Sunday, October 30, 2005

i ching - oct 30

Question: i'm going drumming but did not prepare
After a thunderstorm, or any period of extreme tension, a period of new clarity and fresh opportunity follows. The storm has the effect of clearing the air and suddenly reducing atmospheric tension. Deliverance is at hand. In the wake of a storm on land, deliverance appears in the form of new color and life, which bursts forth in all the fields and flowers. In the wake of a storm at sea, deliverance takes the form of land itself.
In the field of human relations, the rain of forgiveness washes the human landscape clean after a period of enmity and error. Great clarity of purpose and renewed vigor can follow the healing of old wounds. But care must be taken not to re-open these old wounds by moving too quickly. In the same way, it is important to return to normalcy first before moving ahead with new plans after periods of stress.
Following the resolution of a difficult situation, your first priority, should be to return to normal conditions as quickly as possible. Breathe a sigh of relief, but don't relax completely. It would be a mistake to re-awaken the sleeping dogs of the immediate past before the new situation has crystallized. Look ahead. Attend to any residual matters that need resolution, and do so as quickly as possible. Make a clean sweep of the past, move deliberately, and the future will bring good fortune.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.
The first changing line is Line 1:

Few words are needed - the recent obstacles have clearly been overcome. Now there is peace; so just recuperate, and relax. It is a good time to let your mind wander, and dream.
The second changing line is Line 2:
Success stems from your integrity, in contrast to the cunning and deceit of those around you. It may be time to take a careful look at those you are considering working with. In light of objective performance standards, do they measure up? Be wary of working with those who do not truly share your vision, or your standards. Upholding your ethics and standards of performance brings good fortune in the long arc of a professional career or vocation.

Future: 51 Shock
One hears thunder unexpectedly! First comes fear, then a sharpened, clearer vision. Recall a close brush with danger - a falling branch, an automobile accident barely avoided, an escape from a potentially violent confrontation. Such incidents first arouse every nerve fiber in your body in a brief wave of terror, but soon, once the danger has passed, give way to a heightened awareness of the world. The same process also occurs with other types of shock - the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, business failure and so on.
The lasting impact of a major shock can either be stimulating or debilitating, depending upon one's inner strength of character. The critical factor is the ability to become immune to fear, thereby transforming anxiety into a laser-sharp perception of the world around you.
When overtaken by crisis, the wise search their hearts for inner strengths, in order to face the world with courage. Courage often means daring to take the unexpected path - to bounce back quickly and self-confidently after failure, to have faith in the eternal when confronted with death.
We tend to think of shock only in the context of unpleasant events. We can also be jarred, however, by the sudden release of tension which comes with unexpected success. To keep your bearings in the aftershock of either trauma or victory, it is essential that your inner compass be aligned with "true north", that magnetic force which guides you toward fulfillment of both your deepest desire, and your highest destiny.

Consultation on Friday, October 28, 2005 at 10:00 PM
Present: 06 Conflict
Question: evening with peter and my doggie friends

Conflict arises when a person who is convinced he or she is entitled to something meets with opposition. In such cases, the wiser choice is not to push things to the bitter end, because knocking heads only perpetuates bad will. Creative solutions which meet others halfway are more valuable and longer lasting than victories achieved through force.
Conflicts in which one party is not sincere inevitably lead to subterfuge and distortions. In such situations, those of strong character keep a clear head, protect their own integrity and look out for their own interests, even while seeking compromise. Often this means finding a fair-minded mediator who can settle matters.
In these times of conflict and turmoil, new ventures and new initiatives are to be avoided.
This is a good time to examine the sincerity of your own beliefs and those around you. Seek advice or arbitration from an impartial and mature person. Consider everything carefully before making any major decisions. It may be time to compromise. Try to clarify the roles and responsibilities of those you work and live with so as to avoid conflict in the future.
You cast several changing lines, which indicates a number of changing possibilities in the situation.
The first changing line is Line 2:

When challenging a superior force, retreat is merely a tactic, not a disgrace. In the face of insurmountable obstacles, misplaced valor - perhaps fueled by a sense of personal pride - is not only stupid, it's dangerous to those around you - your allies, your friends and your community. If an adversary with a loaded rifle has you in his gunsights, it furthers you to duck.
The second changing line is Line 4:
Winning isn't everything. In situations in life where you face a weaker opponent, winning is not always even the strategic thing, particularly if you are not sure of the rightness of your position. Remember that all conflict, no matter how much the odds favor you, carries a price. Learn to demonstrate good will when you hold the upper hand, and you will find that in the long run your position will be strengthened.
The third changing line is Line 6:
When success over others is achieved through sheer force of authority or superior position, the victory will not last. Those who can win only by the sword are condemned to carry shields with them everywhere. Beware of hollow victories.

Future: 08 Holding Together
Holding together brings success. But high-level teamwork is achieved only when a clear goal is shared by the right players on the right team at the right time. A team forms its relationships in a delicate manner; chemistry is brewed in the vat of shared experiences. Late-comers cannot share the same depth of union as earlier members. Whole-hearted commitment is required for team success.
All successful teams have a shared vision and a leader. If a team's leadership is up to the challenge, the team will prosper. In political and business affairs, just as in basketball, it is hard to win without a strong center.
Accept the structure of the team if you wish to receive its benefits - otherwise go off on your own. In holding together with others, cling to your own principles, but be willing to subordinate your personal desires for the good of the group. Perhaps you are contemplating becoming a leader of a group; remember that to become the center of influence binding people together is a considerable challenge and a serious responsibility. Assess yourself carefully first to see if you qualify for this role. If not, it would be better that the group not be formed than for you to lead it without proper preparation.

Consultation on Friday, October 28, 2005 at 10:05 PM.
Present: 14 Affluence
Question: preparing for drum lesson - i did no peronsal care

Supreme success! Like the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, a person whose fortunes have turned for the better shines brightly. At the core of this success lies unselfishness and modesty, for it is the tendency of a flexible or yielding nature to bind powerful forces to it, particularly when prosperity begins to manifest. When power is wielded with grace and dignity, there is supreme success and great abundance!
Ah, but be careful. Along with any accumulation of wealth or influence may come an accumulation of pride and arrogance. Fight this tendency if you intend to continue prospering. Stay attentive enough to manage your affairs well. And remember that while material prosperity certainly beats the alternative, it is only one of many elements of a satisfying life.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.
The first changing line is Line 3:

Philanthropy is the obligation of those in possession of mature wealth. Only by donating a portion of his wealth to the service of a greater good can a man become free of the prison of his possessions. Those who lack great possessions should feel no shame in taking assistance, for all wealth is but a passing trust, to be administered by any one person only for a short time.
The second changing line is Line 6:
You are blessed by Providence and enjoy good fortune. You experience improvement in every way. Remember that supreme success goes to those who are in the world, but not of it - who, in the fullness of possession and at the height of power, remain modest and wink often toward heaven. Providence helps those who live with faith and gratitude, while people help the person who is true. To he who has, more will be given.

Future: 54 Careful Affection
Affection is the basis of all lasting relationships, but must be channeled properly in order to bring satisfaction and support the self-esteem of both parties. For example, a married person's lover would necessarily have conflicted feelings: affection coupled with insecurity. Relationships based mainly on personal attraction, especially those which are outside the mainstream, require special caution and tactful reserve.
If you assert yourself too much, or try to make yourself indispensable, you will only incur misfortune. It is never easier to make disastrous mistakes than when you venture outside the bounds of propriety. If you are in doubt as to whether you should follow your heart or your head, allow for some time to pass, and perhaps the answer will become clear. Initiating any action could bring misfortune. Do not attempt to be too creative or attract favorable attention at this time.

Consultation on Friday, October 28, 2005 at 10:09 PM.
Present: 39 Temporary Obstacles
Question: I don't care - just to do the will of God if I can

Have temporary obstacles been blocking your way? In the course of trying to reach a goal or fulfill a personal ambition, obstructions inevitably present themselves. This is not always a bad thing. Obstacles, difficulties and even setbacks which are eventually overcome often become assets. Without irritating grains of sand, oysters would never make pearls.
The obstacles pointed to here are not permanent, yet they are in the way. As when a large boulder falls in the road, the best course of action is usually to go around it, rather than to try to move it out of the way. Temporary obstacles must be seen for what they are - temporary - and should not be allowed to take on too much significance.
A positive aspect of even the most difficult obstacle is that it may cause a person to turn inward, and gain greater depth and character. While the ignorant bemoan their fate and seek to blame their problems on others, the wise seek the cause of the problem within themselves. Through this type of introspection, obstacles become a means for personal growth and self-discovery.
Without air resistance, no plane would ever fly.
If you are facing temporary obstacles, try not to be overly concerned. Obstacles are a part of achieving every goal and furthering every undertaking. Setbacks and reverses can affect morale, but keeping up your self-confidence in the face of obstacles is part of a successful solution to many of life's problems. Obstacles of short duration are best handled with a yielding attitude. Go around the rock, don't put your shoulder to it.
The condition of things in the present is fairly stable. There are no specific changes indicated right now.

Consultation on Friday, October 28, 2005 at 10:15 PM.
Present: 37 Community
Question: i'm out of practise and didn't self-care due to my cold virus - I'm still attending music lesson

A close-knit community that is really fulfilling is one where healthy interdependence is supported. Leadership is essential, but strong bonds of membership are dependent upon every member of the group. Trust, shared responsibilities and good communication are essential. Each member must be encouraged to find his or her appropriate expression, and contribution.
The functional family is a team which symbolizes the ideal of human interdependence, and has long provided a firm foundation for society. The healthy family is a microcosm of society and the native soil in which ethical values take root and grow. Fertilize this soil, and the whole of society benefits.
The power which bonds a family, or a tribe of any kind, together is the feminine principle Ñ gentleness and receptivity. Teamwork can be improved through cultivation of these qualities. Learn to accept both advice and aid from others, and be willing to assume an appropriate activve role in any group you join. A good team player is extremely valuable to others. The best way to get what you want is always to help others get what they want.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.
The first changing line is Line 3:
Corrective measures should be firm but not excessive - although it is better to be too firm than too lax. While it is important not to over-indulge those in your charge, it's also important not to come down too hard on them when things go awry. Excessive severity would cause regret. The best thing is to set up firm limits within which group members are allowed total freedom of movement.
An unwillingness on the part of those in positions of authority to tolerate bad habits brings good fortune.
The second changing line is Line 6:
You are confident and your work commands respect. This is a time of reward and recognition for you. Remember that the leader of a circle of influence (a group of friends, teammates, or family group) has a responsibility to set a good example, for it is only through developing your own character that you can influence others and create order.
Future: 03 Difficulty at the Beginning
Difficulty at the beginning. The birth of anything - including any new venture or relationship - is an entry into the realm of the unknown. At the same time, new things seem to be rushing upon you, and confusion can easily take over. But chaos is a powerful force if you harness it properly. Just don't rush things. Do not let events overwhelm you. Stay calm and persevering, but do take the first step. And get whatever help you can.
Challenges lie ahead. Gain strength; find courage. Like a new born fawn, the opportunity for rapid development is real, but only by being determined can the fawn rise to its feet and survive to grow to full stature. Keep going despite difficulties and you will find the success you desire. Your primary challenge is maintaining personal clarity. Avoid lunging at solutions; wait until a good course of action becomes clear. Do not start a new venture before thinking it through. A careless step in the beginning can easily cause events to get out of control later. Enlist the aid of experienced people.

Consultation on Friday, October 28, 2005 at 10:19 PM.
Present: 57 Gentle Penetration
Question: I haven't dyed my hair and have a cold to stop my song - now what?

The general situation suggests a subtle penetration. Reeds bend softly in the wind, symbolizing flexibility and endurance. Here we see quiet, relaxed effectiveness in action. A gentle influence is at work, but just as the wind is ceaseless in its efforts, so too small forces can persist to produce lasting results.
Gentle penetration bodes well for new relationships. Just as a summer breeze slowly penetrates the woods to cool the forest, the ideas of gifted leaders slowly reach the minds and sink into the hearts of the people. In personal relationships, a gentle beginning is often linked to a long-lasting union.
When employing a force that is weak but persistent, careful aim is necessary, for only when a small force continually moves in the same direction can it have much effect. In human affairs, this kind of influence comes more through strength of character than by any direct confrontation or seduction. It's important to have, and stick to, clearly defined goals. Maintaining a strong vision and following a steady course of least resistance often brings good fortune.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 4:
If gentleness, modesty and energy are combined, the effects can be endearing. When approaching difficult situations which require sustained effort to achieved the desired goal, keep these three virtues in mind.
Future: 44 Liaison
The attraction is strong. But the relationship is not destined to last. Be careful - the coming together of disparate forces may not be what it seems. An apparently harmless, but potentially dangerous, element has attracted attention to itself and is pulling on a stronger one. One ancient image is of a bold but immature young girl who uses her charms to gain influence with a powerful man. The man dallies with her, thinking that it can do him no harm. Ha, famous last thoughts! When power shifts into the hands of those unprepared for it, harm comes to all parties.
Still, you need not fear meetings with those whose positions are widely different from your own, so long as you know you are free of ulterior motives.
Be especially wary of temptations which arise because of your position, or your connection to someone in an important position. Generally, it is best to combat such temptations by snipping them in the bud before they can flower. As soon as a dangerous liaison presents itself is the time to speak up. On the other hand, there are times when the meeting of the yielding and the strong turn out to have been opportunities for truly positive and constructive relationships. The difference between careless connection and a relationship of depth lies in the motives of the heart. How sincere are you?

Consultation on Friday, October 28, 2005 at 10:26 PM.
Present: 60 Limits and Connections
Question: my motives

Limits are necessary to give purpose and direction to life. Swimming in a sea of boundless opportunity would soon lead to exhaustion. Winging it alone in a sky of boundless opportunity would lead to being lost. In human affairs, the making of choices, and alliances, implies limitation, for in choosing one path another must be abandoned.
One key to a successful life is to select your limits consciously and carefully - to be discriminating in the setting of personal boundaries and knowing when to join in formation. Thrift, for example, often precedes prosperity; just as the letting go of selfish interests often leads to greater personal reward. Only by consciously accepting useful limits can one's energy be channeled to good purpose, and lead to lasting accomplishment.
Point yourself toward a middle way, the mean between discipline and freedom of spirit. Limits will come of their own accord; but to be able to consciously select your own affiliations in life - that's knowing how to fly! At the same time, do not go overboard on discipline. Even limitation must be limited, so that in attempting to bring order and direction into your life you do not choke off vital sources of enthusiasm and spontaneity.
Similarly, in groups and organizations, the rules and regulations should strike a balance between being too strict and too soft. If too strict, they build frustration among people, and ultimately become destructive. If too lenient, sloppiness becomes acceptable, and energy is soon dissipated. The best path is one which allows for the fulfillment of individual potential, while encouraging self-discipline and focus.
The condition of things in the present is fairly stable. There are no specific changes indicated right now.

Consultation on Friday, October 28, 2005 at 11:37 PM.
Present: 46 Pushing Upward
Question: any change to shadow will be my sign

Advancement is represented by the forces of growth in springtime, when new plant life pushes upward through the earth's crust. The emphasis is on upward motion, from obscurity to influence, with growth fostered by adaptability and the absence of opposition. Constant, flexible growth is the key attribute of a plant pushing upwards. This reading suggests a period of promotion and prosperity in your life.
A wise person, in harmony with fate, is sensitive but determined. Make a sincere effort to apply resolute effort against the forces of inertia, and good fortune will follow. By remaining tolerant and flexible, you will be able to retain the kind of conscious innocence which fuels growth and advancement. Will power and self-control are necessary to manage this growth properly, but an inner enthusiasm for life is what nurtures it.
The condition of things in the present is fairly stable. There are no specific changes indicated right now.

