Sabian Symbols ~ October's 2 Lunar Eclipses
Monday October 3 2005 ~ New Moon, Solar eclipse (a), 10°19 Libra, exact at 12:28
Sabian Symbol for Libra 10
"A Canoe Approaching Safety through Dangerous Waters"
There is a time of calm approaching.
The difficulties in your situation have been arduous,
but they’ve added to your experience to cope with any difficult times that are yet to come.
The calm is a time to review what has past. You’ve come through the most difficult straits.
Soon, you’ll realize that you’re on safe ground.
The calm after the storm. Navigating difficult straits. White water rafting.
There is a time of calm approaching.
The difficulties in your situation have been arduous,
but they’ve added to your experience to cope with any difficult times that are yet to come.
The calm is a time to review what has past. You’ve come through the most difficult straits.
Soon, you’ll realize that you’re on safe ground.
The calm after the storm. Navigating difficult straits. White water rafting.
Risky activities. Personal initiations.
The Caution: Failing to take advantage of the time to rest.
The Caution: Failing to take advantage of the time to rest.
Taking foolhardy risks with the belief that all will be Okay.
Monday October 17 2005 ~ Full Moon, Lunar eclipse (p), 24°13 Aries, exact at 14:14
*Moon at natal angle, exact at 12:39 [NL time]
*Moon at natal angle, exact at 12:39 [NL time]
Sabian Symbol for Aries 24
"An Open Window and a Net Curtain Blowing Into a Cornucopia"
Your mind is open to possibilities that are being ‘blown’ in from the realm of spirit.
"An Open Window and a Net Curtain Blowing Into a Cornucopia"
Your mind is open to possibilities that are being ‘blown’ in from the realm of spirit.
There is an abundance coming that will be self-sustaining.
Look for out of the ordinary opportunities. Realizing that in one’s everyday life, one has it all.
Imagination. Keeping your options open. The promise of fruition.
Imagination. Keeping your options open. The promise of fruition.
The breath of life filling you with inspiration. Open windows and doors.
The Caution: Relying on your spiritual ideas to provide material sustenance, thinking that good luck will just ‘blow in’.
Sabian Symbols - Sabian Symbols Story
The Caution: Relying on your spiritual ideas to provide material sustenance, thinking that good luck will just ‘blow in’.
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