Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I Ching reads, Oct 1 - 4

Consultation on Saturday, October 01, 2005 at 3:55 PM
Present: 62 Attention to Detail
Question: drum success - I chanted last Sat
Ambitious undertakings are not in order now, but attention to small matters brings progress. Such is the case of a person whose resources are meager, but who, through modesty and perseverance, rises to accomplish great things.The key to success when the small potential dominates the large scene is to avoid pretentious ambitions and grandiose goals. The power of the small is served by slow and steady advancement, and succeeds through an honest awareness of its own limitations, without reservation.Modesty stemming from recognizing your limitations is a fine quality, but it can be seen as weakness if it is not accompanied by conscientiousness. It is very important, therefore, to understand the demands of your situation, and not to expect success in big things right now. The wise person recognizes the nature of the time. So, know your own role, carefully attend to details and act with humility, and you can achieve success even with few resources.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.The first changing line is Line 3: When danger lurks, the wise take precautions, and do not consider even the smallest matters above their concern. Attention to small, even petty, details is often what paves the way for escape during a time of crisis. If you venture into the heart of the city at night, it pays to know the shortest, safest way out before you enter.
The second changing line is Line 4: When embarking on a dangerous journey unarmed, one must remain constantly alert and on guard. When you are in a position of weakness, restraint and caution are the order of the day. To push ahead in such circumstance, would bring severe misfortune.
Future: 02 The Receptive
This hexagram represents the quality of likely opportunities and challenges arising from changes that are in process now:
Great receptivity attracts exceptional results. A natural responsiveness brings about success through support and perseverance, rather than through bold action. Thus, the wise person demonstrates strength like a powerful but gentle mare. This hexagram, consisting of all yin lines, represents a power of the feminine principle no longer honored in our modern world, but such receptivity is most auspicious.The receptive force is sensual as well as powerful, and it can be missed by too much talk and planning. When spring comes, does the grass "plan" to grow? This is a time to concentrate on realities rather than potentials - with how to respond to a situation rather than how to direct it. The mature mare lets herself be guided by a higher power, and is skilled at graceful acceptance. In a strong spiritual way, her quiet contribution is most effective, and brings success.Do not be too assertive at this time, for if you try to direct things, you are liable to become confused or alienated. Take your time. Draw strength from carefulness and you will be doubly fortunate. Focus more on feeling than on action. Be broad and deep in your attitudes so that you can accept everything that comes your way with grace and equanimity. Be receptive and spacious like the ocean; let the river of changing developments flow to you. Allow others to take the lead for now. Strive for a pure natural responsiveness that is based on inner strength rather than outer show.

Consultation on Saturday, October 01, 2005 at 3:57 PM
Present: 28 Excessive Pressure
Question: the music friend I was jealous of last year came; we had happy greeting but cool goodbye after my chant
Something is out of balance. Some pressure is causing an imbalance and needs correcting. But, if the dam is about to burst, moving out of the way is the first key to success.When a person in a sagging mine shaft feels the earth begin to tremble, it is a time for quick, instinctive action and nimble footwork. At a time like this, only extraordinary measures can bring success. When the roof is collapsing, run first, choose your destination later.Extraordinary times bring out the best and worst in people. Natural disasters bring with them stories of great heroism - but also looting and rioting. When great weight is on the world, powerful moments present opportunities to make great gains. Everything is in a state of flux. One can either move in the direction of positive change and improvement or towards stagnation.This may be the moment you have been waiting for. Although the current challenge may seem to be more than you can handle, remember that a flood reaches its high-water mark for only a few brief moments, and then begins to subside. Action must be taken now to ensure opportunities for success later on. You will never discover the true extent of your own abilities unless you, at least once in your life, dive into a crisis with complete abandon, dedicating every ounce of your energy, every fiber of your being, to the cause at hand.Dare to win.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.
The first changing line is Line 3: Plunging willfully ahead during risky times, against the advice of your friends and intimates, invites trouble. Action may be called for, but never obstinacy. The support of friends and allies is necessary for any large undertaking; their advice can only be ignored at your own peril.
The second changing line is Line 6: Courageous determination often leads one into deep water. Though it is careless to forge ahead regardless of the risk, sticking to one's principles can become more important than mere survival. There is no shame in this, as long as you remain aware that plunging ahead on your own is risky, and perhaps quite dangerous.
Future: 06 Conflict
Conflict arises when a person who is convinced he or she is entitled to something meets with opposition. In such cases, the wiser choice is not to push things to the bitter end, because knocking heads only perpetuates bad will. Creative solutions which meet others halfway are more valuable and longer lasting than victories achieved through force.Conflicts in which one party is not sincere inevitably lead to subterfuge and distortions. In such situations, those of strong character keep a clear head, protect their own integrity and look out for their own interests, even while seeking compromise. Often this means finding a fair-minded mediator who can settle matters.In these times of conflict and turmoil, new ventures and new initiatives are to be avoided.This is a good time to examine the sincerity of your own beliefs and those around you. Seek advice or arbitration from an impartial and mature person. Consider everything carefully before making any major decisions. It may be time to compromise. Try to clarify the roles and responsibilities of those you work and live with so as to avoid conflict in the future.

