I Ching read, Oct 13
Consultation on Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 3:34 AM
Present: 10 Treading Carefully
Question: wrote the mentor I had in mind - regret
People of ability find their way, and make progress even in difficult circumstances. Consider your steps carefully when you are surrounded by powerful forces. Weak and strong forces (or people) can co-exist when the weaker element does not impose upon the stronger, when the weaker maintains good humor and avoids taking bold action. When treading among sleeping tigers - or slippery stones - step gingerly; and don't stumble.In the company of strong, brash people, rushing wildly ahead brings misfortune. Now is not a good time for taking the initiative; rather, try getting by with a little grace and good humor. In the court of a powerful king, the jester often has more power than the prince.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.The first changing line is Line 4:
When you are certain of ultimate success, it doesn't matter if you stomp on the tiger's tail. The most important thing is to take action, when outer circumstances are favorable. But great caution and consideration should have been taken beforehand, so that the outcome is clear before you lower the boom.The second changing line is Line 6:Your work has reached a stage of completion, and it's time to count your winnings. Only by assessing the results of your past efforts, can you know what to expect in the future. The farmer who harvests healthy crops in the fall can safely predict a prosperous winter.
Future: 60 Limits and Connections
This hexagram represents the quality of likely opportunities and challenges arising from changes that are in process now:
Limits are necessary to give purpose and direction to life. Swimming in a sea of boundless opportunity would soon lead to exhaustion. Winging it alone in a sky of boundless opportunity would lead to being lost. In human affairs, the making of choices, and alliances, implies limitation, for in choosing one path another must be abandoned.One key to a successful life is to select your limits consciously and carefully - to be discriminating in the setting of personal boundaries and knowing when to join in formation. Thrift, for example, often precedes prosperity; just as the letting go of selfish interests often leads to greater personal reward. Only by consciously accepting useful limits can one's energy be channeled to good purpose, and lead to lasting accomplishment.Point yourself toward a middle way, the mean between discipline and freedom of spirit. Limits will come of their own accord; but to be able to consciously select your own affiliations in life - that's knowing how to fly! At the same time, do not go overboard on discipline. Even limitation must be limited, so that in attempting to bring order and direction into your life you do not choke off vital sources of enthusiasm and spontaneity.Similarly, in groups and organizations, the rules and regulations should strike a balance between being too strict and too soft. If too strict, they build frustration among people, and ultimately become destructive. If too lenient, sloppiness becomes acceptable, and energy is soon dissipated. The best path is one which allows for the fulfillment of individual potential, while encouraging self-discipline and focus.
Consultation on Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 3:38 AM
Present: 51 Shock
Question: self-forgiveness blog - nobody respondedOne hears thunder unexpectedly!
First comes fear, then a sharpened, clearer vision. Recall a close brush with danger - a falling branch, an automobile accident barely avoided, an escape from a potentially violent confrontation. Such incidents first arouse every nerve fiber in your body in a brief wave of terror, but soon, once the danger has passed, give way to a heightened awareness of the world. The same process also occurs with other types of shock - the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, business failure and so on.The lasting impact of a major shock can either be stimulating or debilitating, depending upon one's inner strength of character. The critical factor is the ability to become immune to fear, thereby transforming anxiety into a laser-sharp perception of the world around you.When overtaken by crisis, the wise search their hearts for inner strengths, in order to face the world with courage. Courage often means daring to take the unexpected path - to bounce back quickly and self-confidently after failure, to have faith in the eternal when confronted with death.We tend to think of shock only in the context of unpleasant events. We can also be jarred, however, by the sudden release of tension which comes with unexpected success. To keep your bearings in the aftershock of either trauma or victory, it is essential that your inner compass be aligned with "true north", that magnetic force which guides you toward fulfillment of both your deepest desire, and your highest destiny.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 3: The shock of unexpected change can be almost paralyzing. At such a time, your concentration is easily scattered, and your mind can come to resemble the Milky Way. Focus! Focus is what is needed in such situations; start with small details, and gradually rebuild normalcy around you. Normal habits and routines can become an armour which keeps external misfortune from seeping into the soul.
Future: 55 Great Abundance
This hexagram represents the quality of likely opportunities and challenges arising from changes that are in process now:A time of abundance comes into full flower when the powers of a leader are at their peak. The situation is like that of the sun at midday - a high noon of clarity, insight and progress. Such peak periods can be brief. Whether this refers to a national cycle, a business boon or a period of personal abundance, it is important to bale your hay while the sun is shining.During a period of abundance, it benefits one to show benevolence, to share the fruit of one's good fortune. Think of good deeds now as a hedge against times of scarcity in the future. This reading bodes well in the raising of children, and in the nurturing of a healthy family or any close-knit group.
