Friday, October 21, 2005

Oct 21 - Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading
Friday, October 21, 2005 at 7:14:39 AM
Spread: Time Line

1: History
Resources of inner guidance and support are available to you at all times.

The King of Cups in this position suggests that you were nurtured and schooled by a benevolent, emotionally and spiritually supportive elder, who taught you by example to be true to your heart. From this personal guru you learned how to develop a reservoir of strength, security and optimism to dip into when the world doesn’t help. The self-support you learned truly blesses you for a lifetime. This is a good time to bring those memories into sharper focus and re-acquaint yourself with the inner, wise, nurturing resources you carry within.
2: Recent Events
The backbone you have shown illustrates the reserves of drive and passion you now possess. This willpower is yours to call upon.

With the Horseman of Swords in this position, a recent experience has shaken you up and drawn out a fierceness and intensity you may have forgotten you had. You found yourself making demands or being irritated; you said things you normally would not have said. It may have just been an impressive display of grit! Scrutinize the situation closely for the model it offers — it would be terrific if you could possess that kind of power and authority without feeling threatened or forced to fight. The experience may well be worth whatever stress it has caused. Taking empowerment from it without becoming over-anxious would be the ideal outcome.
3: The Present
Your intuitive receptivity is your greatest strength.

The High Priestess craves deep communion with Nature and attunement with cosmic law. She wants to be far from the hustle and bustle, the daily traffic of life, so she can meditate. Get your ego out of the way and let your mind become attuned to a more subtle, spiritual view. Seek to divine the principles behind seemingly chaotic events, daily life or society in general. Take some time out. Write in your journal. Sit on a mountain top. Work with your feelings until you become reflective like the smooth calm of still waters at dawn.
4: Near Future
As your dignity, control and cherished self image are stripped away, you are driven into the deeper and more authentic parts of yourself.

The Hanged Man card suggests that one is facing a test on how far he or she has outgrown a victim mentality and helpless, hopeless tendencies. The situation may look bleak while you are going through it, but what you lose from a purging like this are things that never were yours in the first place. You stand to gain a whole new perspective on who you are and why you are here, which will vindicate what you have been through. Others may think you were unfairly scapegoated. In truth, you are rising above the temptation for self pity and are becoming truer to your essential nature. Nothing but good comes of an experience like that, no matter what it feels like at the time.
5: Far Future
A potential alliance should be structured as a relationship of peers.

When the Five of Coins is in this position, a partnership arrangement, relationship or alliance that is forming has potential for growth. You will need to guide that potential, to take necessary steps, but this is the beginning of something that could be profoundly successful. This new alliance should avoid imbalance and concentrate on equality and objectivity.

7:27:37 AM
Idea: my husband had complained to his University about mail we keep getting for someone with the exact same name as his, only with a different middle initial. The university may have phoned our place, thinking it was the other alumnus of the same name. I didn’t wait and left him the message on his cell.
Celtic Cross

1: Self
Put convention aside and be empowered by revealing your passionate nature.

The Devil card symbolizes letting those parts of yourself that have been repressed or shamed out of the closet. It represents hidden parts of ourselves, what Jung referred to as “Shadow.” In general, we fear its emergence, but this card is reminding you to face your shadow stuff. Whenever we reveal hidden inner dynamics, we fear we will be seen as ugly, demanding or excessive, even monstrous. We are conditioned to mistrust passionate desires and basic instincts, because we are afraid that we might go too far, slipping into hedonism or addiction. To become a charismatic individual who can make a difference, however, we need to outgrow fearful inhibitions placed upon our personalities and self-expression. In every generation there have been those who push these limits. They may have been demonized in their time, but later generations understood the honesty, courage and healing power of their daring.
2: Situation
You are provided with circumstances that cultivate both the genius and the support necessary to manifest a vision.

When the Three of Coins is in this position, your environment encourages you to blossom, and supports your genius with materials, security and acknowledgment. This is a matrix that includes both the genius and the support group necessary to manifest your vision. Listen carefully to your universe. It matters not whether you are playing the leadership role or are in a supportive position this time around. This card indicates that when your turn comes, support for your success will be there.
3: Challenges
Long labor produces what appears to others to be an effortless result. The price of success is continued exertion.

The Eight of Wands in this position is testing how well you anticipated the tremendous results you are getting from your efforts. When you put yourself in harmony with natural forces, you are furthered by their energetically supportive response. This card, sometimes named “The Garden,” suggests the kind of long labor that bears, at the end of the season, what appears to be a natural cornucopia. The point is that your ambitious vision and devoted labors may give you even better results than you dared dream. Now you have more decisions to make, more details to secure, more work to accomplish — but that is the price of success.
4: Foundation
Reflect on an early role model whose love of life’s potential, pleasure and abundance could animate you.

The Queen of Coins in this position suggests that you grew up with or were exposed in your formative years to a role model of sensual abundance. This person knew how to find pleasure and delight in ordinary things, how to be in the world, how to live in an exuberantly full-bodied way. Recall that person’s earthy wisdom and you will enjoy yourself more, experience less stress and flow more comfortably with the ups and downs of life.
5: Recent Past
Although there is more to be done, be proud of how far you have come and how much you have accomplished.

The Seven of Coins in this position says that you recently had an opportunity to review your labors and evaluate the effectiveness of your efforts. This may have affirmed the approach you have taken. On the other hand, it may have revealed ways you could improve your yield. You may have been surprised to see how different people working with the same idea and tools can create such variable results. In any case, be proud of how far you have come and how well you have done. Obviously, there is more work to do before you can take a rest or a holiday. This card represents the vigilance of the farmer watching over the fields until the crop is harvested and sold, not relaxing until that moment.
6: Higher Power
Accept the acknowledgement you deserve for your accomplishments.

When the Six of Wands falls in this position, it’s time to receive and accept public commendation for your successful accomplishments. Sometimes when we get caught up in the fast pace of our lives, we forget to stop and let some acknowledgement in. In this case, a Higher Power may arrange a way to generate proper recognition for your labors. Soften, relax and accept praise when it comes because you truly deserve it, and it makes others feel good to acknowledge your contributions.
7: Near Future
Don’t defeat yourself by being hasty and jumping to conclusions. Make sure others involved have contributed their insights too.