4:00 PM
Present: 24 Returning
Question: drummers worked hard with my chant and even continued after I left; the teacher never solos but did this time - still regret
There is a turning point which recharges you and eventually brings success. It is associated with a turning of darkness back towards the direction of the light, the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, the day when darkness begins to decrease and the hours of daylight increase. It is the beginning of a turn-around; a time of letting go of the old and making way for the new; a time of new beginnings, and it starts with rest.Don't move too fast. The new momentum is just beginning; the turn-around demands that your energy be recharged by adequate rest, so that your life-force will not be spent prematurely. This principle of hibernation, of allowing energy to renew itself and be strengthened by rest applies to many situations - recuperation after an illness, the slow return of trust after period of estrangement, the careful development of new relationships after a splitting apart of old ones.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 2: Spectacular comebacks in any field are a sign of self-mastery. Achieving success the first time, on the strength of one's natural abilities, is good luck; coming back after failure or disappointment is a sign of true strength of character. Follow the example of such people; they have much to teach you.
Future: 19 Approach of Spring
Spring is approaching. Good times ahead seems inevitable; there is vitality in the air. This is a most auspicious time. Like a snake emerging from hibernation, negative forces are only just beginning to stir, and can be effectively controlled. This is a time of hopeful progress, and must be used to best advantage. When approaching good fortune, conscientious work pays great dividends. A clear road lies ahead.Act now, for at some point this ripe opportunity for advancement will be reversed. No spring lasts forever. It's always wise to stay alert and note the changing signs of the times.Spring is always the season of new relationships. In the bounty of good times, new bonds are formed effortlessly. Relationships born in spring can serve well to warm the following autumn and winter.

4:02 PM
Present: 03 Difficulty at the Beginning
Question: after drumming my music friends spoke; later I wanted to greet the one I lost, but they stopped their chat and the other one vamoosed
Difficulty at the beginning. The birth of anything - including any new venture or relationship - is an entry into the realm of the unknown. At the same time, new things seem to be rushing upon you, and confusion can easily take over. But chaos is a powerful force if you harness it properly. Just don't rush things. Do not let events overwhelm you. Stay calm and persevering, but do take the first step. And get whatever help you can.Challenges lie ahead. Gain strength; find courage. Like a new born fawn, the opportunity for rapid development is real, but only by being determined can the fawn rise to its feet and survive to grow to full stature. Keep going despite difficulties and you will find the success you desire. Your primary challenge is maintaining personal clarity. Avoid lunging at solutions; wait until a good course of action becomes clear. Do not start a new venture before thinking it through. A careless step in the beginning can easily cause events to get out of control later. Enlist the aid of experienced people.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 1:Your way is blocked for now. Remain determined but act sensibly. Do not hesitate, but don't force things either. You have little power over the situation for the time being, but do not give up. With a strong spirit and some humility, you can attract the people and knowledge you need. Seek the advice of someone more experienced than you are.
Future: 08 Holding Together
Holding together brings success. But high-level teamwork is achieved only when a clear goal is shared by the right players on the right team at the right time. A team forms its relationships in a delicate manner; chemistry is brewed in the vat of shared experiences. Late-comers cannot share the same depth of union as earlier members. Whole-hearted commitment is required for team success.All successful teams have a shared vision and a leader. If a team's leadership is up to the challenge, the team will prosper. In political and business affairs, just as in basketball, it is hard to win without a strong center.Accept the structure of the team if you wish to receive its benefits - otherwise go off on your own. In holding together with others, cling to your own principles, but be willing to subordinate your personal desires for the good of the group. Perhaps you are contemplating becoming a leader of a group; remember that to become the center of influence binding people together is a considerable challenge and a serious responsibility. Assess yourself carefully first to see if you qualify for this role. If not, it would be better that the group not be formed than for you to lead it without proper preparation.