Consultation on Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 3:46 AM
Present: 61 Centering in Truth
Question: step 4, Moral Inventory, took 25 yrs to get my courage, but now feel freedom
Truth involves establishing an aware relationship between your inner core and the circumstances in your life. Centering in truth involves the ability to perceive a fundamental wisdom, reflected within yourself - and also in others.Truth is transformed into power when you disperse all prejudice and make yourself receptive to the world as it really is. This power can be a remarkable force indeed - yet is rarer than generally imagined. It can be maintained only by cultivating a genuine openness to things as they are - a willingness to see, rather than merely look.Whenever your inner life is clouded, your influence in the world is under a shadow. If you are fearful, you will be attacked; if you cloak genuine mysteries in dogma, opportunities for new insight will be lost. If you vacillate in upholding your principles, you will be tested. Yet, when you are firm and strong, the power of truth can break through even the most stubborn minds.In any debate, the power to perceive the truth in the other side's argument is essential to achieving success. It is possible to influence even the most difficult people, or improve the most difficult circumstance, through the power of universal truth - for truth is something to which all things naturally respond. Get in touch with that part of yourself that is aware of this universal force of truth. Cultivate this inner resource, and you will become adept at using it to bind others to a common purpose.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.
The first changing line is Line 5:
Great unity is possible when the force of a strong personality can radiate. Such a personality is able to guide through the power of suggestion. Prosperity itself resides in the heart of such a leader, and affects others through his or her very existence. If such a person is true at heart, coming into his circle of influence brings great good fortune.
The second changing line is Line 6:
In the end, words are birds and experience the tree they roost in. The power of inner truth is rooted in the tree. Birds come and go.Future: 19 Approach of SpringThis hexagram represents the quality of likely opportunities and challenges arising from changes that are in process now:Spring is approaching. Good times ahead seems inevitable; there is vitality in the air. This is a most auspicious time. Like a snake emerging from hibernation, negative forces are only just beginning to stir, and can be effectively controlled. This is a time of hopeful progress, and must be used to best advantage. When approaching good fortune, conscientious work pays great dividends. A clear road lies ahead.Act now, for at some point this ripe opportunity for advancement will be reversed. No spring lasts forever. It's always wise to stay alert and note the changing signs of the times.Spring is always the season of new relationships. In the bounty of good times, new bonds are formed effortlessly. Relationships born in spring can serve well to warm the following autumn and winter.
Consultation on Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 3:48 AM
Present: 43 Determination
Question: I didn't mean to hit friends in face - i took medicine first
Personal resolution points to a breakthrough, but decisive action is necessary. As long as you diligently hold your ground and ward off negative tendencies or evil influences, the good will prevail.The persistence of negativity is a constant in human affairs; just when it is thought to have been eradicated, up it will pop again, sprouting through some crack in the pavement of decent society. Evil need not take extravagant, forms, such as those exhibited in Nazi Germany. Garden-variety lies and deceit are much more common and persistent, but need to be rooted out just as diligently. One must be resolved against dark forces Ñ whether in one's social or professional life, or in one's own soul. In either case, definite rules must be followed for the struggle to succeed.
The first rule: do not compromise with evil. Negative actions must be identified openly for what they are, and discredited.
The second: one cannot resist negativity on its own terms. New, positive alternatives which lead away from the source of the problem are generally more successful, and appropriate, than to counter negativity with raw power.
The third rule: the means used to counter negativity must be consistent with the end to be achieved. One cannot stop the spreading of lies by spreading more of them.The smallest personal faults and foibles should be watched carefully during a period of determined effort.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 5:
Uprooting corruption in high places is a difficult task, and can only be accomplished by a steady and determined effort. Just as weeds often spring back to life after they have been chopped down, so corruption tends to re-emerge even after initial efforts to be rid of it seem to have worked. Only a persevering effort can succeed against deeply rooted negative forces.
Future: 34 Great Vigor
Congratulations! There is strength and vigor in this situation - like a ram who has knocked down a fence to free himself from captivity. This points to a time when a strong force comes into its own and achieves power.When a leader finally comes into power, his or her personal strength usually has peaked. Great strength has been required in climbing to the mountaintop, but once at the summit, the support of others is needed to maintain position. A shift in attitude becomes necessary. Raw strength must be tempered by wisdom; to maintain power, the strong leader must learn to give it away, to share it with others. Only then will his position be secure, for he will not only be the possessor of power, but the source of it as well.If you find yourself in a powerful position, it is especially important to act responsibly and react with care. Power must not be allowed to degenerate into raw force which rides roughshod over everything in its path. A strong sense of responsibility to the collective good is the key to the successful exercise of power. By following what we intuitively know to be for the greater good, we avoid reckless abuses of power which in the end undermine the source of our strength. Arrogance contains the seeds of its own undoing.
