A Ridiculous Risk OR an Act of True Conviction
Friday, October 07, 2005 at 6:19:10 PM
Question: I was pretty bold sending that amnesty e — maybe an act maybe of passive aggression to friends, family, who knows — plus, I had no idea I could chant so fervently until I had the chance to jam with old friends reunited for the first time in a year and half. I was possessed! Oh, well, I’m so tired of hiding and masking and pretending.
Horoscope Spread
2 The High Priestess
Traditionally, this Arcanum represents Human Wisdom, whether as the Gnostic Papess or Priestess of Isis, the ancient Snake and Bird Goddess, Persephone, or Eve before the "fall" into historical time. For the accused heretics who revered her in the 14th and 15th century, she was the prophecy of the coming Age of the Holy Spirit, female personage within the Christian Trinity. She appears as soon as the Fool decides he wants to develop his innate powers, making a bid to become The Magus. The Priestess or Popess is his first teacher, representing the Inner Life and the method for contacting it, the contemplative study of Nature and the Mysteries.
1: House of Identity
The wise apprentice merges willingly with his new profession.
With the Page of Coins in this position, you are typified as a person who is reinventing her or himself to create a better fit with a chosen profession. The wise apprentice shapes him or herself to the needs of the work and embraces a lifestyle, not just a job description. This requires a certain amount of contemplation and study, not to mention the actual physical experience of getting in there and wrestling with your medium until you become adept at it. As you master the skills and techniques as well as the laws and rules of your trade or profession, you create value in yourself and a niche for yourself in your field.
2: House of Work
No one can stay entirely out of the way of tremendous energy that is seeking release.
When the Tower is in this position, significant energy must be released. Until that happens, no one is safe or secure. It could either be an accident of history or a natural development that had been building over time. At any rate, the charge is now at critical mass; just a little shift in the energy of the situation will cause it to be set loose. Although this may happen around you rather than to you, be aware that the situation is volatile and unstable. Prepare for chaos but don’t take it personally.
3: House of Ideas
Self scrutiny gives you an opportunity to review and reset your standards.
With Justice in this position, turn what could be a potential embarrassment into an opportunity to be honest, learn and grow. Let correction take place. This card is a reminder to steer your ship back to the center channel where you can move with the current, the natural flow. Chastisement is meted out only if you are greedy or, conversely, self-negating. Justice demands an appropriate investment by all participants. This is an excellent opportunity to raise your standards as well as your self esteem.
4: House of the Family
Learn how to overcome suspiciousness of others’ motives.
The Five of Swords in this position suggests you grew up in a environment where approval was scarce, where one person’s receipt of acknowledgment or acceptance meant another was deprived. In an environment deficient of nurturing and support, we can turn out competitive, anxious, untrustworthy and unwilling to share. Even if these tendencies were imprinted in your psyche from early times, they are not your original nature. Because they arose from your conditioning, they can be de-programmed; and when they are, new and better approaches will come out to take their place. It is strongly suggested that you take some time to reframe any negative worldview you may have inherited, so you don’t indulge pessimism and self-centeredness. Use experiences of the past to guide yourself toward higher ground.
5: House of Magic
Despite the chaos surrounding you, a time out has recharged your spirit and renewed your energy.
When the Four of Swords is in this position, you have recently found refreshment and regeneration from a time of meditation and personal retreat. That experience gave you the opportunity to organize your mind and reconfigure your plans and goals. You may have been resistant to the circumstances that gave rise to the quiet time, but the benefits are obvious as you return to action. Perhaps in the future you will be more intentional about creating retreat time when it is needed.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Resistance is futile; surrender to the hard lesson.
The Ten of Swords indicates that you are being educated about limits. Don’t spend time looking outside yourself to trace the causes of these events. It doesn’t matter. Just accept that your Greater Self intends this challenge to be an education, correcting that part of you that is under the illusion that you possess control over your life. Now that you are fully conscious of your inability to forestall the inevitable, the right action is to lay down your arms. For now, your power in the situation has come to an end. You are learning that your life is subject to forces much more powerful than your ego. In an ironic way, this dark hour actually provides you evidence that you are not abandoned, though the proof may be coming in the form of a cosmic chastisement. Notice how such a setback can happen without really damaging your will to carry on. This is the wonder of the Ten of Swords — you think events like this would “just kill you”, but you endure, for this too shall pass.
7: House of Relationships
You are about to be inducted into the society of teachers and healers.
With the Hierophant in this position, it appears that you will soon receive some acknowledgment, certification or approval from experts in your field. You are about to be recognized for your efforts, long term dedication and the passion it has taken to absorb the wisdom of those who came before you. In recognition of your dogged commitment, you are being brought into the inner circle. This is no accident; trust the flow of events as they unfold. You may be needed to help with the transmission of sacred knowledge from the past into the future.
8: House of Secrets
Decide that you have done enough and take some time to rest.
When the Horseman of Coins presents in this position, you have lost the ability to say “No, this is not mine to do.” Ask yourself “Haven’t I done enough already? May I not allow myself to rest?” It is essential for you to ask these questions right now because the answers may affect your health and longevity.
9: House of Visions
Be grateful that you have people on hand who will gladly give you the love and support you need.
The Ace of Cups in this position suggests that you have one or more people around you who love you unconditionally. If you were to ask them to reassure you, they would be happy to take you in and give you every confirmation of their love. They are willing to nurture you and provide an emotional and psychic safety net for you. The abundant expression of affection these treasured people bestow upon you touches you deeply. You would do well to spend quality time with those whose generosity of spirit waters your emotional garden. Remember that you deserve to receive this kind of nourishment.
10: House of Reputation
Study the responsibilities you have inherited rather than just look at the advantages they represent.
The Four of Coins in this position signifies a young person, naive and pampered, who has been left an estate. Think conscientiously about all those people whom your activities impact, including those whose work and effort went into building what you inherited and those whose welfare depends to any extent upon your right management. What you’ve been given is abundant but not limitless. If you are prudent and responsible, the endowment will grow. But if you are frivolous or foolish, your behavior could undermine both what you have received and the well being of others who are connected to it. This is a test.
11: House of the Future
Tremendous potential exists for development and expansion of your objectives, so apply courage and conviction to what you know is the right thing to do.
With the Six of Wands in this position, a focused viewpoint can mobilize a core group, the core group can become a think tank, the think tank an institute and the institute an entire movement. Who knows? The potential for development and expansion is enormous. Results of a project begin to materialize even before you have fully envisioned the conclusion; growing momentum is quickly carrying things forward. The courage, energy and conviction to start something you know will have profound effects can be the source of blessings for the whole world. The key is to be yourself, apply your energy to what you know is right, and stay focused
12: House of Surrender
By coming out of your retreat you can articulate a cooperative world view.
The Five of Wands in this position indicates that if you are willing to go beyond privacy and a strong sense of individualism, you can be a guiding light for other people as they evolve new beliefs, philosophies and practices. Attracting attention to new ideas can stir up and help direct energy away from a self absorbed or complacent world view toward a more cooperative and mutually supportive model. If you choose to play this role, and if you decide to be true to serving the greater good, your personal ambition will also be fulfilled.
Friday, October 07, 2005 at 6:39:06 PM
Question: despite the 2 glitches, the largesse of my energy has been eat/sleep/drink/create my forgiveness blog. I did the background work of info-gathering but mostly I was with you to prepare for the actual examining of my past actions and truth about having settled accounts with family and friends. I Ching is strict and honest and I was relieved by the end, healed another time. It seems my ducks are mostly in a row, after all!