The Horseman of Swords in this position indicates that factions in your new situation are rapidly polarizing. People are expecting you to take sides and do battle, but don’t let yourself be goaded into other peoples’ conflicts. Ask yourself if you care enough to go through with it. If you aren’t wholeheartedly committed to taking a position, you will regret spending precious energy on a cause for which you have little passion. If this is really your issue, however, prepare yourself well; don’t be reckless. Because the Knight of Swords has a reputation for not clearly examining his motives, he often becomes a victim of his own spontaneity. Don’t allow that to happen. Just because you are being pushed out in front of others doesn’t mean everything depends on you. If you have team members, brainstorm your options and seek solutions. Focus on being an effective team coordinator.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Be forward-looking; concentrate on being progressive and optimistic.

When the Ten of Coins falls in this position, you are tempted to use your power or clout punitively, taking advantage of your position in the hierarchy to discipline others on a lower rung. But this is not an effective way to expend your considerable energies. Try emphasizing the positive, encouraging and rewarding what is evolutionary, proactive and optimistic. By supporting what will work, you won’t have to waste energy penalizing what is negative — it will whither from lack of attention. You will actually create a larger sphere of influence that way and gain more control over the situation.
9: Allies
Sometimes setbacks are blessings in disguise.

The Five of Cups in this position suggests that this upset, disruption of your dream, or loss and dispersion of energy — represented by three of five cups being spilled — is actually a necessary pruning. You overreached what was truly possible in this situation or overcommitted yourself. Once your mistake became apparent, you were freed up to focus on what is actually feasible. Now you can do a superlative job with what is left. This is a blessing in disguise. You will see it in a month or two as you look back on the developments that were in store for you. The hand of fate has done you a favor, lightened your load, cleared the way. You may have been wrestling all night long with what you thought was a devil, only to see by the dawning daylight that it’s an angel, blessing you for sticking it out through the dark night of the soul. Allow some time to go by before you form any opinions.
10: Advice
Look deep within to understand what motivates an occasional tendency to be pessimistic or depressed.

With the Eight of Cups in this position, look inside and recognize the part of you that is still nursing an old grudge from a past injury or trauma. For the most part, your forward-looking self has gotten up and moved along; you are getting on with your life. Part of you, however, is still holding out, resisting the healing, nursing old wounds from painful losses of faith and trust. Scrutinize your current motives, your current attitude. See if you are still being influenced by the part of yourself that resists joy, that dampens your enthusiastic, optimistic impulses. Don’t deny this pessimistic tendency. Understand and accept the hesitation and the fear and come to terms with them. Then you can put some old emotions in their rightful place — out of the way.
11: Long-Term Potential
The most highly evolved intentions produce the best outcome.

The Empress in this position indicates great potential for love, wisdom, harmony and abundance. Do your best to hold to high ideals and promote whatever will support a spirit of cooperation within your extended family or group. If you harken to the most creative part of yourself, you will be blessed by good results and widespread appreciation for your contribution. Continue in this direction and beautiful blessings will shine upon you.

Friday, October 21, 2005 at 8:28:03 AM
Question: I rarely get blind-sighted anymore, and I wasn’t smelling any rat on the home-front. When we talked about it I felt I could believe my husband. I haven’t been keeping up with the meta-facts of astrology, numerology and such for anybody. Just talking with You was working better, produces more creative outcomes even when the facts don’t support your guidance. My faith in you is usually reliable.
Celtic Cross

1: Self
Summon creativity and resourcefulness from the depths of your being.
The Four of Swords in this position instructs you to seek a quiet place of contemplation, in particular a place linked to your own personal history. In this still, quiet place, meditate letting go of the distractions of the present so you can perceive the larger patterns that shape your life. You are part of a long, unbroken chain of souls that carries forth the wisdom of generations. Take time to examine whether you are successfully preserving what is good, true and beautiful from your lineage and transporting it intact to the future. Accomplishing this will do far more to heal your heart and further your goals than fame or fortune ever could. Make contact with your deep past so you will know how to carry its healthiest and most creative skills successfully forward.
2: Situation
You have it in you to see what needs to be done. Now it’s time to get organized and use your skills as a manager.

When the Queen of Coins is in this position, you are being called upon to help steer the collective enterprise. Call up the manager within you or procure the assistance of someone who is a natural manager. Perceive what needs to be done, in what order it should be administered and with what amount of support or staff. It’s time to be organized and be energetic about it. This effort will not only benefit you personally, but just as importantly, it will support the well being of those you are involved with.
3: Challenges
Wake up and take action; arouse others to foment change as well.
When the Four of Cups is in this position, you are challenged to awaken earlier than others from the collective trance and capture a glimpse of what is truly going on. So, shake off the slumber and get activated; be the harbinger of change. Help others come to attention as well. Of course, only those who have ears to hear and eyes to see will agree the time has come for change. Those few people who wake up early make all the difference in how the situation unfolds when it finally penetrates the collective consciousness. Decide to be ahead of the learning curve compared to those around you.
4: Foundation
A model of unwavering generosity and love provides you a source of strength and wisdom.
The Empress suggests that at some time in your life you were exposed to an inspiring model of female dignity, generosity and love — someone who was steady and supportive. How fortunate you were! This experience taught you to go within and find the source of right action and clear thinking within yourself. Even if this person is no longer available to you, the learning you received can continue to provide a strong, reliable foundation.
5: Recent Past
Focus on creating a success that transforms the quality of your life.

When the Nine of Wands is in this position, a period of taxing demands and exhaustion has just come to a close. Even though something may have been achieved, there was an emotional and physical cost. Analyze recent events, and see if there is a way to do the same thing next time with less struggle and anguish. As we mature, we gain the acumen to work smarter, not harder. Leverage natural means to achieve your goals. Depend less upon raw willpower and in-fighting. Focus on creating a success that produces quality of life changes, so that your energy is liberated for more subtle, aesthetic and elevated pursuits.
6: Higher Power
Having accomplished your endeavor, you have earned your rest; take it wholeheartedly.
When the Ten of Cups comes up in this position, you can put down your burden; you have reached the Promised Land. Spread before you is the fulfillment of the prophesy, the rewards for your labors. This is the place where you can rest, be safe and be taken care of for a while. Celebrate and relax; you are no longer struggling with old limitations and obstacles. Celebrate the impressive advancement you have made. You can be confident that the benefits of this experience will last and not leave you. It’s like a momentary return to Eden, where life is simple, nourishing and joyful. Revel in it, relax and refresh yourself — soon enough the mundane realities will return. Let yourself enjoy this experience of joy fully.
7: Near Future
Prepare for some serious personal work.