4:04 PM
Present: 46 Pushing Upward
Question: need rest but want to write mentor after that
Advancement is represented by the forces of growth in springtime, when new plant life pushes upward through the earth's crust. The emphasis is on upward motion, from obscurity to influence, with growth fostered by adaptability and the absence of opposition. Constant, flexible growth is the key attribute of a plant pushing upwards. This reading suggests a period of promotion and prosperity in your life.A wise person, in harmony with fate, is sensitive but determined. Make a sincere effort to apply resolute effort against the forces of inertia, and good fortune will follow. By remaining tolerant and flexible, you will be able to retain the kind of conscious innocence which fuels growth and advancement. Will power and self-control are necessary to manage this growth properly, but an inner enthusiasm for life is what nurtures it.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.
The first changing line is Line 2: You have limited resources, but if you are sincere your efforts will be appreciated. This particular line suggests that changes are developing which point to success and advancement growing out of inner strength of character, rather than material advantage.
The second changing line is Line 3: Obstructions which have previously blocked your path may be falling away now. Either an easy path has opened up, or you have succeeded in finding the line of least resistance. You likely will achieve your immediate goals, but there is no promise of continued good fortune beyond this immediate success. But don't worry - be happy with your present success, and push ahead in a positive direction.
Future: 02 The Receptive
Great receptivity attracts exceptional results. A natural responsiveness brings about success through support and perseverance, rather than through bold action. Thus, the wise person demonstrates strength like a powerful but gentle mare. This hexagram, consisting of all yin lines, represents a power of the feminine principle no longer honored in our modern world, but such receptivity is most auspicious.The receptive force is sensual as well as powerful, and it can be missed by too much talk and planning. When spring comes, does the grass "plan" to grow? This is a time to concentrate on realities rather than potentials - with how to respond to a situation rather than how to direct it. The mature mare lets herself be guided by a higher power, and is skilled at graceful acceptance. In a strong spiritual way, her quiet contribution is most effective, and brings success.Do not be too assertive at this time, for if you try to direct things, you are liable to become confused or alienated. Take your time. Draw strength from carefulness and you will be doubly fortunate. Focus more on feeling than on action. Be broad and deep in your attitudes so that you can accept everything that comes your way with grace and equanimity. Be receptive and spacious like the ocean; let the river of changing developments flow to you. Allow others to take the lead for now. Strive for a pure natural responsiveness that is based on inner strength rather than outer show.

4:06 PM
Present: 61 Centering in Truth
Question: conflict of wills between my husband and me - I'm speaking up for myself, causing trouble
Truth involves establishing an aware relationship between your inner core and the circumstances in your life. Centering in truth involves the ability to perceive a fundamental wisdom, reflected within yourself - and also in others.Truth is transformed into power when you disperse all prejudice and make yourself receptive to the world as it really is. This power can be a remarkable force indeed - yet is rarer than generally imagined. It can be maintained only by cultivating a genuine openness to things as they are - a willingness to see, rather than merely look.Whenever your inner life is clouded, your influence in the world is under a shadow. If you are fearful, you will be attacked; if you cloak genuine mysteries in dogma, opportunities for new insight will be lost. If you vacillate in upholding your principles, you will be tested. Yet, when you are firm and strong, the power of truth can break through even the most stubborn minds.In any debate, the power to perceive the truth in the other side's argument is essential to achieving success. It is possible to influence even the most difficult people, or improve the most difficult circumstance, through the power of universal truth - for truth is something to which all things naturally respond. Get in touch with that part of yourself that is aware of this universal force of truth. Cultivate this inner resource, and you will become adept at using it to bind others to a common purpose.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 2:A clear radiant unselfishness at the core of your being is a vital source of power and influence. It spreads as surely as ripples on a pond when a stone is tossed into the center. A sincere reliance on your own integrity generates supreme good fortune.
Future: 42 Increase
This hexagram represents the quality of likely opportunities and challenges arising from changes that are in process now:Substantial progress and increasing prosperity is exhilarating, as long as you go with the flow while it lasts and keep the interests of others in mind. Like white water on a river, periods of increase are often of short duration; it furthers one, therefore, to shoot the rapids now, while the opportunity is there.Leadership in times of opportunity involves commitment to the needs of one's cohorts or dependents. Only by realizing that to lead is to serve, can a leader fortify his or her position to bring about a lasting increase in prosperity. In a time of general increase, those who contribute most directly to the common good will achieve the greatest rewards.When opportunities for increase arise, supreme good fortune comes to those who act swiftly and boldly, while avoiding the trap of letting their actions be merely self-serving. If you aspire to a position of prominence, the most enduring strategy is to work to raise the tide of your entire community or company, rather than to try to swim upstream on your own.When the times favor prosperity, and when leadership is in the hands of the broad-minded, supreme good fortune results.