Horoscope Spread
The Ace of Wands symbolizes a pivotal act, or fateful step, that will set loose the chain of events leading toward your desired goal. As such, it refers to a birth or new beginning, the inauguration of an endeavor, and the necessary commitment to see a project through. It embodies the aroused Will, one-pointed, aiming at the bulls-eye.
1: House of Identity
You can divine true meaning using your penetrating intuition.
The Queen of Coins in this position indicates that you have come into full possession of your instincts and intuitions. You trust your body’s wisdom, know how to decipher the signs and clues within daily events, and can feel the energies at work to discern the direction in which things are moving. You may be the diviner or oracle for your family or tribe. You can open yourself to a question and decipher the natural response your body/mind gives. You may work with oracle systems like the Tarot, I Ching or Runes — or you may not. The feedback you give others is invariably useful, practical, and educational. You are grounded in the practical world and your hunches are trustworthy; others can bank on them. This card is quite a compliment to you.
2: House of Work
A rising tide of opportunity is lifting everyone’s spirits.
When the Three of Wands is in this position a new spirit of excitement and innovation is emerging in your environment. Everyone around you feels the effects, even though it may be temporary. The winds are whipping up; adventure and creativity are in the air. Take advantage of this energy field of inspired optimism.
3: House of Ideas
Intervene in the face of hostility, summoning the courage others may be lacking.
With the Three of Swords in this position, your unique point of view can help lower the stakes in the current situation and possibly even create a dialogue to help move out of the tension. It takes a brave soul to remain optimistic in the face of the storm. You may be able to help salvage some harmony from a stressful situation. Apparently you are the one available person who has the skill and ability to facilitate better communications. Don’t hold yourself back simply because the situation is tense and frightening. Maybe there is something you can contribute that will smooth things out a bit.
4: House of the Family
A strong moral foundation confers the ability to skillfully discern right from wrong.
The Justice card in this position suggests a moral influence in early life taught you right action and right relationship with your fellow beings. You may have felt the training was severe or restrictive at the time, but it has helped protect you from the excesses of our times. Self-control through moderation, awareness of the collective welfare, the bonds of community, and a sense of personal accountability combine to make a strong inner refuge. By being there for others, you ensure they will be there for you.
5: House of Magic
Accept responsibility for your part in an unfortunate situation and figure out how you can take action to correct it.
With the Five of Swords in this position, a conflict between personal agendas has already happened that will be difficult to undo. The Five of Swords represents the temptation of self-centeredness over collective responsibility. Your best option is to scrutinize and examine how you may have contributed to any small minuends, defensiveness, emotional or verbal hostilities that have arisen. Recent events have highlighted the importance of vigilance over selfishness and divisiveness. Sometimes we have to learn our lessons the hard way. Face the situation by asking how you can improve things from this point forward. Find a way to take personal responsibility for issues that are yours so you can come back into balance and a rediscovered ability to trust. Examine what happened so you will be sure to avoid repetition of past mistakes.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Before you assume the mantle of a new generation, do some background investigation and focus on the big picture.
When the Four of Coins is in this position, your responsibility is to assume the mantle of a new generation. Perhaps what was the domain of your elders or superiors is going to fall on your shoulders. Whether you feel ready for it or not, whether you consider yourself disciplined enough or not, your mentors, guides and teachers are now passing the tools and responsibility on to you. This is a great opportunity for you if you behave sensibly. Study everything, find out what’s already happening at every level of the enterprise and don’t make any unnecessary moves until you have the big picture in focus. It is important that you do your homework so you can step into your maturity at this time of transition.
7: House of Relationships
Go beyond mental images to the truth that lies deep within your heart.
With the Queen of Cups in this position, you are becoming prepared to go deep into your inner storehouse of heart-centered feelings and images and come up with a deeper understanding. Generally, it is necessary to curtail mental activity in order to allow the wisdom of the heart to clearly present itself. This can be accomplished through meditation or skillful counseling. In any case, the near future presents an opportunity to spring free from the limitations of rational thinking and open to the oceanic realm of feelings, so that something deep and true can be revealed. Cooperate with the warm, radiant energy of your heart, and let yourself be blessed by it.
8: House of Secrets
This situation has sprung from the seeds you have sown.
With the Ten of Swords in this position, listen to yourself talking with friends and familiars over a twenty-four hour period. Recognize your primary subject matter, tone and slant, because right now you are eating your words. Every sword in this picture is one of your own pronouncements, having comeback to you in the fullness of time. It’s important to understand that what you speak, what you breathe life into, is what you harvest. Remember, your subconscious hears and believes what you say and produces equivalent results. In this moment, you have a chance to become more conscious and start fresh. Learn to frame your thinking in terms of what you love, are inspired by and are striving toward — rather than what you disagree with, are judging or rejecting. There is nothing inherently wrong with having a setback. This is how we humans learn. The problem arises when you don’t learn from your experience and fail to recover, rebound and move on.
9: House of Visions
Take advantage of spiritual role models.
The High Priestess in this position points to a mentor or role model who exemplifies true objectivity. This person is skilled in the high art of intuitive receptivity. Like an undeveloped film, the High Priestess can enter a situation and take an impression of all it contains without needing to project personality into it. Such cultivated neutrality and openness to the bigger picture is the foundation of wisdom. Study this person. Develop clarity and humility in your own personality, and use these qualities to up-level all your interactions and relationships.
10: House of Reputation
Look at your past as a repository of wisdom to be applied judiciously in the present.
When the Six of Cups is in this position, take a look at what is repetitive or cyclical in your life, what links the present situation to the last such experience. Learn from your own and others’ past experience. You are not obligated to repeat it, nor do you have to grope blindly toward an unknown outcome. The wisdom you derive from your memories will prevent you from making similar mistakes if you’re humble enough to change. Until you commit to action, however, you will continue to drift with the current, still influenced by the past. Distill everything you can from the past, get as much value from it as you can, then use it as motivation for change using new strategies and new angles on these recurring issues. Make the very best use of hindsight.
11: House of the Future
Card: The Magician
What may have felt like a whim or passing fancy has the potential to grow into a creative, expressive and profitable venture.
You are faced with an opportunity to create a whole new area in your life. Something that was lingering in the background has leaped forward and helped you reassess your priorities, hopes and dreams. It feels as if a missing ingredient is emerging that can complete the mix. As you become aware of your interest and enthusiasm, it also dawns on those around you that you may hold the key to this situation. It’s possible you will rethink career opportunities or find a new channel of expression. This could lead to a whole new sense of identity.
12: House of Surrender
This is your chance to give selflessly, so invest some time, energy and resources toward the greater good.
The King of Coins in this position requires that you invest some time, energy and resources in a good cause without expectation of reward. You must give because it is needed, and you are the one who has it to give right now. If you want to think of yourself as an evolved person, it’s time to walk the talk. It’s time to put what you have on the line for the greater good and demonstrate the principles of abundance and prosperity that have worked for you.
Friday, October 07, 2005 at 7:12:30 PM
Question: right use of this reconciliation blog
Horoscope Spread
The Queen of Swords was traditionally known as the widow, crone, or divorcee, the woman "no man would have." Nowadays we see her as a model of self-sufficiency, independence, and high intellect. She often has extremely high standards due to her subtle sensitivities, which can be perceived by those around her as being critical and hard to please. Her true motive is to refine the world, to upgrade people's understanding so everyone can have the space they need to individuate, to become truly themselves.