With Temperance in this position, it appears that an opportunity will come to speed up your evolution, but don’t expect it to be fun. This process will force you to deal with blocked feelings until you break through the denial and resistance that keeps you stuck. Undertake this process with the courage of a good heart. It will help you free yourself from old resentments, self pity and the secret list of grudges you keep. You deserve the purified consciousness that lies on the other side of this process. Seize the opportunity when it comes along. The benefits will be abundant.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
You have temporarily lost faith in your inner resources and innate wisdom.

When The Strength card appears in this position, you lack confidence in your natural ability to deal with life’s day to day threats and challenges. You are out of touch with your instinctive sense of right action. Neither denying your innate abilities, nor inviting some kind of catastrophic confrontation, you can get back in touch with your powers of charisma, persuasion, and moral example. Don’t denigrate these gentler forms of Strength — often they are more effective than the forceful ones.
9: Allies
The richness of a passionate lifestyle is being modeled for you.

The Devil card in this position suggests that you have a friend, co-worker or mentor who is juicy, lively, uninhibited — a no-holds-barred personality. This is someone who doesn’t live in a world of fear, who fully lives the rich spectrum of feelings, sensitivities, and sensations that life offers. He or she is not ashamed to respond to and interact with a broad spectrum of life forms and possible worldviews. This fully realized, multi-dimensional being models a wholly engaged life. You will benefit by studying the unorthodox but fulfilling ways this person occupies his or her space. See if you can import a little of this kind of charisma into your life.
10: Advice
Resort to the body and its unique wisdom; trust it as your best support for now.
The Moon in this position advises that you trust your instincts and intuitions, body knowledge and experience. Your natural body, connected to all the orders of living things, is wiser, sharper and quicker on the uptake than your cultivated, civilized self. The mind is not prepared for strange oceanic circumstances and it has no game plan. Your intuitive body will support you unerringly if you don’t interfere with or try to control it. The supreme meditation — witnessing everything, doing nothing about it, and letting Nature carry you — is your best option in this situation.
11: Long-Term Potential
You have no idea where this situation will lead: it’s entirely undetermined.
When the Fool is in this position, the potential for something good to happen is great, but what form it will take is completely unpredictable. Unfolding events are breaking all your rules; it’s never happened this way before. Roll with the punches. Don’t be hard on yourself for being unprepared. This is one of those times when you are not an actor but merely a witness. Attempting to control the situation will not keep you safe; trust in the larger forces that govern events. Relax into the flow of change; move with it, not against it.

Friday, October 21, 2005 at 9:07:11 AM
Question: In my past I had no trustworthy faculties and lived in circumstances that ensured my demise, never with a future. Faith in God without any logic was my only tool, miracles or “Acts of God” like lightning [Uranus] got me a life despite significant statistical probabilities proving otherwise. If I had trusted my logic and sense I would have died.

Horoscope Spread
The Seven of Swords
is the card of mental preparedness, acquired through the use of imagination, the rehearsing and visualizing of desired achievements. A representative phrase might be "the habit of mind of a natural winner." The image most often associated with this card is that of a canny warrior who has infiltrated into the enemy camp on the eve of a fateful battle, checking out their preparations and stealing their swords -- a move guaranteed to demoralize them and undermine their performance in the upcoming confrontation.
Putting it in modern terms, those who draw this card needs to "work smarter, not harder," think long and deep, study all the angles, and put themselves in the shoes of their competition. As a result, they will have such a thorough grasp of the whole situation that there will be no surprises -- and no excuses for anything but success. Advance preparation justifies the optimism of the "natural winner."
1: House of Identity
The inheritor of prestige and influence is also required to meet certain obligations.

With the Ten of Coins in this position, you are the proper inheritor of a family tradition or ethic that makes you an important person in your community. This underlying heritage may have so thoroughly permeated your history and development that you have gone to special lengths to be distinct from it, to avoid becoming swallowed by it. Living up to this legacy can feel like a burden, but it is yours to bear both literally and karmically and it would be wrong to reject it. Obviously this situation provides you with stability and security, but it also creates special obligations. Maturity and sobriety are great allies to a person who has been given so much in terms of money, education, skills or responsibilities.
2: House of Work
A rising tide of opportunity is lifting everyone’s spirits.
When the Three of Wands is in this position a new spirit of excitement and innovation is emerging in your environment. Everyone around you feels the effects, even though it may be temporary. The winds are whipping up; adventure and creativity are in the air. Take advantage of this energy field of inspired optimism.
3: House of Ideas
What brings sorrow may also give rise to feelings of liberation.
With the Nine of Swords in this position, you are facing the paradox that what is cause for grief and sorrow can also produce a great release. Sometimes the catastrophe you fear the worst is actually the end of an impossible situation; this may be one of those times. Consider the possibility that binding obligations to an old situation are now ended. You are now free to choose your own direction, to explore and grow beyond circumstances that used to hold you in. The very fact that this is happening indicates your readiness to make this transition. Somewhere beneath the distress and loss is a reserve of strength that has been building for this kind of opportunity. Point yourself toward healing, release from bondage, and freedom from suffering. Focus on the positive. Collect visions and ideas that will help you rise above feelings of hopelessness.
4: House of the Family
One of your early teachers gave you remarkable insights into the art of loving.

The Queen of Cups in this position suggests that in your formative years you had a close relationship with someone very wise. This person could perceive your loving nature and make sense of mysterious things that you were feeling and experiencing in your life. Serving as a sort of oracle for you, she or he told you what was going on which you couldn’t fully understand. This person may no longer reside in your outer world, but you still have their voice, image or inner viewpoint within yourself. Turn to this inner model of empathy, kindness and generosity. Give yourself the blessing of their wisdom over and over. You will benefit greatly by paying attention to this inner voice.
5: House of Magic
Having gained some official approval, your chances for success have improved.