Sunday, October 02, 2005 at 9:04 PM
Present: 13 Fellowship
Question: follow-up from drum circle?
Fellowship. When communal bonds unite a group of people, great success is possible. But such bonds can develop only when personal interests are subjugated to goals which carry in them the essential virtues of humanity. The broader the basis for action, the greater the good which can be achieved. And conversely, the greater the potential good, the more powerful the support behind it. A spirit of cooperation steadies the boat, but it helps to have a beautiful island to row towards.Learn to respect the strength in diversity, for a community's true power lies not in its numbers, but in the diverse skills and resources of its members. Just as the stoutest walls are reinforced with many different materials, so the strongest groups allow differences to co-exist inside the whole.With a unified group solidly behind you, even very difficult enterprises can be attempted without great risk.
You cast several changing lines, which indicates a number of changing possibilities in the situation.
The first changing line is Line 3: Those who mistrust their allies, spying on them and planning surprise maneuvers, usually become trapped in their own nets. Avoid unnecessary plotting and scheming, for this is a sure sign of the disintegration of community fellowship. When such a pattern has begun, put a stop to it immediately! Things will only get worse if you continue to play the game.
The second changing line is Line 5: The strongest bond on earth is that between two human hearts which have come to know and share each other's inmost thoughts and desires. Though separated by circumstances or fate; though divided by differences of opinion; though angered by each other's behavior, if the bond is true, nothing can break it. This type of union may cause some sadness and difficulty, but in the end brings the sweetest joy known to man.
The third changing line is Line 6: There is fellowship with convenient associates, but heartfelt warmth is lacking. The image is a group of people who happen to live beside a certain lake; though they are cordial enough, no great purpose unites them. But that's ok; civility may be the lowest form of community, but there is nothing inherently wrong with it. The situation is not terribly satisfying, but neither is it a cause for great regret.
Future: 51 Shock
One hears thunder unexpectedly! First comes fear, then a sharpened, clearer vision. Recall a close brush with danger - a falling branch, an automobile accident barely avoided, an escape from a potentially violent confrontation. Such incidents first arouse every nerve fiber in your body in a brief wave of terror, but soon, once the danger has passed, give way to a heightened awareness of the world. The same process also occurs with other types of shock - the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, business failure and so on.The lasting impact of a major shock can either be stimulating or debilitating, depending upon one's inner strength of character. The critical factor is the ability to become immune to fear, thereby transforming anxiety into a laser-sharp perception of the world around you.When overtaken by crisis, the wise search their hearts for inner strengths, in order to face the world with courage. Courage often means daring to take the unexpected path - to bounce back quickly and self-confidently after failure, to have faith in the eternal when confronted with death.We tend to think of shock only in the context of unpleasant events. We can also be jarred, however, by the sudden release of tension which comes with unexpected success. To keep your bearings in the aftershock of either trauma or victory, it is essential that your inner compass be aligned with "true north", that magnetic force which guides you toward fulfillment of both your deepest desire, and your highest destiny.

9:07 PM
Present: 31 Mutual Attraction
Question: did the drum teacher like my chant?
The attraction of opposites is a powerful and fundamental force. The image of this reading is that of the attraction between a young man and a young woman in the courtship stage. In response to the magnetic attraction between them, the masculine principle (the creative, outgoing) seizes the initiative and submits to the feminine (the receptive, sensitive). When the assertive is able to defer to the receptive, and when the receptive accepts responsibility and exercises quiet leadership, an exciting and profitable union is the result. This brings good fortune, for all success depends upon the effects of mutual attraction.Consistency is important in matters of mutual attraction, for this is what separates courtship from seduction.If you are by nature an instigator, it is good to take the initiative. But you must remain sensitive, and highly principled, and avoid the temptation to be manipulative. Let the power of mutual attraction pull you along. If you are the receptive one, keep your mind innocent and free of pride, so that you may remain open to good advice or helpful assistance. When your influence arises from innocence, a powerful magnetic force is at work for you.Remaining open to the forces of attraction brings good fortune. Closing yourself to them heralds the death of the soul. Learn to yield to the natural tugs and pulls of the heart.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.
The first changing line is Line 4: When the spirit moves you, it is of no use to attempt to stand still. Avoid conscious plotting and manipulation, for this will choke off the source of true feeling. Follow your heart.
The second changing line is Line 5: Your will remains firm and wayward influences do not lead to confusion. This indicates the resolve of someone whose beliefs are strongly held. There is no cause for remorse in this. However, your dogged ambition to make progress could become so preoccupying that you no longer listen to positive suggestions or assistance. Do not allow impatience or fear to cause you to lose your ability to accept help, or listen to good advice.
Future: 15 Humility
Humility is often rewarded in human affairs, just as valleys are filled by the erosion of great mountains. It is the way of the world to fill the empty cup. Regardless of your position, humility is a positive and deceptively powerful attribute. If you are in a high position but are still humble, people will be drawn to you and the causes you espouse. If your position is lowly, humility will endear you to those of higher status. True humility is a virtue to which all should aspire.The most successful people are those who know how to bring each situation into balance by reducing that which is too great and adding to that which is too little. Such a person craves not power, but balanced and stable relationships. Humility is the virtue which allows you to perceive the balancing force in each situation; humble people are not prey to the many illusions which grow out of self-importance. If humility is not natural to your disposition, make a conscious effort to develop a strain of self-effacing humor.