She is not interested in conforming, which may be why she has a reputation for "being difficult". She is too intelligent to be confined to the role of housewife or nursemaid, although she is perfectly competent in those areas when she wants to be. She chooses her associations, and her aloneness, to serve her own agenda, and is seldom caught up in dependency relationships, at least not for long. Her critical intelligence is not always comfortable to be around, but she can be counted upon to see through superficialities and put her finger on the truth of the situation.
1: House of Identity
The King brings order to the realm. Others feel safe and calm in his presence.
The King of Cups symbolizes the bestowing of blessings that serve like a refuge for your heart — a lap of stability and support. A powerful, quiet presence brings a reassuring sense of order and peace to the situation. The King energy makes it easier to feel optimistic, to have faith in reliable support and to express your feelings with confidence. The King of Cups is the archetype of the strong, kind, and loving father figure. This is a powerful energy that you can call up from within yourself and depend on.
2: House of Work
You have it in you to see what needs to be done. Now it’s time to get organized and use your skills as a manager.
When the Queen of Coins is in this position, you are being called upon to help steer the collective enterprise. Call up the manager within you or procure the assistance of someone who is a natural manager. Perceive what needs to be done, in what order it should be administered and with what amount of support or staff. It’s time to be organized and be energetic about it. This effort will not only benefit you personally, but just as importantly, it will support the well being of those you are involved with.
3: House of Ideas
Do your homework. Gain a thorough and deep understanding of your situation and devise a workable plan to see it through.
With the Horseman of Coins in this position, you are being asked to go to the roots of things. So, start from the beginning and gain some experience to match your intellectual grasp of the situation. Temper whatever power you possess with patience and sensitivity to detail. It would be wise to steep yourself in the traditions of your field of endeavor so you can tap the spirit and ideas of your predecessors as well as their source materials. In this way you will not stray far from the truth, the substantial reality which supports your vision, and your greater goal. Too many people have a big dream and move immediately into action with no research, understanding, game plan or skills. See to all of these things so that your ventures can be successful from the beginning.
4: House of the Family
You’ve known someone who has discovered and is living out her or his purpose.
The Star in this position suggests that you were impressed by someone who established right livelihood and skillful relationships. This is not to imply that this person was given credit by society or was paid well. But he or she showed you what a fulfilled human being is like.
Each of us is born with a theme or spiritual assignment. It ties us to this world until we take care of business and fulfill our mission. You can look for your place in the world with confidence. If you do what you love and work at your dream, you will bring about the conditions you need for completion.
5: House of Magic
Unanticipated transformations have come with changes you purposefully sought out.
With the Chariot in this position, you may be recovering from a period of sweeping changes in your normal routine. Unconstrained energy that was liberating and exciting influenced you profoundly. This is the kind of energy that compels people to cut cords and move on from things they once held sacred. It can be a wonderful opportunity to free yourself up and experiment, a chance to explore new territories. It throws you back on your wits, good hunches and instincts. You may find that you are sharper than you gave yourself credit for, more courageous and interesting than you thought. This card in this position points to one interesting adventure you created for yourself. Learn from this experience; let it bolster your self esteem.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Don’t allow your imagination to run away with itself when your higher priority is to learn and be of service.
The Page of Cups in this position has a higher calling than the acting out of personal dreams. Perhaps he or she is called upon to act as a messenger, or to quietly inject an important healing element into an emotionally loaded situation. The work of this Page is often subtle; it emanates a vibration or feeling rather than necessarily doing anything specific. Adopt an attitude of service. Make yourself useful by accommodating to the situation’s most sensitive dimensions. It is not the Page’s role to assert his ego or promote a personal agenda. Considerable humility is required, but it’s a wonderful opportunity to be the eyes and ears of Spirit during a time of pivotal events. Sometimes the servant is the real leader.
7: House of Relationships
Relax knowing that abundance is yours.
With the Ten of Coins in this position, you will finally have the means to take care of your needs. Not everyone gets to be a millionaire in this lifetime, but you will be resting in the security of having enough. No one can promise that this will endure as a permanent condition, but with proper management and long term thinking, you can reasonably aim for an endowment that will continue blessing and bestowing advantage on those who come after.
8: House of Secrets
Attempts to regain control are not only disabling, they will ultimately prove fruitless.
When the Five of Swords falls in this position, it suggests that you devote too much of your communication skills, ideas and mental pictures to the negative side of circumstances. You are hyper aware of what could go wrong, what kind of problems could happen, how you might lose face, ways you could lose power or dominance. You tend toward worry and stress while rehearsing or reliving conversations. As long as you are expending energy trying to regain control of the situation, you can no longer respond appropriately to what it is truly offering you. You don’t have control over the outcome anyway, so surrender attachment and examine your motives for trying to manipulate it. Examine how “I, me, mine” thinking is undermining the naturalness and harmony in this situation.
9: House of Visions
You will move more quickly toward your goal when you involve others who can share your vision.
When the Four of Wands is in this position, you are advised to describe your dream, vision or ideal to everyone who will listen, including that growing network of active, forward looking people you are a part of. Take the pulse of your community. Seek out connections to people who may want to get involved. This gives you the opportunity to see who warms to your ideas, who is ignited by your dreams. You will move toward your goal quickly and more efficiently when you understand the minds of the people you are trying to reach.
10: House of Reputation
There is an important place for rest and recuperation in any endeavor.
When the Nine of Wands is in this position, you have done everything you can to bring a situation to its best conclusion. The full range of possibilities has been exhausted and all the creativity, energy and determination that is available has been put to use. This is a great time to lay down your concerns and enjoy a rest. You can’t bring anything more to the mission if you don’t regenerate and restore the energy you have put into the cause. It is praiseworthy to give all you have for something or someone who means a lot to you, but masochism and martyrdom are ill advised. Take a break; no one can fault you for it now.
11: House of the Future
You have the capacity and will to become the master of a fertile and bountiful endeavor.
When the Eight of Wands is in this position, your persistence has the potential to produce splendid artistry that would reflect not only your ideals but society’s cherished values. You can create an environment in which others can feel their highest, most expansive and optimistic selves. Your level of skill matches your ambition to organize, supervise and accomplish such a large endeavor. Your energy and enthusiasm are contagious and can draw others in to enjoy the benefits.
12: House of Surrender
Proceed swiftly toward the completion of your mission.
The Ten of Wands in this position tells you not to rest until you have fulfilled your mission. Lacking time or leisure to proceed at a comfortable pace, you must hasten with energetic activity at this critical juncture or you risk failure. Remain at your post, vigilant and ready for action. For this final burst of effort, it is skillful to remind yourself why you are called to make this sacrifice. This recollection along with an awareness of what the consequences of failure would be, will make it easier to summon the energy you need for the final push.
Friday, October 07, 2005 at 9:24:29 PM
Question: I should send the blog’s link to the same friends as the amnesty one?
Celtic Cross
1: Self
Summon creativity and resourcefulness from the depths of your being.
The Four of Swords in this position instructs you to seek a quiet place of contemplation, in particular a place linked to your own personal history. In this still, quiet place, meditate letting go of the distractions of the present so you can perceive the larger patterns that shape your life. You are part of a long, unbroken chain of souls that carries forth the wisdom of generations. Take time to examine whether you are successfully preserving what is good, true and beautiful from your lineage and transporting it intact to the future. Accomplishing this will do far more to heal your heart and further your goals than fame or fortune ever could. Make contact with your deep past so you will know how to carry its healthiest and most creative skills successfully forward.