With the Hierophant in this position, your course of action or your goal has been acknowledged and supported by an institution that has significant social respect and clout. This may have required that you tempered some of your idiosyncrasies. The payoff is that your talents will be understood and assimilated by a broader audience. Be grateful that this opportunity has come to you and try not to be too restless under the yoke of tradition.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Your capacity to inspire and persuade encourages others to contribute their best.
When the Queen of Wands falls in this position, you may be called upon to inspire others and help them understand the meaning and higher benefits of staying on task. You are in the process of learning what it means to be the kind of person others strive to be and are motivated by. You provide a figurehead for the group vision; you design the dream. As a result, your approval alone becomes reward enough to inspire others to put forth necessary effort and achieve their utmost. Use your influence and position to motivate others to rise to their personal best.
7: House of Relationships
The group dynamic is softening into an easy, loving, playful stage that will facilitate future successes.

With the Three of Cups in this position, it appears as if you are coming into a time where you have understanding instead of miscommunication and frustration. Instead of friction and competition, you have mutual support and cooperation. It’s a wonderful feeling, especially after the stress and challenge of the past. Continue to open your heart, keep loving each other, and hold to an optimistic view of the future. A strong affirmation for you is right around the corner; it will have been worth the uncertainty and emotional risks that were taken.
8: House of Secrets
Card: The Magician
Don’t despair; have confidence in your abilities.
When the Magus appears in this position, you are not giving yourself credit for your own innate genius and creativity. Perhaps you take your highest qualities for granted, thinking they are ordinary, that everyone is like this. But things that are going on in your psyche, dream life and imagination are unique. You are a channel for a certain rare kind of energy. If you don’t use it, you and others will miss out. There may be obstacles, but know that there is an important place for you, an important role for you to play. If you can stop talking yourself out of believing that, you will begin to experience it.
9: House of Visions
A break is opening for you now; gather your energy and will in order to move forward.

The Four of Cups in this position suggests that no matter how helpless, undermined or overwhelmed you may have been feeling about your current situation, a positive path of action with support is now emerging. You have an ally who wants to come forward on your behalf. This benefactor is there to provide an opening. If you can summon your energy and follow up on it, your willpower will liberate you. It is necessary, however, that you shake off the hypnotic undertow that has been holding you back, and move quickly to catch up with the tide of events.
Have faith that positive change is possible. Gather your energy to respond enthusiastically to offers of assistance.
10: House of Reputation
Study the responsibilities you have inherited rather than just look at the advantages they represent.

The Four of Coins in this position signifies a young person, naive and pampered, who has been left an estate. Think conscientiously about all those people whom your activities impact, including those whose work and effort went into building what you inherited and those whose welfare depends to any extent upon your right management. What you’ve been given is abundant but not limitless. If you are prudent and responsible, the endowment will grow. But if you are frivolous or foolish, your behavior could undermine both what you have received and the well being of others who are connected to it. This is a test.
11: House of the Future
Give up the path you have pursued and stop wasting energy. Rebuild bridges to meaningful relationships.
The Five of Cups in this position says that if you continue to follow the course of action you have been pursuing, you will come to realize you’ve wasted quite a bit of energy. This lesson may come at a high cost if you stubbornly drag things out. Consider cutting your losses now, throwing no more good energy after bad, spending no more time defending an irrational position or an unrealistic expectation. Be humble and try to rebuild relationships which have seen some wear and tear. Perhaps it’s time to apologize, trim emotions or modify your behavior so you can attune with others whom you really care about.
12: House of Surrender
Don’t hoard your talent for resourcefulness and practical knowledge; those around you can benefit from them.

The Queen of Coins in this position requires that you be willing when necessary to give of your good sense, practical knowledge and resources even when there is no guarantee of exchange or repayment. You possess something that is needed in the world. This is a different responsibility than simply owning a product that some people will pay for because it entertains them or makes their life easy. What you possess and trade in is vital to the well being of people, and for you to withhold it until full payment is received is a karmically wrong move. There are times when you need to bow to circumstances and this is one of them. It would be a mistake not to share from your abundance.

Friday, October 21, 2005 at 9:18:53 AM
Question: YHWH told Abraham to kill his first-born son, fundamentally against His laws and Abraham went to do it but when his knife was lifted god intervened to stop him and tell him it was a test of faith he needed to prove, probably more to Abraham. Back in 1994, my husband woke me up and said I was sick and he wanted take me to emergency. I put on my coat and we went. I had no symptoms, the nurse thought we were nuts, but soon my arm swelled. I had flesh-eating disease.

Horoscope Spread
The Eight of Wands
often shows a flight of spears or staffs moving through the air in formation, as if a hidden group of archers had let fly all at once. The title of the card will often echo the idea of swiftly unfolding events, whether of intentional design or unpremeditated. There are also versions that emphasize the agricultural cycle, paralleling the yearly crop cycle with the swift growth of children into adults with children of their own.
In each case, the emphasis is on the necessity of change and the challenge of keeping up with it. With the turning of the seasons we are constantly being plunged into precipitous change, and there is no remedy but to live with that in mind. Speed up! Get Busy! Do it now! There is no time to waste!

1: House of Identity
Clarify your motives before you get involved. Determine whether you are acting outside your role or not.
With the Page of Swords in this position, you are playing the part of a canny investigator who is quietly gathering intelligence, listening behind the scenes, perceiving unfolding trends and probabilities. Some call the Page the spy or the watchman. He can also be seen as a messenger. At his best, he faithfully transmits information that has been entrusted to him. The temptation to editorialize and color the message is great, however, making it important when this card appears in this position to know your motives. Know why you are getting involved so deeply. What’s driving your impulse to be part of the dialogue? Is there an urge to act beyond your mandate rather than function as a clear representative of truth? Be certain before you take on this role.
2: House of Work
Refuse to believe that you know anything. Stay fluid.

When the Moon is in this position, the leadership of your world has collapsed and fallen in on itself. Things are not what they seem any more. Everyone seems delusional, claiming their illusion is legitimate and absolute. Battle lines are being drawn. It may be best to slink into the shadows and wait this situation out. If you must navigate this landscape, stay in the light as much as you can, and steer a middle course between extremes. Whatever could possibly happen, will. Stay alert and you can avoid getting sucked into any vortexes.
3: House of Ideas
Wake up and take action; arouse others to foment change as well.