9:16 PM
Present: 24 Returning
Question: did my two friends agreement to use my singing?
There is a turning point which recharges you and eventually brings success. It is associated with a turning of darkness back towards the direction of the light, the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, the day when darkness begins to decrease and the hours of daylight increase. It is the beginning of a turn-around; a time of letting go of the old and making way for the new; a time of new beginnings, and it starts with rest.Don't move too fast. The new momentum is just beginning; the turn-around demands that your energy be recharged by adequate rest, so that your life-force will not be spent prematurely. This principle of hibernation, of allowing energy to renew itself and be strengthened by rest applies to many situations - recuperation after an illness, the slow return of trust after period of estrangement, the careful development of new relationships after a splitting apart of old ones.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 1:Everyone suffers setbacks from time to time. The lucky ones suffer some small ones early in life, so that they learn that they can survive a period of collapse. In this case, a minor setback is little more than an inconvenience, so long as proper action is taken before it goes too far. Persevere, return to the main road, and good fortune will lie ahead.
Future: 02 The Receptive
Great receptivity attracts exceptional results. A natural responsiveness brings about success through support and perseverance, rather than through bold action. Thus, the wise person demonstrates strength like a powerful but gentle mare. This hexagram, consisting of all yin lines, represents a power of the feminine principle no longer honored in our modern world, but such receptivity is most auspicious.The receptive force is sensual as well as powerful, and it can be missed by too much talk and planning. When spring comes, does the grass "plan" to grow? This is a time to concentrate on realities rather than potentials - with how to respond to a situation rather than how to direct it. The mature mare lets herself be guided by a higher power, and is skilled at graceful acceptance. In a strong spiritual way, her quiet contribution is most effective, and brings success.Do not be too assertive at this time, for if you try to direct things, you are liable to become confused or alienated. Take your time. Draw strength from carefulness and you will be doubly fortunate. Focus more on feeling than on action. Be broad and deep in your attitudes so that you can accept everything that comes your way with grace and equanimity. Be receptive and spacious like the ocean; let the river of changing developments flow to you. Allow others to take the lead for now. Strive for a pure natural responsiveness that is based on inner strength rather than outer show.

9:29 PM
Present: 60 Limits and Connections
Question: this is my foot in the door - chance for humble student
Limits are necessary to give purpose and direction to life. Swimming in a sea of boundless opportunity would soon lead to exhaustion. Winging it alone in a sky of boundless opportunity would lead to being lost. In human affairs, the making of choices, and alliances, implies limitation, for in choosing one path another must be abandoned.One key to a successful life is to select your limits consciously and carefully - to be discriminating in the setting of personal boundaries and knowing when to join in formation. Thrift, for example, often precedes prosperity; just as the letting go of selfish interests often leads to greater personal reward. Only by consciously accepting useful limits can one's energy be channeled to good purpose, and lead to lasting accomplishment.Point yourself toward a middle way, the mean between discipline and freedom of spirit. Limits will come of their own accord; but to be able to consciously select your own affiliations in life - that's knowing how to fly! At the same time, do not go overboard on discipline. Even limitation must be limited, so that in attempting to bring order and direction into your life you do not choke off vital sources of enthusiasm and spontaneity.Similarly, in groups and organizations, the rules and regulations should strike a balance between being too strict and too soft. If too strict, they build frustration among people, and ultimately become destructive. If too lenient, sloppiness becomes acceptable, and energy is soon dissipated. The best path is one which allows for the fulfillment of individual potential, while encouraging self-discipline and focus.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.
The first changing line is Line 1: Before initiating action, wise people first evaluate their own ability to carry out the task. If the limitations are overwhelming, no action is taken. But inaction is also a kind of action, because the passage of time often brings strength to what is weak, and adds energy to what has remained still. Maintain a steady purpose, but act only when the time is ripe. In this way, limitations can actually serve your true interests.
The second changing line is Line 2: When the waters of a lake rise above the dam, the water spills over without hesitation. When limits in a particular situation have suddenly been overcome, nervous hesitancy to act is bound to be a mistake. Seize the moment!
Future: 08 Holding Together
Holding together brings success. But high-level teamwork is achieved only when a clear goal is shared by the right players on the right team at the right time. A team forms its relationships in a delicate manner; chemistry is brewed in the vat of shared experiences. Late-comers cannot share the same depth of union as earlier members. Whole-hearted commitment is required for team success.All successful teams have a shared vision and a leader. If a team's leadership is up to the challenge, the team will prosper. In political and business affairs, just as in basketball, it is hard to win without a strong center.Accept the structure of the team if you wish to receive its benefits - otherwise go off on your own. In holding together with others, cling to your own principles, but be willing to subordinate your personal desires for the good of the group. Perhaps you are contemplating becoming a leader of a group; remember that to become the center of influence binding people together is a considerable challenge and a serious responsibility. Assess yourself carefully first to see if you qualify for this role. If not, it would be better that the group not be formed than for you to lead it without proper preparation.