2: Situation
Security, wealth and power are paradoxically undermining their possessor.
When the Four of Coins is in this position, it may be that one who possesses power or resources of some sort lacks the maturity to manage the endowment. At other times, the problem is over-identification with the bounty which can lead to egoism, ostentation, trying to buy friends, or an unnecessary miserliness. At the center of the problem is the owner’s lack of a core sense of self, which would otherwise provide wisdom to know how to use this opportunity. If it’s not you, you could serve as an objective friend or a sounding board to help this person regain balance and natural proportions. If it is you, let this reading perform that corrective role.
3: Challenges
Take care not to let your creative spirit be seduced by too much privilege.
The Ten of Coins in this position challenges you to read between the lines of affluence, privilege and gracious living and keep the human drama clearly in focus. There are many people who, when elevated to a level of relative security and comfort, lose track of their original natures and mistake their circumstances for their true worth. They may be forgetting that with their abundance comes the obligation to build a healthier society. The spirit to keep striving until something great is achieved can die away when a person becomes comfortable. If you want to stay vital, creative and progressive then you must not become seduced by the good life. Don’t let your lack of survival stress soften your drive to improve the world for the “little guy.”
4: Foundation
Resources of inner guidance and support are available to you at all times.
The King of Cups in this position suggests that you were nurtured and schooled by a benevolent, emotionally and spiritually supportive elder, who taught you by example to be true to your heart. From this personal guru you learned how to develop a reservoir of strength, security and optimism to dip into when the world doesn’t help. The self-support you learned truly blesses you for a lifetime. This is a good time to bring those memories into sharper focus and re-acquaint yourself with the inner, wise, nurturing resources you carry within.
5: Recent Past
You have just been shown an appealingly sensuous style of being.
The Queen of Coins in this position indicates that you are contemplating an experience that showed you a new way to perceive events in your life. You may have also become privy to a new way of being with your personality, your body, your intelligence, your particular point of view and your stance in the world. Someone has just modeled a more abundant, relaxed, trusting and generous style of being. Before this encounter fades from memory, recall as vividly as you can the impact that it made on you so that it may continue to be an inner influence. Let this individual or experience provide you with practical inspiration and a better grasp on what is next in your endeavors. Mine this encounter for all that it’s worth. You have had a precious contact. Let it continue to change you.
6: Higher Power
Your work is inspired by a higher source.
When the Three of Coins falls in this position, you are being rewarded and acknowledged for faithful pursuit of your special talents, skills, and gifts. Your work, which will be remembered as visionary, represents the universal principles of beauty and truth. Your inspiration comes not just from your own passion and heartfelt instincts, but is also channeled from a higher source.
7: Near Future
Emphasize self sufficiency. The less dependent you are, the less vulnerable you are.
With the Nine of Swords in this position, this may not be the time to go out on a limb. Reduce your risks and exposure to the negative effects of other people’s choices. This is not to say you should cut all ties. Rather, do what you can to minimize repercussions in your life if someone chooses to go in a direction or undertake an action you are not comfortable with. The emotional overtone of this card points to disappointment over a person, institution or situation you had trusted. You must find the strength in yourself to face down challenges so that you will not be defeated by them. This is a good time to recall your past successes and reinforce your self confidence. The near future will challenge you to keep your attitude flexible and optimistic no matter what happens.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Although you know there is much to praise, you have been indulging in a negative outlook.
When the Seven of Cups falls in this position, it warns you against neglecting to perceive the abundance and opportunities in a universe of expanding potentials. Stop investing in a negative or cynical point of view. There is at least as much evidence of good things as evidence of setbacks and difficulties. Your nervous system is just having a hard time registering the presence of the good, even though your intuition and senses tell you this is a fine and praiseworthy world. It’s time to retune your awareness so it perceives at least an equal amount of the positive. Hopeless, helpless thinking doesn’t fit the reality of current circumstances.
9: Allies
Seek out others who can teach you empathy and mediation skills.
In this position, the Two of Swords suggests that receptivity and humility are especially helpful to you at this time. If these virtues don’t come naturally to you, then seek friends who are open minded and flexible and contemplate those qualities with them. You know at least one person, possibly several, who are masters of empathy. They can help you put yourself in another person’s shoes and envision approaches that benefit everyone. As you role play with them, take turns advocating for both sides of an issue or problem. Learn their harmonizing and balancing mediation skills so you can look through your adversary’s eyes.
10: Advice
Have the serenity of knowing you are succeeding at what you came here to achieve.
The World in this position is giving you permission to do whatever you want. It’s not that you can do no wrong, but that your motivation is so close to what divine nature wants that even if you commit an error, it will be turned to the greater good. No need to stop and check yourself all the time or interrupt your spontaneity with calculation.
Don’t doubt yourself and look for consensus or affirmation from others. Simply dance the dance — express yourself, react naturally, emanate instinct and impulse, and let the chips fall where they may. What matters is divine intention; whether humans approve is less important. If you allow your ego to get inflated, however, you cease to be useful to the greater plan.
11: Long-Term Potential
Stick to your profound quest. It’s well worth the commitment and time it takes.
The Hermit in this position suggests that the line of inquiry you are following has great long term potential. Perhaps you are pursuing a passionate study or a spiritual quest. Any path of mastery will consume major blocks of time and energy. You may be old and gray by the time you answer the questions you are posing. The pursuit of the answers, however, will lead you through profound life-changing experiences. When you make the commitment to this path, others will support you out of respect. Your inner crone or shaman is getting ready to take her place in the seat of leadership and right use of power. Don’t decline the invitation. Wrap your dignity around you and step up to the challenge.
Friday, October 07, 2005 at 9:38:12 PM
Question: I examined my own conscience re my level of attainment, even if it made me look bad. I was truthful and effective in cleansing myself of false motives, seeking the reconciliation of God and my friends. I used myself to road-test how to go through “fearless moral inventory”, step for of AA. I never once had the strength of character to do this but it healed me and reminded me it’s OK to be a weak human who’s willing to do try, fail, and try again.
Celtic Cross
1: Self
Give yourself credit for the quality work you are producing.
The Eight of Coins in this position reveals a gift or talent for design, engineering, or problem solving — the know-how necessary to combine utility with efficiency and beauty. This points to a master developing his or her craft. When a person becomes proficient at something, his or her good reputation can spread until the work is showcased in the loftiest venues. It is important for you to respect and appreciate the high quality of the works you are producing and the acclaim your achievements merit.
2: Situation
Sometimes hard data is less than satisfying; stay loose and attuned to your intuition and impressions coming your way.
When the Six of Swords is in this position, it’s time to open your mind and your perception of reality in order to clearly perceive all the forces affecting you. This is a subtle situation. Because quite often you don’t have enough hard information, enough conscious data to navigate by, you have to pay attention to hunches and intuition. You may just discover in the process that you have the necessary reflexes to keep up with current changes after all. Somewhere in your memory banks lies an idea or insight that can set you on your rightful course. Relax and remain open to impressions; the immediate situation contains valuable clues. Look for the overall pattern; when you see it, you will know which steps to take next.
3: Challenges
Intervene in the face of hostility, summoning the courage others may be lacking.
