REFERENCE: Metaphysical Tools
For the record RE my divination tools:
Tarot Magic CD-ROM – Item#: TM2001
The Oracle of Changes - I Ching CD-ROM – Item#: IC2001
Preferences: Allow Reverse Cards - Sometimes
Deck: Gran Tarot Esoterico
I stick to the classic Tarot Spreads
What Are Sabian Symbol?
Sabian Symbols are esoteric images meant to illustrate the deeper meaning of the zodiac degrees.
Sabian Astrology is the use of the angular location of each planet to extract symbolic meanings. There are 360 degrees in a circle and for each degree there is a set of interpretations.
Eugenia Last simplified Sabian Astrology from the complex and philosophical approach to interpreting it in relation to a person’s endeavor so that the individual can encounter 360 basic phases of human experience which provide clues to deal with daily life. Using the influence of the ancient oriental philosophy described by The Book of Changes, the "I Ching" to describe astrological symbols give them a unique style.
The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle – by Lynda Hill and Richard Hill
"Man's inner world is always more significant to him than his outer one, despite what may seem to be a much greater stability gained by the latter through its physical make-up or its historical continuity. The battles of life actually are fought, and won or lost, in the purely psychological and intangible areas of being." - Dr. Marc Edmund Jones
Sabian Symbols History - Some background and applications.
A Journey Into Astrology - A personal story from Lynda
Aries 16: Brownies In The Setting Sun - An important symbol in our journey
Sabian Symbols - Reflections of our Lives - A discussion of using the symbols with clients, famous charts and events.
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- About I-Ching
To read more about the meanings of each symbol-card and Tarot spread click on these personal web-links:
Celtic Cross ~ an in-depth look at your life and prospects, including complex situations.
The Celtic Cross Spread is a bona fide emblem of Tarot. It is generally regarded as a standard "consultation" spread in the Tarot reader trade, which is attested to by the number of variations of it which are to be found in the pages of contemporary Tarot manuals. The Celtic Cross spread can give you valuable insight into several areas of your life, and how those parts interact within you.
Possessing eleven positions with occasional "extras" at the end, the Celtic Cross offers enough positions to represent relatively complex situations. Within the wheel-shaped part of the spread is a horizontal axis which represents the flow of outer events from recent past through the present to the near future.
The other central axis arises out of one's personal history, through the present moment, to focus on one's Mission or Higher Power.
The self and the issues of the moment are at the center of the spread. The column to the right of the Wheel is called the Staff, which can also be thought of as a ladder. The ideas and advice in this part lift one from the plane of dilemma to a higher plane of resolution. Don't make the mistake of viewing the Past cards as irrelevant to the present or future!
- Self -- The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.
- Situation -- The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.
- Challenges/ Opportunities -- The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.
- Foundation -- The card in the Foundation position points to influences from your personal history, your roots and background.
- Recent Past -- The card in the Recent Past position refers to events that are just departing, recently influential but now diminishing in power.
- Higher Power -- The card in the Higher Power position reflects the broader perspective and influence of your conscience, Guardian Angel, inner wisdom.
- Near Future -- The card in the Near Future position indicates which way the wind is blowing with regard to your situation. If you follow the Advice card, however, you can improve on or neutralize tendencies.
- Blocks & Inhibitions -- The card in the Blocks position points to self-undermining tendencies, areas where you could be in denial, where you could get stuck -- unless you examine yourself and make some corrections.
- Allies -- The card in the Allies position points to people who can be supportive or helpful to you at this time.
- Advice -- The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible.
- Long-term Potential -- The card in the Long-term Potential position points to unknowns still taking shape. It is the "wild card" yet to be played.
- Lesson -- The card in the Lesson position represents the personal investment or sacrifice required to derive full benefit from your current situation.