Present: 10 Treading Carefully
Question: wrote the mentor I had in mind - regret
People of ability find their way, and make progress even in difficult circumstances. Consider your steps carefully when you are surrounded by powerful forces. Weak and strong forces (or people) can co-exist when the weaker element does not impose upon the stronger, when the weaker maintains good humor and avoids taking bold action. When treading among sleeping tigers - or slippery stones - step gingerly; and don't stumble.In the company of strong, brash people, rushing wildly ahead brings misfortune. Now is not a good time for taking the initiative; rather, try getting by with a little grace and good humor. In the court of a powerful king, the jester often has more power than the prince.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.The first changing line is Line 4:
When you are certain of ultimate success, it doesn't matter if you stomp on the tiger's tail. The most important thing is to take action, when outer circumstances are favorable. But great caution and consideration should have been taken beforehand, so that the outcome is clear before you lower the boom.The second changing line is Line 6:Your work has reached a stage of completion, and it's time to count your winnings. Only by assessing the results of your past efforts, can you know what to expect in the future. The farmer who harvests healthy crops in the fall can safely predict a prosperous winter.
Future: 60 Limits and Connections
This hexagram represents the quality of likely opportunities and challenges arising from changes that are in process now:
Limits are necessary to give purpose and direction to life. Swimming in a sea of boundless opportunity would soon lead to exhaustion. Winging it alone in a sky of boundless opportunity would lead to being lost. In human affairs, the making of choices, and alliances, implies limitation, for in choosing one path another must be abandoned.One key to a successful life is to select your limits consciously and carefully - to be discriminating in the setting of personal boundaries and knowing when to join in formation. Thrift, for example, often precedes prosperity; just as the letting go of selfish interests often leads to greater personal reward. Only by consciously accepting useful limits can one's energy be channeled to good purpose, and lead to lasting accomplishment.Point yourself toward a middle way, the mean between discipline and freedom of spirit. Limits will come of their own accord; but to be able to consciously select your own affiliations in life - that's knowing how to fly! At the same time, do not go overboard on discipline. Even limitation must be limited, so that in attempting to bring order and direction into your life you do not choke off vital sources of enthusiasm and spontaneity.Similarly, in groups and organizations, the rules and regulations should strike a balance between being too strict and too soft. If too strict, they build frustration among people, and ultimately become destructive. If too lenient, sloppiness becomes acceptable, and energy is soon dissipated. The best path is one which allows for the fulfillment of individual potential, while encouraging self-discipline and focus.
Consultation on Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 3:38 AM
Present: 51 Shock
Question: self-forgiveness blog - nobody respondedOne hears thunder unexpectedly!
First comes fear, then a sharpened, clearer vision. Recall a close brush with danger - a falling branch, an automobile accident barely avoided, an escape from a potentially violent confrontation. Such incidents first arouse every nerve fiber in your body in a brief wave of terror, but soon, once the danger has passed, give way to a heightened awareness of the world. The same process also occurs with other types of shock - the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, business failure and so on.The lasting impact of a major shock can either be stimulating or debilitating, depending upon one's inner strength of character. The critical factor is the ability to become immune to fear, thereby transforming anxiety into a laser-sharp perception of the world around you.When overtaken by crisis, the wise search their hearts for inner strengths, in order to face the world with courage. Courage often means daring to take the unexpected path - to bounce back quickly and self-confidently after failure, to have faith in the eternal when confronted with death.We tend to think of shock only in the context of unpleasant events. We can also be jarred, however, by the sudden release of tension which comes with unexpected success. To keep your bearings in the aftershock of either trauma or victory, it is essential that your inner compass be aligned with "true north", that magnetic force which guides you toward fulfillment of both your deepest desire, and your highest destiny.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 3: The shock of unexpected change can be almost paralyzing. At such a time, your concentration is easily scattered, and your mind can come to resemble the Milky Way. Focus! Focus is what is needed in such situations; start with small details, and gradually rebuild normalcy around you. Normal habits and routines can become an armour which keeps external misfortune from seeping into the soul.
Future: 55 Great Abundance
This hexagram represents the quality of likely opportunities and challenges arising from changes that are in process now:A time of abundance comes into full flower when the powers of a leader are at their peak. The situation is like that of the sun at midday - a high noon of clarity, insight and progress. Such peak periods can be brief. Whether this refers to a national cycle, a business boon or a period of personal abundance, it is important to bale your hay while the sun is shining.During a period of abundance, it benefits one to show benevolence, to share the fruit of one's good fortune. Think of good deeds now as a hedge against times of scarcity in the future. This reading bodes well in the raising of children, and in the nurturing of a healthy family or any close-knit group.
