Oct 21 - I Ching
Present: 19 Approach of Spring
Question: we did good work, Spirit!
Spring is approaching. Good times ahead seems inevitable; there is vitality in the air. This is a most auspicious time. Like a snake emerging from hibernation, negative forces are only just beginning to stir, and can be effectively controlled. This is a time of hopeful progress, and must be used to best advantage. When approaching good fortune, conscientious work pays great dividends. A clear road lies ahead.
Act now, for at some point this ripe opportunity for advancement will be reversed. No spring lasts forever. It's always wise to stay alert and note the changing signs of the times.
Spring is always the season of new relationships. In the bounty of good times, new bonds are formed effortlessly. Relationships born in spring can serve well to warm the following autumn and winter.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 1:
When the forces of good begin to prevail, people of influence take notice, and men and women of ability are drawn to the center of action. If you sense such movement, you are well advised to join in. But don't let yourself be swept away by the tide of events.
Future: 07 Organized Discipline
This hexagram represents the quality of likely opportunities and challenges arising from changes that are in process now:
The most successful general is not the one that triumphs on the battlefield, but the one able, through strength of discipline and inner power, to triumph without spilling blood. Likewise, in any large organization the key virtues are discipline and conscientiousness. The most effective platoon marches with a single purpose - a dedication to a lofty common goal which is held dear by all. Otherwise, even with an excess of external discipline, unpopular wars are seldom winnable.
Let power be held in check by the acceptance of a common discipline, and submission to a higher authority for the common good. When life is in balance, evil impulses are checked by human decency; parents die before their children; leaders lead and followers follow. If you hold or aspire to a position of leadership, remember that the true leader captures the hearts of the people, and articulates a clear, simple vision which binds them together.
In the realm of government, the relationship between the army and state is critical. Only when the state is economically prosperous can the army be strong. Only when the army is disciplined can the state be protected from disruptive outside forces. For this balance to be preserved, government must be steady, and mild toward its own people. When balancing strong complimentary forces, modesty and generosity at the center can be a magnetic force which keeps the relationships intact. Solidarity among all elements is essential for success at this time.
10:44 AM
Present: 58 Joy
Question: you gave me 7 at 11th hour of my last Saturn Retrograde. Are we ready to do 7 for peaceful life?
A joy that is shared suggests a group of friends playing, or a carefree young girl singing to herself while engaged in her work. Happiness is rising within, and spreading out into the world!
Joy comes into the world through gentle means, but springs from a solid inner base. The power of pure joy should not be underestimated. The enjoyment of learning and discovery, for example, has been the source of much material progress. Accordingly, that which brings joy into the world is a source of considerable power.
If happiness is supported by personal stability, it will in time wear down the stiffest barrier and win over the hardest heart. True joy is a beacon in the world, and though it is indeed rare, its presence is an indication of great good fortune, both now and in the future. How could it be otherwise?
You cast several changing lines, which indicates a number of changing possibilities in the situation.
The first changing line is Line 1: Living a life of quiet, self-contained joy is the height of good fortune. Eat when you are hungry, sleep when you are sleepy, take your pleasures as you will - what could be better?
The second changing line is Line 2: True joy is incompatible with any pleasure which cannot also be fully appreciated and relished the morning after. Take this lesson to heart.
The third changing line is Line 4: When a variety of pleasures abound, it furthers one to be decisive. Failure to act in face of pleasing options is as self-defeating as failure to act in the face of danger. Inner peace is fostered more through a willingness to live life fully, on its own terms, than from an over-developed sense of propriety.
The fourth changing line is Line 5: When a period of joyousness begins to degenerate, problems always arise. However sincere you are, it is possible to become involved with unworthy circumstances or people. Only by recognizing this tendency, and guarding against it, can you avoid pitfalls.
Future: 02 The Receptive
This hexagram represents the quality of likely opportunities and challenges arising from changes that are in process now:
Great receptivity attracts exceptional results. A natural responsiveness brings about success through support and perseverance, rather than through bold action. Thus, the wise person demonstrates strength like a powerful but gentle mare. This hexagram, consisting of all yin lines, represents a power of the feminine principle no longer honored in our modern world, but such receptivity is most auspicious.