The Tree of Life ~ for an in-depth look at your life and prospects…
The Tree of Life Spread is a genuine artifact of Tarot, derived from the Hebrew Mysteries of the Kabala. These teachings are analogous to the Hindu seven Chakras, energy centers arranged along the spinal column coordinating the organs of the physical body to the "energy-body" and higher frequencies.
In the Hebrew version, secondary channels exist to the left and right of the central spinal channel, made up of the left and right eye/hand/foot centers. Because of these "pillars" working as channels for expressing the central energy, the number of vertical centers along the spine is reduced to five. The glyph of the Tree of Life is an outline of the Western account of the human energy-body, and how our inner energy relates to both Nature and Cosmos. Where it says in Genesis that humanity is made in the Image of God, the Tree of Life is the "Image" being referred to!
This spread points first to your inner life and the Archetypes at work in each of these "Sephiroth" (Sephirah in the singular), analogous to Chakras. Even if you don't feel comfortable with a certain card in a certain position, there is some way in which the Divine Will is working through that concept, and you have to try and understand how it could be a good thing.
When you use this spread you should focus on your most exalted intentions, align yourself with the greater good for all involved, and see each card as if it were a suggestion sent directly from your Higher Power. Also remember that every card is read as it applies to the now, even when past or future timeframes are also implied. This spread is not making any attempt to be predictive, however you may be surprised at the correspondences you discover between these archetypes and your daily life.
- Crown -- The card in the Crown position reflects an aspect of who YOU are right now, as you present yourself to the Tarot experience.
- Contemplation -- The card that lands in the Contemplation position refers to the social or environmental circumstances you find yourself in with regard to your concern.
- Activation -- The card that lands in the Activation position refers to possible challenges and opportunities that may arise with regard to your concern.
- Wisdom -- The card in the Wisdom position points to influences from your personal history, your roots and background.
- Discipline -- The card in the Discipline position refers to events that are just departing, recently influential but now diminishing in power It is time to move beyond them.
- Heart -- The card in the Heart position reflects the broader perspective and influence of your conscience, Guardian Angel, inner wisdom.
- Cycles -- The card in the Cycles position indicates which way the wind is blowing with regard to your situation. If you follow the Advice card, however, you can improve on or neutralize tendencies.
- Waking Up -- The card in the Waking Up position points to self-undermining tendencies, areas where you could be in denial, where you could get stuck, unless you examine yourself and make some corrections
- Safety Net -- The card in the Safety Net position points to people and resources who can be supportive or helpful to you at this time
- Outcome -- The card in the Outcome position points to unknowns still taking shape. It is the "wild card" yet to be played.
Star of David: for a quick look at some important decision in your life…
The Star of David Spread is used to examine conflict or polarization in a situation, whether it's between two parties in relationship, companies participating in a business deal, or an inner conflict between the two sides of your own brain. The Upright Triangle represents the Yang, active, moving, external force in the situation, called the Deciding Moment, Right Use of Will, and the natural Consequences of skillful decision-making.
The Reversed Triangle represents the Yin or more subtle, internal elements in the situation, the subjective, emotional, psychic side, the right brain. It's sometimes referred to as the voice of Conscience. It's the part that sponsors Relationships that meet your real needs, and hints at the most appropriate Solutions available.
The Wild Card can define a step you can make to improve the situation, usually involving some sort of sacrifice on your part, to bridge the gap between opposing elements or camps of the situation in question, and start eh process towards greater harmony.
- Deciding Moment -- The card in the Deciding Moment position refers to events that are just departing, recently influential but now diminishing in power.
- Consequences -- The card in the Consequences position indicates which way the wind is blowing with regard to your situation. If you follow the Advice card, however, you can improve on or neutralize tendencies.
- Will -- The Will position reflects the cutting edge in the situation, the learning curve whereby you can turn adversity into accomplishment using creativity and a skillful attitude. This position helps you make the most of this situation.
- Relationships -- The card in the Relationships position points to people who can be supportive or helpful to you at this time.
- Advice -- The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible.