With the Three of Swords in this position, your unique point of view can help lower the stakes in the current situation and possibly even create a dialogue to help move out of the tension. It takes a brave soul to remain optimistic in the face of the storm. You may be able to help salvage some harmony from a stressful situation. Apparently you are the one available person who has the skill and ability to facilitate better communications. Don’t hold yourself back simply because the situation is tense and frightening. Maybe there is something you can contribute that will smooth things out a bit.
4: Foundation
Deep within, you have reason not to fall back on inertia. Use it to sharpen your attention.
The Four of Cups in this position suggests that you have experienced fallow times wherein you were uninspired, listless, even apathetic. At times like this, you might be tempted to disassociate and entertain yourself with fantasy instead of challenging yourself to keep growing and stay strong. It’s a luxury to be able to coast and not be an active force in your own life. There is a cost, however, in the form of dependence that leaves you open to extremes you won’t be prepared for. By recalling such past experiences, you can prevent yourself from slipping into that old powerless place. Use those memories to ensure that you will not lose track of events as they unfold around you. If you recognize how easily these lapses could happen again, you can take steps to avoid falling into the dependent position you used to settle for.
5: Recent Past
You have gained respect from your community and a solid sense of self esteem.
With the Emperor in this position, it seems you have been riding a wave of authority and empowerment that drew others into alliance with you. It allowed you a higher degree of leverage and esteem than normal. This period has probably passed, but the respect and authority with which you are still treated shows how much impact those events had. Your living memory of this period allows you to continue to tap into that sense of yourself in a focused and optimistic mode.
6: Higher Power
A door is opening to a higher level of function and experience.
When the Ace of Coins appears in this position, a door is opening that can lift you closer to your dream. You will become increasingly aware of how meaningful your assignment is. In a certain way, you have been chosen to hold or carry something of high value, and that thing you hold and invite others to participate in is going to bless those who get involved with you. You are gaining a sense of the larger meaning of your life, and everything looks new and fresh. Take the ball and run with it!
7: Near Future
Sometimes it’s necessary to let go of rational functions and trust your senses.
With the Moon in this position, you are on the brink of a period of time so multidimensional that it will be hard to separate fact from fantasy. So many developments will unfold, change and merge that it’s difficult to comprehend every nuance. It’s almost overwhelming. Open and relax your mind into a more primal state of pure awareness. We are generally so identified with the rational intellect that when shamanic information or deep body wisdom rises up to consciousness, we fail to recognize them. Open all your pores, raise your antenna and just feel your way along. If you get stuck rationalizing, you will sink like a stone.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Resist dogma; think for yourself in order to preserve your integrity and values.
When the Six of Wands falls in this position, it signifies conflict between your interests and the desires of the greater collective. You need some approval from others, but the desire to fit in can lead you to a party line that your personal integrity resists. Keep in mind that the price of leadership sometimes requires resistance to social pressures rather than capitulation to it. Look deeply into your own heart, instinct and conscience and ask yourself if you really need to fall in with the group. It may be more to your advantage to strike out in a different direction in order to preserve your integrity and values.
9: Allies
An ally’s validation of your growth helps you regain self esteem.
The Six of Cups in this position suggests that you have a friend or compatriot who has a good perspective on your long time development. She or he can help you see how far you have come, how truly proactive on your own behalf you now are. This is someone who knows your past or who has witnessed some of the powerful transformation that has allowed you to become who you are now. This person helps you put the proper perspective on your own memories and regain the self esteem you deserve from moving out of a place of helplessness and toward a place of self empowerment. Your ally points you toward that realization.
10: Advice
Study the responsibilities you have inherited rather than just look at the advantages they represent.
The Four of Coins in this position signifies a young person, naive and pampered, who has been left an estate. Think conscientiously about all those people whom your activities impact, including those whose work and effort went into building what you inherited and those whose welfare depends to any extent upon your right management. What you’ve been given is abundant but not limitless. If you are prudent and responsible, the endowment will grow. But if you are frivolous or foolish, your behavior could undermine both what you have received and the well being of others who are connected to it. This is a test.
11: Long-Term Potential
As you patiently persevere and pay attention to what people really need and want, attune yourself to the wisdom of natural growth cycles.
With the King of Coins in this position, you have the opportunity to create something magnificent, but only if you persevere with patience. Tune into a farmer’s innate understanding of increase. Let yourself benefit from the wisdom of natural growth cycles, paying attention to what people and the market really need and want at any given time. With your attitude, position and the good fortune you have earned from past experiences, the potential for success is strong — especially if you focus on values instead of simply profit and expansion.
Friday, October 07, 2005 at 9:46:08 PM
Question: I’m not doing this for self-glory as the blog puts me in a true light, mouthing off at God at my worst, and realizing my ability to seek resolution about my father on the other. It’s a universal practice nobody enjoys, but one they should do every so often to reassess their progress and be true to oneself. If I can do this, anybody can. I have faith in your guidance throughout the process, dear Spirit. Please advise…
Celtic Cross
1: Self
When issues of survival are resolved a person is free to make un-pressured choices, dream big dreams and be generous. [Notice the switching of the order of ideas here.]
The King of Coins in this position indicates a person who “has it all.” This may have to do with financial security, lack of worry and feelings of abundance. This points to a person who has solved the survival issues that drive most humans most of the time. The King of Coins knows how to work the system in order to get what he needs so he can live as he wishes. He is free to make choices without undue pressure from the bottom line. In this situation you can be generous and not worry about it, you can dream big, you can help others, you can protect the rain forests. You can be a benefactor to the whole human race based on how you use your magnificent freedom and abundance.
2: Situation
The situation is unpredictable.
When the Fool is in this position, the situation is un-definable and open ended. This can create a feeling of panic or one of relief, because when there is no blueprint, you are freed from rules and restrictions. But only a truly secure individual can stay calm under such uncertain circumstances. It will become apparent who is in tune with the flow and who is not. Watch closely and learn.
3: Challenges
When needs aren’t being met because of conflict and taking sides, someone has to step forward to clarify the issues.
When the Two of Swords presents in this position, you have an opportunity to elucidate conflicting issues in a current situation. Conflict arises to highlight needs that are not being met or communication efforts that are not being heard. Opposing groups need an outside party to help them see what is pulling them apart. If you are well positioned for such a task, you could possibly serve as a mediator or facilitator. Although certain risks are inherent in sponsoring a sensitive, diplomatic dialogue, you have the right approach for easing this transition. By taking part in the dialogue, you could make a difference. Often people feel much better just having talked out their differences. Sometimes the solution lies in the listening.
4: Foundation
Look at your situation objectively so you can avoid potential pitfalls.
The Eight of Coins in this position suggests that role models from the past demonstrate how much a hardworking, extremely productive individual can accomplish when she or he stays on task. With an eye to detail, study those who went before you, so you will know how to eliminate false turns, wrong assumptions and immature approaches. This process will teach you how to winnow out those endeavors which are worth the effort and which may turn out to be fruitless and ephemeral. This will provide you with a great head start on your projects.
5: Recent Past
You have mixed your own medicine and brought about your own healing.
With Temperance in this position, you are now on the far side of resurrection. You navigated well through a transformative experience. You have demonstrated this card’s essential message: “Physician, heal thyself.” Aggrieved by the poison of the past, you created an elixir to neutralize it and help you rise above its negative effects. Good job! Now you can use your own skills and abilities to stay healthy, happy and holy. This has been a wonderful rite of passage.