The receptive force is sensual as well as powerful, and it can be missed by too much talk and planning. When spring comes, does the grass "plan" to grow? This is a time to concentrate on realities rather than potentials - with how to respond to a situation rather than how to direct it. The mature mare lets herself be guided by a higher power, and is skilled at graceful acceptance. In a strong spiritual way, her quiet contribution is most effective, and brings success.
Do not be too assertive at this time, for if you try to direct things, you are liable to become confused or alienated. Take your time. Draw strength from carefulness and you will be doubly fortunate. Focus more on feeling than on action. Be broad and deep in your attitudes so that you can accept everything that comes your way with grace and equanimity. Be receptive and spacious like the ocean; let the river of changing developments flow to you. Allow others to take the lead for now. Strive for a pure natural responsiveness that is based on inner strength rather than outer show.
10:50 AM
Present: 33 Retreat
Question: Piscean Age ushered in by one man, Aquarian by all good people?
All worthy goals meet resistance of some kind. When negative forces predominate, a well-timed retreat is necessary in order to stay on the path to success. Tibetans know this.
Strategic retreat is not to be confused with escape or surrender. Successful retreat demands quick and nimble movement - taking up a new position before you are damaged severely by the current situation. You are not admitting defeat by such action, but simply increasing your options, and preserving your resources. Sometimes it is necessary to slow down, let go or move back temporarily in order to develop countermoves for the future. Timing is critical, as is positioning after realignment. Considerations of personal security are critical.
Periods of withdrawal or retreat call for cool-headedness. It is necessary to keep your wits about you. Attend to small details while allowing yourself time to contemplate the whole picture. Be creative; not all progress follows a straight line. Self-confidence is also essential; small setbacks can easily become defeats if we allow ourselves to become mired in self-doubt or self-pity.
Waves of progress are, by their nature, short-lived. Learn to attune yourself to the up-and-down cycles of life. When the wave is behind you, ride it in; when it's not, lie low. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you can "fix" any situation whenever you feel like it. Some things are bigger than you are. Hold your pride in check and you will be better prepared to find creative openings.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.
The first changing line is Line 5: If precisely the right moment is selected for retreat, the withdrawal can be effected quickly and smoothly, and with all the proper amenities observed. The key is resolute action - and taking advantage of the element of surprise. Once your mind is made up, move!
The second changing line is Line 6: When all signs point to retreat or resignation, the proper course of action must be followed without regret. Sometimes great issues resolve themselves; in such cases, it doesn't help you to remain attached to futile goals and ambitions. The most successful approach is a cheerful acceptance of fate, and a willingness to proceed along the open road - even if it leads you into unfamiliar realms. If you can leave them smiling, great success.
Future: 62 Attention to Detail
This hexagram represents the quality of likely opportunities and challenges arising from changes that are in process now:
Ambitious undertakings are not in order now, but attention to small matters brings progress. Such is the case of a person whose resources are meager, but who, through modesty and perseverance, rises to accomplish great things.
The key to success when the small potential dominates the large scene is to avoid pretentious ambitions and grandiose goals. The power of the small is served by slow and steady advancement, and succeeds through an honest awareness of its own limitations, without reservation.
Modesty stemming from recognizing your limitations is a fine quality, but it can be seen as weakness if it is not accompanied by conscientiousness. It is very important, therefore, to understand the demands of your situation, and not to expect success in big things right now. The wise person recognizes the nature of the time. So, know your own role, carefully attend to details and act with humility, and you can achieve success even with few resources.
10:55 AM
Present: 15 Humility
Question: we don't know what to do, only Omniscient has plan - now what?
Humility is often rewarded in human affairs, just as valleys are filled by the erosion of great mountains. It is the way of the world to fill the empty cup. Regardless of your position, humility is a positive and deceptively powerful attribute. If you are in a high position but are still humble, people will be drawn to you and the causes you espouse. If your position is lowly, humility will endear you to those of higher status. True humility is a virtue to which all should aspire.