When the Four of Cups is in this position, you are challenged to awaken earlier than others from the collective trance and capture a glimpse of what is truly going on. So, shake off the slumber and get activated; be the harbinger of change. Help others come to attention as well. Of course, only those who have ears to hear and eyes to see will agree the time has come for change. Those few people who wake up early make all the difference in how the situation unfolds when it finally penetrates the collective consciousness. Decide to be ahead of the learning curve compared to those around you.
4: House of the Family
The most emotionally honest people you have known have also been the most independent and self reliant.
The Queen of Swords in this position suggests that somewhere in your past you had an excellent role model available to you who was an assertively self defined person. She spoke her piercing insights in a clear and truthful way, without sparing anyone, not even herself. Having known such a lucid being is very helpful to you. That person’s voice still speaks to your subconscious, reminding you that you know what is going on and what needs to be done. Increase the volume of that internal voice, so that it’s with you on a regular basis, because this is part of your inherited wisdom. This voice is helping you be centered, define your boundaries, get ready to state your truth and assert what you want and need. Apply this quality to your current situation.
5: House of Magic
Keep your own best interests at heart; beware of the temporary comfort of inertia.
With the Nine of Swords in this position, the influence of a painful period is passing. But if you let it ease out of your consciousness, ignoring that it ever happened, you won’t learn how it came about and you’ll be doomed to repeat it. Perhaps you were careless in looking after your own best interests. You may have let yourself get blind-sided, seduced or led out on a limb, perhaps offering trust before it was earned. This is not a random event in your life. You have to analyze how you came to the present situation, so you can prevent it from becoming a repeating pattern in your life.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Give yourself permission to be both judge and jury in this situation.
When the King of Swords comes up in this position, it suggests that your natural wisdom is coming to the fore. You are discovering the sage within yourself. To follow this path requires letting go of habitual reactions. Your Higher Power wants you to realize that you must help raise the collective consciousness to a higher standard of balance and fairness. You can and should wield the Sword of Truth that separates exaggeration and self serving rationalizations from the truth.
7: House of Relationships
As a new path to the future opens up for you, leave conflict behind. Be harmonious.
With the Six of Swords in this position, an imminent opportunity for change will be presenting itself. Seize the chance to let go of your present situation and its conflicts for a realm that is free from problems of the past. Opportunities are opening in new directions; bring the best of your knowledge with you and leave contention behind. Detach your heart and mind from past friction as you put physical distance between yourself and the competitive, conflicting agendas of the past. You can start fresh in new circumstances if you change your way of thinking so as not to remain attached to old problems.
8: House of Secrets
Take responsibility and find solutions rather than dwelling on problems or finding fault.
When the Four of Swords is in this position, you seem to be assigning blame rather than taking responsibility for your part. This “keeping score” behavior builds up resentment against friends and colleagues. As others feel your attitude souring and receive little or no communication about what’s wrong, they withdraw. This initiates a trend toward unhealthy isolation. Resist every temptation to catalogue your resentments or rehash your turbulent feelings. Make an effort to move your attention from the problem to the solution. A more positive train of thought will open more options to you.
9: House of Visions
Withhold action until you consult experienced guides; they can provide profound insight into your options.

The Two of Wands in this position challenges you to discern your full spectrum of choices. Guides are available who can provide realistic insights into your choices, help you evaluate the implications of your options and intercept any hasty decisions. Ask your mentors and elders to assess their lives and the fruits of their labors — not in terms of fame or monetary achievement but on deeper levels. If you don’t get them to reveal information and insights beyond the obvious, you may miss the essential message for you now. This is an important time to make good choices. A small deviation in your path today can create a widening wedge of change in your life tomorrow.
10: House of Reputation
Identify your passions and build your mission around them.
The Five of Wands in this position counsels you to find your natural ambition. Identify what energizes you, what you would fight for, what you are passionate about, even when you’re tired or discouraged, and make that the centerpiece of your mission. This is how you find right livelihood; this is how you finally establish your path of service.
11: House of the Future
Develop your skills in healing and mediation.

With the Knight of Cups in this position, there is a potential to become an effective mediator, one who can bring forth healing. This Knight heals the rift between generations and restores bonds between people whose communication has suffered. He mends the ripped fabric of family relations and missed connections. In his humility, he is the first to recognize his own mistakes, misunderstandings and self-involvement. You have the opportunity to serve well using the wisdom you have gained on your outward journeys. Be a warrior of the open heart and help others to own the strength of their love.
12: House of Surrender
Trust the flow; relax and surrender.

The Queen of Cups in this position requires that you suspend your rational urge to control for a while and allow yourself to be emotionally swept up into the feeling of the moment. Something harmonious and healing is wanting to happen and you should go with this flow. The situation requires you to be calm. Stop trying to control things; just wait until the situation shows you what it requires. Release your attachment to the outcome. When you do so you will go easier on yourself, which will help you to see the larger reason events unfold as they do.

Friday, October 21, 2005 at 9:26:05 AM
Question: I was quarantined for 3 weeks, my arm like raw hamburger and weeping fluid with a line to my shoulder showing blood poisoning—systemic infection. a crew of doctors came and left stymied. the nurse told me my IV was their medicine cabinet short of the kitchen sink. some years later I got my first rheumatologist who had worked my floor then. he recognized me, told me I shouldn’t have an arm let alone a life and called me a walking miracle.

Horoscope Spread
The Eight of Wands
often shows a flight of spears or staffs moving through the air in formation, as if a hidden group of archers had let fly all at once. The title of the card will often echo the idea of swiftly unfolding events, whether of intentional design or unpremeditated. There are also versions that emphasize the agricultural cycle, paralleling the yearly crop cycle with the swift growth of children into adults with children of their own.
In each case, the emphasis is on the necessity of change and the challenge of keeping up with it. With the turning of the seasons we are constantly being plunged into precipitous change, and there is no remedy but to live with that in mind. Speed up! Get Busy! Do it now! There is no time to waste!

1: House of Identity
True justice balances the scales to serve the greater good.
The Justice card asks you to distinguish between desire and need. Justice carries the scales and sword of legal probity, but in her heart she is attempting to understand what is behind the conflict so she can meet the needs on both sides. Justice is not always meted equally across the board, however. Sometimes one side must be treated differently than the other. The fundamental concept is the greatest good for the greatest number.
2: House of Work
When self interest undermines unity, help others learn how to cooperate in a common cause.

