collective unconscious. When such epiphanies happen, we experience ourselves in a timeless state of grace where there is no doubt, shame or grief. Such a moment is priceless and worth all the work and waiting. It’s the culmination of all your efforts and a harbinger of remarkable potentials.
2: House of Work
Enthusiastic response to a cooperative, challenging effort goads participants to greater heights.
When the Seven of Wands is in this position, a number of excellent players in your environment are challenging each other to rise to personal bests. Because participants in a cooperative effort are being encouraged by an enthusiastic audience in this exciting, stimulating situation, they are performing better than they ever thought they could. In this friendly competition there are rewards for all who have participated, and clearly the greater good is enhanced by the excitement of people engaged in challenging themselves.
3: House of Ideas
The goal is to ensure that abundance is made available for everyone.When the Seven of Cups is in this position, stay focused on the highest possible outcome for the greatest number instead of just for yourself. The tendency this card warns us of is that of ego-inflation, wherein you imagine that all this beauty, wonder and fulfillment is rightfully yours to possess and consume. While many things are indeed possible at this time, only one is ready to be realized. Which one you choose is not about you alone. The true choice concerns what is the best direction you can lend your will to in order to serve the greater good. Amidst all the abundant possibilities, you must concentrate on the best choice in the larger context, then discipline your will to pursue that direction alone.
4: House of the Family
Focus on passing on what you have received.The Three of Coins in this position suggests that your background and conditioning have supported the pursuit of your interests. You have been sufficiently encouraged to follow your passion and develop real expertise. This is a precious inheritance, to be cultivated and passed on to others who are also in the process of self discovery for the enrichment of the world. You are in a position to become a benefactor: it’s your turn to pass on what you have received.
5: House of Magic
Exposure to a person imbued with the spirit and style of true justice is an inspiration to you.The King of Swords in this position indicates a fair-minded soul who sorts through things very carefully until he discovers the original facts. His conclusion has taken everything into account. It is a powerful example to witness someone make sense of things from an unbiased and unattached point of view. It’s even more powerful to realize that you are, or are becoming, such a person. Traditionally, the King of Swords is a judge or a lawyer, and his word becomes law. This king’s integrity and powers of perception are unparalleled, and his or her influence leaves a mind-expanding legacy. You have received an example of an authoritative and trustworthy person’s style of thinking, communicating, and doing business. Increasingly, you are able to translate such examples into your own life here and now.
6: House of Apprenticeship
You know there is a benevolent presence in the universe that blesses you.
The Nine of Cups in this position points to great blessings. Because your ego has remained pliant and teachable, your Higher Self has arranged abundant rewards for you. Although you are clever and creative, in your heart of hearts you know that divine providence and synchronicity have had a lot to do with whatever success you have achieved. Be grateful to a Higher Power; acknowledge that you never could have accomplished anything worthwhile without its backing. Additional awareness may come as well: that you are not alone, that you are being protected, that your endeavors are supported by the Greater Whole. When you want what is best for everyone, then spiritual forces arrange what is best for you. That may seem illogical to some, but when you have experienced it, a tremendous amount of fearful anxiety goes away. You can directly acknowledge the light that shines upon you from on high. The evidence lies right here in this experience.
7: House of Relationships
Accept that choosing one means letting go of the other.
With the Lovers in this position, you must discriminate carefully between options that are presenting themselves to you. Be like a youth who must choose which potential partner will be the most compatible and interesting. All the options are attractive, but if you choose one, you have to give up the other. Make a decision and commit to it fully. Use whatever maturity, wisdom and good sense you possess to determine the direction most appropriate for you. Say no to any other possibilities, no matter how seductive.
8: House of Secrets
Use your imagination and the power of desire to rouse you to create change.
When the Ace of Wands falls in this position, there is a dangerous habit of deferring your self will to the stronger will of others. As a result you lose track of what your own real purpose is. Use your imagination to create a dream scenario and feel it passionately. If this is difficult for you, it’s because you have been neglecting this exercise too long. Without the ability to fully define and feel your own personal desires, you won’t be fired up enough to achieve them. Get animated so you can create change.
9: House of Visions
A transformational advisor is offering to work with you. Decide if you are ready.
Temperance in this position suggests that a highly developed individual is opening a door that will greatly speed your evolution if you let yourself go through it. If you do, you must be willing to strip away denial, defense mechanisms, excuses and resistance to change. When you shake yourself loose from your emotional armor, you will be free to accept this extraordinary offer. If you are immobilized and rigid, this potential ally will move on without you — the need for transformation is great and the time is short.