6: Higher Power
Shake loose from what has been normal for you.
When the Tower appears in this position, your Higher Power is setting the stage for a dramatic revelation or breakthrough that in one great moment will turn everything around for you. This card is often formatted as if it were a disaster, and it would be if you were identifying with the king and queen at the top of the tower. They are definitely dethroned and fallen, but slaves who are chained in the belly of the tower are set free and given their lives back. If humility is a quality of yours, this could be the best thing that ever happened for you. If pride is a problem, you will doubtless feel thrown down.
7: Near Future
Be prepared for an upcoming decisive moment; know your will and be ready to implement it.
When the King of Wands appears in this position, an imminent leadership opportunity requires psychological and emotional preparation. Many of us have negative or mixed programming about success, achievement, striving and competition. Those mixed emotions keep us from fulfilling our true potential when opportunities arise. Circumstances now demand leadership and dynamic action, not introspection. Use your strength of will to make a decision and act on it; don’t equivocate.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Because someone’s personal criteria are dominant, a relationship lacks balance and harmony.
When the Five of Coins falls in this position, you are experiencing inequity in relationship. Respect is not flowing freely in both directions. One person’s agenda may be dominating another’s. It’s important to examine this trend before the situation becomes more unbalanced. Instead of feeling overwhelmed or annoyed, prepare to question these relationships, both within yourself and with significant others.
9: Allies
An ally can test your mettle and teach you how to command respect.
The Five of Wands in this position suggests the presence of someone who can put you through a rigorous and challenging training to develop your will, physical stamina and endurance. This devil’s advocate will reveal your weaknesses and blind spots to you, hone your instincts and upgrade your strategy. Then you can prevail despite competition, prove the value of your ideas and command respect. This mentor or trainer might seem harsh, even a bit militaristic, challenging you to work past your fears and previous limits, but when you are through working with this ally, you will be a formidable contender.
10: Advice
Look deep within to understand what motivates an occasional tendency to be pessimistic or depressed.
With the Eight of Cups in this position, look inside and recognize the part of you that is still nursing an old grudge from a past injury or trauma. For the most part, your forward-looking self has gotten up and moved along; you are getting on with your life. Part of you, however, is still holding out, resisting the healing, nursing old wounds from painful losses of faith and trust. Scrutinize your current motives, your current attitude. See if you are still being influenced by the part of yourself that resists joy that dampens your enthusiastic, optimistic impulses. Don’t deny this pessimistic tendency. Understand and accept the hesitation and the fear and come to terms with them. Then you can put some old emotions in their rightful place — out of the way.
11: Long-Term Potential
In a time of change it is essential to be free to move with those changes.
With the Horseman of Wands in this position the potential for resolution is considerable, provided that any effective work currently being done is continued. Get on with it while the opportunity presents itself or it may pass you by. Don’t concern yourself with who or what could be left behind, because this mission is a moral, emotional and psychological imperative. In this time of change it is essential to be free to move. If you are honest with yourself you will not choose behaviors that look as if you want to grow roots and stay put. Those who love you and want to stay in contact will adapt to the circumstances, and those who are uncomfortable with your moving on may have to be left behind.
Friday, October 07, 2005 at 9:50:51 PM
Question: I believe fighting against evil is like allowing bloodshed through war to keep peace. Better to clean up your own act and show compassion to those who have lost sight of God’s purpose for themselves. Besides, I also believe 99% of humans want to always to good, their only perhaps fault is their trying too hard. Allowing their God to help them to accept their weaknesses and forgiving their own shortcomings is very hard to do.
Celtic Cross
1: Self
Feelings of renewal and idealism are arising in you, which will empower you to radiate the higher virtues to all around you.
The Two of Cups in this position is shouting “Love!” This isn’t necessarily about a traditional love affair. It could be a strong heart connection between yourself and someone you care greatly about. It could even be an attraction to an ideal or a vision that is as real to you as any interpersonal relationship. It can also represent a reconciliation between your own masculine and feminine aspects. In any case, this card is referring to that aroused, emotionally sensitive space we enter when we are opening up at a deep level. This may be a sweet, adorable moment, but you can’t deduce from this immediate feeling what the ultimate outcome of the relationship will be. Nevertheless, this card does encourage the idealism that creates fidelity and trust, empathy and compassion — the very human virtues we need most in our lives and relationships. Your emotional, psychic and spiritual life are quickening like spring. Enjoy this wonderful feeling and bless the world with it, but don’t make any serious commitments at this time.
2: Situation
Your unique comprehension of the situation can help clarify the confusion which is currently threatening forward progress.
With the Ace of Swords in this position, circumstances indicate that although there is only one path that leads to your destination, it winds and meanders like a maze. You can avoid confusion, however, because your insight can make sense of the apparent muddle. You possess an outlook or vision that can harmonize competing interests, motivations and needs. Ultimately it is up to you to reveal the big picture and point out the middle path. You know what the next step is, as long as you continue to focus solely upon it without letting yourself or others be distracted.
3: Challenges
When you willingly step forward to be a leader, you win recognition and gratitude.
The Seven of Swords in this position suggests that you volunteer to fill an emerging void in leadership. You may be the person who can serve as an inspiring figurehead and rallying point for existing unfocused mental and emotional energy. It is possible that you have a hero latent inside you who is being called forth by current circumstances. If that is the case, don’t resist; accept the invitation. It’s not often that we get a ready made opportunity to be gallant. It’s to everyone’s benefit that you think of yourself as a person who is able and willing to make a positive difference.
4: Foundation
Conditions from the past will be repeated unless you awaken to alternatives.
The Page of Wands in this position recognizes something very familiar in your situation that takes you back to a time when unexpected news changed your life. It could either have been a positive experience with a pleasing outcome, or the opposite. At any rate, take time to remember the event in detail because your current situation will echo your earlier response unless you consciously make an effort to react differently and create a new pattern. Your intuition, like a faithful messenger, is prodding you to awaken to what is unfolding and the new choices you have. Be clear about what you want to happen this time so that past mistakes are not repeated.
5: Recent Past
You have gained respect from your community and a solid sense of self esteem.
With the Emperor in this position, it seems you have been riding a wave of authority and empowerment that drew others into alliance with you. It allowed you a higher degree of leverage and esteem than normal. This period has probably passed, but the respect and authority with which you are still treated shows how much impact those events had. Your living memory of this period allows you to continue to tap into that sense of yourself in a focused and optimistic mode.
6: Higher Power
Examining the continuum of your life experiences renews you and clarifies your mission.
When the Ten of Wands falls in this position you are being asked to contemplate the continuity in your life, to review decisions you made when you were inexperienced and naive, then appreciate the stream of choices and realizations that led you to your present level of maturity. This continuum illuminates the theme that has governed your life from the beginning until now. From this perspective, you can recognize yourself, forgive yourself and renew yourself in light of the constant external change that marks life in this world. Then you can rest secure, knowing what your long term mission is and the nature of the contributions you have come here to make.
7: Near Future
A unique situation calls for spontaneity and authenticity.
When the Fool is in this position, you could be walking into a magical moment so pregnant with unforeseen possibility that you are caught entirely off guard. You are not in charge; you have no driving motive. You are neither the cause nor the effect. Having no prepared response, you act spontaneously; you are fully authentic, apt and accurate. Lack of self consciousness opens the door for the most natural response, and whatever the moment requires of you will unfold easily without stress or contrivance. No ego or sense of self is required. If you maintain awareness, you may witness a miracle.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Take responsibility and find solutions rather than dwelling on problems or finding fault.