Consultation on Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 12:02 AM
Present: 60 Limits and Connections
Question: too shy to show retreat or remorse

Limits are necessary to give purpose and direction to life. Swimming in a sea of boundless opportunity would soon lead to exhaustion. Winging it alone in a sky of boundless opportunity would lead to being lost. In human affairs, the making of choices, and alliances, implies limitation, for in choosing one path another must be abandoned.
One key to a successful life is to select your limits consciously and carefully - to be discriminating in the setting of personal boundaries and knowing when to join in formation. Thrift, for example, often precedes prosperity; just as the letting go of selfish interests often leads to greater personal reward. Only by consciously accepting useful limits can one's energy be channeled to good purpose, and lead to lasting accomplishment.
Point yourself toward a middle way, the mean between discipline and freedom of spirit. Limits will come of their own accord; but to be able to consciously select your own affiliations in life - that's knowing how to fly! At the same time, do not go overboard on discipline. Even limitation must be limited, so that in attempting to bring order and direction into your life you do not choke off vital sources of enthusiasm and spontaneity.
Similarly, in groups and organizations, the rules and regulations should strike a balance between being too strict and too soft. If too strict, they build frustration among people, and ultimately become destructive. If too lenient, sloppiness becomes acceptable, and energy is soon dissipated. The best path is one which allows for the fulfillment of individual potential, while encouraging self-discipline and focus.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 5:
Do not ask others to wear a yoke you yourself would be unwilling to carry. Impose no rules you yourself could not live by. This is especially true, if you are in a position of leadership. If you are able to impose limits on others which truly fit the circumstance, and do not overly limit their freedom, greater success is possible.
Future: 19 Approach of Spring
Spring is approaching. Good times ahead seems inevitable; there is vitality in the air. This is a most auspicious time. Like a snake emerging from hibernation, negative forces are only just beginning to stir, and can be effectively controlled. This is a time of hopeful progress, and must be used to best advantage. When approaching good fortune, conscientious work pays great dividends. A clear road lies ahead.
Act now, for at some point this ripe opportunity for advancement will be reversed. No spring lasts forever. It's always wise to stay alert and note the changing signs of the times.
Spring is always the season of new relationships. In the bounty of good times, new bonds are formed effortlessly. Relationships born in spring can serve well to warm the following autumn and winter.

Consultation on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 6:50 PM.
Present: 23 Disintegration
Question: God, help me!

In every life, all is not what it seems. At this time, things are on the decline and reality seems like a hall of mirrors, or a house with a collapsing roof. Intrigues are multiplying like flies, and there are rumors of discontent. It is the time of illusion, deception, distrust and disintegration.
When you find yourself about to become trapped in situation that is falling apart, it is necessary to retrace your steps. Return to the familiar; take solace in what is firm and secure. Gather up your energy and do not confront the source of the problem directly. There is no blame in holding back; indeed, it is your responsibility to keep your strength intact for the period of resurrection, which follows the period of disintegration as surely as dawn follows the night.
Discretion is the better part of valor Ñ and good timing is important too. Learn to choose the proper moments for action, thereby avoiding futile effort. Be particularly attentive at such a time as this for changes that signal a time to retreat.
In the realm of personal relations, discovering illusion is always painful, and confusing. When in the midst of such a period, it is wise to avoid undertaking any bold new moves or competing with inferiors; it is especially important not to jump to conclusions too quickly.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 1:
Slander and intrigue abound: the image of rats scurrying about, undermining the foundation of a house. At such moments, any action at all can provide new ammunition for the inferior forces at work. Only by doing nothing can you hasten the end. Be patient. And brave.
Future: 27 Nourishment
Nourishment refers to much more than a healthy diet. It is the care-giving function. Eating properly implies care for oneself; providing healthy meals in the home is a sign of caring for the family. The writer of a great book or composer of an inspiring piece of music also provides nourishment - to humanity in general, by caring deeply about his or her work and offering the fruits of it to the world.
You can know people by observing what they choose to nourish in their own lives. Do they feed and develop their own bodies? Do they cultivate their spirits, their intellects, their moral values? Do they nourish and care for those around them? If so, to whom do they devote their energies? The most successful people are temperate in eating and drinking, thinking and dreaming. They strengthen the world by nurturing the higher nature in man.
Pay heed to your inner thoughts and impulses, ignoring thoughts which undermine a healthy and persevering attitude. A wise person is temperate in the consumption of food and drink, because to be otherwise only leads to discomfort; the fact that temporary pleasure may precede the discomfort does not influence the person of mature character. In the same way, be discriminating in your words and actions, lest a desire for temporary advantage lead you to cause pain for yourself or others. Enrich your own character and you will naturally nourish everyone around you.

Consultation on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 6:52 PM.
Present: 37 Community
Question: may i nourish all given me by God

A close-knit community that is really fulfilling is one where healthy interdependence is supported. Leadership is essential, but strong bonds of membership are dependent upon every member of the group. Trust, shared responsibilities and good communication are essential. Each member must be encouraged to find his or her appropriate expression, and contribution.
The functional family is a team which symbolizes the ideal of human interdependence, and has long provided a firm foundation for society. The healthy family is a microcosm of society and the native soil in which ethical values take root and grow. Fertilize this soil, and the whole of society benefits.
The power which bonds a family, or a tribe of any kind, together is the feminine principle Ñ gentleness and receptivity. Teamwork can be improved through cultivation of these qualities. Learn to accept both advice and aid from others, and be willing to assume an appropriate activve role in any group you join. A good team player is extremely valuable to others. The best way to get what you want is always to help others get what they want.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.
The first changing line is Line 1:
Every group must establish strict guidelines in order to succeed. When beginning any activity or project which requires the exercise of authority, it is vital to exercise power firmly and evenly. This may cause problems at first, but it is the only way to create a stable situation from which positive results can emanate. Dissatisfaction soon vanishes and things start to go well, particularly if kindness remains an element of authority. Remember, that training or leading others requires that you embody both integrity and consistency.
Another aspect of this particular line has to do with not spoiling children. Structure your family sensibly and all will be well. Within either a family or a team, you owe it to those for whom you are responsible to respond appropriately to their egos (including temper tantrums and other emotional demands) with inner calm. If you are lenient with a child who marks on the furniture one time, can you blame the child for doing it again? If you have spoiled someone by yielding to childish demands, you are faced sooner or later with having to reform an errant rascal - not an easy task.
The second changing line is Line 6:
You are confident and your work commands respect. This is a time of reward and recognition for you. Remember that the leader of a circle of influence (a group of friends, teammates, or family group) has a responsibility to set a good example, for it is only through developing your own character that you can influence others and create order.
Future: 39 Temporary Obstacles
Have temporary obstacles been blocking your way? In the course of trying to reach a goal or fulfill a personal ambition, obstructions inevitably present themselves. This is not always a bad thing. Obstacles, difficulties and even setbacks which are eventually overcome often become assets. Without irritating grains of sand, oysters would never make pearls.
The obstacles pointed to here are not permanent, yet they are in the way. As when a large boulder falls in the road, the best course of action is usually to go around it, rather than to try to move it out of the way. Temporary obstacles must be seen for what they are - temporary - and should not be allowed to take on too much significance.
A positive aspect of even the most difficult obstacle is that it may cause a person to turn inward, and gain greater depth and character. While the ignorant bemoan their fate and seek to blame their problems on others, the wise seek the cause of the problem within themselves. Through this type of introspection, obstacles become a means for personal growth and self-discovery.
Without air resistance, no plane would ever fly.
If you are facing temporary obstacles, try not to be overly concerned. Obstacles are a part of achieving every goal and furthering every undertaking. Setbacks and reverses can affect morale, but keeping up your self-confidence in the face of obstacles is part of a successful solution to many of life's problems. Obstacles of short duration are best handled with a yielding attitude. Go around the rock, don't put your shoulder to it.

Consultation on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 6:54 PM.
Present: 25 Innocence
Question: re temporary obstacles and attending afrika drum

Innocence implies a natural harmlessness, openness and pure intentions which are unsullied by ulterior motives. The state of innocence has less to do with age than attitude; innocence springs from a heart which remains open to joy and wonder. Innocence, when guided by a firm faith in what is right, brings supreme success. Naivete unanchored by an ability to discern right from wrong, on the other hand, brings misfortune.
The hallmark of innocence is a willingness to treat all creatures with compassion and respect.
Those who possess a pure heart are best guided by their instincts and intuition. Thinking too much severs links with the guidance of the heart: namely, a clear intuition and strong guiding instincts. Be wary of courses of action which require too much cleverness.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 1:
The first impulses of the heart are almost always pure and good. It is safe to follow them confidently, provided your conscience is not offended. When you reach an impasse in tangled affairs, it is often helpful to review the original impulse for that action, to examine the original purpose.
Future: 12 Standstill
In a state of standstill and decline, confusion and disorder prevail. Inferior forces are on the rise, while the powers of clarity and creativity are on the decline. In such times, the wise take shelter in their own integrity and quietly remain faithful to their principles. Retreat from public activities and common exchanges until the times once again favor forthright action.
During periods of stagnation, inferior elements in society prevail. When the inmates are overrunning the asylum, summon up your fortitude, hide your worth and withdraw. Concentrate on your personal affairs with a quiet dignity, even if that means forfeiting short-term rewards.
Desiring to change a situation too quickly often creates extra conflict. By accepting hardship, while striving to maintain integrity, you are preparing for future growth. "A seed of prosperity is often hidden inside the husk of misfortune."

Consultation on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 6:56 PM.
Present: 20 Overview
Question: do my unchanging values and objectives support tonight's drum?

Overview is a time for composure and contemplation. As a result of profound contemplation, a hidden force emanates from us, influencing others without their being aware of it. Do not underestimate the power of this force. Like the wind blowing across the tree tops, its presence is perceived through the effect it has on everything it touches.
Shallow wells rarely strike water, and shallow minds often come up empty. The ability to keep still and simply observe deepens resolve, and attracts good fortune. Discern the difference between what is deep and what is surface within yourself - and you will be able to distinguish between the two in the outer world as well.
During a period between events, the practice of stillness with awareness is a good idea. Only by observing and absorbing the true nature of things - by apprehending the rhythms and cycles which guide all creation - can we discover the laws which apply to our own individual lives. Examine yourself and the overall situation, not just with the thought of discovering truth, but with the idea of concentrating your personal power.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 5:
Self-examination is called for. Don't brood over your own shortcomings - that is a trap for the weak! Study the effect you have on people; and how events tend to unfold around you. Do not try to deny the obvious. Seek truth from experience, and keep your eyes unflinchingly upon the flame of reality, rather than the shadows of illusion.
Future: 23 Disintegration
In every life, all is not what it seems. At this time, things are on the decline and reality seems like a hall of mirrors, or a house with a collapsing roof. Intrigues are multiplying like flies, and there are rumors of discontent. It is the time of illusion, deception, distrust and disintegration.
When you find yourself about to become trapped in situation that is falling apart, it is necessary to retrace your steps. Return to the familiar; take solace in what is firm and secure. Gather up your energy and do not confront the source of the problem directly. There is no blame in holding back; indeed, it is your responsibility to keep your strength intact for the period of resurrection, which follows the period of disintegration as surely as dawn follows the night.
Discretion is the better part of valor Ñ and good timing is important too. Learn to choose the proper moments for action, thereby avoiding futile effort. Be particularly attentive at such a time as this for changes that signal a time to retreat.
In the realm of personal relations, discovering illusion is always painful, and confusing. When in the midst of such a period, it is wise to avoid undertaking any bold new moves or competing with inferiors; it is especially important not to jump to conclusions too quickly.

Consultation on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 6:57 PM.
Present: 09 Small Influences
Question: effect with peter

A gentle wind gathers the clouds, but still, no rain. Softer influences predominate as the power of the small accumulates. This is a time for smooth and friendly persuasion.
In the ebb and flow of events, there are always "low tides" - times when sweeping action is impossible or inappropriate, but when small matters can be attended to profitably, leading to bigger and better things later on. When the tide is rolling in, by all means, ride the wave; but when it is receding like it is now, focus on little things.
When the time is such that you cannot do much to affect large matters, persuasion and subtle influence can prepare the way for strength in the future. Use your intuition to chart your long-term course, but avoid bold actions for the moment - they are unlikely to work. This is an excellent time to refine existing abilities or develop new talents.
Be wary of others' intentions if they hold the upper hand in a situation. Examine their sources of power, so as to discover subtle influences you may be able to exert upon them.
There are two changing lines. Either one or the other or some combination of both of them will be relevant.
The first changing line is Line 1:

When a strong person encounters an obstacle in his or her path, the first inclination is to press forward, to remove it or overcome it by force. In present circumstances, however, do not let yourself be drawn into direct action or conflict. Instead, stand back and take some time to assess the situation, and consider all your options.
The second changing line is Line 2:
When skating on thin ice, allow others to take the lead. There is no disgrace in learning from others, particularly when doing so avoids putting yourself in jeopardy.
Future: 53 A Steady Pace
Like an ancient old-growth forest - where the subtle play of light, texture and shadows is the product of a process measured in centuries and inches - most things of lasting value develop gradually, at their own pace. The ability to learn from experience - one of humanity's greatest treasures - implies constant yet gradual progress. The combination of stillness within and determination without are the essence of this condition. Good things sometimes sprout quickly; the truly delightful take much longer.
The principle of gradual development applies also to human relationships. For love, marriage and business relationships to endure, progress must be slow but steady: slow enough to allow for the bonds to knit properly; steady enough to move in the right direction.
You can't expect to have everything all at once. Development must be allowed to take its proper course; events must neither be rushed nor manipulated, but allowed to unfold in due course. In this way, you will come to enjoy long-lasting relationships, and achieve success in the world.

Consultation on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 6:59 PM.
Present: 13 Fellowship
Question: let God bless as many as possible in my time of blessing

Fellowship. When communal bonds unite a group of people, great success is possible. But such bonds can develop only when personal interests are subjugated to goals which carry in them the essential virtues of humanity. The broader the basis for action, the greater the good which can be achieved. And conversely, the greater the potential good, the more powerful the support behind it. A spirit of cooperation steadies the boat, but it helps to have a beautiful island to row towards.
Learn to respect the strength in diversity, for a community's true power lies not in its numbers, but in the diverse skills and resources of its members. Just as the stoutest walls are reinforced with many different materials, so the strongest groups allow differences to co-exist inside the whole.
With a unified group solidly behind you, even very difficult enterprises can be attempted without great risk.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 5:
The strongest bond on earth is that between two human hearts which have come to know and share each other's inmost thoughts and desires. Though separated by circumstances or fate; though divided by differences of opinion; though angered by each other's behavior, if the bond is true, nothing can break it. This type of union may cause some sadness and difficulty, but in the end brings the sweetest joy known to man.
Future: 30 Clinging Like Fire
Flames cling to their source of fuel in order to keep the fire burning. Likewise, in the human world, everything that radiates light or love is dependent upon something else. Through these dependencies we discover that everything is related, each thing to the other. Awareness of your own dependency on others is the key which unlocks the door to your true place in the world. No woman is an island.
Fire is also a symbol of liberation - crackling little molecules flying away from home. Paradoxically, by clinging to what is right and proper, we gain inner freedom.
Given perseverance on your part, this reading indicates success. In spite of challenges, cling to what is luminous in yourself, in others, and in life itself, never forsaking your belief in what is right. When events seem foreboding, or people seem oppressive, remember the good that has been and is yet to be. Holding to this idea is to cling to the power of the light, the force which enables inner darkness to be illuminated.