10: House of Reputation
Be patient and observant as you go through the decision making process.
The Two of Wands in this position advises you to respect your own decision making process. Instead of berating yourself for indecisiveness, appreciate the various implications of possible choices. Avoid pushing yourself to make a commitment. Keep meditating, watching the situation and witnessing the forces at work; at some point you will have enough information to see clearly. The decision-making process will be over and the choice will be clear.
11: House of the Future
Finding a common vocabulary gives proponents of differing viewpoints a basis for future agreement.
With the Two of Swords in this position, there is a potential to learn to work with differing sets of priorities and world views. Diversity is actually an important and necessary ingredient which adds creative spice to a group. On the other hand, superficial differences may, upon deeper inspection, reveal serious divisiveness beneath the surface. It’s important to continue the dialogue — keep talking until you have fleshed out the truly defining elements of the situation or dilemma. This process takes time, so be patient.
12: House of Surrender
Accept a challenge or imperative and get started; this is not the time for hesitation.
The Horseman of Wands in this position requires that you climb into the saddle and get moving whether you are sure you want to go or not. A potential project, challenge or imperative that is bigger than your preferences and personal projects is calling you. Sometimes, present affairs and state of mind notwithstanding, we have to obey such imperatives. This is not a punishment, this is just a situation that could be outside your normal experience and usual definition of self. Under the circumstances it’s best to surrender to it because, really, there is no other choice.
11:33:12 AM
Q: Great. I take it your giving me the go-ahead to drop my end of the rope, finally. Consider it done. Like Custer's last stand, I'm making an Official Dare for good-willing souls to put their money where there mouth is, to walk the talk. Let them forsake their personal agendas end embrace Your mandate of compassion, cooperation until death or until The Aquarian Age is reality, whichever comes first.
Horoscope Spread
Wild Card: The Four of Cups refers to a restless time, where a person has become dissatisfied with life, emotionally uncomfortable. Feeling stagnated and longing for change, the heart is questioning its options.
1: House of Identity
You inhabit that transitional world between the past and the future.
The Fool is associated with circumstances that are unique, unpredictable, inscrutable — one who is suspended between realities. The Fool is often portrayed as an empty headed simpleton unaware of the forces that move him to and fro, following his impulses. But tradition tells us that this Fool has a secret that protects him: the magic of synchronicity. He proceeds without calculation, spontaneously, without hesitation or resistance. If you trust in your own mystery and that of Divine Providence, you can step into a new realm of opportunities. For now, trust your instincts. If you have no expectations, you have nothing to lose.
2: House of Work
Be careful not to polarize the situation, supporting a struggle between darkness and light.
The Devil card in this position suggests that you are facing a shadow force you have always feared. Far from crushing you, however, it is educating you. If you refrain from judging things to be good or bad, you will see there is a tremendous amount of life force and vitality coursing through this situation that could go either way, depending on how it is directed. It could express as a vital passion of love, or devolve into some sort of self-centered gratification. You may want to follow someone else’s lead, but no matter what decision is made, it’s important to keep your head above water in this powerfully moving situation. Pay attention to how this life force wants to move, so that you can follow the flow and keep learning. A deeper spiritual dimension beckons you; no matter how bedeviling they may seem, face your instincts or problems with tenacity and a touch of humor.
3: House of Ideas
If you use breaks in the action to rest yourself and refresh your awareness, you will be strengthened.
The Two of Wands in this position provides a challenge to learn to use down time productively. Creativity requires leisure. There is no available energy for forward progress at this time anyway, so rest and restore yourself. Rather than waste time during such an opportunity, use it for contemplative relaxation or meditation. Don’t worry about how to orchestrate things just yet; just open yourself to the sights, sounds and realities of the situation as it is. This will put you in a more favorable position when the time for action arrives.
4: House of the Family
The ability to keep the faith in the face of uncertainty will serve you well.
The Two of Coins in this position suggests that you have some experience with uncertainty and understand the value of flexibility and adaptability. If so, you are less upset by undefined conditions than others would be, giving you a tremendous advantage. You can juggle and accommodate mixed results, and that may just make you a leader in a time of stress and difficulty. Just about anybody can succeed when things are going well; it takes a genius to succeed when situations get strange. Keeping the faith in the face of uncertainty or doubt is an ability that will serve you well.