When the Four of Swords is in this position, you seem to be assigning blame rather than taking responsibility for your part. This “keeping score” behavior builds up resentment against friends and colleagues. As others feel your attitude souring and receive little or no communication about what’s wrong, they withdraw. This initiates a trend toward unhealthy isolation. Resist every temptation to catalogue your resentments or rehash your turbulent feelings. Make an effort to move your attention from the problem to the solution. A more positive train of thought will open more options to you.
9: Allies
Natural consequences need to happen; don’t try to block them.
The Tower in this position suggests that someone on your team has the power of Thor, the power to throw down disruptive bolts of creative chaos, liberate entangled energy and force new growth. This is not a force to be unleashed lightly, nor should you put yourself in the position of making judgment on other people’s lives. This card is principally about the cumulative result of inappropriate actions that eventually attracts an adjustment. Eventually correction becomes necessary and a sudden change brings the structure down. Cooperate with the inevitable.
10: Advice
There is an important place for rest and recuperation in any endeavor.
When the Nine of Wands is in this position, you have done everything you can to bring a situation to its best conclusion. The full range of possibilities has been exhausted and all the creativity, energy and determination that is available has been put to use. This is a great time to lay down your concerns and enjoy a rest. You can’t bring anything more to the mission if you don’t regenerate and restore the energy you have put into the cause. It is praiseworthy to give all you have for something or someone who means a lot to you, but masochism and martyrdom are ill advised. Take a break; no one can fault you for it now.
11: Long-Term Potential
Find the few things that really matter and passionately pursue them, excluding all distractions.
The Devil card in this position points to the great potential you have to develop a powerful magnetism to attract what you want. You have an opportunity to harness your innate passion and natural charisma to become a powerful influence in your environment. This will require self discipline — not only to stay in touch with the passion that drives you, but also to master it so it doesn’t race madly ahead or spiral downwards into addiction. Strive to become an authentic human being who is responsive to life’s creative potential. Anything less will be flat and uninteresting. Be patient; such development can’t happen overnight. But it is available to you and you will feel much happier when you have won your way to that freedom.
Friday, October 07, 2005 at 9:54:41 PM
Question: Creating inner serenity and peace in your environment is not magic. I’ll never master this, but I can continue to seek truth, honor my strengths and accept my fallibility. I’m naked in God’s eyes. God sees my secret denials and loves me with the compassion of a parent anyway. Everybody does stupid stuff and courageous, loving stuff. I dropped my mask; I hope it’ll be easier for others to drop theirs.
Celtic Cross
1: Self
Consider carefully what consequences may result from joining forces.
The Five of Coins in this position indicates the attraction of opposites. The Five of Coins depicts lovers discovering each other, mirroring and matching, magnetized by each other’s qualities. Once the first flush of infatuation is past, however, the same energy of attraction that once felt so exciting may become a source of friction. The seeds of conflict are built into the fabric of the attraction. Even though the whole becomes more than the sum of its parts, it has been known to devour the individuals who comprise it.
This card suggests a relationship opportunity or offer. Examine what the outcome of joining forces would be. Ascertain as best you can if there is enough to keep you engaged, so that you don’t base a long term endeavor on a moment’s infatuation. Successful long term partnerships are business arrangements as well as love affairs.
2: Situation
Use the larger force of transformation active in this situation to bring about change and new directions for you, too.
When the Chariot is in this position, an electrifying force is driving you towards your personal victory. The wheels of the chariot symbolize both the wheels of time and the motion of the planets. Unstoppable change is sweeping through this situation. It’s an exciting time, though it can seem chaotic. Those who can’t move and grow with the times may feel overwhelmed by this driving force, but don’t let that happen to you. See if there is a way you can hitch a ride on this chariot and use it to help advance your goals and aspirations. There is no reason why you should let it go by without you.
3: Challenges
Wake up and take action; arouse others to foment change as well.
When the Four of Cups is in this position, you are challenged to awaken earlier than others from the collective trance and capture a glimpse of what is truly going on. So, shake off the slumber and get activated; be the harbinger of change. Help others come to attention as well. Of course, only those who have ears to hear and eyes to see will agree the time has come for change. Those few people who wake up early make all the difference in how the situation unfolds when it finally penetrates the collective consciousness. Decide to be ahead of the learning curve compared to those around you.
4: Foundation
Card: The Magician
Your talent for recombining things makes you an educational and enjoyable person to be around.
You have witnessed or directly enjoyed the fruits of creative, associative thinking. It has become more natural for you to question assumptions, to move the pieces around and see if they can form a different pattern. You like to experiment with what is around you to see what you can create. Your talent stands you in good stead. You can inspire others to loosen up, flow and explore more too. Keep up the good work.
5: Recent Past
You are receiving acknowledgment for the self cultivation you have done.
With the Star in this position, you are emerging from a period of deep inspiration. If you didn’t take notes or keep a journal, make a record now of as much of this illumination as you can remember. This card affirms your self discipline in the search for right livelihood and right placement in the world. You are rewarded for your trials and tribulations and for the work you have done to refine yourself. Take this as encouragement, and hold the experience in your memory.
6: Higher Power
Having accomplished your endeavor, you have earned your rest; take it wholeheartedly.
When the Ten of Cups comes up in this position, you can put down your burden; you have reached the Promised Land. Spread before you is the fulfillment of the prophesy, the rewards for your labors. This is the place where you can rest, be safe and be taken care of for a while. Celebrate and relax; you are no longer struggling with old limitations and obstacles. Celebrate the impressive advancement you have made. You can be confident that the benefits of this experience will last and not leave you. It’s like a momentary return to Eden, where life is simple, nourishing and joyful. Revel in it, relax and refresh yourself — soon enough the mundane realities will return. Let yourself enjoy this experience of joy fully.
7: Near Future
Your deliberate, focused efforts will launch a successful endeavor.
When the Seven of Swords falls in this position, you have an opportunity to see your dreams of achievement play out step by step according to grand plan. As you cause your intended goal to materialize, everyone around you will gain confidence that evolutionary change is possible. This is not just about successfully completing a challenge. You have disciplined your mind, and formed clear insight and attitudes that benefit the goal, without letting yourself be derailed by transient concerns. Continue to demonstrate the focus and directed will that serves as an exemplary role model for those around you.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
When you feel uncomfortable about showcasing your unique talents, fully experience the discomfort in order to break through the blockage.
When the Three of Coins falls in this position, it indicates that you may be hesitant or unwilling to showcase your talents and skills at this time. Perhaps the thought makes you feel particularly vulnerable. But you need to bring your talent out of the closet if you are to connect with colleagues and supporters who can appreciate and encourage your vision, talents, and skills. You need to stretch beyond your comfort zone to fully experience the discomfort you feel when you reveal your unique skills. Then you will be able to simply accept your uneasiness, which is the first step towards freedom. Breaking through this blockage will bring incredible rewards. You will jump with joy!
9: Allies
Identify supportive allies who understand you and can help you stay focused.
The Ace of Coins in this position suggests that your primary need is for initiative, energy, optimism and one or two supportive mentors who understand you and can help you rediscover your own power and stay focused. Look to someone who will support your ability to stay faithful to the needs of your enterprise, because focus is the one thing that matters most right now. Until you find this help, endurance and persistence are your main allies. The more time you can spend in their company, the easier your path will be.