9:40 PM
Present: 53 A Steady Pace
Question: right attitude as a newby while minding my boundaries?
Like an ancient old-growth forest - where the subtle play of light, texture and shadows is the product of a process measured in centuries and inches - most things of lasting value develop gradually, at their own pace. The ability to learn from experience - one of humanity's greatest treasures - implies constant yet gradual progress. The combination of stillness within and determination without are the essence of this condition. Good things sometimes sprout quickly; the truly delightful take much longer.The principle of gradual development applies also to human relationships. For love, marriage and business relationships to endure, progress must be slow but steady: slow enough to allow for the bonds to knit properly; steady enough to move in the right direction.You can't expect to have everything all at once. Development must be allowed to take its proper course; events must neither be rushed nor manipulated, but allowed to unfold in due course. In this way, you will come to enjoy long-lasting relationships, and achieve success in the world.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 6:When gradual development reaches its climax, supreme good fortune results, and a great example is provided for others. Be true to your own goals; even though they may appear selfish to others, your success in achieving them brings great value to the life of those around you.
Future: 39 Temporary Obstacles
Have temporary obstacles been blocking your way? In the course of trying to reach a goal or fulfill a personal ambition, obstructions inevitably present themselves. This is not always a bad thing. Obstacles, difficulties and even setbacks which are eventually overcome often become assets. Without irritating grains of sand, oysters would never make pearls.The obstacles pointed to here are not permanent, yet they are in the way. As when a large boulder falls in the road, the best course of action is usually to go around it, rather than to try to move it out of the way. Temporary obstacles must be seen for what they are - temporary - and should not be allowed to take on too much significance.A positive aspect of even the most difficult obstacle is that it may cause a person to turn inward, and gain greater depth and character. While the ignorant bemoan their fate and seek to blame their problems on others, the wise seek the cause of the problem within themselves. Through this type of introspection, obstacles become a means for personal growth and self-discovery.Without air resistance, no plane would ever fly.If you are facing temporary obstacles, try not to be overly concerned. Obstacles are a part of achieving every goal and furthering every undertaking. Setbacks and reverses can affect morale, but keeping up your self-confidence in the face of obstacles is part of a successful solution to many of life's problems. Obstacles of short duration are best handled with a yielding attitude. Go around the rock, don't put your shoulder to it.


Consultation on Monday, October 03, 2005 at 7:57 PM
Present: 55 Great Abundance
Question: my music friend's intentions towards me
A time of abundance comes into full flower when the powers of a leader are at their peak. The situation is like that of the sun at midday - a high noon of clarity, insight and progress. Such peak periods can be brief. Whether this refers to a national cycle, a business boon or a period of personal abundance, it is important to bale your hay while the sun is shining.During a period of abundance, it benefits one to show benevolence, to share the fruit of one's good fortune. Think of good deeds now as a hedge against times of scarcity in the future. This reading bodes well in the raising of children, and in the nurturing of a healthy family or any close-knit group.The condition of things in the present is fairly stable. There are no specific changes indicated right now.