- Conscience -- The card in the Conscience position reflects the broader perspective and influence of your conscience, Guardian Angel, inner wisdom.
Horoscope: a well-rounded, in-depth look at all the aspects your life and being
The Horoscope Tarot reading gives you a well-rounded, in-depth look at all the aspects your life and being. will automatically save it for you to come back to, share with a friend (and earn yourself more Karma Coins), print out, etc. The Horoscope Spread takes its form from the natal chart of Astrology, with one card for each "house" or department.
These 12 houses illuminate your true nature with respect to the twelve archetypal areas of human life.
Tarot's Horoscope spread focuses on changes taking place in these different departments. Each card is interpreted in light of the process going on in that house, implying change, motion, action, and discovery. References to past, future, and other people reflect how those energies affect that department of your life right now.
All departments are considered equally important, but greater emphasis is added with the presence of Major Arcana cards or your own special interests.
You can subdivide this spread into groups depending upon the line of inquiry you are following. Houses 1, 5, and 9 represent the Fire houses, reflecting desires, ambitions, goals, passions. Houses 2, 6, and 10 represent Earth -- tangible realities like your body and your cash flow, the results of effort and time, the "things" in your world. Houses 3, 7, and 11 illuminate the realm of Air, realm of communications, the Word (sword) of Truth and the relationships in which you unsheathe it. Houses 4, 8, and 12 are Water houses, realm of the feelings, intuition, sensibilities and emotions. Houses 1, 4, 7, and 10 taken together describe those innovative, self-starting, pioneering energies which give the courage to press for change. Houses 2, 5, 8, and 11 together illustrate powers of determination, fidelity, endurance, and farsightedness. Houses 3, 6, 9, and 12 point to areas in your life where you are the most flexible, responsive, and adaptive. Taking the time to investigate the spread at this level of depth will reveal amazing correspondences between your inner life, the events of your outer world, and astrological transits to your natal chart, giving you a superb experience of reading the Tarot at multiple levels.
The Wild Card: Things I need to know that I don't know to ask about.
- House of Identity -- The card that falls in the House of Identity has to do with the face you wear to meet the world.
- House of Work -- The card in the House of Work should be interpreted in terms of whatever activities you engage in, or organization you belong to, in order to support yourself.
- House of Ideas -- The card in the House of Ideas represents the awakening of your creativity, a place where you experiment and brainstorm fantastic options and work out how to overcome even the obstacles that seem daunting.
- House of Family -- The card in the House of Family represents your strongest emotional attachments, deepest loyalties. This represents some aspect of where you come from, your genetic and cultural heritage.
- House of Magic -- The card in the House of Magic represents that magnetism which attracts people and situations to you that can challenge your assumptions, reveal hidden genius, and provide new insights.
- House of Apprenticeship -- The card in the House of Apprenticeship refers to your ongoing education or training. This may be the result of a sense of calling or mission, or a motivating goal that changes your priorities and raises your expectations of yourself.
- House of Relationships -- The card in the House of Relationships represents important romantic, professional, familial, or legal relationships which came into your life to complete you in some way.
- House of Secrets -- The House of Secrets card represents judgmental voices in your inner life, which may be repeating negative messages and emotional reactions stemming from past resentments and injuries. This may also point to places where you hide parts of yourself that you don't like to look at.
- House of Visions -- The card in the House of Visions represents an expansive view of possibilities which are opening up to you, because of the community of like-minded souls you are discovering and connecting with.
- House of Reputation -- The card in the House of Reputation represents your life's work and legacy, your contribution and what you are to be known for. The card that lands here can give you advice on how to fulfill your role within the Greater Whole.
- House of the Future -- The card in the House of the Future represents a visionary wisdom which allows you to sense and project probabilities into the future. This concerns solutions to long-term issues.
- House of Surrender -- The card in the House of Surrender position represents the area of your life where you have to let go of illusions of control, to release attachment to outcomes and TRUST. Accepting limitations is the first step to psychic and emotional peace.