Consultation on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 7:00 PM.
Present: 14 Affluence
Question: best attitude to approach tonight's events

Supreme success! Like the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, a person whose fortunes have turned for the better shines brightly. At the core of this success lies unselfishness and modesty, for it is the tendency of a flexible or yielding nature to bind powerful forces to it, particularly when prosperity begins to manifest. When power is wielded with grace and dignity, there is supreme success and great abundance!
Ah, but be careful. Along with any accumulation of wealth or influence may come an accumulation of pride and arrogance. Fight this tendency if you intend to continue prospering. Stay attentive enough to manage your affairs well. And remember that while material prosperity certainly beats the alternative, it is only one of many elements of a satisfying life.
The most specific advice with regard to your question is contained in changing line 6:
You are blessed by Providence and enjoy good fortune. You experience improvement in every way. Remember that supreme success goes to those who are in the world, but not of it - who, in the fullness of possession and at the height of power, remain modest and wink often toward heaven. Providence helps those who live with faith and gratitude, while people help the person who is true. To he who has, more will be given.
Future: 34 Great Vigor
Congratulations! There is strength and vigor in this situation - like a ram who has knocked down a fence to free himself from captivity. This points to a time when a strong force comes into its own and achieves power.
When a leader finally comes into power, his or her personal strength usually has peaked. Great strength has been required in climbing to the mountaintop, but once at the summit, the support of others is needed to maintain position. A shift in attitude becomes necessary. Raw strength must be tempered by wisdom; to maintain power, the strong leader must learn to give it away, to share it with others. Only then will his position be secure, for he will not only be the possessor of power, but the source of it as well.
If you find yourself in a powerful position, it is especially important to act responsibly and react with care. Power must not be allowed to degenerate into raw force which rides roughshod over everything in its path. A strong sense of responsibility to the collective good is the key to the successful exercise of power. By following what we intuitively know to be for the greater good, we avoid reckless abuses of power which in the end undermine the source of our strength. Arrogance contains the seeds of its own undoing.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Oct 23 - Tarot read

Tarot Reading
Sunday, October 23, 2005 at 12:02:21 PM
Time Line

1: History
You have come to possess uncommon understanding that can help you achieve your goals.
The Hierophant in this position suggests that your past provided you with a blueprint for your dreams and aspirations. You have apparently been exposed to a mother lode of sensitive and scientific thinking that attuned your awareness and can now clarify your current situation. The Hierophant is trained in the art of magical thinking, self affirmation and natural laws. Using this foundation, leverage those laws, putting them to work rather than being subjected to them. Trust your intuition and your hunches —you are receiving relevant information from a deep, instinctive, historical well.
2: Recent Events
Enact and embody those values from the past that can enrich your world today.
With the Six of Cups in this position, a recent experience is powerfully nostalgic. It draws your energy and attention away from current situations back to a memory that is still compelling. This inner image is strongly symbolic; it reminds you of what might have been. Although some elements of those cherished memories are worth bringing into your present life, don’t spend too much time on memories. If the experience nourishes you, then the best response is to generate more of the same kind energy and share it with those around you. Think of those past experiences as examples of ways you can choose to be in the present. Let proven ideals and attitudes energize you now, no matter how much circumstances may have changed.
3: The Present
Card: Ace of Wands
Position No. 1: Self
Stay attentive to your goal even as change accelerates.
With the Ace of Wands in this position, unified will, also known as point of focus, is the principal element. The nature of fire is to activate and accelerate change, chemical transformation, communication, realizations. Much to your benefit, change is ignited as you make the challenging transition from theory to action, but you must remain clear about your goal. An ace signifies the seed, the start point, a first step; if you handle yourself properly, if you take advantage of this opportunity, your situation can mature into a great success. Stay unified with your goal.
4: Near Future
Become more careful in your choices; don’t be so naive, opening yourself to unnecessary trauma.
With the Eight of Cups in this position, you will be lucky to get through an upcoming situation without being taken advantage of or even abused. Such experiences can humble us and destroy our feelings of security. This is a tough situation. Keep your eyes open; be vigilant; it is not a safe environment. For now be less open, less willing to just let things happen to you. Be protective of your boundaries. If you are about to put yourself in a challenging or unpredictable situation, take responsibility. Only foresight can provide you any safety. Once you are caught up, there will be no rescue and you will be forced to go through it alone. Forewarned is forearmed.
5: Far Future
Allow your heart to lead you to fulfilling friendships that can help you achieve your best.
With the Three of Cups in this position, there is potential for discovering some truly wonderful, emotionally nourishing people, if you follow your heart into relationships opening for you now. These new contacts make all the difference in your quality of life. This card illustrates the phrase “Do what you love, the money will follow.” You are attracted to the best people, doing your best work, and expressing your highest ideals because you are in a supportive environment. Think of it as psychological money in the bank. Remember, however, the art of friendship is an experience that is cultivated by repetition and refinement. Make sure you spend enough time with those wonderful people who make up your family and friends. They are essential in ways that you will see in retrospect.

Sunday, October 23, 2005 at 12:19:34 PM
Question: I studied about trauma, lived it, trained and worked as mentor for trauma victims, been treated for trauma. Is this the focus of knowledge for me? I just prepared some Google searches and, sure enough, post 9-11 there was a burgeoning of knowledge re trauma. Yet, we remain completely vulnerable to environmental upheaval and remain disassociated re dealing with everyday pain-causing situations, like the 6 o’clock news.

Horoscope Spread
The Eight of Swords,
often called "The Test," usually pictures a warrior running a gauntlet, subjected to harsh examination, who finds out just how tough he is or isn't in the process. Life provides us with plenty of experiences that put us in situations of close scrutiny, whether it's an entrance exam for college, a decisive job interview, or even the tough conversations that follow upon a breech of trust in a primary relationship.
Sometimes the challenge or obstacle course has nothing to do with other people, as when an inventor has to face the question "Does it really work?" This card shows what happens to that good idea in real time, where the rubber meets the road. The Test represents your chance to vindicate the time and energy spent in getting ready for this big moment. In most cases, you will either pass or fail, with little middle ground.

1: House of Identity
An uncommon individual has exceptional knowledge and deep understanding.

The Hierophant is someone who knows him or herself to be exceptional. Every circle includes the few who know and understand and the many who aspire to do so. This card acknowledges you as a person with inner knowledge above and beyond theory and scholarship, who is able to contact the spirit world on behalf of humanity. In ancient times shamans were the healers, astrologers and early fabricators of metals and medicines for tribal societies. Nowadays the Hierophant represents those who have specialized knowledge in their field. She or he speaks wisely from true and direct experience, and serves in a leadership role.
2: House of Work
The past holds clues to your immediate situation. Evaluate past feelings and compare them to what you feel now.
When the Six of Cups is in this position, the immediate circumstance may be powerfully reminiscent of the past. Your mind and heart hearken back to long forgotten places, faces and feelings. Much information is stored within these memories, and something about the present circumstance is triggering them. It’s worthwhile to compare what you feel now to what you felt so long ago. We can never be sure what memory will bring back, but we can trust it to connect things through emotional resonance, not logic. Asking yourself what is familiar in this situation will help you evaluate and understand the significance of your immediate experience.
3: House of Ideas
Make your decisions wisely because you will have to live with the consequences.

The Ace of Wands in this position encourages you to keep your focus through the inevitable changes that will emerge from the choice or decision you are currently making. Have the courage of your convictions. When you are in a position in which you can do things your own way, you have to be a leader, taking responsibility for all the consequences of this choice, which is now in your hands. Be sure you are willing to live with the outcome. This is the moment to adjust your thinking; once things are further set in motion, it may be too late.
4: House of the Family
When you assert inner wisdom and strength, you will not repeat patterns of victimization.

The Eight of Cups in this position suggests that lack of protection or boundaries caused you to be wounded in the past. Leaving aside the question of who is guilty and how scores might be settled, ask yourself if you are still expecting the worst. Do you continue to be passive, waiting for the ax to fall, for another’s actions to determine your fate? To the extent that your boundaries can still be violated, you continue to collude with victimizers, leaking power and self esteem. Summon up your courage to graduate from a chronically defensive posture in order to stop attracting traumatic experiences.
5: House of Magic
You know that the positive feelings you have for others are reciprocated.
With the Three of Cups in this position, you have the security and enjoyment of knowing that the people you care about most also care about you. This is a card of love returned — not in a sexual sense, but in a sisterly or brotherly, a close and friendly sense. Here there is no feeling of sibling rivalry. Instead, we have a chance for our needs to be met and our hearts and self esteem fulfilled. It’s such a blessing when times as uncomplicated as these happen for us. Even though the moment may be brief, cherish the memory and if you can, write it in your journal before it fades. You deserve to preserve this reminder and keep it available to you so you remember the times in your life when everything was working well.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Examining the continuum of your life experiences renews you and clarifies your mission.

When the Ten of Wands falls in this position you are being asked to contemplate the continuity in your life, to review decisions you made when you were inexperienced and naive, then appreciate the stream of choices and realizations that led you to your present level of maturity. This continuum illuminates the theme that has governed your life from the beginning until now. From this perspective, you can recognize yourself, forgive yourself and renew yourself in light of the constant external change that marks life in this world. Then you can rest secure, knowing what your long term mission is and the nature of the contributions you have come here to make.
7: House of Relationships
As you cultivate calm within yourself, you will gain a greater ability to see and understand.
When the King of Cups is in this position, you are ready to embrace a higher state of awareness and evoke a greater sensitivity to more subtle aspects of life. Rewards are coming for which you labored long and hard. They are not external or visible, however; they are emotional, psychic and spiritual rewards. As you enjoy their abundance, the resulting attunement can bring you into harmony and balance in a way that you once only fantasized about. Now it can truly be yours. Enjoy this upcoming experience of peace, and as you do so, take careful notice of it so you can learn to reproduce it.
8: House of Secrets
Unfinished personal development could undermine you.

When the Four of Coins falls in this position, some aspect of immaturity, naiveté or unfinished personal development could cause you problems. Although you have inherited something good, something abundant, the very receipt of this endowment may have prevented you from maturing as you need to. Perhaps you skipped some step to do with accomplishment or earning your right to be where you are. This can produce either insecurity or a false sense of entitlement, both of which need to be outgrown so you will understand what things like money, time and trust are really worth. There are qualities you lack which you must develop in yourself. For the time being, release yourself from all feelings of ownership or entitlement. You can return to the management of your assets when you have further developed yourself. Your soul will benefit by this temporary letting go.
9: House of Visions
An ally can test your opinions and otherwise help you evaluate your chosen path.

Justice in this position suggests there is someone in your life who is willing to serve as a sounding board and question you rigorously about incongruities in your thinking. He or she can role play your examiner, taking you through your paces intellectually. This gives you the opportunity to prove to yourself that you walk your talk, live up to your claims, that you are the person you profess to be. Trust this ally; do not resist or deny his or her feedback. You have a chance to illuminate blind spots that would otherwise make you vulnerable.
10: House of Reputation
Be confident that if you express your truth you won’t have to worry about undue consequences; you will be safe and sound.
The Queen of Coins in this position advises you to trust the forces that have taken care of you up to this point. Continue to express your truth without worrying that you are going to lose the roof over your head or the bed you sleep in. It is your destiny, your karma, to be safe and sound at this time in your life. Proceed with confidence and do what you feel so strongly must be done. Since the Queen of Coins is often the person with the best intuition in the crowd, you may feel like you are going against the grain only to find yourself becoming the leader of a new trend.
11: House of the Future
You can direct the situation without controlling it. Be creative and flexible.

With the Horseman of Swords in this position, change is afoot; no longer drifting with the currents, you are assertively directing the flow. Although we often wait until things happen to us, the Knight of Swords likes to be the prime mover in a situation. If you are respectful of natural timing, the innate enthusiasm of this horseman can facilitate change. Nevertheless, be careful not to try to control the outcome. You will serve the situation best by being receptive, so the finest ideas have a chance to emerge. Avoid second guessing what the highest and best outcome should look like. The best this horseman has to offer is creative intellect combined with mental resilience.
12: House of Surrender
Step forward, take responsibility and speak up for progress and higher expectations.

The Seven of Wands in this position requires that you risk the possible consequences of standing out in the crowd and revealing your formidable qualities. You could become a target of jealousy or even hostility, but the situation demands that you step forward, take responsibility, and advocate for higher standards. Although it would feel easier to hang back and keep your wisdom to yourself, avoiding the attention that could be focused on you, someone has to redefine the situation and raise the collective sights. Don’t resist; you and everyone around you will benefit if you accept this challenge. The consequences will sort themselves out later.

Sunday, October 23, 2005 at 12:36:15 PM
Question: We’ve had a Global Food Security Program at ready for years, yet whole countries starve. We have the human genome pattern recorded on a set of CDs and could rid it of accrued spam and restore it to its ’pre-Fall’ state, but we're still stuck on the ethics of stem-cell research. not done. knowledge. deep body wisdom integrated with mind-spirit needed but only when humanity ready to attain it. fear keeps us wounded, broken, making knowledge remain occult, hidden from eye by veil of maya. now what?

Horoscope Spread
The Queen of Cups
is usually portrayed as a feminine, sensitive, vulnerable woman who understands supremely and love unconditionally. She is the classic “feeler”, sometimes to a fault. Her natural empathy and caring expose her to everybody else’s emotions and needs. But she occasionally has difficulty identifying her true self-interest in the midst of her responsiveness to others. So, sometimes she appears slightly unfocused or perhaps overwhelmed, filled as she is with emotions or “spirits”. She represents the Grail Queen, and the Goddess of the Family.

1: House of Identity
Card: Ace of Wands
Position No. 1: Self
Stay attentive to your goal even as change accelerates.

With the Ace of Wands in this position, unified will, also known as point of focus, is the principal element. The nature of fire is to activate and accelerate change, chemical transformation, communication, realizations. Much to your benefit, change is ignited as you make the challenging transition from theory to action, but you must remain clear about your goal. An ace signifies the seed, the start point, a first step; if you handle yourself properly, if you take advantage of this opportunity, your situation can mature into a great success. Stay unified with your goal.
2: House of Work
You must accommodate an entire spectrum of experience as you move among the privileged.

The Ten of Coins in this position speaks of people who have a high degree of privilege. Both the negative and positive sides of these highly achieved, highly endowed individuals are revealed, and daily contacts require that you find your level in this culture. You have something important to learn by witnessing this exclusive mode of living. To become a true world citizen, you need to be able to move among all kinds of people, and in this case, that involves learning to feel natural in situations of great luxury and comfort, among people who take it totally for granted.
3: House of Ideas
Give attention to what is clearly positive.

With the Three of Cups in this position, you have an opportunity to support the best of what is happening around you and leave the rest. Focus and shine a warm and loving light on what is positive in this situation. Don’t waste time and energy — emotionally or mentally — on the negative. Appreciate that there is so much to be glad for, to capitalize upon, and to build on from the shared talents, interests and abilities of this group. Your job is to become an effective cheerleader so that the morale supports the potential. You will then see some wonderful results.
4: House of the Family
Your understanding of life’s ephemeral nature makes you a potential leader.