5: House of Magic
Sharing common ground with another has opened many possibilities, revealed new facets of your feelings, and inspired new responses.
With the Two of Cups in this position, recent experiences of mutual recognition have touched your heart. This may have influenced your sense of priorities in surprising ways. Observe differences in your awareness, feelings and sensitivities. That which is opening within you is stimulating noble feelings. Neither fight this process nor romanticize it. Let yourself be drawn to the harmonious elements of the situation, but don’t let yourself be swept away or commit too soon. Time will show you if this is just a symbolic wake-up call, or if it’s meant to be followed up with further interaction.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Card: The Moon
Don’t fight the inevitable tides of emotion and psychic transformation that penetrate our most hidden selves.
Get your ego out of the way of the great wave sweeping over you, inviting you to submit to your highest spiritual self. Surrender to the psychic forces that move through all of us in generational tides to bring about cleansing experiences, revelations and corrections. Fear and uncertainty often accompany this unpredictable flood. Nevertheless, resist the temptation to succumb to doubt and recriminations. You are in a protected position regarding the moon, a “lunatic” moved from within by the monthly cycle of invisible tides. This could be a time to study transits in your chart to see what is shaping the timing of events in your life. Perhaps you should study your dreams. In any case, stop fighting the flow.
7: House of Relationships
Your deliberate, focused efforts will launch a successful endeavor.
When the Seven of Swords falls in this position, you have an opportunity to see your dreams of achievement play out step by step according to grand plan. As you cause your intended goal to materialize, everyone around you will gain confidence that evolutionary change is possible. This is not just about successfully completing a challenge. You have disciplined your mind, and formed clear insight and attitudes that benefit the goal, without letting yourself be derailed by transient concerns. Continue to demonstrate the focus and directed will that serves as an exemplary role model for those around you.
8: House of Secrets
A reversal can contain the seeds of blessings.
When the Queen of Coins falls in this position, it indicates a sense of loss or diminishment, perhaps the feeling of having fallen from a high station in life to a lower one. Painful as this might be, resolve to view setbacks as educational experiences rather than punishments and you will be better able to appreciate the value of these challenges.
Try to remember that in this life you are given the experiences necessary to shape you into who you need to be for the sake of the greater good. Whatever your losses, Nature and the material plane is still a splendid and beautiful place to be. Get back on track with your full-bodied participation with life and you will be able to rebuild, start fresh or simply find reason to go on whether your cash flow — or reputation — is up or down.
9: House of Visions
You will move more quickly toward your goal when you involve others who can share your vision.
When the Four of Wands is in this position, you are advised to describe your dream, vision or ideal to everyone who will listen, including that growing network of active, forward looking people you are a part of. Take the pulse of your community. Seek out connections to people who may want to get involved. This gives you the opportunity to see who warms to your ideas, who is ignited by your dreams. You will move toward your goal quickly and more efficiently when you understand the minds of the people you are trying to reach.
10: House of Reputation
Develop your expertise and know that you are a master in the making.
The Hierophant in this position advises that you return to your education and the role of meticulous, probing student. Learn everything you can about your chosen subject or the issue in question. Process the knowledge until it becomes a part of you, an experiential awareness. Slowly and steadily build to a peak of understanding in your field or chosen subject. Earn respect and recognition by completing your education and broadening your direct experience. If you already have all the necessary experience, then rewrite your résumé so others can understand who you are and what you can bring to a situation. You are destined to be a master in your realm.
11: House of the Future
The foundation is firm; a growth trend is established, the future is abundant.
With the King of Wands in this position, there is potential for expansion of your domain; an increase in clout and reputation opens new doors. The foundation you stand on, be it a business, project, relationship or feelings of competence and confidence, is firm enough to support a growing and lasting power base. You can afford to branch out and take a calculated risk. Examine the present with an eye to the future. Seek innovation at this time of success.
12: House of Surrender
You are called to the mothering role of nurturer and supporter.
The Empress in this position calls upon you to serve as a resource for spiritual or emotional nurturing. World weary souls may seek you out in their need for solace, care and support. The Empress is depended upon for all that it takes to grow up and become competent in the world. There are times in our lives when we are asked to serve in this way. This is not a punishment or a tax; it is a calling. If you give it your best when it is your turn to do so, the rewards will be great.
Bloggers facing the storm
"So it's official. My family and I are staying put through the storm," writes Fyre on the Houston ... As Hurricane Rita approaches Texas, many in the region are finding supplies difficult to come by.
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