7:59 PM
Present: 62 Attention to Detail
Question: intentions of the music friend I saw at drum circle, but lost to my envy?
Ambitious undertakings are not in order now, but attention to small matters brings progress. Such is the case of a person whose resources are meager, but who, through modesty and perseverance, rises to accomplish great things.The key to success when the small potential dominates the large scene is to avoid pretentious ambitions and grandiose goals. The power of the small is served by slow and steady advancement, and succeeds through an honest awareness of its own limitations, without reservation.Modesty stemming from recognizing your limitations is a fine quality, but it can be seen as weakness if it is not accompanied by conscientiousness. It is very important, therefore, to understand the demands of your situation, and not to expect success in big things right now. The wise person recognizes the nature of the time. So, know your own role, carefully attend to details and act with humility, and you can achieve success even with few resources.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.
The first changing line is Line 1: A changing first line suggests a baby bird who meets misfortune by trying to fly from the nest prematurely. The small must attain a certain stature before making even the most preliminary advances. A willingness to attempt difficult tasks too quickly often invites unfortunate consequences. Stick to basics for the moment, and make security a top priority.
The second changing line is Line 3: When danger lurks, the wise take precautions, and do not consider even the smallest matters above their concern. Attention to small, even petty, details is often what paves the way for escape during a time of crisis. If you venture into the heart of the city at night, it pays to know the shortest, safest way out before you enter.
Future: 51 Shock
One hears thunder unexpectedly! First comes fear, then a sharpened, clearer vision. Recall a close brush with danger - a falling branch, an automobile accident barely avoided, an escape from a potentially violent confrontation. Such incidents first arouse every nerve fiber in your body in a brief wave of terror, but soon, once the danger has passed, give way to a heightened awareness of the world. The same process also occurs with other types of shock - the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, business failure and so on.The lasting impact of a major shock can either be stimulating or debilitating, depending upon one's inner strength of character. The critical factor is the ability to become immune to fear, thereby transforming anxiety into a laser-sharp perception of the world around you.When overtaken by crisis, the wise search their hearts for inner strengths, in order to face the world with courage. Courage often means daring to take the unexpected path - to bounce back quickly and self-confidently after failure, to have faith in the eternal when confronted with death.We tend to think of shock only in the context of unpleasant events. We can also be jarred, however, by the sudden release of tension which comes with unexpected success. To keep your bearings in the aftershock of either trauma or victory, it is essential that your inner compass be aligned with "true north", that magnetic force which guides you toward fulfillment of both your deepest desire, and your highest destiny.


Consultation on Monday, October 03, 2005 at 8:01 PM
Present: 09 Small Influences
Question: my chant at drum was miraculously good, as if I was possessed; but neither music friend complimented me but abruptly stopped their tete-a-tet when I approached
A gentle wind gathers the clouds, but still, no rain. Softer influences predominate as the power of the small accumulates. This is a time for smooth and friendly persuasion.In the ebb and flow of events, there are always "low tides" - times when sweeping action is impossible or inappropriate, but when small matters can be attended to profitably, leading to bigger and better things later on. When the tide is rolling in, by all means, ride the wave; but when it is receding like it is now, focus on little things.When the time is such that you cannot do much to affect large matters, persuasion and subtle influence can prepare the way for strength in the future. Use your intuition to chart your long-term course, but avoid bold actions for the moment - they are unlikely to work. This is an excellent time to refine existing abilities or develop new talents.Be wary of others' intentions if they hold the upper hand in a situation. Examine their sources of power, so as to discover subtle influences you may be able to exert upon them.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 2: When skating on thin ice, allow others to take the lead. There is no disgrace in learning from others, particularly when doing so avoids putting yourself in jeopardy.
Future: 37 Community
A close-knit community that is really fulfilling is one where healthy interdependence is supported. Leadership is essential, but strong bonds of membership are dependent upon every member of the group. Trust, shared responsibilities and good communication are essential. Each member must be encouraged to find his or her appropriate expression, and contribution.The functional family is a team which symbolizes the ideal of human interdependence, and has long provided a firm foundation for society. The healthy family is a microcosm of society and the native soil in which ethical values take root and grow. Fertilize this soil, and the whole of society benefits.The power which bonds a family, or a tribe of any kind, together is the feminine principle Ñ gentleness and receptivity. Teamwork can be improved through cultivation of these qualities. Learn to accept both advice and aid from others, and be willing to assume an appropriate active role in any group you join. A good team player is extremely valuable to others. The best way to get what you want is always to help others get what they want.