The Wheel of Fortune in this position suggests that you are familiar with the rhythmic rise and fall of all things. Perhaps you have spent a portion of your life studying this dynamic. This gives you the opportunity to determine patterns and be able to second guess them. You may have learned to be comfortable with the shadow of chaos as it repeatedly impinges on what you think should be orderly. You have come to terms with the truth of impermanence — everything shifts from under your feet just as you get your balance. This gives you a great advantage and makes you a stabilizing force in difficult times.
5: House of Magic
Successful experiments with telling your truth have shown you a way to be heard.
With the Queen of Swords in this position, you have just experienced the freedom and power of being completely candid. Social rules don’t always allow that to happen. Because we are thoroughly programmed to be polite and tactful, most humans are inhibited by direct talk. The fact that you said your piece may have been a breakthrough for you. Continue to meditate on this new approach, then follow up on it. As you do so, notice how keenly the truth can illuminate the essence of the issues. You’ve been given an inspiring glimpse into still to be developed powers of communication. Cherish the opportunity to develop these powers in your current and future life.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Because of your qualifications for service, it is your spiritual responsibility to take action.

When the Seven of Swords falls in this position, part of your mission in this lifetime is to be heroic under pressure. You now possess the humility necessary to be useful during difficult times. Because of your skill and good sense, you can be relied on as a leader or role model in your community. This confers a certain spiritual responsibility to shoulder some of the collective burden. Let your high moral sensibility and your natural, practical good sense guide others to do the right thing. When greater responsibility comes to you, don’t beg off or practice false modesty. Consider it a spiritual obligation to accept a position of leadership and don’t question why it is falling to you. It’s not just a matter of responsibility; the rewards will be great.
7: House of Relationships
Keep yourself open and receptive to the significant people you are about to encounter.
When the Four of Wands is in this position, the talent needed to complement a vision is beginning to converge. The process has been set in motion; future colleagues will be stepping forward so you can meet, trade notes and define the work you will share. Stay alert to them when they appear and welcome them. Don’t neglect this opportunity.
8: House of Secrets
A reversal can contain the seeds of blessings.

When the Queen of Coins falls in this position, it indicates a sense of loss or diminishment, perhaps the feeling of having fallen from a high station in life to a lower one. Painful as this might be, resolve to view setbacks as educational experiences rather than punishments and you will be better able to appreciate the value of these challenges.
Try to remember that in this life you are given the experiences necessary to shape you into who you need to be for the sake of the greater good. Whatever your losses, Nature and the material plane is still a splendid and beautiful place to be. Get back on track with your full-bodied participation with life and you will be able to rebuild, start fresh or simply find reason to go on whether your cash flow — or reputation — is up or down.
9: House of Visions
Someone with the power and influence to create change is interested in your abilities.

The Emperor in this position suggests that powerful interests have noticed you and want to take you under their wing. These influential people are positively disposed toward you. They are not only interested in and approve of you, they bring important resources and connections that will help advance your goals. Consider yourself fortunate if the Emperor is looking in on your endeavors. Try not to waste his time and energy. He is capable and energetic, and he is looking for like-minded people to align himself with. Make an effort to bring to the surface similar qualities from within yourself, so you and the Emperor can meet as equals.
10: House of Reputation
Don’t allow yourself to be coaxed into premature decisions or actions.

The Two of Coins in this position advises you to not do, say or choose anything definitive for the time being. Cut yourself a little slack— give yourself a little more time to sort out your feelings and any mixed messages you may be receiving from others. Don’t allow yourself to be goaded into premature decisions or actions. Act only when you can do so with a unified heart and mind.
11: House of the Future
When your leadership is unobtrusive, others are motivated to action.

When the Page of Wands is in this position, you have the potential to contribute the most by remaining humble, keeping a low profile and being a catalyst who helps others improve communication. You are not the overt agent of change; your unobtrusiveness leads others to think the good ideas were their own. When that happens, they lend passion to the ideas and are more easily roused to action. Unbeknownst to others, it is your leadership that is quietly at work.
12: House of Surrender
Give up on trying to be “normal” and relax into your eccentricities.

The Hermit in this position recommends that your unique experiences, the peculiar qualities of consciousness which you move through in a day, are not just the product of a skewed imagination. You are in some ways extra sensitive to the forces which move the weather, roll the tides, and speak through Nature. There is a purpose for your heightened awareness, and you must now determine the right use of these special skills of yours, without concern for the opinions of others. Pursue your studies or embark upon an apprenticeship. Forget about fitting in or even being understood.

Sunday, October 23, 2005 at 12:51:22 PM
Question: To be able to digest complicated knowledge, best to use KISS policy. The ancients used basic forms and functions in alchemy and such in medicine to heal individuals, and in communication to catalyze mediation between opposing parties—hugs, touch, music, beauty are sensory basics of powerful import. Folks can relate to them, be taught them to practice and carry them to next generation. We simply need to recall simple techniques.

Horoscope Spread
The Seven of Cups
typically refers to works of the imagination, the use of dream and vision to invent a future different than the life one is currently living. This card reminds us that our outcomes are not set in stone. We can raise our hopes and expectations and upgrade our results. Do not be fooled by the title “Fantasy”—this card indicates the magical quality of the awakened imagination.

1: House of Identity
Clarify your motives before you get involved. Determine whether you are acting outside your role or not.
With the Page of Swords in this position, you are playing the part of a canny investigator who is quietly gathering intelligence, listening behind the scenes, perceiving unfolding trends and probabilities. Some call the Page the spy or the watchman. He can also be seen as a messenger. At his best, he faithfully transmits information that has been entrusted to him. The temptation to editorialize and color the message is great, however, making it important when this card appears in this position to know your motives. Know why you are getting involved so deeply. What’s driving your impulse to be part of the dialogue? Is there an urge to act beyond your mandate rather than function as a clear representative of truth? Be certain before you take on this role.
2: House of Work
Speak the truth from a position of neutrality and centeredness.

Don’t take the actions and reactions going on around you personally. Be grateful that you still possess a strong sense of objectivity. It takes willpower to resist an urge to form opinions, take sides, sit in judgment or develop a preference. Watch closely but hold your emotions in check; you will discover what’s really going on. You may be the only person in this situation capable of taking an objective view.
3: House of Ideas
When needs aren’t being met because of conflict and taking sides, someone has to step forward to clarify the issues.

When the Two of Swords presents in this position, you have an opportunity to elucidate conflicting issues in a current situation. Conflict arises to highlight needs that are not being met or communication efforts that are not being heard. Opposing groups need an outside party to help them see what is pulling them apart. If you are well positioned for such a task, you could possibly serve as a mediator or facilitator. Although certain risks are inherent in sponsoring a sensitive, diplomatic dialogue, you have the right approach for easing this transition. By taking part in the dialogue, you could make a difference. Often people feel much better just having talked out their differences. Sometimes the solution lies in the listening.
4: House of the Family
Take stock of your many blessings and honor your powerful roots.

The Four of Coins in this position suggests you are blessed with substantial gifts of one kind or another. Some families are culturally rich, some are spiritually rich, while some have financial wealth. All can be invaluable experiences. Take stock of your inheritance, your many blessings, and honor your powerful roots to maximize the natural resources granted to you through your lineage.
5: House of Magic
You know that the positive feelings you have for others are reciprocated.
With the Three of Cups in this position, you have the security and enjoyment of knowing that the people you care about most, also care about you. This is a card of love returned — not in a sexual sense, but in a sisterly or brotherly, a close and friendly sense. Here there is no feeling of sibling rivalry. Instead, we have a chance for our needs to be met and our hearts and self esteem fulfilled. It’s such a blessing when times as uncomplicated as these happen for us. Even though the moment may be brief, cherish the memory and if you can, write it in your journal before it fades. You deserve to preserve this reminder and keep it available to you so you remember the times in your life when everything was working well.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Accept the acknowledgement you deserve for your accomplishments.

When the Six of Wands falls in this position, it’s time to receive and accept public commendation for your successful accomplishments. Sometimes when we get caught up in the fast pace of our lives, we forget to stop and let some acknowledgement in. In this case, a Higher Power may arrange a way to generate proper recognition for your labors. Soften, relax and accept praise when it comes because you truly deserve it, and it makes others feel good to acknowledge your contributions.
7: House of Relationships
As a new path to the future opens up for you, leave conflict behind. Be harmonious.

With the Six of Swords in this position, an imminent opportunity for change will be presenting itself. Seize the chance to let go of your present situation and its conflicts for a realm that is free from problems of the past. Opportunities are opening in new directions; bring the best of your knowledge with you and leave contention behind. Detach your heart and mind from past friction as you put physical distance between yourself and the competitive, conflicting agendas of the past. You can start fresh in new circumstances if you change your way of thinking so as not to remain attached to old problems.
8: House of Secrets
Don’t fear getting involved; you would regret inaction later.

When the Page of Wands falls in this position, you are resisting your responsibility to mediate a situation and bring clarity to opposing groups. Your resistance may result from feelings of estrangement or disconnection from those involved; you may be understandably afraid of standing between such volatile parties. Fear, however, is not a justification for failing to do what you are called upon to do. If you don’t get involved you will regret your inaction later. Everyone will be grateful that you squared your shoulders and did what needed to be done rather than looked the other way.
9: House of Visions
Trusted allies carry on your work while you pursue new opportunities.

The Eight of Wands in this position suggests a need to gather people to you who are responsible, trustworthy and committed and have stamina that matches your own. Your creativity and capability can draw numerous opportunities to you, and you want to engage in some of them without losing your momentum. With your allies in your camp, you can take a break from your present work and start something new, knowing the continuity of your efforts will not be lost.
10: House of Reputation
Your time is better spent in reflection and spiritual pursuit.

The Star in this position advises that you increase your spiritual cultivation and meditation. Surrender to the greater good. Rededicate yourself to your higher values. Do whatever will increase your sense of oneness with the great chain of being, the evolutionary course that runs from the past through the present into the future. You know yourself as a creature of a larger realm. Don’t allow inconsequential routines to steal this communion from you.
11: House of the Future
Don’t underestimate your capabilities or trivialize what you do.
The Three of Coins in this position indicates that over time you are going to build a body of valuable works and make quite a name for yourself. Don’t underestimate yourself or diminish the value of what you do. Give priority to nurturing and further developing your vision and skills. Only you can contribute your unique gifts, which are amazing and masterful. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
12: House of Surrender
Although you may feel ready to rise in the world, it may be to your benefit to remain in a position of service for a bit longer.
The Page of Coins in this position requires that you linger in the position of apprentice longer than you may feel your skills already warrant. Something is going on that makes it necessary for you to delay the full bloom of your potential and continue performing as a junior partner or a student. You may have passed those beginner’s exercises long ago and feel capable of much more. Nevertheless, it might be that, in terms of the good of the whole, you serve a more important function by remaining in your current position for the time being. It is not tragic or sad to be in service, especially if you are working in a field that you care about. Consider this as a period of gestation. When you complete your service, a great birth will soon follow.

Sunday, October 23, 2005 at 1:01:03 PM
Question: Powerlessness in chaotic environment immobilizes, numbs us. We cope by separating ourselves, dissociation [fear, flight by Yin] and by self-destructive, self-sabotaging behavior [anger, fight by Yan]. Anorexia, ethnic cleansing—all head-banging, maladaptive coping mechanisms. OK for Darwinian survival but as humans with Free Will we can choose change to integrate, heal, make whole, join forces to superior, simpler control of selves and environs., ending self-hurt and war.

Horoscope Spread
9 The Hermit
The challenge of the Hermit card is to be able to recognize the Teacher in this humble disguise. He will not make it easy for the student to acquire his wisdom, as it takes time and long contemplation to fathom what he is illuminating. He often speaks wordlessly, or in ancient and barbaric tongues, communicating with the elements, the animals, the laws of Nature.
While the hourglass was an identifying feature of the earliest Hermit cards, more modern ones have shifted the metaphor, showing more or less light released from his lantern. But every Hermit card reminds us of the value of time away from the everyday hubbub of community life, to relax the ego and enjoin the mind of Nature.

1: House of Identity
Through self discipline you have honed new skills of observation and perception; now you know how to come out on top.
With the Seven of Swords in this position, you have cultivated the attitudes, habits and disposition of a winner. You have trained yourself to instinctively notice the opportunity, positive potential or advantage in a situation. Although this may not be a characteristic you originally possessed, you have disciplined yourself in such a way that you naturally seek out the openings in your life. You have learned to look past all the obstacles and setbacks you encounter as if they were already conquered.
2: House of Work
Card: The Magician
Allow genius to operate in this situation and creative solutions are sure to arise.
Involve yourself with a person of genius who can spontaneously and intuitively transform lemons into lemonade, chaos into a higher order. When a creative point of view prevails, solutions come easier; people become less judgmental or compulsive. The sense that one can figure out a novel solution makes this a fertile situation for quirky or unorthodox approaches. Don’t miss this boat; it will be a fun ride.
3: House of Ideas
Prepare yourself for the lightning strike coming your way.
The Tower challenges you to make yourself strong enough to channel a high voltage blast. When lightning strikes most people feel fearful of their ability to assimilate the impact of sudden, forceful change. A few others go into overdrive — they feel enlivened, creative, more intelligent and intuitive than usual. It all depends on your ability to sustain shock and carry the charge. Prepare yourself to ensure that you are well grounded, as well as psychologically open and flexible. In this way, you can leverage some of the positive force of this energy when it’s released and experience the least amount of negative kickback.
4: House of the Family
A warrior of peace is coming to the fore; the eternal seeker within you is responding to the call.

The Knight of Cups in this position suggests that it is your natural inheritance to be a pioneer. You actually strive for experiences that others only wonder about. Then you return from the front and describe new horizons of consciousness and understanding. You are a spiritual warrior, and you are striving to win the higher ground. In this situation, it is easy for you to call up the quality of energy that can send you on a crusade and numerous challenges for the sake of the greater good. Perhaps you are now being called to, or are preparing for, another great adventure of this kind.
5: House of Magic
When you give up thinking yours is the only reality, you can recognize and respect diversity of thought and experience.
When the Two of Swords is in this position, a rude awakening in a relationship or situation shook your assumption that everyone understood circumstances clearly. You thought you knew what to expect of others and what they were expecting of you. It is a shock to discover that a past agreement had distinctly different meanings for you and another party. Don’t assume that you have been set up or deceived, however. Use the situation as an opportunity to recognize the differences in peoples’ experience of reality, their priorities and their points of view. Rather than leap into blaming others for what are essentially differences of perception, you can begin to appreciate the rich diversity of this world and the importance of making clear understandings and agreements. Laxity in communication due to assumptions all too often results in arguments over differences instead of leading to celebrations over shared endeavors.
6: House of Apprenticeship
As core truths emerge, accept their influence and allow your life to be changed.

When the Queen of Swords comes up in this position, your inner grandmother is taking her throne. Male or female, we all have living within us a wise crone or powerful Queen of Heaven figure, a mature mother archetype. She is stepping forward now in your own psyche. Her higher reasoning is flowing into your consciousness, helping you see things in a broader way. This involves a peeling away of appearances to yield a clearer disclosure of core issues. She is trying to remind you about what is true, what works and what you can do to positively affect your situation. Don’t resist her; accept her influence.
7: House of Relationships
Be prepared for an upcoming decisive moment; know your will and be ready to implement it.
When the King of Wands appears in this position, an imminent leadership opportunity requires psychological and emotional preparation. Many of us have negative or mixed programming about success, achievement, striving and competition. Those mixed emotions keep us from fulfilling our true potential when opportunities arise. Circumstances now demand leadership and dynamic action, not introspection. Use your strength of will to make a decision and act on it; don’t equivocate.
8: House of Secrets
Under the circumstances you are inclined to hold yourself back, limiting your probability of success.