Consultation on Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 3:46 AM
Present: 61 Centering in Truth
Question: step 4, Moral Inventory, took 25 yrs to get my courage, but now feel freedom
Truth involves establishing an aware relationship between your inner core and the circumstances in your life. Centering in truth involves the ability to perceive a fundamental wisdom, reflected within yourself - and also in others.Truth is transformed into power when you disperse all prejudice and make yourself receptive to the world as it really is. This power can be a remarkable force indeed - yet is rarer than generally imagined. It can be maintained only by cultivating a genuine openness to things as they are - a willingness to see, rather than merely look.Whenever your inner life is clouded, your influence in the world is under a shadow. If you are fearful, you will be attacked; if you cloak genuine mysteries in dogma, opportunities for new insight will be lost. If you vacillate in upholding your principles, you will be tested. Yet, when you are firm and strong, the power of truth can break through even the most stubborn minds.In any debate, the power to perceive the truth in the other side's argument is essential to achieving success. It is possible to influence even the most difficult people, or improve the most difficult circumstance, through the power of universal truth - for truth is something to which all things naturally respond. Get in touch with that part of yourself that is aware of this universal force of truth. Cultivate this inner resource, and you will become adept at using it to bind others to a common purpose.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.
The first changing line is Line 5:
Great unity is possible when the force of a strong personality can radiate. Such a personality is able to guide through the power of suggestion. Prosperity itself resides in the heart of such a leader, and affects others through his or her very existence. If such a person is true at heart, coming into his circle of influence brings great good fortune.
The second changing line is Line 6:
In the end, words are birds and experience the tree they roost in. The power of inner truth is rooted in the tree. Birds come and go.Future: 19 Approach of SpringThis hexagram represents the quality of likely opportunities and challenges arising from changes that are in process now:Spring is approaching. Good times ahead seems inevitable; there is vitality in the air. This is a most auspicious time. Like a snake emerging from hibernation, negative forces are only just beginning to stir, and can be effectively controlled. This is a time of hopeful progress, and must be used to best advantage. When approaching good fortune, conscientious work pays great dividends. A clear road lies ahead.Act now, for at some point this ripe opportunity for advancement will be reversed. No spring lasts forever. It's always wise to stay alert and note the changing signs of the times.Spring is always the season of new relationships. In the bounty of good times, new bonds are formed effortlessly. Relationships born in spring can serve well to warm the following autumn and winter.
Consultation on Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 3:48 AM
Present: 43 Determination
Question: I didn't mean to hit friends in face - i took medicine first
Personal resolution points to a breakthrough, but decisive action is necessary. As long as you diligently hold your ground and ward off negative tendencies or evil influences, the good will prevail.The persistence of negativity is a constant in human affairs; just when it is thought to have been eradicated, up it will pop again, sprouting through some crack in the pavement of decent society. Evil need not take extravagant, forms, such as those exhibited in Nazi Germany. Garden-variety lies and deceit are much more common and persistent, but need to be rooted out just as diligently. One must be resolved against dark forces Ñ whether in one's social or professional life, or in one's own soul. In either case, definite rules must be followed for the struggle to succeed.
The first rule: do not compromise with evil. Negative actions must be identified openly for what they are, and discredited.
The second: one cannot resist negativity on its own terms. New, positive alternatives which lead away from the source of the problem are generally more successful, and appropriate, than to counter negativity with raw power.
The third rule: the means used to counter negativity must be consistent with the end to be achieved. One cannot stop the spreading of lies by spreading more of them.The smallest personal faults and foibles should be watched carefully during a period of determined effort.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 5:
Uprooting corruption in high places is a difficult task, and can only be accomplished by a steady and determined effort. Just as weeds often spring back to life after they have been chopped down, so corruption tends to re-emerge even after initial efforts to be rid of it seem to have worked. Only a persevering effort can succeed against deeply rooted negative forces.
Future: 34 Great Vigor
Congratulations! There is strength and vigor in this situation - like a ram who has knocked down a fence to free himself from captivity. This points to a time when a strong force comes into its own and achieves power.When a leader finally comes into power, his or her personal strength usually has peaked. Great strength has been required in climbing to the mountaintop, but once at the summit, the support of others is needed to maintain position. A shift in attitude becomes necessary. Raw strength must be tempered by wisdom; to maintain power, the strong leader must learn to give it away, to share it with others. Only then will his position be secure, for he will not only be the possessor of power, but the source of it as well.If you find yourself in a powerful position, it is especially important to act responsibly and react with care. Power must not be allowed to degenerate into raw force which rides roughshod over everything in its path. A strong sense of responsibility to the collective good is the key to the successful exercise of power. By following what we intuitively know to be for the greater good, we avoid reckless abuses of power which in the end undermine the source of our strength. Arrogance contains the seeds of its own undoing.
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