The most successful people are those who know how to bring each situation into balance by reducing that which is too great, and adding to that which is too little. Such a person craves not power, but balanced and stable relationships. Humility is the virtue which allows you to perceive the balancing force in each situation; humble people are not prey to the many illusions which grow out of self-importance. If humility is not natural to your disposition, make a conscious effort to develop a strain of self-effacing humor.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 3:
There are few sadder sights than that of someone who is dazzled by his or her own fame, beauty or brilliance. Success for such people is usually short-lived, because in order to persevere to the end, some degree of simple humanity is needed to gain the continued support of others. Conversely, there are few more noble achievements in creation, than that of a person who, despite great success, retains his or her humility.
Future: 02 The Receptive
Great receptivity attracts exceptional results. A natural responsiveness brings about success through support and perseverance, rather than through bold action. Thus, the wise person demonstrates strength like a powerful but gentle mare. This hexagram, consisting of all yin lines, represents a power of the feminine principle no longer honored in our modern world, but such receptivity is most auspicious.
The receptive force is sensual as well as powerful, and it can be missed by too much talk and planning. When spring comes, does the grass "plan" to grow? This is a time to concentrate on realities rather than potentials - with how to respond to a situation rather than how to direct it. The mature mare lets herself be guided by a higher power, and is skilled at graceful acceptance. In a strong spiritual way, her quiet contribution is most effective, and brings success.
Do not be too assertive at this time, for if you try to direct things, you are liable to become confused or alienated. Take your time. Draw strength from carefulness and you will be doubly fortunate. Focus more on feeling than on action. Be broad and deep in your attitudes so that you can accept everything that comes your way with grace and equanimity. Be receptive and spacious like the ocean; let the river of changing developments flow to you. Allow others to take the lead for now. Strive for a pure natural responsiveness that is based on inner strength rather than outer show.
10:59 AM
Present: 18 Repairing the Damage
Question: hard to understand 2-yin or teach it or be it - even harder to do every day
Like a hang-over, something has been spoiled and it is time to repair the damage. In the world of human affairs, indulgence and corruption grow like weeds in an untended garden; they must be faced squarely, and rooted out through bold action. Eliminating the carelessness which often leads to corruption is one of the most ennobling of all human enterprises, and can clear the way for fresh, new beginnings.
Correcting the mistakes of the past is not an easy task, especially if one does not recognize the gravity of the situation. The time has come to become lean and efficient. The weeds must be rooted out now, before the whole garden is lost. Fighting decay, sloppiness and corruption is not a simple matter; all steps must be evaluated carefully, and planning must precede action. Resist the temptation to strike out prematurely. Gather strength behind you, and marshall your inner resources, because arresting decay is no simple matter. When you do act, make your strike as precise and clear as the path of the surgeon's knife.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 2:
In attempting to repair difficult situations which involve long-standing relationships, a certain lightness of spirit is called for. Among friends and intimates, a well-timed jest can be an effective lance. Righteous indignation, on the other hand, is more like a crude bomb - and one that is liable to blow up in your face.
Future: 52 Keeping Still
Regular periods of keeping still are an important aspect of personal development and forward motion. The most restful person may not be the one who sleeps twelve hours a day, but the one able to grab catnaps while cruising at 500 miles-per-hour at 35,000 ft. Learning to act when it is time to act, and to keep still when it is time to keep still, is the key to obtaining the peace of mind which helps one stay focused when clear focus is needed.
Consider the spine, which serves as a switchboard for all the nerves of the body which mediate movement. When the spine is kept flexible and healthy through proper rest and relaxation, active movement can always be undertaken without strain. When the spine is held erect in a balanced sitting posture, the inner balancing of meditation can take place.
Treat your innate spark of vitality as if it were a candle in the wind - protecting it as though it were your only light in a dark forest on a moonless night. Avoid external conditions which threaten to snuff out the flame, and be careful not to suffocate it with your own ambitions and worries.
Time out. Relax, take your shoes off, and sit a spell. Let go of thinking. Meditate.
11:05 AM
Present: 01 Creative Power
Question: if we don't take ourselves so seriously can we receive God's word better, listen?
The air is ripe with imagination, inspiration and energy. The dragon is an ancient symbol of an electrically charged, dynamic, arousing force that bodes well for creative initiative. If your goals are in alignment with the greater good, your actions will meet with success, but this can only happen if you assert yourself in a positive way. This is a good time to exercise leadership, because you can be strong now. But be forewarned: success turns to failure when strength turns to arrogance.