When the Page of Coins falls in this position, there will be a tendency to use your station in life, your craft or your occupation as an excuse to hold yourself back. In spite of this, your path of service is a platform for all kinds of growth if that’s what you want, but with a negative attitude you can certainly turn it into a dead end. Once you take that route, doors and windows begin to slam shut around you. So why slow yourself down with excuses? Why cling to limited thinking about yourself or your potential? When you answer these questions, you will break through what has been holding you back and your natural confidence will rise again.
9: House of Visions
The very thing you dream about is desired by all.

The World in this position suggests that physical creation, social creation and the entire spiritual hierarchy around you are happy to acknowledge, support and further your plans and intentions. The whole of creation is cooperating with your natural instincts. Let others love you and approve of you. Let them remind you how wonderful you are and how perfect you are for exactly what you are doing.
Allow that you are finally in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing with the right people. Nothing remains but to simply shine with what you do best and most naturally. As you relax with this idea, you will discover that people you thought were your betters are looking at you as a peer. You really have arrived.
10: House of Reputation
Rediscover the idealism and optimism of your youth to reinvigorate your vision.

The Ten of Wands in this position advises you to remember the true, simple heart of your youth and all the idealism it held. As you reach deep into yourself and identify your purest, most wholesome impulses, try to let that optimistic and honorable self help you to see what’s good about the world. Allow yourself to look beyond the challenges, setbacks, disappointments and frustrations you tend to see so easily. As you reawaken your high minded inner child, you will refresh your daily life by looking at it with a joyful purpose and a new optimism.
11: House of the Future
Be meticulous as you consider all the ramifications, then commit yourself whole-heartedly.

The Ace of Coins in this position indicates that you are locking your sights on a goal that will take you through many adventures. You may be on to something big; don’t fool yourself into thinking you are making a simple decision right now, or that it really doesn’t matter. In reality, the choices you make now are pivotal to your future, so think long and hard before you decide to commit. Then commit yourself fully. You’ll look back at this time in your life and think, “I had no idea I would get all the way here from there.” It’s quite likely you’ll be living with the consequences of the choices you make now for a long time to come. Be true to yourself.
12: House of Surrender
Make yourself invisible; do whatever you can to help, but make no demands.
The Page of Cups in this position requires that you let go of any grandiose fantasies you may indulge in. Be willing to be humble and give up special claims to power or fame. You are simply called upon to be the emissary or assistant of greater work right now. Stay faithful to the labor at hand, and concentrate on doing an exemplary job. Keep your attitude free of envy or resentment.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Oct 22 - Tarot Read

Saturday, October 22, 2005 at 8:04:56 AM
Question: How far do I have to go until I’ve reconciled with my past and activate my future work? I’m so tired of self-transformation.
Celtic Cross

1: Self
Summon creativity and resourcefulness from the depths of your being.

The Four of Swords in this position instructs you to seek a quiet place of contemplation, in particular a place linked to your own personal history. In this still, quiet place, meditate letting go of the distractions of the present so you can perceive the larger patterns that shape your life. You are part of a long, unbroken chain of souls that carries forth the wisdom of generations. Take time to examine whether you are successfully preserving what is good, true and beautiful from your lineage and transporting it intact to the future. Accomplishing this will do far more to heal your heart and further your goals than fame or fortune ever could. Make contact with your deep past so you will know how to carry its healthiest and most creative skills successfully forward.
2: Situation
An honorable individual must accept the responsibility of leadership.
The Strength card suggests that it is necessary that a sober and ethical person provide some direction. He or she will be called upon to help neutralize conflict and point everyone toward the greater good, and to live in harmony with all of creation. The situation calls out for an individual who can bridge the gap between different kinds of consciousness, including other species. Such a person projects a natural moral authority that stimulates others to rise to their highest selves, something that is sorely needed.
3: Challenges
You can depend on your creative resourcefulness to reveal opportunities unseen by others.
The Ace of Swords in this position challenges you to define your goals by manipulating current trends. There is a wind sweeping across this card that has an agenda of its own, but you have a map (your plan) and a sail (your mind). Using them both, you can use that wind to empower you on your chosen course. Knowing you can depend upon your own quick wits and adaptability frees you to see opportunities that might be as invisible as the wind to others. Because you hold the map that will help others understand how to sail from chaos to order, determine how you can serve both yourself and this situation creatively. This level of organization is more critical at the planning stages of an enterprise than most people generally realize or remember. You could be a hero by stating clearly what you see at this important stage. Don’t hold yourself back.
4: Foundation
A model of unwavering generosity and love provides you a source of strength and wisdom.
The Empress suggests that at some time in your life you were exposed to an inspiring model of female dignity, generosity and love — someone who was steady and supportive. How fortunate you were! This experience taught you to go within and find the source of right action and clear thinking within yourself. Even if this person is no longer available to you, the learning you received can continue to provide a strong, reliable foundation.
5: Recent Past
You have shaken off the need to lean on others. Your independence is blossoming.
With the Six of Coins in this position, you are just coming out of a position of dependence and are learning to carry your own weight. Where in the past you may have felt more comfortable taking your cues from strong forces around you, you are now outgrowing the need to be “helped.” From here you can build and expand until you, as opposed to others, are the strong force in your own life, maybe even modeling self sufficiency for others in time. As this process unfolds, it would be a good exercise for you to make careful notes on your evolving outlook and new experiences. In the future, this will help you guide others through similar transformations.
6: Higher Power
Embrace hidden parts of yourself; express your passionate nature.
The Devil card in this position advises you to be as authentically whole as possible. Explore what you truly feel, what your real needs are, what you can’t live with any longer. Expressing these hidden aspects of yourself may shock and upset some people, but it is much healthier than continually holding yourself in or confining yourself to limited territory. Your tremendous energy is searching for a way to express itself. If you can unravel the inner knot’s that are tying up your energy, you will be better able to enjoy the pleasures of life and more charismatically fulfill your destiny. Your Higher Power wants you to shed your bindings and return to your natural state. Remove the camouflage and the armor of denial. Allow your true nature to reveal and express itself, with a sense of humor.
7: Near Future
Don’t defeat yourself by being hasty and jumping to conclusions. Make sure others involved have contributed their insights too.
The Horseman of Swords in this position indicates that factions in your new situation are rapidly polarizing. People are expecting you to take sides and do battle, but don’t let yourself be goaded into other peoples’ conflicts. Ask yourself if you care enough to go through with it. If you aren’t wholeheartedly committed to taking a position, you will regret spending precious energy on a cause for which you have little passion. If this is really your issue, however, prepare yourself well; don’t be reckless. Because the Knight of Swords has a reputation for not clearly examining his motives, he often becomes a victim of his own spontaneity. Don’t allow that to happen. Just because you are being pushed out in front of others doesn’t mean everything depends on you. If you have team members, brainstorm your options and seek solutions. Focus on being an effective team coordinator.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Decide that you have done enough and take some time to rest.
When the Horseman of Coins presents in this position, you have lost the ability to say “No, this is not mine to do.” Ask yourself “Haven’t I done enough already? May I not allow myself to rest?” It is essential for you to ask these questions right now because the answers may affect your health and longevity.
9: Allies
Seek out others who can teach you empathy and mediation skills.
In this position, the Two of Swords suggests that receptivity and humility are especially helpful to you at this time. If these virtues don’t come naturally to you, then seek friends who are open minded and flexible and contemplate those qualities with them. You know at least one person, possibly several, who are masters of empathy. They can help you put yourself in another person’s shoes and envision approaches that benefit everyone. As you role play with them, take turns advocating for both sides of an issue or problem. Learn their harmonizing and balancing mediation skills so you can look through your adversary’s eyes.
10: Advice
The open-minded novice can look at a situation with fresh eyes and get to the essentials with confidence.

The Page of Coins in this position advises that you study your chosen field seriously and with passion, not just for intellectual knowledge but for whatever experiential learning you can pick up as well. Expose yourself to the stories of others, both successes and failures, and let yourself be inspired by their dedicated efforts. Leave no stone unturned. Try to figure out why their experiments went the way they did, and what you might try that could change the outcome. Passionately hunt for the missing piece overlooked by those who came before you. You may be humble or a newcomer, but a “beginners mind” is an open channel for genius. Let that magical openness lead you and you will instinctively penetrate to the heart of the matter.
11: Long-Term Potential
Set a reasonable pace in order to allay disappointment and failure.

With the Nine of Wands in this position, this is the time to set a reasonable pace and create a rhythm that can be sustained, rather than throwing yourself into a frenzy of overwork and stress. Pacing yourself is very different than toiling twenty four hours a day until you drop. Sometimes when a fast pace is continued without change, the potential for disappointment and failure increases, and noble aspirations and high ideals are lost along the way. Reconsider your strategy — you can still finish your tasks but you don’t have to proceed in a way that will exhaust your ability to appreciate the results when you finally achieve them.

Saturday, October 22, 2005 at 8:24:34 AM
Question: I’m learning to live a routine so I end my work and leave ’the office’. I watch TV with peter, play more with the doggies and eat something—finally! But my work is never given response so I have no idea who loves/hates me/my work, if they’re benefiting from it re pleasure, wisdom, humor. Nobody, absolutely nobody is talking to me, even those who used to...why?

Horoscope Spread
The Ace of Wands
symbolizes a pivotal act, or fateful step, that will set loose the chain of events leading toward your desired goal. As such, it refers to a birth or new beginning, the inauguration of an endeavor, and the necessary commitment to see a project through. It embodies the aroused Will, one-pointed, aiming at the bulls-eye.

1: House of Identity
Feelings of renewal and idealism are arising in you, which will empower you to radiate the higher virtues to all around you.
The Two of Cups in this position is shouting “Love!” This isn’t necessarily about a traditional love affair. It could be a strong heart connection between yourself and someone you care greatly about. It could even be an attraction to an ideal or a vision that is as real to you as any interpersonal relationship. It can also represent reconciliation between your own masculine and feminine aspects. In any case, this card is referring to that aroused, emotionally sensitive space we enter when we are opening up at a deep level. This may be a sweet, adorable moment, but you can’t deduce from this immediate feeling what the ultimate outcome of the relationship will be. Nevertheless, this card does encourage the idealism that creates fidelity and trust, empathy and compassion — the very human virtues we need most in our lives and relationships. Your emotional, psychic and spiritual life are quickening like spring. Enjoy this wonderful feeling and bless the world with it, but don’t make any serious commitments at this time.
2: House of Work
To do your best work is pure pleasure.

When the Sun is in this position, you are in charmed company. The energy is right, and circumstances are such that you fit in and are a valued member of a creative, progressive team. This is an exciting time in your life. The projects coming your way are fascinating challenges, and they will elicit your best work. This is one of those periods when boundaries between work and play tend to disappear. Friends and family expand to include an entire community of like-minded souls. Enjoy this period for as long as it lasts.
3: House of Ideas
Protect all areas of your health to increase your vigor and self reliance.

The Nine of Coins in this position challenges you to stay healthy and fit — emotionally, physically and psychologically. Don’t let yourself become soft and out of shape. You can’t expect this period of relative abundance and support to last forever. Even in the best of situations there are fluctuations; no situation is immune to change. As you proceed on your way, be aware of maintaining your muscle tone as well as your intellectual and emotional vigor. Use this situation to improve yourself and prepare for whatever may come next.
4: House of the Family
You have an innate ability to draw people who willingly become part of your group.
The Three of Cups in this position suggests that in your background, you were imprinted with an unerring compass that helps you find the most loving, supportive and nurturing people in every environment you enter. Your magnetism attracts like-minded souls who know how to harmonize, cooperate and mutually support each other. When you locate these people, you begin to bond with them and become like a family. This regular feature in the cycles of your life is a remarkable blessing! It makes you a truly valued and cherished part of every team you become involved with. It’s time once again to look around for sympathetic souls you can join with in this situation.
5: House of Magic
Because significant differences have been mediated, you no longer need to doubt your path of action.
With the Two of Wands in this position, a recent deadlock, stalemate or blockage is breaking up, freeing you to feel optimistic and creative again. For a while it was unclear whether you had chosen a dead end path or were just temporarily detoured. But you reoriented yourself, reexamined and reframed your objectives, and it was an exercise that proved to be fruitful. Now you can get back into action with an updated outlook and attitude.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Let the blessings of heaven rain down upon you and rejoice.
The Star in this position is about being in tune with the spiritual dimension of life. The light you cast helps others awaken to their spiritual identity too. This is not necessarily a conscious. effort, if one simply lets the heart be the lodestone, the source of guidance. Things run smoothly for those who are on or influenced by this wavelength. Synchronicities crop up. People understand each other better. This card signifies all the blessings that flow to and through you from the heavens above. Realize that you are being spiritually cultivated by Life itself.
7: House of Relationships
As a new path to the future opens up for you, leave conflict behind. Be harmonious.
With the Six of Swords in this position, an imminent opportunity for change will be presenting itself. Seize the chance to let go of your present situation and its conflicts for a realm that is free from problems of the past. Opportunities are opening in new directions; bring the best of your knowledge with you and leave contention behind. Detach your heart and mind from past friction as you put physical distance between yourself and the competitive, conflicting agendas of the past. You can start fresh in new circumstances if you change your way of thinking so as not to remain attached to old problems.
8: House of Secrets
Wait out this time of uncertainty; make no moves until you are calm.

When the Lovers card appears in this position, you are practically immobilized by indecision. You are vacillating between options that appear equal. Perhaps you don’t have enough information to make a comfortable decision. Because of the uncertainty, you are afraid to make any choice, fearing that the wrong one would produce unpredictably negative consequences. You can turn this around if you regain trust in your instincts, intuition and clear-headed powers of reasoning. Otherwise, you run the risk of taking bad advice. Take some time, until you regain your poise.
9: House of Visions
Trusted allies carry on your work while you pursue new opportunities.

The Eight of Wands in this position suggests a need to gather people to you who are responsible, trustworthy and committed and have stamina that matches your own. Your creativity and capability can draw numerous opportunities to you, and you want to engage in some of them without losing your momentum. With your allies in your camp, you can take a break from your present work and start something new, knowing the continuity of your efforts will not be lost.
10: House of Reputation
The possibility of success is open to you; there is no substantial obstacle.

The King of Wands in this position reminds us that all of life is arranged to bring us to a place of self sovereignty within the parameters of our personalities. An opportunity is presenting itself; awaken to the reality that you now hold the power. You are the determining factor in this situation, and circumstances will navigate in the direction you steer them. Indecision or doubt IS not appropriate responses when clarity and confidence are critical. As you take on this new role, it will begin to feel more comfortable. Seize the opportunity to direct events; everything is waiting for you.
11: House of the Future
You gain the most personal growth by carefully nurturing the development of your enterprise.
The Four of Coins in this position suggests that if you keep your head and operate responsibly, you will grow into your current good fortune and learn to manage it well. Whether your enterprise came to you by design or serendipity, it looks like a perfect fit and offers you a wonderful opportunity to create a world of meaning and success for yourself. You gain the most personal growth by carefully nurturing the growth of your enterprise. If you take good care of what you have received and created so far, you and the world you inhabit will be well taken care of by it in return.
12: House of Surrender
Make a clean break with the past. Embrace the future with all its possibilities.
The Six of Cups in this position requires that you let go of your powerful hold on the past. Put it down, back away, say good-bye. Turn and face change; move forward from a position of assertiveness. Release the emotional attachments that have tied you to the emotional, psychological and psychic vulnerabilities of your past. You cannot “fix” the past — the present is your point of power. Your future is compelling; it has tremendous possibilities, but not if it has to compete with the almost addictive hold the old emotional life can have over you. Do whatever you can to break the spell.