8:04 PM
Present: 33 Retreat
Question: how, then, do they see me now?
All worthy goals meet resistance of some kind. When negative forces predominate, a well-timed retreat is necessary in order to stay on the path to success. Tibetans know this.Strategic retreat is not to be confused with escape or surrender. Successful retreat demands quick and nimble movement - taking up a new position before you are damaged severely by the current situation. You are not admitting defeat by such action, but simply increasing your options, and preserving your resources. Sometimes it is necessary to slow down, let go or move back temporarily in order to develop countermoves for the future. Timing is critical, as is positioning after realignment. Considerations of personal security are critical.Periods of withdrawal or retreat call for cool-headedness. It is necessary to keep your wits about you. Attend to small details while allowing yourself time to contemplate the whole picture. Be creative; not all progress follows a straight line. Self-confidence is also essential; small setbacks can easily become defeats if we allow ourselves to become mired in self-doubt or self-pity.Waves of progress are, by their nature, short-lived. Learn to attune yourself to the up-and-down cycles of life. When the wave is behind you, ride it in; when it's not, lie low. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you can "fix" any situation whenever you feel like it. Some things are bigger than you are. Hold your pride in check and you will be better prepared to find creative openings.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.
The first changing line is Line 4: By gracefully withdrawing from conflict, you may be able to protect yourself from humiliation and the enduring enmity of others. Furthermore, you deprive the opposition of an enemy to confront, which in itself can be a successful strategic move. To gracefully retreat in a heated atmosphere is not easy, however. This can only be achieved by the exercise of superior character. So, rise to the occasion. Proper handling of a setback is a real opportunity for greater progress in the long run.
The second changing line is Line 5: If precisely the right moment is selected for retreat, the withdrawal can be effected quickly and smoothly, and with all the proper amenities observed. The key is resolute action - and taking advantage of the element of surprise. Once your mind is made up, move!
Future: 52 Keeping Still
Regular periods of keeping still are an important aspect of personal development and forward motion. The most restful person may not be the one who sleeps twelve hours a day, but the one able to grab catnaps while cruising at 500 miles-per-hour at 35,000 ft. Learning to act when it is time to act, and to keep still when it is time to keep still, is the key to obtaining the peace of mind which helps one stay focused when clear focus is needed.Consider the spine, which serves as a switchboard for all the nerves of the body which mediate movement. When the spine is kept flexible and healthy through proper rest and relaxation, active movement can always be undertaken without strain. When the spine is held erect in a balanced sitting posture, the inner balancing of meditation can take place.Treat your innate spark of vitality as if it were a candle in the wind - protecting it as though it were your only light in a dark forest on a moonless night. Avoid external conditions which threaten to snuff out the flame, and be careful not to suffocate it with your own ambitions and worries.Time out. Relax, take your shoes off, and sit a spell. Let go of thinking. Meditate.


Consultation on Tuesday, October 04, 2005 at 5:25 PM
Present: 64 Nearing Completion
Question: I really want to send my amnesty email but my computer keeps locking or shutting right off - your work, Spirit?
Things are not finished and things might be appearing hopeless; but the chaos of the past is slowly giving way to order, and the goal is in sight. You are still treading on thin ice Ñ the way ahead is unobstructed, the goal is clear, but a cautious and careful attitude is still essential, lest you slip and fall.Nearing Completion is the last hexagram of the I Ching. It suggests that the ever-spinning wheel of life never reaches an absolute conclusion. Just as a hidden sadness resides in the heart of true euphoria, just as the seeds of great achievement often sprout first in a caldron of adversity, so too no end is ever really complete without a new beginning stirring inside it. Though we divide life into categories in order to understand and master it, experience itself is seamless. With this reading, the 64-spoked, the timeless wheel of change is ready to spin onward, ever evolving, ever staying the same.The situation represented by this reading can be compared to that of taking a lengthy trek over a high mountain. At some point before reaching the peak, you can see in detail exactly how much farther you must travel. You will have a good idea what it will take to reach the top, because of the climbing experience you've accumulated thus far. However, when you do reach the peak, which has been in sight for quite a long period of sustained effort, you will have done only that. You will have reached the top - achieving your initial goal - but now you must still descend the other side. This last critical segment is what remains before completion.You may have little information and no experience of what it's like descending the other side of the mountain. All your attention may have been focused on the route up. The coming situation may seem very strange to you, unlike anything that you have experienced before. For the back side of the mountain is where all of the true mysteries reside. Proceed carefully, cautiously, alertly - and you will reach your goal.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 4: Inevitably, as chaos gives way to a new order (as troubles dissolve themselves in the clarity of a fresh solution), struggles develop. This changing line refers to a situation where the disciples of decadence have mounted an attack against you. You must either advance strongly and firmly, or face humiliation and defeat. Take heart, and enter the fray. All of your skills, talents and influence will be needed; and in that in itself, there is great benefit.
Future: 04 Youthful Folly
This hexagram represents the quality of likely opportunities and challenges arising from changes that are in process now:Be on guard for careless or rebellious attitudes characteristic of youthful inexperience. Just as a youth requires instruction, this is a good time to focus on learning your lessons from a patient teacher or life experience. Is there a circumstance in your life, which you have failed to comprehend completely, perhaps because you have failed to appreciate its inherent complexities? Be respectful of anything or anyone who has something to teach you right now.In order to be ready for challenging times, let education be a continuing part of your life. Be continually developing the strong mind and will necessary to carry one through confusing times. The wise realize that experience, especially difficult experience, is a powerful teacher. But we cannot be forced to learn, even from experience. Be a good student, one who delights in learning, one who nourishes his or her expanding awareness.Examine your attitude for factors which limit your openness. Observe how you deal with the mistakes of others. You must let people live their own lives and learn their own lessons. Offer others your wisdom or advice, but only if they are receptive. Otherwise, give up trying to convince them that you are right - that is only exhausting and counter-productive. If people are not receptive, let them proceed - even into difficulty or dangerous circumstances. It is the only way they can learn - and without learning, no one can achieve success. This does not mean that you should not care - just that taking care of someone too much can be harmful. Live and let learn.


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