When the Five of Swords is in this position, polarizing forces in your immediate environment are destroying the possibility of teamwork or a group effort. Such forces pit individuals against each other in a way that stops the greater flow of progress, creativity and mutual support. Help those around you see beyond petty divisiveness. This may require challenging them to look for the real causes of their bickering. Is there a chance that too much “I, me, mine” thinking is undermining the teamwork, that self interest is temporarily eroding unity? This is not a favorable trend. If there’s anything you can do to keep it from getting worse, it’s up to you to attempt to do it at this time.
3: House of Ideas
Be prepared to change your point of view; use analytical thinking to see that which you have been overlooking.
The Six of Swords in this position challenges you to examine the technical aspects of your current situation. Logical, rigorous analysis will empower you now, substantially clarifying important issues. When unseen patterns become visible, you will realize with surprise that they were active all along. You have to first reorganize your mind in order to clearly see factors you usually take for granted. Don’t wait for someone else’s solution. Reach deep into yourself and confirm that you have what it takes to figure this out. If you study the situation, you will know just what to do.
4: House of the Family
Refrain from aggravating an old, deep wound; be gentle with yourself.

The Ten of Swords in this position points to a significant loss in your history, an old tragedy which still impacts you. It is occasionally re-stimulated, giving rise to emotional eruptions others cannot understand. As this old, deep, painful theme rumbles and rises within you again, you might wonder how to keep it from interfering with your life now. The answer may be to just be still, rather than reacting or trying to distract yourself in some way. Whatever you decide to do, do it with care, gentleness and compassion for yourself. Tread gently, staying aware of those old wounds. This is the time to focus on being a good parent to your wounded inner child; don’t wait until you are totally drained and desperate.
5: House of Magic
The time of trusting surrender and blissful learning is passing.

The Page of Cups in this position has just emerged from a blissful period of innocence and naiveté. Perhaps you were rudely awakened or just gradually accumulated more perception of the vicissitudes of life. In either case, you cannot continue to respond like the completely open protégé who trusts unconditionally and suspects nothing. That stage is over. Now you must accept a more mature level of wisdom and responsibility. This card’s placement represents the passing of a student phase in your life.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Profound insight gives you a clear sense of self direction.

When the Ace of Swords presents in this position, your Higher Self is blessing you with profoundly penetrating vision. By shifting your point of focus beyond the foreground, you have achieved perspective and long range vision. Like an archer in the woods, you are able to shoot between the trees and hit the bull’s eye. Not only are you gifted with clarity of vision, you also command a panoramic overview at this time. You can see the whole with all its parts and all their interconnections. Be grateful that your connection with your Higher Power is open enough to grant you such perspective, insight and clear sense of direction. In gratitude and humility, ask your greater self for your best course of action. You may already have received the answer.
7: House of Relationships
Prepare for some serious personal work.

With Temperance in this position, it appears that an opportunity will come to speed up your evolution, but don’t expect it to be fun. This process will force you to deal with blocked feelings until you break through the denial and resistance that keeps you stuck. Undertake this process with the courage of a good heart. It will help you free yourself from old resentments, self pity and the secret list of grudges you keep. You deserve the purified consciousness that lies on the other side of this process. Seize the opportunity when it comes along. The benefits will be abundant.
8: House of Secrets
Let go of self-criticism and worry; accept that you are the right person for the job.

The Emperor in this position is suggesting that your inner judge or critic is too severe. Perhaps you let messages of self-criticism and self-doubt play over and over again in your mind. You think you can’t live up to the challenges you are facing. That could be true, but you must understand that it’s irrelevant to the current situation. In truth, no one else could better fulfill a delegation of responsibility or leadership. You are it. No amount of excuses or self deprecation will save you. No matter how the inner critic argues about your unworthiness or un-readiness, you can’t stall any longer. Roll up your sleeves, respond to the challenge and create change. There will be time to judge and worry about perfection after the job is done.
9: House of Visions
Let the shining support of a radiant friend uplift you.
The Sun in this position suggests there is a person in your environment who can look in on your situation and illuminate dark, shadowy corners you have been struggling with. This person can uplift the entire scene with optimism and affirmation. Spend time with this inspiring person or circumstance. Be lifted by his or her contagious energy. Allow it to infect you and help you raise your sights and broaden your horizons.
10: House of Reputation
Think of yourself as someone who can embolden others to refine their skills and talents and use them successfully.
The Six of Coins in this position asks you to think of yourself as a cosmic talent agent, seeking individuals who show a spark or gift and helping them refine their act and upgrade their skills to fit a larger context. The outcome is a peer relationship with a sense of mutual regard and admiration. This is a delicate operation—you have to constantly check your intentions so that you are not expecting something back. In truth what you are doing is paying an old debt to those who mentored you.
11: House of the Future
A coming decision is crucial to your future; imagine where you would like to be and steer the process.
The Two of Wands in this position points out the crucial importance of a coming decision which will affect your life for years to come. It is now necessary to use your keenest insight and most compelling self examination, because you will live with this decision for a long time. Conceptualize your role in the unfolding; imagine where you want to end up and take action to stay on course. You’ve only just started on this journey but your intuition, which you must pay close attention to, already understands the potentials.
12: House of Surrender
Sacrifice some privacy. Showcase your efforts; don’t be shy about taking credit.
The Eight of Coins in this position indicates that it is time to stand up for your work by telling the world about your ideas or displaying your artistry. The only way to convey to the world the value of your efforts is by putting your work into circulation. Now is the time to become visible to those people you have been neglecting to see, under the guise of being too busy working. No doubt your routine will be disturbed, your time of hermitage will be over. You have to embrace the risk of losing some privacy in order to get your works into the hands they were made for.

Friday, October 21, 2005 at 9:44:48 AM
Question: When I’m on the wrong track my computer shuts down. I was addressing action from meditation. at times when I go to my brain center to activate it in prayer, Spirit won’t complete shuffling the deck. Then I open my eyes and tell him to use my hands and I stay empty-headed, looking at the tea I’m going to drink and such. the deck goes 100% effortlessly, in a snap.

Horoscope Spread
The Five of Coins
is the card of desire and gratification, expressed in classical tradition as flattery, promises, both the seducer and the object of his seduction. There is an undeniable excitement pictured in the attraction of opposites, and we have all had delightful moments of magnetism with a stranger. However, if promises are only spoken to achieve short-term gratification with no intent of follow-through, or the attraction appears as competition to the relationships one should be concentrating on, the long-term cost won't be worth the thrill of the chase.
The implication is that the appearances of a viable relationship does not always bear out, so don’t put anything of real value at risk over this infatuation. And since the suit here is Coins, this is as likely to be related to business as to pleasure. Try to remove glamour from your thinking.