Saturday, October 22, 2005 at 9:08:31 AM
Question: I want my friends to stay but I need them to trust me as a Friend, not think of me as Crazy Woman. The web is best for multimedia communication and music for creative group work. Any notoriety I’ll tolerate if it helps my work reach the people who could use it. I can’t be friends with my sisters if they don’t give up the crazy thing and had hoped to befriend my guitar teacher…lost, lost

Horoscope Spread
The Three of Wands
symbolizes an inner balance that allows you to feel reasonable optimism about new endeavors you are committed to. In the illustrated Tarots, the protagonist is standing on his balcony, watching his ships leave the harbor, loaded with trade-goods for far-off ports, dreaming of the fortune he will reap if all goes well.
He must be patient and trusting, because he will have to wait at least a year to find out how his ships have fared, and meanwhile he has a lot of resources tied up until they return. Only those truly confident in their ideas and abilities would take such a risk. This card represents the energy a person needs to undertake great adventures and accomplish notable deeds.
A detail that sometimes appears in the more esoteric Tarots is a winged wand with two snakes twining around it, called the Caduceus, which is Mercury's wand. This is an ancient symbol of the healer or shaman, one who can travel between the worlds to rescue souls from death or possession. Perhaps the feeling of empowerment this card represents points to the internal mechanisms of self-healing. Perhaps it refers to the courage it takes to be an entrepreneur or an inventor, which is in itself a magical process -- bringing not only opportunity for success, but also an awakening to higher potentials.

1: House of Identity
Consider carefully what consequences may result from joining forces.

The Five of Coins in this position indicates the attraction of opposites. The Five of Coins depicts lovers discovering each other, mirroring and matching, magnetized by each other’s qualities. Once the first flush of infatuation is past, however, the same energy of attraction that once felt so exciting may become a source of friction. The seeds of conflict are built into the fabric of the attraction. Even though the whole becomes more than the sum of its parts, it has been known to devour the individuals who comprise it.
This card suggests a relationship opportunity or offer. Examine what the outcome of joining forces would be. Ascertain as best you can if there is enough to keep you engaged, so that you don’t base a long term endeavor on a moment’s infatuation. Successful long term partnerships are business arrangements as well as love affairs.
2: House of Work
You are caught up in a vortex of intensifying demands.
The Eight of Wands in this position has you running to keep up with people and circumstances that are out of control which seem to have taken on a life of their own. Being proactive may be difficult because the stimulation around you is so high and demands all your attention. This is not to comment on any weakness of yours; you are simply caught in escalating consequences. This can be an exciting and possibly exhausting time because you may be tested at every level as your ideal is realized. It takes supreme effort to cope with unforeseen outcomes.
3: House of Ideas
Stay flexible while the outcome is still unknown.
The Two of Coins in this position suggests that you stay flexible even when the outcome is still unknown. It’s a good time to develop plans for various possible outcomes, both good and bad. Once you are prepared for any eventuality, you can maintain some serenity even if everyone around you is worried. The best thing to do is stay calm and you will have energy at your disposal for the moment when you can again take action.
4: House of the Family
Give your expectations a rest. Be generous to yourself.
The Nine of Wands in this position points to a background of hard work in which there were no acceptable alternatives but to carry the load by yourself and strive against all odds. This attitude invariably leads to extremely high expectations for yourself that are sometimes even inhumane. Try relating to yourself as your own best friend rather than as a taskmaster. Give your expectations a rest and be generous to yourself. Fight a tendency to be tyrannical; let go of the “shoulds” you put on yourself.
5: House of Magic
An experience of the Fool can be a valuable wake-up call.

With the Fool in this position, you have had an encounter with destiny. It proved to you in no uncertain terms that your concept of what’s going on is off center. When you have an episode with the Fool, the reality that seemed so substantial and compelling a moment ago is suddenly revealed as threadbare and frivolous. This motley clad jester questions the very foundations of life. These experiences are brisk and bracing and put things in perspective. Be grateful if the Fool has visited your neighborhood and cast his comedic and piercing eye into your life. Distortions get reduced to size and the real issues are revealed.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Through you, gifts are carried forward from the past. Prove yourself worthy of this legacy.

When the Ten of Coins comes up in this position, it indicates that you took this incarnation to be a link in a chain of souls that will embody achievement on a scale that could impact future generations. Such people provide the yeast that raises everyone’s quality of life. You must see to it that you remain worthy of this good fortune. Ask yourself how you can best use this unique position you are in. Look to your larger goals now because you have the connections, the funding and the clout to bring them into manifestation.
7: House of Relationships
Take any opportunity to rest and regroup that you can. Needed perspective will come via quiet contemplation.

With the Four of Swords in this position, you could very soon gain an opportunity to change the pattern of your emotional and mental life. A break in your usually busy lifestyle will give you time for deeper reflection. As a result, you may cease to identify with old resentments and angers. Events or exchanges that formerly triggered your reactions could be diffused through a new or greater understanding. You will have the chance to gain objectivity about yourself and nurture your better qualities. Don’t take action until you have meditated on the overall situation, have cut through the emotional layers and learned to free yourself from programmed responses.
8: House of Secrets
An emphasis on the negative overcomes more balancing experiences that could be positive and enjoyable
When the Three of Swords falls in this position, you are affected by an expectation of disapproval and censure. Even a small slight is easily magnified because of this undisciplined habit of mind. It is very stressful to live under such a dark cloud, whether it comes from your own outlook or your environment — your “mental weather” has to change. Learn to uphold your self esteem and your inner sense of worth; stop giving others the power to undermine you. Everyone sees things differently — that is the human condition. You can’t control what others choose to think, so concentrate on what is beneficial to your long term plan and goal.
9: House of Visions
A respected elder and possible benefactor has taken an interest in you.
The King of Cups in this position suggests the presence of someone in your environment who is positively disposed toward you and has good hunches, intuitions and advice for you. Investigate this relationship so you have all the information you need — the guidance, support and insight you don’t personally possess. This King of Cups is a perfect patron for your work because he has no competing agenda of his own and excellent motives toward you. Trust him and listen to him. Open your heart and mind to what he (or she) has to say, then adjust your course accordingly.
10: House of Reputation
Have the serenity of knowing you are succeeding at what you came here to achieve.
The World in this position is giving you permission to do whatever you want. It’s not that you can do no wrong, but that your motivation is so close to what divine nature wants that even if you commit an error, it will be turned to the greater good. No need to stop and check yourself all the time or interrupt your spontaneity with calculation.
Don’t doubt yourself and look for consensus or affirmation from others. Simply dance the dance — express yourself, react naturally, emanate instinct and impulse, and let the chips fall where they may. What matters is divine intention; whether humans approve is less important. If you allow your ego to get inflated, however, you cease to be useful to the greater plan.
11: House of the Future
Success can expose you to scorn as readily as to credit.

The Hanged Man card in this position suggests that there is real potential to create such a great success in your endeavors that you will attract opposition and be made an example of in some way. Sometimes this is the very best way to publicize your case, however. You can get the media and all the pundits to espouse your cause for free when you are willing to be a sacrificial lamb to draw attention. If you are unwilling to go through this for the sake of the greater good, or if it seems that no greater good would be served by doing so, modify your behavior. Otherwise continually repeating what you are doing now will attract those who would love to use you as their whipping-boy. Sometimes this is the right way to go; other times it’s simple self destructiveness. It’s up to you.
12: House of Surrender
Be open to doing a fearless moral inventory.
When the Eight of Swords comes up in this position, the details of your motives and inner dialogue will be under scrutiny. As if making a confession, you may need to expose parts of yourself that you usually try to downplay. You have to admit that your self image is to some extent fabricated for yourself and others. Such an experience is painful and humbling, but often illuminates double standards and excuse making that bears correcting. Be grateful this issue came up before the situation became more complicated.

Saturday, October 22, 2005 at 9:26:07 AM
Question: I did the moral inventory, step 4 of AA, publicly. I put it on blog and emailed it to my friends. I thought I’d proved my loyalty over a long period of time to them. I see myself now as a fallible human and see them as the same. My core values remain and my medium of work is consistent. I just need to continue only at a steadier pace for the long-run. I don’t get why nobody responds to me. I can’t tell if anybody likes me back or wants to work with me. For all I know I'm "the bad smell" that used to follow them around. This I don't need for my self-esteem.

Horoscope Spread

11 Strength
In the Strength Arcanum, the animal nature, so fierce and scary in its primal form, has been tamed and brought to heel, under the direction of our subtler, finer (feminine, interior) self. The will and passion of our untamed nature does not need to be "broken," but refined and brought to consciousness so that all levels of Creation, inner and outer, might come into harmony. The feminine soul-force shows a strength and persuasive power that can induce cooperation from others, stilling disruptive energies and relating the Planes of Being to each other in a cooperative spirit.

1: House of Identity
Let your focus be on advancing your cause.
When the Five of Wands falls in this position, the message is to focus on the goal rather than the struggle. Sometimes it is necessary to push yourself through resistance to make things happen. In order to succeed in a worthy enterprise, one needs to be prepared to deal with obstacles and competitors. Growing a thicker skin helps, as does learning not to take small matters too seriously. You have every reason to feel confident about your ability to succeed at whatever you commit yourself to. You have the power to sustain yourself through this stage.
2: House of Work
Transformation is difficult now; look within for solutions.
The Ten of Wands in this position suggests that this is a time of stability and security, a much needed break from striving and stress. This is good, but at the same time, the situation is somewhat resistant to transformation and progress. Your recent surge of creativity is winding down; resources that once seemed endless can no longer support continuous expansion. The next stage or project has yet to be discovered. It will be found within, not in the external environment. Relax in this moment of stability; don’t distract yourself from an opportunity for greater clarity by trying to stay busy.
3: House of Ideas
Your hard-won wisdom can help protect others from their inexperience or foolishness. Be generous with it.
With the Knight of Cups in this position, distill the essence of what you have learned on your journey, in order to let your wisdom inform the dreams and aspirations of others. Not everyone is able to go through the kind of awesome transformations you have. But you can wring the essence of your experience, and the feelings and insights that came with it, into the grail cup, and share this elixir of knowledge. This multiplies the benefits of your quest, and vindicates the difficulty of your labors, by uplifting everyone. In this way you can also relieve some of the loneliness you suffered while undergoing your trials.
4: House of the Family
Wisdom comes from careful and extensive study.

The Hermit in this position has had a chance to learn about the nature of reality. He or she has been given the tools to apply moral discrimination and prune away false expectations. Such an education empowers you to focus on what is essential to mental and spiritual health. Humbled, you discover your strengths in the school of hard knocks; and you know what you are made of. Your psyche’s foundation derives from ageless wisdom, as well as an abundance of profound guidance still available to you. Some people have to theorize about the right thing to do; the Hermit knows because he has transformed knowledge into experience.
5: House of Magic
You have just been shown an appealingly sensuous style of being.

The Queen of Coins in this position indicates that you are contemplating an experience that showed you a new way to perceive events in your life. You may have also become privy to a new way of being with your personality, your body, your intelligence, your particular point of view and your stance in the world. Someone has just modeled a more abundant, relaxed, trusting and generous style of being. Before this encounter fades from memory, recall as vividly as you can the impact that it made on you so that it may continue to be an inner influence. Let this individual or experience provide you with practical inspiration and a better grasp on what is next in your endeavors. Mine this encounter for all that it’s worth. You have had a precious contact. Let it continue to change you.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Resistance is futile; surrender to the hard lesson.

The Ten of Swords indicates that you are being educated about limits. Don’t spend time looking outside yourself to trace the causes of these events. It doesn’t matter. Just accept that your Greater Self intends this challenge to be an education, correcting that part of you that is under the illusion that you possess control over your life. Now that you are fully conscious of your inability to forestall the inevitable, the right action is to lay down your arms. For now, your power in the situation has come to an end. You are learning that your life is subject to forces much more powerful than your ego. In an ironic way, this dark hour actually provides you evidence that you are not abandoned, though the proof may be coming in the form of a cosmic chastisement. Notice how such a setback can happen without really damaging your will to carry on. This is the wonder of the Ten of Swords — you think events like this would “just kill you”, but you endure, for this too shall pass.
7: House of Relationships
A change in your pursuits will open you in a way that is emotionally gratifying.

The Page of Cups in this position could be starting over again in a new field he or she is excited to be entering, although it could be quite different from any previous area of expertise. This change could make a difference in the quality of both relationships and spiritual life. Because the figure of the Page denotes apprenticeship, it might be seen as both a step backward and a step forward. Compare this to the transition between being a high school senior and a freshman in college — it’s an advancement and demotion at the same time. The Page of Cups is a natural apprentice to the depths of the spiritual and emotional life. As such, the change you make could teach you much about what is essential, what is most important to you and those you care about. Be open to this learning and you will never regret that you achieved it.
8: House of Secrets
When self doubt is banished, positive change can result.

When the Queen of Wands falls in this position, old routines and self doubt get in the way of your potential leadership. This is somewhat ironic, considering that the issues are clear, positive change is clearly needed and you possess the necessary talent. Your unique viewpoint may be the key to what is needed in this situation, but your knee-jerk reflex is to assume that it is unachievable. You know that a change would bring great satisfaction; don’t allow fear and doubt to block the way.
9: House of Visions
You can help yourself heal by serving those whose wounds are fresher than your own. The assistance you give will be returned to you.
The Eight of Cups in this position suggests that you are seeing one of your past traumas repeating in the life of a friend or associate. As the themes and emotions play out around you, it motivates you to reframe your own past experience in a wiser, more mature light. Let the person in pain be your tutor in compassion. Perhaps you can be helpful, nurturing or healing at a time when someone close to you is dealing with great pain. Open your heart without being theatrical or overly dramatic; provide some quiet support. By now being the one to offer assistance, you heal the part of you that felt abandoned or ignored when a similar thing happened to you.
10: House of Reputation
Find the confident and capable inner resources you possess to get the task completed.
When the Emperor is in this position, get in touch with your inner sovereignty, your natural self-possession. Realize that somewhere deep inside you is the memory of royalty. Reach within to find that strain of natural nobility and leadership. These innate qualities will help you better manage your current situation. The Emperor suggests that you are not only willing to be the final authority, you have the necessary abilities. This situation is an opportunity to showcase your competence and skill. Proceed as if you knew just what you were doing. Be bold, have confidence and take care of business.
11: House of the Future
Recognize the part you play in your own setbacks.
With the Three of Swords in this position, it may take a season or two to assimilate the implications of all that has happened, before you can again feel safe to welcome new relationships. Study the pattern of unfortunate events as they unfolded before — review how you drew the situation into your life, how you let yourself be swept along, how you were drawn toward a familiar, inevitable failure. Examine your relationship pattern closely to see how you continue it. Until you fathom your tendency to invite such events into your life, you will not be free of this particular pain. Get ready to study these issues for a while; examining them closely with an eye to your own responsibility.
12: House of Surrender
The strongest and most popular leader is the servant or caretaker of the realm.
When the Ten of Cups is in this position, don’t rest on your laurels and relax into your pleasures until the most minor member of the group is taken care of. Be like the body which tracks every part of itself, and mobilizes to treat the slightest hurt in even the smallest part. This is the sacrifice required of you. You cannot rest easy in the comfort of your accomplishments until all others in your care are provided for. You owe it to them, for without your support group you wouldn’t have been able to achieve what you have. The more you can spread good will, acknowledgment and praise, the more you will be seen as the heroic leader who benefits all.