Believe in your dreams and persevere, and everything around you will flourish. Call upon creative power and let it work through you. Stay focused on your goals; do not let yourself be distracted, or you may lose the power available to you now. And remember that when taking action, success requires good timing.
The condition of things in the present is fairly stable. There are no specific changes indicated right now.
11:07 AM
Present: 48 The Well
Question: Jackpot! How do we do it so Omnipotent make it work?
Throughout various cultures and political systems of the world, the well has served as a universal symbol for that which sustains life and provides a constant, inexhaustible source of nourishment for mankind. For the life-force, in other words.
Like the well, human nature is the same around the world. The passage of time cannot add to its essential dimensions, nor take anything away. Still, just as a well can be deepened to produce clearer, cleaner water, so can we enrich our lives by delving deeply into our essential natures.
Beware of shallow thinking; like a little learning, it can be dangerous. The image of the well suggests that with depth comes clarity. Be patient, and penetrate both problems and your own nature to the core. If you do not lower your bucket to the depths, you're very likely to come up empty. When greater depth is desired, a lessening of speed is often required.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.
The first changing line is Line 2:
The water in the well is clear, but it is not being used. This illustrates the situation of a person who possesses talents that are being neglected. Others may begin to neglect you, if you neglect what is best in yourself. At a time such as this, nothing significant can be accomplished, but no specific bad fortune is indicated either.
The second changing line is Line 3:
The well is clean, but is not being used. This is a shame, for like an abandoned well, your abilities are not being recognized - to your own chagrin, and to the detriment of others also. If someone in a high position (or perhaps the highest part of yourself) recognizes your abilities - then great good fortune.
Future: 08 Holding Together
This hexagram represents the quality of likely opportunities and challenges arising from changes that are in process now:
Holding together brings success. But high-level teamwork is achieved only when a clear goal is shared by the right players on the right team at the right time. A team forms its relationships in a delicate manner; chemistry is brewed in the vat of shared experiences. Late-comers cannot share the same depth of union as earlier members. Whole-hearted commitment is required for team success.
All successful teams have a shared vision and a leader. If a team's leadership is up to the challenge, the team will prosper. In political and business affairs, just as in basketball, it is hard to win without a strong center.
Accept the structure of the team if you wish to receive its benefits - otherwise go off on your own. In holding together with others, cling to your own principles, but be willing to subordinate your personal desires for the good of the group. Perhaps you are contemplating becoming a leader of a group; remember that to become the center of influence binding people together is a considerable challenge and a serious responsibility. Assess yourself carefully first to see if you qualify for this role. If not, it would be better that the group not be formed than for you to lead it without proper preparation.
11:12 AM
Present: 41 Decrease
Question: habit of under-functioning quit if we see spark of Omnipresent in friends, like Communion of Saints?
Increase and decrease are part of the natural cycle of life. As another good book puts it, "To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven." Like a reservoir that is being used to irrigate the fields, learning to accept a decrease in position or material possessions is part of preparing for increase in the future.
We may live in materialistic times, but there is no disgrace in material decrease, particularly if it represents an investment in future gain - even if that gain be in the form of learning or the development of personal character. Likewise, the inner strength that comes from bearing loss can be balanced by a corresponding increase in inner strength and insight. When letting go of material desires leads to a greater simplicity in daily life, good fortune often comes calling.
In nature, the lake evaporates to form the clouds that drop the rain which nurtures the surrounding forest. As the forest grows thick, more rain is captured for the lake. Similarly, an "evaporation" or decrease in one area of your life, may give rise to an eventual increase. A loss of responsibility at work can mean more free time; more free time may generate more career options. A decrease in material possessions can free the spirit and fill the soul.
Be mindful of the lesson of young lovers: even with a minimum of possessions, feelings of the heart can bring an unsurpassed richness to life. The smallest of actions, if sincere, have value. So remain confident, for a time of decrease may actually bode good fortune. Especially if you remain open to that possibility.
Let go of frustration, resistance and regret over whatever may be decreasing at this time. Accept the cycle.
The condition of things in the present is fairly stable. There are no specific changes indicated right now.
11:17 AM
Present: 55 Great Abundance
Question: if we throw out our garbage, have room for humility & enthusiasm, wind in trees [15] & dolphin [16]?