1: House of Identity
Cultivate your investments using good timing and skillful management; protect your interests.

The Horseman of Coins in this position portrays you as someone who is responsible, patient, and of practical service. You realize that with right timing and proper attention, wise investments multiply, like a field which has been cultivated. This does not have to do with greed or even the profit motive as we think of it now. Your contribution is like that of the farmer who sows a field of grain for the sake of the entire community. Your service does not stop there, however. The crop must be allowed to grow unmolested by predators or thieves. That’s another reason we need to summon forth the stalwart knight who can be trusted to protect and defend the community and its harvest. This card implies generous usefulness of all types.
2: House of Work
Because you are not able to overcome forces larger than yourself, cease resisting.
When the Ten of Swords is in this position, the anticipated project or goal seems to be going down Normalcy has been disrupted, there is a certain amount of chaos. This situation is not necessarily fatal to you or your loved ones, but it is a radical shakeup of the prevailing order. You are too small to repair the situation — forces larger than you dominate right now. Since you can’t control the outcome, don’t spend energy trying. Perhaps all you can do is hunker down, cover your head and wait it out. Rely on the good sense Nature gave you and save any remaining energy for starting over later. Know when to cut your losses and detach yourself from circumstances, so you don’t go down with the ship.
3: House of Ideas
You know in your heart you have done what is best for all concerned.
With the Ten of Cups in this position, let yourself relax, knowing your labors are completed. The worst is over and a much improved future lies ahead. You are moving forward to a life very different than the one you inherited. You know that your heroic effort has made a real difference in the way things are now unfolding. Even if you don’t receive all the recognition you have earned, a solid core of self esteem is now your permanent possession. You did the right thing under challenging circumstances; you kept the greater good in mind. Knowing this produces feelings of personal gratification. Now you can lay this situation to rest and learn to live in a totally new way.
4: House of the Family
It has fallen to you to be of assistance to others.
The Six of Coins in this position suggests that the abundance you now have came about in part from someone helping you when you needed support. Now it’s your turn, your karmic responsibility, to see whom you can benefit. Help others bloom so they can become benefactors in their own time and the blessings can be passed on.
5: House of Magic
Having gained some official approval, your chances for success have improved.
With the Hierophant in this position, your course of action or your goal has been acknowledged and supported by an institution that has significant social respect and clout. This may have required that you tempered some of your idiosyncrasies. The payoff is that your talents will be understood and assimilated by a broader audience. Be grateful that this opportunity has come to you and try not to be too restless under the yoke of tradition.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Give yourself permission to be both judge and jury in this situation.
When the King of Swords comes up in this position, it suggests that your natural wisdom is coming to the fore. You are discovering the sage within yourself. To follow this path requires letting go of habitual reactions. Your Higher Power wants you to realize that you must help raise the collective consciousness to a higher standard of balance and fairness. You can and should wield the Sword of Truth that separates exaggeration and self serving rationalizations from the truth.
7: House of Relationships
Be prudent. Concentrate on what is most realistic and practical when it comes to your immediate prospects.
With the Queen of Coins in this position, you will soon have a chance to test your dream against reality. The effort and time you have invested is about to bear magnificent fruit. You are going to find out whether you behave sensibly when there are no external limits on where you spend your energy and money. To maximize what is good about the Queen of Coins, you should immediately focus on what is practical and sensible. Place your funds into sane investments. Otherwise her more exuberant side could take over and your gains will devolve into one long, expensive party.
8: House of Secrets
You forget to direct your optimism toward yourself.
When the Star appears in this position, you may believe that good things never happen to you. In some ways you stand in the way of your natural brightness, goodness and truth. Remember that the same love and service you extend to those around you is also being held for you. Try not to discount or resist your blessings.
9: House of Visions
Show strength by admitting your limitations, then let others turn your excellent start into a success.
The Nine of Wands in this position suggests that the most appropriate action is to accept your limitations, ask for help and turn over the reigns of control to others. As you do so, trust that they can pick up where you left off, make a success of your beginnings and carry the momentum forward maintaining the values you have defined. Your dedication sustains others who are willing to follow in your footsteps. Sometimes it shows strength to admit your weaknesses, and you gain respect rather than lose it. When that opportunity arises, don’t be proud and stubborn; ask for help and seek some peace. Support is available all around you whether you realize it or not.
10: House of Reputation
Hone your communication and negotiation skills so you are at peak effectiveness.
The Horseman of Swords in this position advises you to remain open to conflicting ideas rather than surround yourself with people who agree with you. This knight is most effective when he’s testing his ideas in regular debate. At his best, he knows how to keep the conversation impersonal and humorous so no one’s feelings are hurt or provoked. Practice your negotiation skills so you will be in shape for imminent diplomatic challenges as they arise. A sparring partner could help you learn to control impulsive comments and deflate the urge to make others wrong in order to inflate your own sense of being right.
11: House of the Future
The natural progression of events will bring you into a place of empowerment; your will is not the controlling factor.
With the Six of Cups in this position, if you follow up on the established trend, there is potential to outgrow your previous limitations. Nature itself will push you into a new mode of operation. You don’t have to figure it all out or will yourself into it. The natural flow of these events will eventually release you from feelings of helplessness and emotional vulnerability. You will build back up to a place of strength, self assertiveness and a knowing of your own mind. You are in a situation now where you can make a turnaround and be supported for it. Just follow the trend in good faith.
Position 12: House of Surrender
Give up on trying to be “normal” and relax into your eccentricities.
The Hermit in this position recommends that your unique experiences, the peculiar qualities of consciousness which you move through in a day, are not just the product of a skewed imagination. You are in some ways extra sensitive to the forces which move the weather, roll the tides, and speak through Nature. There is a purpose for your heightened awareness, and you must now determine the right use of these special skills of yours, without concern for the opinions of others. Pursue your studies or embark upon an apprenticeship. Forget about fitting in or even being understood.

Friday, October 21, 2005 at 9:49:38 AM
Question: sometimes I channel by going prayer-mode to access their ’brain’ but more often now I’m told first to channel for someone and then I ’let my hands do the walking on the keyboard’. The Spirit works thru me but almost bypasses me for better results.