Saturday, October 22, 2005 at 9:46:42 AM
Question: The “Hero-word” guarantees me alienating myself from friends. Granted, I’m eccentric but so are my friends. I’m learning to work fewer hours so I eat and sleep; I even watch TV with Peter at night and am getting back to a housework and cooking routine – basic grounding tools. I didn’t get pneumonia from this cold because I’m working at self-care. My only dissatisfaction is my weight-problem – it’s uncomfortable, bad for my health, and keeps the Loser-sticker on my forehead. My mind/heart were tested this week and proved I can remain steady even when I’m most physically weak. I’m ready as long as I have friendship through my pets and can rely on You, Spirit, to keep me from doing stupid stuff.

Horoscope Spread
The Queen of Wands
represents the natural manager, an organizational type whose gift it is to create teams and assign tasks, seeing to it that the job runs smoothly and all phases of the operation are keeping up with each other. She'll be sweating in the sun along with her crew, inspiring everybody to keep up and keeping the job fun with her infectious energy.
She is the best kind of supervisor to have, because she is so much like a challenging but encouraging mother, who just knows you have it in you to do your best work under her direction. She believes in her charges, and they work hard to please her. She is not, however, sentimental. Like a good farm wife, she views her crops, her animals, even the people who work for her, as necessary tools for the achievement of her goals. If any aspect is no longer productive or cost-effective, or if it's time to take the lambs to slaughter, she can let them go without a second thought. Do not look to her for sympathy.

1: House of Identity
Cultivate your investments using good timing and skillful management; protect your interests.
The Horseman of Coins in this position portrays you as someone who is responsible, patient, and of practical service. You realize that with right timing and proper attention, wise investments multiply, like a field which has been cultivated. This does not have to do with greed or even the profit motive as we think of it now. Your contribution is like that of the farmer who sows a field of grain for the sake of the entire community. Your service does not stop there, however. The crop must be allowed to grow unmolested by predators or thieves. That’s another reason we need to summon forth the stalwart knight who can be trusted to protect and defend the community and its harvest. This card implies generous usefulness of all types.
2: House of Work
Don’t hesitate to support a team effort that is potentially effective and productive.
When the Four of Wands is in this position, you are being drawn into a circle of creative, stimulating, high energy people. Collectively you are giving birth to an idea, business, product, or endeavor. The effective combination of their energies confirms that the process will be fertile and productive. If you have an opportunity to support, invest in or lend your energy to a team like this, don’t hesitate. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
3: House of Ideas
You have the opportunity and position to influence the thinking of those around you.

When the Page of Swords is in this position, sharpen your mind and raise your intellectual and intuitive antennae. Recognize the patterns of thinking affecting those around you. You have an opportunity to influence the assumptions of those who interact with you on a daily basis. By using new vocabulary and presenting new ideas, you can change conditions and help refine or upgrade shared goals. Raise awareness with quiet but steady input from the sidelines. The Page does not draw attention to himself. He positions himself in the world as a servant of powerful people; he or she is often the source for their better thinking. Perhaps at present your greatest strength is your humility.
4: House of the Family
Knowing the value of purposeful work inspires and impassions others.
The Queen of Wands in this position suggests you learned your work ethic from an inspiring, challenging, intelligent individual who took on every project with wholehearted interest. Labor is a common denominator in life, but someone with a larger perspective helps us understand the worth of our work. Having had that kind of role model, you now know how to embody it for others. You develop a morale and enthusiasm that’s infectious and inspiring to others, even in a situation requiring physical exertion.
5: House of Magic
The time of trusting surrender and blissful learning is passing.
The Page of Cups in this position has just emerged from a blissful period of innocence and naiveté. Perhaps you were rudely awakened or just gradually accumulated more perception of the vicissitudes of life. In either case, you cannot continue to respond like the completely open protégé who trusts unconditionally and suspects nothing. That stage is over. Now you must accept a more mature level of wisdom and responsibility. This card’s placement represents the passing of a student phase in your life.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Have such confidence in your strengths and compassion that you could stand in for others less resilient than you.
The Hanged Man in this position suggests that it is part of your soul’s growth to serve as some kind of sacrificial lamb. You should have elected this for special reasons — you knew you were strong enough; it wouldn’t be fatal or cause permanent damage; and in your great compassion you saw that you could help others whose vulnerability or fragility would make this experience too devastating for them.
Like Jesus, you have taken on a difficult challenge out of spiritual charity. You are rewarded in the inner world by the experience of unconditional lovingness and the entirely new worldview such self-sacrifice provides. Although it is fully worth the price one pays, you could probably never explain this to those around you because they think you are just overwhelmed by your suffering. In truth, you are actually earning your stripes in the spirit world. You don’t need or desire sympathy.
7: House of Relationships
Humbly seek out the most trustworthy advisors and allies you can find.
The Four of Coins in this position suggests that something of great value will soon be given to you. This situation points to the classic dilemma of an heir whose wealthy parents die before he or she is fully mature. Sometimes no will or sensible handlers can save such an heir from making bad investments and stupid mistakes. Although it may feel awkward, your best bet is to be humble and seek out the most trustworthy advisors and allies you can find. Let them tutor you so you can prepare yourself for this advantage when it comes.
8: House of Secrets
Attempts to regain control are not only disabling, they will ultimately prove fruitless.
When the Five of Swords falls in this position, it suggests that you devote too much of your communication skills, ideas and mental pictures to the negative side of circumstances. You are hyper aware of what could go wrong, what kind of problems could happen, how you might lose face, ways you could lose power or dominance. You tend toward worry and stress while rehearsing or reliving conversations. As long as you are expending energy trying to regain control of the situation, you can no longer respond appropriately to what it is truly offering you. You don’t have control over the outcome anyway, so surrender attachment and examine your motives for trying to manipulate it. Examine how “I, me, mine” thinking is undermining the naturalness and harmony in this situation.
9: House of Visions
Take advantage of spiritual role models.
The High Priestess in this position points to a mentor or role model who exemplifies true objectivity. This person is skilled in the high art of intuitive receptivity. Like an undeveloped film, the High Priestess can enter a situation and take an impression of all it contains without needing to project personality into it. Such cultivated neutrality and openness to the bigger picture is the foundation of wisdom. Study this person. Develop clarity and humility in your own personality, and use these qualities to up-level all your interactions and relationships.
10: House of Reputation
Success is won by perseverance; be resolute in the use of your time and energy.
The Seven of Coins in this position would have you focus on the long run: look beyond this week or this month. This card exemplifies the magic of compound interest. You’ll have much better results with slow and steady investment of time, energy and labor than you would generate by trying to win the lottery. The path to success is perseverance. Glamorous or flashy moves cannot take the place of consistent steps in the right direction. If you don’t understand this, perhaps you are moving in the wrong direction or are not motivated strongly enough.
11: House of the Future
Your need to be free will eventually overcome your attachment to comfort.
The Nine of Swords in this position suggests that if you can respond to the promise of freedom within this arduous passage, you will be able to win your way out of a situation that is rapidly becoming too confining. This kind of situation can turn an ordinary person into a warrior. Compare it to the shock of immersion into the turbulent waters of a cold stream after soaking in a warm bathtub of predictability. Change may require the sudden pruning of entangling and unrewarding relationships. Although there is potential tragedy and pathos in your situation, when the old gratifications are no longer available, the nostalgia will eventually diminish too, leaving you open for new fulfillment. The coming time requires a new approach — one that is more self sufficient, self directed and self-willed, with less dependence on others.
12: House of Surrender
Resist the temptation to worry when situations require considerable faith and adaptability.
The Two of Coins in this position requires willingness to juggle opposing obligations or commitments. Situations of great uncertainty require considerable faith and adaptability. Keep an open mind; resist the temptation to worry. If it weren’t for people like you there would be no grease on the wheels, and the whole system would lock up. Keep up the good work.

Saturday, October 22, 2005 at 10:19:01 AM
Question: I hoped to do something with the work I did on trauma. I collected enough for a website before 9-11 but I shelved it after that as I thought trauma therapy would be perfected – obviously not. The resources for understanding and treating post-trauma stress disorder is now extensive. It’s obvious most of us have fear habits that cripple us, sabotage meaningful work and diminish quality of life.

Now that I’ve gained some significant amount of distance from my Past and I rarely relate to victim-mentality any more, I thought about it but in my opinion it’s still categorized “Taboo”, “Occult” when personalized...advice?

Horoscope Spread
5 The Hierophant
The Hierophant teaches practical applications from the book of Natural Law. He reveals the secrets hidden in everyday matter, the cycles of moons and tides, the links between the body and the cosmos. Because monasteries were the only places a person could learn to read and write in the Middle Ages, the Hierophant is the one to whom a student would petition for entry, and he sets the curriculum for the neophyte's course of study. With right raised hand in the attitude of blessing, s/he links herself with the ancient lineages of Melchezidek, first initiator of the Hebrew priestly tradition, and passes on the lineage teachings. All self-generated shamans of any tradition inherently draw on this archetype.

1: House of Identity
You appreciate the benefits that come from confidence and authority.

The King of Wands in this position shows you projecting an authority and security that can rightfully inspire pride and appreciation. This is your time to shine and for your accomplishments to be recognized. He is sometimes interpreted as autocratic, however, so strive to be objective and open-minded to avoid overly offending others who may feel jealous. Remember that everything is cyclical and passes through its own seasons: a sense of serenity felt at the top is no guarantee that the high ranking position will last. Stay balanced and use power wisely to set a good example for those who will follow in your footsteps.
2: House of Work
Because you are not able to overcome forces larger than yourself, cease resisting.
When the Ten of Swords is in this position, the anticipated project or goal seems to be going down Normalcy has been disrupted, there is a certain amount of chaos. This situation is not necessarily fatal to you or your loved ones, but it is a radical shakeup of the prevailing order. You are too small to repair the situation — forces larger than you dominate right now. Since you can’t control the outcome, don’t spend energy trying. Perhaps all you can do is hunker down, cover your head and wait it out. Rely on the good sense Nature gave you and save any remaining energy for starting over later. Know when to cut your losses and detach yourself from circumstances, so you don’t go down with the ship.
3: House of Ideas
Get in touch with your deepest passions and instinct, so they can be channeled to benefit everyone.

The Devil card in this position challenges you to feel your desire, passion or attraction fully, but to unleash that powerful force only for the greatest good. Be in touch with your vital force, its passionate energy and urges, but don’t lose your head. These powerfully transformative times demand that we learn to handle unpredictable and unimagined experiences with poise. That can’t be done if you fall into judgment, unbridled lust or any other form of emotional or physical addiction. If you can participate in this arousing situation without completely losing your composure, you will be of great value to your friends, family and community. You have some powerful energy within you. Let it express, but channel that expression for good.
4: House of the Family
There is nothing so chaotic or overwhelming that you can’t recover.
The Tower in this position suggests that you have experienced a direct hit in this lifetime. Now it holds no terror for you; you know you can handle intense energy and sudden changes. Your resilience has been proven; you know how to pull yourself together after an explosion. The knowledge that you can hold up under duress gives you courage and optimism. Now you can serve as a guide or support for others who are less confident or experienced.
5: House of Magic
The time for proving yourself has passed; be proud of how well you performed.

With the Eight of Swords in this position, be relieved that the worst is over. The difficult parts of the path have been traversed. Now you can rest, reassemble your energy and think about how well you did under the circumstances. Maybe you discovered that you are quite good at navigating tricky situations. Your communications skills and intellectual acuity have been tempered in the process. Now you can relax, knowing the influence of critical voices is diminishing.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Your high standards make you an excellent role model.

When the Eight of Coins is in this position, stop and admire your achievements. Through persistent effort at maintaining the highest standards of excellence, you have become a role model to others who want to follow in your footsteps. Your personal imprint and style will be recognized and acknowledged. Your refinements and improvements will be honored and duplicated for years to come. Whether this was intentional or a byproduct of your single mindedness, you have established a hallmark. All you need to do now is keep doing what you do best.
7: House of Relationships
A vision has absorbed you; as you emerge from your preoccupation, it’s clear that you and your work are highly respected.

With the Three of Coins in this position, you may be coming out of obscurity. You have been so absorbed in your vision that you have forgotten how many fans you really have, how many people there are who respect you and wish you well. In fact, you may find yourself receiving invitations to join more illustrious company as you move up the rungs of the professional and financial ladder. This is more than just an accident. It’s also more than just your brilliance being recognized; your work is meeting their needs. A spotlight may shine on your genius and ability to inspire others, and your creative work will flourish with daring and original ideas.
8: House of Secrets
There’s more to be gained from postponing or sharing the workload than from trying to do it all yourself.

When the Nine of Wands falls in this position, it may be time to admit that you are not irreplaceable. The truth is, no one person can play all the roles on a team and cover all the bases adequately. You may have been the parent of a brilliant idea, plan or project, but if you aren’t able to share the responsibilities and the rewards, you may be prevented from achieving anything at all. Before it’s too late, call in some competent people, turn things over to them, take some time out and regain your objectivity. You can gain more from taking some rest and learning how to trust than you could possibly have produced by trying to do everything yourself.
9: House of Visions
Loving support is available to you now; be open to receiving it while you can.
The Queen of Cups in this position points to someone, or a group of people, who are willing to provide you with empathy and understanding, the nurturing sort of kindness we generally associate with a loving parent. The Queen of Cups energy has the ability to intuit what your issues or pains are and help you pinpoint the distress or real needs. She will gently put her hand right where it hurts, help you understand and heal the pain. She’s a great one for emotional processing and will generously give of her time. Avail yourself of her acceptance, understanding, loving kindness and healing energy while you can. From time to time, we all need to drink from this fountain and she is happy to share it with you now. Enjoy the support while it is available to you, but don’t become permanently dependent upon it.
10: House of Reputation
Give up your agenda and be open to change.

The Fool in this position advises that you lighten up. No advantage will be gained by thinking you are the one who knows, has the power or can direct the flow. Let there be spontaneous developments beyond the realm of logic. Open and receive without question; don’t tinker and tamper and try to manage things. The Fool has no ambition to determine an outcome. Be happy just to be part of the situation. If you like, witness and record what you see and figure it out later. For now, just be in the present and release any demands or expectations.
11: House of the Future
Let communication become an attractor, leading to a commitment that brings people together in a creative, harmonious way.

If there is polarization, create some kind of dialogue. Highlight the potential benefits for everyone, including yourself. Sometimes it is possible that competing interests can be transformed into a team effort — if people can be inspired to combine their special attributes and talents. You have the power. Find the good and praise it. In doing so, you will attract more of it.
12: House of Surrender
Your personal history can provide you strength and wisdom.
The Four of Swords in this position suggests that your future depends on purging or transforming embedded attitudes that could pollute and invade your aspirations. Make your history and lineage into a strength and source of grounding so that it provides you with wisdom and insight. What were previously considered setbacks can now be appreciated as potential talents and special capacities. This transformation is not accomplished without effort. As such, it behooves you to learn to use your mind and imagination as tools, rather than have them filled with negative replays of old dilemmas. Forgive the past. Transforming regret into the power to change will be worth the sacrifice of your old myths. Your future freedom is at stake.