10: Advice
Challenge the pessimism of others around you by evoking their higher nature.
The Five of Swords in this position advises you to prepare yourself for disappointment about how your fellow humans are setting their priorities. Don’t expect a level playing field. Assume that the lower end of human nature is eroding good will in the situation. Because of a strong cultural trend toward scarcity thinking, a lot of people are damaged by a “me first” outlook. If it means you have to thicken your skin, put on a little armor or carry your sword of truth closer, then do so, but try not to be too quick to anger or judgment. Try not to jump to conclusions. Just because others may have a pessimistic sense of the world, their reality doesn’t have to undermine yours, and you don’t have to struggle or compete with them. Your challenge now is to learn how to sidestep confrontation and evoke a more evolved response from people. At the very least, be assertive about setting your boundaries.
11: Long-Term Potential
Take yourself and your talent seriously and plan for long term success.
The Eight of Coins in this position indicates that you are a visionary and an inventor, a person who has the capacity to redefine his or her medium. Your talents and skills could be parlayed into a fortune. Your design ideas, your innovative vision and your combination of precision and elegance could inspire a whole school or stylistic movement. You are not just another artisan. Your talent is multidimensional and if you invest in it, will reward you handsomely over time. Take yourself seriously and position yourself for the long term. Make sure you are paid what you are worth and that your work is showcased where people with good taste can experience it.
Friday, October 07, 2005 at 9:58:21 PM
Question: I spent my life thinking if anybody knew how weak I really am, nobody could like me. Well, I realize people are going to choose to accept me or not and that my true friends know I do stupid stuff already, even as I’m hiding it from myself. Real friends will accept me. Those who don’t have compassion for me will find a reason not to accept me; they aren’t my friends to begin with. It’s just common sense, natural law.
Celtic Cross
1: Self
An uncommon individual has exceptional knowledge and deep understanding.
The Hierophant is someone who knows him or herself to be exceptional. Every circle includes the few who know and understand and the many who aspire to do so. This card acknowledges you as a person with inner knowledge above and beyond theory and scholarship, who is able to contact the spirit world on behalf of humanity. In ancient times shamans were the healers, astrologers and early fabricators of metals and medicines for tribal societies. Nowadays the Hierophant represents those who have specialized knowledge in their field. She or he speaks wisely from true and direct experience, and serves in a leadership role.
2: Situation
Security, wealth and power are paradoxically undermining their possessor.
When the Four of Coins is in this position, it may be that one who possesses power or resources of some sort lacks the maturity to manage the endowment. At other times, the problem is over-identification with the bounty which can lead to egoism, ostentation, trying to buy friends, or an unnecessary miserliness. At the center of the problem is the owner’s lack of a core sense of self, which would otherwise provide wisdom to know how to use this opportunity. If it’s not you, you could serve as an objective friend or a sounding board to help this person regain balance and natural proportions. If it is you, let this reading perform that corrective role.
3: Challenges
Open yourself only to those whom you know are committed to their principles.
The Two of Cups in this position presents an opportunity for you to reveal yourself at a deep level of trust and truth, but do so only with those who have earned your trust and have proven their loyalty. This is definitely not a time to forsake your boundaries and merge with someone, even if this is what your instincts and desires are pushing you toward. You may feel completely smitten and would like to be swept off, but don’t give yourself away! No relationship that is realistic will expect or demand one hundred percent surrender, and no healthy person would accept such an expectation in the name of love. It’s not required that you rescue anyone or be rescued, or that you risk everything for another. Give up dramatic agendas. It’s most important that you meet half way, with hearts open, and get to know each other better.
4: Foundation
Card: The Magician
Your talent for recombining things makes you an educational and enjoyable person to be around.
You have witnessed or directly enjoyed the fruits of creative, associative thinking. It has become more natural for you to question assumptions, to move the pieces around and see if they can form a different pattern. You like to experiment with what is around you to see what you can create. Your talent stands you in good stead. You can inspire others to loosen up, flow and explore more too. Keep up the good work.
5: Recent Past
Successful experiments with telling your truth have shown you a way to be heard.
With the Queen of Swords in this position, you have just experienced the freedom and power of being completely candid. Social rules don’t always allow that to happen. Because we are thoroughly programmed to be polite and tactful, most humans are inhibited by direct talk. The fact that you said your piece may have been a breakthrough for you. Continue to meditate on this new approach, then follow up on it. As you do so, notice how keenly the truth can illuminate the essence of the issues. You’ve been given an inspiring glimpse into still to be developed powers of communication. Cherish the opportunity to develop these powers in your current and future life.
6: Higher Power
Because of the high values you have stood for, your success is well deserved.
When the King of Coins comes up in this position, you are being acknowledged for a steadfast commitment to success. You deserve your success because you have followed through and taken responsibility for every step. The rewards you receive are well earned, no matter how generous they seem. Continue representing the loftiest values by how you deploy those rewards. Your higher nature recognizes the progress you’ve made. You are earning your stripes and leaving the world a better place than when you came in.
7: Near Future
You are worthy of the abundant recognition you receive.
With the Nine of Cups in this position, you are about to receive a warm welcome from people whom you respect and admire. This will not be faint praise; this is very specific acknowledgment — a blessing you will cherish. You stand to be elevated by people who want to further you, who see your talent and gifts, what is special about you. They want to open doors for you, as well as invite you into their lives. Recognize the situation when it happens and consciously relax into the safety it provides. Your dignity will remain intact because you have earned this positive reaffirmation. The more you learn to be comfortable with a flow of support and love, the better you will be at whatever else you try to achieve.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Be forward-looking; concentrate on being progressive and optimistic.
When the Ten of Coins falls in this position, you are tempted to use your power or clout punitively, taking advantage of your position in the hierarchy to discipline others on a lower rung. But this is not an effective way to expend your considerable energies. Try emphasizing the positive, encouraging and rewarding what is evolutionary, proactive and optimistic. By supporting what will work, you won’t have to waste energy penalizing what is negative — it will whither from lack of attention. You will actually create a larger sphere of influence that way and gain more control over the situation.
9: Allies
An ally’s validation of your growth helps you regain self esteem.
The Six of Cups in this position suggests that you have a friend or compatriot who has a good perspective on your long time development. She or he can help you see how far you have come, how truly proactive on your own behalf you now are. This is someone who knows your past or who has witnessed some of the powerful transformation that has allowed you to become who you are now. This person helps you put the proper perspective on your own memories and regain the self esteem you deserve from moving out of a place of helplessness and toward a place of self empowerment. Your ally points you toward that realization.
10: Advice
There is an important place for rest and recuperation in any endeavor.
When the Nine of Wands is in this position, you have done everything you can to bring a situation to its best conclusion. The full range of possibilities has been exhausted and all the creativity, energy and determination that is available has been put to use. This is a great time to lay down your concerns and enjoy a rest. You can’t bring anything more to the mission if you don’t regenerate and restore the energy you have put into the cause. It is praiseworthy to give all you have for something or someone who means a lot to you, but masochism and martyrdom are ill advised. Take a break; no one can fault you for it now.
11: Long-Term Potential
Don’t underestimate your capabilities or trivialize what you do.
The Three of Coins in this position indicates that over time you are going to build a body of valuable works and make quite a name for yourself. Don’t underestimate yourself or diminish the value of what you do. Give priority to nurturing and further developing your vision and skills. Only you can contribute your unique gifts, which are amazing and masterful. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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