A time of abundance comes into full flower when the powers of a leader are at their peak. The situation is like that of the sun at midday - a high noon of clarity, insight and progress. Such peak periods can be brief. Whether this refers to a national cycle, a business boon or a period of personal abundance, it is important to bale your hay while the sun is shining.
During a period of abundance, it benefits one to show benevolence, to share the fruit of one's good fortune. Think of good deeds now as a hedge against times of scarcity in the future. This reading bodes well in the raising of children, and in the nurturing of a healthy family or any close-knit group.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 1:
To usher in an era of abundance, a mixture of energy and vision is required. Often this combination comes from two people uniting in their efforts. This line indicates that the time is right to seek a partner who can help you advance to the top. Great good fortune in finding the right partner.
Future: 62 Attention to Detail
This hexagram represents the quality of likely opportunities and challenges arising from changes that are in process now:
Ambitious undertakings are not in order now, but attention to small matters brings progress. Such is the case of a person whose resources are meager, but who, through modesty and perseverance, rises to accomplish great things.
The key to success when the small potential dominates the large scene is to avoid pretentious ambitions and grandiose goals. The power of the small is served by slow and steady advancement, and succeeds through an honest awareness of its own limitations, without reservation.
Modesty stemming from recognizing your limitations is a fine quality, but it can be seen as weakness if it is not accompanied by conscientiousness. It is very important, therefore, to understand the demands of your situation, and not to expect success in big things right now. The wise person recognizes the nature of the time. So, know your own role, carefully attend to details and act with humility, and you can achieve success even with few resources.
11:22 AM
Present: 19 Approach of Spring
Question: compassion best abundance & 2 good friends praying means God there to work His plan "Ti + Yo = Manuel"?
Spring is approaching. Good times ahead seems inevitable; there is vitality in the air. This is a most auspicious time. Like a snake emerging from hibernation, negative forces are only just beginning to stir, and can be effectively controlled. This is a time of hopeful progress, and must be used to best advantage. When approaching good fortune, conscientious work pays great dividends. A clear road lies ahead.
Act now, for at some point this ripe opportunity for advancement will be reversed. No spring lasts forever. It's always wise to stay alert and note the changing signs of the times.
Spring is always the season of new relationships. In the bounty of good times, new bonds are formed effortlessly. Relationships born in spring can serve well to warm the following autumn and winter.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.
The first changing line is Line 5: The greatest leaders reveal their true power by attracting people of excellent ability, and by allowing these key associates the freedom to exercise their own judgment. The person able to give power to those who can effectively exercise it, gains much more power in return.
The second changing line is Line 6: When a sage returns from seclusion to re-enter the day-to-day world, great good fortune falls on those whom he teaches and helps. Seek objective advice from those you respect, particularly those who have not been caught up in your worldly affairs. Their perceptions may be to provide you with a new window on the world.
Future: 61 Centering in Truth
This hexagram represents the quality of likely opportunities and challenges arising from changes that are in process now:
Truth involves establishing an aware relationship between your inner core and the circumstances in your life. Centering in truth involves the ability to perceive a fundamental wisdom, reflected within yourself - and also in others.
Truth is transformed into power when you disperse all prejudice and make yourself receptive to the world as it really is. This power can be a remarkable force indeed - yet is rarer than generally imagined. It can be maintained only by cultivating a genuine openness to things as they are - a willingness to see, rather than merely look.
Whenever your inner life is clouded, your influence in the world is under a shadow. If you are fearful, you will be attacked; if you cloak genuine mysteries in dogma, opportunities for new insight will be lost. If you vacillate in upholding your principles, you will be tested. Yet, when you are firm and strong, the power of truth can break through even the most stubborn minds.
In any debate, the power to perceive the truth in the other side's argument is essential to achieving success. It is possible to influence even the most difficult people, or improve the most difficult circumstance, through the power of universal truth - for truth is something to which all things naturally respond. Get in touch with that part of yourself that is aware of this universal force of truth. Cultivate this inner resource, and you will become adept at using it to bind others to a common purpose.
The CD-rom seized like in “not responding” and cut out.
Time: 10/21/2005 11:23 AM
[usually Spirit telling me, "Enough already. Sayonara, baby!"]
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