Saturday, October 22, 2005 at 6:09:16 PM
Question: Violence in the home borne if anger and primarily of fear is multigenerational as is the inherent trauma, wounded-ness. It catalyzes self-sabotage, alienation among loved ones and defensiveness leading to mass bloodshed between peoples. If anything this would be "The Original Sin" afflicting Humanity since The Fall. It may take three generations for us to rehabilitate but we have the bio-engineering and trauma therapy. I see us having sustained sufficient long-term, chronically-sustained “shock treatment” – from knowing we could cause nuclear self-annihilation to finding it normal to hear news of ethnic cleansing seeing live-footage of mass burials. The phrase “Weapons of Mass Destruction” has become a butt for jokes any more, we feel that powerless and immobilized to even consider being able to do anything about it. “Media Circus” and “Paparazzi Feeding-frenzy” as related to terrorist bombings crippling London as reported by so many world media networks as believable as winning the lottery. It’s too much information to process as “real”. When we reach our “Rock-Bottom” as horror-addicts doing “the nod” at the TV screen and admit to our powerlessness as individuals and chronic immobility as a collective, then, maybe, will we be ready to consider a quiet world as preferable and after that, think of simplifying our concept of possession, achievement and moral tolerance as a worthy, even necessary discipline.

Horoscope Spread
The Knight of Coins
is the most peace loving of the Knights, the overseer of fertility and growth. His period of ascendancy is during the quiet years between conflicts, when everybody can concentrate together on raising the collective standard of living. His horse is usually huge and thickset, more suitable to pulling a plow than riding swiftly into battle. His temperament is easygoing and relaxed, he's moving at the rate of the flow, because he knows that you can't hurry time.
Seeing the bigger picture, like a farmer planning for future decades, he doesn't allow momentary fads or fancies to distract him, and he doesn't take seriously people who do. One can feel his stability and dedication; he is totally responsible and even somewhat predictable when it comes to his projects. He is earthy and gentle, as simple as deep as the soil he tills and the flowers he loves.

1: House of Identity
A positive attitude and strong potential will prime you to achieve a “personal best.”
The Seven of Wands in this position indicates you are getting ready for a moment of triumph. You have trained for it and are at the peak of your potential; you are clearly a winner even if you haven’t yet proved it. With such a positive attitude and obviously strong potentials so carefully cultivated, you are bound to make a strong showing.
2: House of Work
You have been offered the freedom to follow your heart; don’t let the opportunity go by.

When the Nine of Coins is in this position, it means you are supported by an established enterprise that will provide for you while you increase your knowledge and abilities. All that is required in return is for you to thrive and flourish. It’s a great trade! This is an unusual situation — take advantage of it to pursue your interests and develop your talents. But do stay humble. You are benefiting from some larger institution or structure; you don’t want to poison the waters for yourself or others who will come after you. Be receptive to the benefits and the advantage, but make sure you give fair value in return.
3: House of Ideas
Learn to practice leadership by sponsoring progress and innovation rather than by fighting for control.

The King of Wands in this position exposes the fine line between bold leadership and irritating, autocratic bossiness. At times those who would benefit from some helpful management resist it the most, even though their situation could be vastly improved if they were receptive to some direction. If you see the need for a new way of doing things, then you will have to inspire others in that direction without setting off their anti-authority alarms. It’s less important, however, to care about image than to get the job done. Stay centered on the challenge and others will not be tempted to find fault.
4: House of the Family
Familiarity with change makes us unafraid of its liberating power.
The Death card in this position suggests that you have been pruned before. You have come to learn that the process of death and rebirth is highly beneficial in the long run. Even though it is always a challenge, you have learned to not resist the sickle as it sweeps through your field and prepares it for the dormancy of winter. You know how to let go of old attachments and entanglements. You have been stripped down to what is truly essential before and have experienced the freedom of it. For now, hunker down and wait out the dark times. Focus on the benefits of transformation.
5: House of Magic
Keep your own best interests at heart; beware of the temporary comfort of inertia.

With the Nine of Swords in this position, the influence of a painful period is passing. But if you let it ease out of your consciousness, ignoring that it ever happened, you won’t learn how it came about and you’ll be doomed to repeat it. Perhaps you were careless in looking after your own best interests. You may have let yourself get blind-sided, seduced or led out on a limb, perhaps offering trust before it was earned. This is not a random event in your life. You have to analyze how you came to the present situation, so you can prevent it from becoming a repeating pattern in your life.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Card: The Magician
Trust the expansive, curious, clever part of yourself and share it with others.

Stay open to the guidance and inspiration you are receiving. Follow that inner wisdom. You have what it takes to create something that will reverberate far into the future, in a positive and evolutionary way. Let the most idealistic and inventive parts of your nature come to the surface. Cooperate with your inspiration, and you will infect others with your enthusiasm. Let yourself shine!
7: House of Relationships
Go beyond mental images to the truth that lies deep within your heart.
With the Queen of Cups in this position, you are becoming prepared to go deep into your inner storehouse of heart-centered feelings and images and come up with a deeper understanding. Generally, it is necessary to curtail mental activity in order to allow the wisdom of the heart to clearly present itself. This can be accomplished through meditation or skillful counseling. In any case, the near future presents an opportunity to spring free from the limitations of rational thinking and open to the oceanic realm of feelings, so that something deep and true can be revealed. Cooperate with the warm, radiant energy of your heart, and let yourself be blessed by it.
8: House of Secrets
Stay clear of exaggerating the differences between yourself and others; make an effort to find points of common cause and agreement.

The Two of Wands in this position points to the tendency to jump to conclusions based on the most instinctive of responses. It would be to your advantage to be less reactive. Restrain the impulses that tempt you to say or do something you might later regret. Relax and look for the good in the situation.
9: House of Visions
Let those who have gone before you illuminate the way.

The Three of Coins in this position suggests that you call up a role model, living or dead. Reach out to past Masters who represent the evolution of your craft. Study their body of works; stand in their shoes. Then surround yourself with skillful and talented people who embody this spirit of creativity and invention. Let the spirit of the past Masters challenge and provoke you to expand beyond yourself and develop their qualities within yourself. Reach out to these souls and connect with them in mind and heart if you can’t reach them in time and space. Let those who have gone before you show the way.
10: House of Reputation
Make your own decisions; exercise as much independence as you know you can handle.
The Queen of Swords in this position advises that you refrain from remaining dependent on others at this time. Don’t place too much confidence in the promises people have made. Harbor only those ambitions you know you can accomplish yourself. The Queen of Swords doesn’t want to wait to see what others would think, say or do. She knows what she wants, she knows how to get it, and she doesn’t ask permission or even subject herself to much influence. There are times in life when no one can take care of you as well as you can take care of yourself. Leave sentimentality behind; get practical and take action. Make important decisions for yourself because you are the final judge. It’s up to you.
11: House of the Future
Give up the path you have pursued and stop wasting energy. Rebuild bridges to meaningful relationships.
The Five of Cups in this position says that if you continue to follow the course of action you have been pursuing, you will come to realize you’ve wasted quite a bit of energy. This lesson may come at a high cost if you stubbornly drag things out. Consider cutting your losses now, throwing no more good energy after bad, spending no more time defending an irrational position or an unrealistic expectation. Be humble, try to rebuild relationships which have seen some wear and tear. Perhaps it’s time to apologize, trim emotions or modify your behavior so you can attune with others whom you really care about.
12: House of Surrender
The highest response to fulfillment and abundance is to share that golden energy with others.
The Sun in this position requires that you receive with gratitude all the positive energy being directed at you. In the course of experiencing it, be sure to pass it on as unsullied as you received it. Don’t view yourself as superior to or more worthy than others. Follow the example of the sun in this card, beaming forth and shining indiscriminately on all who enter your domain. Don’t hoard the energy that flows toward you.

Saturday, October 22, 2005 at 11:38:21 PM
Question: I’m too sick with a cold to go to drum-class today and can’t bear getting pneumonia again but then, I feel powerless to make a difference myself right about now. still, I’m lonely when I don’t go.

Horoscope Spread
The Queen of Swords
was traditionally known as the widow, crone, or divorcee, the woman "no man would have." Nowadays we see her as a model of self-sufficiency, independence, and high intellect. She often has extremely high standards due to her subtle sensitivities, which can be perceived by those around her as being critical and hard to please. Her true motive is to refine the world, to upgrade people's understanding so everyone can have the space they need to individuate, to become truly themselves.
She is not interested in conforming, which may be why she has a reputation for "being difficult". She is too intelligent to be confined to the role of housewife or nursemaid, although she is perfectly competent in those areas when she wants to be. She chooses her associations, and her aloneness, to serve her own agenda, and is seldom caught up in dependency relationships, at least not for long. Her critical intelligence is not always comfortable to be around, but she can be counted upon to see through superficialities and put her finger on the truth of the situation.

1: House of Identity
When you act upon a shared vision it will have far reaching effects.

The Four of Wands in this position suggests a group is forming that shares a common vision more complete and with more potential than any vision the individuals had dreamed separately. Synergy is emerging from the group; the benefits of your serious and significant work will be felt not only in your immediate circle but throughout a wider spectrum. This group is the core social unit necessary to produce a successful business, civic project or creative endeavor.
2: House of Work
Celebrate and support youthful innocence as it moves toward a dream, even in the face of more “realistic” viewpoints about the probable outcome.

When the Horseman of Wands is in this position, someone in your environment is being launched into their dream. The situation feels poignant and bittersweet because you see how joyful and important an occasion it is, yet you also see how likely it is that the shiny new armor will soon be dented, the husky horse become tired and bony, and the optimism of youth tempered by a few difficult trials. There is no way you would want to say this, but it is built into the situation. Virginal innocence has not yet met an adversary, and that’s a beautiful thing. It deserves to be celebrated and supported no matter how more seasoned eyes envision the eventual outcome.
3: House of Ideas
Review your recent experiences in the light of who you are becoming; the process will give you fresh energy.
The Ten of Wands in this position requires you to re-evaluate your motivation for continuing to do what you have been doing, because your previous motivations have been exhausted. You took things as far as you could; now you are garnering wisdom from the experience. Try to determine the pattern behind the circumstances that brought you to this point. Examine the past for clues that can tell you what you are being prepared for. Your challenge and opportunity now is to see how your recent experiences will lead to fresh possibilities, new ambitions and an inspiring vision of even greater potential.
4: House of the Family
It has fallen to you to be of assistance to others.

The Six of Coins in this position suggests that the abundance you now have came about in part from someone helping you when you needed support. Now it’s your turn, your karmic responsibility, to see whom you can benefit. Help others bloom so they can become benefactors in their own time and the blessings can be passed on.
5: House of Magic
You are deservedly reaping the goodness you have sown.

The Seven of Cups in this position suggests you recently realized that the flow of your life is not just a lucky accident, synchronicity or random arrangement. No, it is a reflection of your own sincere efforts over time. Note the good feelings about yourself that a realization like this offers, and accept those feelings as a vote of confidence from your own guardian angels. You are being given back all the good you have been putting out to the world. You can’t possibly take advantage of all this good will, but that’s not the point. At least, be assured you are loved.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Although something has been lost, you are enjoined to persevere in your dreams.

When the Five of Cups presents in this position, it represents the spiritual challenge of accepting the partial loss of what you held most dear. It’s important that you not lose enthusiasm for the rest of your aspirations, because they are still within your grasp. You must be a warrior of the heart and spring back from this kind of disappointment. Your Higher Self is hereby giving you a vote of confidence. You have the resilience and clarity of mind to rise above loss and grief. To fully recover from this setback, seize the two un-spilled cups and move forward with the determination you had when you still had all five. If your mission is sacred, your guidance real, and your heart strong, it’s worth carrying on — even if the totality of your envisioned outcome isn’t forthcoming. Don’t lose heart. Stay on the path. It’s not about the quantity of blessing that’s available, it’s the quality.
7: House of Relationships
You are on the verge of fulfilling your grand plan.
With the Ten of Cups in this position, it appears as if the wandering tribe finally found the resting place where it can build and cultivate the land. There is a sense of homecoming and fulfillment. Imagine a gigantic celebration where everyone from elders to children converge, giving and receiving love freely. Together they gleefully catch up on each other’s stories and enjoy the feelings of bondedness they’ve been missing. During this upcoming experience you will feel slightly sentimental as your heart is opened and filled. It’s a time of gratitude and rewards for labors well done.
8: House of Secrets
Don’t withhold from the blessing of oneness.

When the World appears in this position, the only thing that separates you from everything you ever wanted is believing that you are alone. In truth, every molecule of your being, every breath, is in constant communication with the entire universe, the continuity of all being through all time.
If you persist in holding out as a separate individual with just a personal history, a name and a set of attributes, you will never see how connected you really are. Expand your mind and welcome opportunities to merge. Overcome the reflex to hold yourself back. When you are at one with the great world soul, no limits can bind you.
9: House of Visions
Turn to others with whom you can share your experience deeply in order to gain objectivity and comfort.
The Three of Swords in this position suggests that circumstances are isolating you from trusted confidants who know how to really listen to you. Sometimes, especially in families and close-knit groups, the person you usually process your feelings with is the same person with whom there seems to be problems. It is difficult for any of us to reach a healthy view on loss, broken trust and abandonment without assistance from someone. Is there anyone you trust enough to consult with now who is not part of the problem? Find a way to share your experience with someone who possesses some objectivity, who will give you realistic feedback. No one wants to expose their pain to superficial examination, but one or two deep conversations with a person you trust could make a world of difference. There is a needed piece of information you will not arrive at by yourself; a third party mirroring it for you will help you perceive it clearly.
10: House of Reputation
Rouse your ambition and the competitive aspects of your nature to push beyond limits. Launch yourself.
The Seven of Wands in this position tells you that the time for peak performance is now. Even if you feel slightly unprepared, awaken your ambition, think in larger terms, and tweak your competitive nature — so you can push yourself beyond your usual limits. Time and effort spent in preparation will pay off; you can be the one who vaults right over the heads of those who thought they could best you. Move beyond rhetoric and verbal challenges; prove what puts you head and shoulders above the rest by demonstrating it in action.
11: House of the Future
Influence can be marshaled behind the scenes, where one can prepare for a future position of power.

The Page of Swords in this position indicates a potential future as a quiet, surreptitious emissary who links influential people through private channels, monitors their dialogue and facilitates their negotiations. The Page of Swords may look like a pawn, a small time player in the great scheme of things, but the pose serves as his protection. It enables him to slip into territory he otherwise couldn’t enter. His power, which lies in appearing inconsequential, goes unacknowledged and is therefore unchecked. The Page of Swords is the student of his superior, preparing for the day when he can move into the boss’s job. See to it that your moral character, philosophical vision and ability to evaluate right from wrong equals the skill and craft that will be required.
12: House of Surrender
Make a clean break with the past. Embrace the future with all its possibilities.

The Six of Cups in this position requires that you let go of your powerful hold on the past. Put it down, back away, say good-bye. Turn and face change; move forward from a position of assertiveness. Release the emotional attachments that have tied you to the emotional, psychological and psychic vulnerabilities of your past. You cannot “fix” the past — the present is your point of power. Your future is compelling; it has tremendous possibilities, but not if it has to compete with the almost addictive hold the old emotional life can have over you. Do whatever you can to break the spell.