Horoscope Spread
18 The Moon

The Moon Arcanum refers to a deep state of sensitivity and imaginative impressionability, developed within a cocoon of deep relaxation. Here we dream and trance, have visions and receive insights, wash in and out with the psychic tides, and experience deep mystical and/or terrifying realities beyond our ordinary senses. The full moon and/or eclipse cycle charted by the Magi (as in some of the earliest Moon images) imply one mechanism that Nature uses to expand consciousness.The variants of the courtly lovers (representing skillful use of the sex force) or the man "sleeping it off" under the tree (use of drugs to alter consciousness) are also traditional avenues for touching into the primal body/mind. Human interest in knowledge of "higher states" propels us to the frontiers of consciousness, where we cannot always control what happens. This Arcanum represents the ultimate test of a soul's integrity, where the barrier is removed between the self and the Unknown, and the drop reenters the Ocean of Being. What transpires next is between the soul and its Maker.

1: House of Identity
Judge well and wisely; you are the one with the final say.

The King of Swords in this position stands for fairness and even handed treatment. He settles disputes, assists in the resolution of conflicts and mediates. Bringing analytical and interrogative skills to bear on whatever the current drama may be, the King of Swords is by consent of his community the impartial adjudicator. He works hard to maintain that reputation and that position. Patient listening and penetrating questions are his signature, and those qualities are just what are presently being asked of you.
2: House of Work
Assess your ambitions and review your alliances so you can personally benefit from new trends arising around you.

When the Six of Wands is in this position, the situation is calling for a charismatic individual who can sweep in, inspire the collective imagination and foment long term change. You may or may not be the one called to present the new movement or project, but you do have an important role to play. If you are careful how you align yourself with the leaders, you and your concerns could be fulfilled by the momentum of the larger movement. Don’t get in the way of this progress.
3: House of Ideas
Changes need to be made steadily but gradually.
Temperance in this position challenges you to gradually phase in changes in lifestyle and outlook, while letting go of old behaviors and thought forms. When we plant new varieties in a garden, we also clean out some of the old. It’s not all accomplished in a day. Healing is a process, not an event. Be patient and persevere. Blend the medicine with careful attention to detail. Focus your will. Repeat the solution. Remember that too much is as bad as too little. Keep things in balance as you slowly and steadily change the composition of your energy from the old to the new.
4: House of the Family
Apply the benefits you have secured for yourself to improving the greater good.
The Nine of Coins in this position suggests that you come from a situation of being valued and supported which gave you the inner permission to seek what pleases and fulfills you. Identify the personal touchstones that help you feel nourished and safe and indulge in them regularly — you will then be more generously disposed toward the needs of others. There really is no conflict between treating yourself well and being in service to the greater good. Enjoy the benefits you have earned for yourself and let your overflow improve the world around you.
5: House of Magic
Compassionate support and generosity have touched your life.
The Empress in this position points to a brush with the Goddess. She is the archetype of compassionate Nature who supports humanity with her wisdom and love. Perhaps you recently felt inspired by some experience of the generosity and healing power of the divine feminine. You were reminded that you are not an orphan, but cherished and protected. Meditate on your relationship to this caring Force. The remembrance that there is love for you will help you face the world with greater confidence.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Your enthusiasm and creative approach are infectious and can inspire others to rise to your level.

When the Page of Coins comes up in this position, you are being recognized as the archetype of “the good student.” You inspire others with your enthusiastic and creative approach to endeavors. Your sense of purpose inspires those around you, stimulating and improving the quality of everyone’s contribution. Let your work be recognized; let it shine. Don’t let shyness or false modesty deprive you of acknowledgment lest you sabotage the recognition you deserve. Understand your contribution for what it is, one piece in the larger scheme of things, and the world will be grateful that you shared.
7: House of Relationships
Surrender the illusion of control and turn the situation over to the capable hands of others.
With the Nine of Wands in this position, no heroic cause is big enough to be worth the damage which will be done to yourself if you don’t take a break. Sometimes that means swallowing your pride and passing the wand of power to someone else, trusting them to carry it and do the right thing. This is not a sign of weakness — even heroes experience exhaustion. For the sake of your well being and that of others around you, it may be necessary to surrender the illusion of control. Turn the situation over to competent others whom you trust, and leave the field, with an abiding faith that it will all be there for you when you return.
8: House of Secrets
Let go of spiritual perfectionism.
When blocked, the High Priestess may be measuring herself against impossible standards. Remember that practically no one in this world is able to live a wholly pure life. It is impossible to completely shield yourself from the influences and confusions of modern society, nor is it spiritually desirable. Pride makes one spiritually useless. Stop trying to be too good. Credit yourself with high intentions but relax what are really egoistic standards.
9: House of Visions
Someone with the power and influence to create change is interested in your abilities.

The Emperor in this position suggests that powerful interests have noticed you and want to take you under their wing. These influential people are positively disposed toward you. They are not only interested in and approve of you, they bring important resources and connections that will help advance your goals. Consider yourself fortunate if the Emperor is looking in on your endeavors. Try not to waste his time and energy. He is capable and energetic, and he is looking for like-minded people to align himself with. Make an effort to bring to the surface similar qualities from within yourself, so you and the Emperor can meet as equals.
10: House of Reputation
Call your friends together to support you, and trust that the results will be just what you need.

The Three of Cups in this position advises that you call in your friends and fully inform them about what’s going on with you. Seek out the cohorts and co-conspirators who will add substance to your ideas with their talent and imagination. Think of this occasion as a barn raising, where everyone working together makes short shrift of a big job. There is something here for everyone to do. Put yourself in the loving hands of your best friends, so that your trust will be well rewarded. The synergy amongst you enhances each individual’s talent and creativity. You will love the results!
11: House of the Future
The seed has been planted and will grow into a powerful force for good.
The Three of Wands in this position signifies that some small start of yours has within it the power to grow into a long term stable enterprise. You are building the ground floor; use innovative drive and foresight to open an avenue of gain and growth that others can follow. Passionate pursuit of your enterprise can coalesce into a mission and a powerful force that will serve many.
12: House of Surrender
Give more even when you think you have nothing left to give.
The Ace of Coins in this position requires that dig deep and come up with one more strong effort, one more attempt to make things work out. Your mission requires perseverance, steadiness and focus. Work toward completion until you see that you have fully discharged your responsibility. Be trustworthy and of good faith even if other people are not performing their part. Make a special effort to do the part that was assigned to you. Down the road, you will be able to see the importance of any sacrifice, any extra effort you are called upon to make at this time.


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