Monday, September 26, 2005

Tarot Read - Sept 26 2005

Monday, September 26, 2005 at 8:16:26 AM
Celtic Cross

1: Self
A new journey of discovery is about to be embarked upon with optimism and high spirits.

The Horseman of Wands in this position indicates readiness for a voyage of discovery. You are prepared for the journey, your effects are in order, you are in great shape and the excitement of departure prevails. Inside there is a powerful feeling of youthful idealism, as well as a bit of daring naivetŽ — you have no idea if this is going to be difficult or not, but those problems are tomorrow’s problems. Today the energy is high, spirits are bright, the sky is clear and if there ever was a heroic and noble impulse in you, you are getting a chance to express it now.
2: Situation
Resist the impulse to join those around you who are becoming polarized in opposing camps.
When the Two of Coins is in this position, you are surrounded by people who are busy taking sides. Resist the impulse to join either camp. Although others with low tolerance for ambiguity or a desperate need to be in control will jump to conclusions, there is no need for you to join them or take a position one way or the other. Nobody has all the facts yet; unknowns still govern the day. If you are patient, you will spare yourself turmoil while you let the truth reveal itself in its own good time. You may discover the situation was never as serious as it seemed.
3: Challenges
Define your mission and get organized so that tremendous energy is not wasted.

The Six of Wands in this position says to rally the attention of others around the next essential steps, before the energy that is available to you becomes scattered. As enthusiasm builds, you may have to deal with some confusion or contention, but a team leader needs to assess the situation and take charge before too much energy is wasted. You may or may not choose to be that leader, but it’s advisable to evaluate your role in the project or situation — it is gathering momentum and building up a tremendous amount of energy that may prove to be valuable to you.
4: Foundation
Refrain from aggravating an old, deep wound; be gentle with yourself.
The Ten of Swords in this position points to a significant loss in your history, an old tragedy which still impacts you. It is occasionally re-stimulated, giving rise to emotional eruptions others cannot understand. As this old, deep, painful theme rumbles and rises within you again, you might wonder how to keep it from interfering with your life now. The answer may be to just be still, rather than reacting or trying to distract yourself in some way. Whatever you decide to do, do it with care, gentleness and compassion for yourself. Tread gently, staying aware of those old wounds. This is the time to focus on being a good parent to your wounded inner child; don’t wait until you are totally drained and desperate.
5: Recent Past
A recent awakening calls the separated elements of your life force together.

The Judgment card in this position suggests a wake-up call that rattled every corner of your identity, leading to a re-integration of fragmented parts of your personality. This may have seemed disastrous to your ego and its control fantasies. But now your life force can harmonize spirit, mind and body. This transformation is a great mystery that many have worked on lifetime after lifetime, but only those blessed or cursed with a passion for redemption actually experience it. Such an event can change your expectations of yourself and what you look for and evoke out of others. It may be just the impetus you have needed to creatively achieve your goals.
6: Higher Power
Although something has been lost, you are enjoined to persevere in your dreams.
When the Five of Cups presents in this position, it represents the spiritual challenge of accepting the partial loss of what you held most dear. It’s important that you not lose enthusiasm for the rest of your aspirations, because they are still within your grasp. You must be a warrior of the heart and spring back from this kind of disappointment. Your Higher Self is hereby giving you a vote of confidence. You have the resilience and clarity of mind to rise above loss and grief. To fully recover from this setback, seize the two un-spilled cups and move forward with the determination you had when you still had all five. If your mission is sacred, your guidance real, and your heart strong, it’s worth carrying on — even if the totality of your envisioned outcome isn’t forthcoming. Don’t lose heart. Stay on the path. It’s not about the quantity of blessing that’s available, it’s the quality.
7: Near Future
You are entering a position of creative control.
The Ace of Coins in this position indicates that you are coming into an opportune time. Your bold and original ideas draw attractive opportunities, invitations and offers to you. From the very beginning, you have creative control. Trust that your natural instincts and good intuitions are working for you. Be confident. Success can be yours, and when it is, you will be blessed. It’s time to let yourself fly!
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Don’t allow fear of change to paralyze you.

You feel a need to change yet are fearful of doing anything about it. You are stuck. It’s important to remember that nothing you can lose is truly yours, and what is truly yours never will be lost for long. Your essential nature, your eternal identity, your basic quality of being is unique and permanent. No amount of change will rob you of who you really are. Release your attachment to appearing any particular way to yourself or anyone else. In turn you will free yourself to go through what is in front of you and gain the benefits.
9: Allies
Persist in your efforts to get the attention of a spiritual mentor.
The Hermit in this position suggests that you know of a wise person who could advise you on upcoming challenges. This Hermit is not easy to locate, however. To make matters worse, he is generally reluctant to dispense advice, and demands what seems like an inordinate amount in order to share wisdom with you. He’s not going to make it easy. Nevertheless, his wisdom is essential. Be willing to scale the mountain to reach his cliff side dwelling or go the extra mile to find him in the wilderness. Do whatever it takes. What he can offer you is priceless, drawn from direct and deep experience.
10: Advice
Free yourself from a past that no longer serves you well, and proceed toward the future.
Death in this position advises you to detach from the old order, close old accounts, gather your harvest, complete unfinished tasks and pack your bags. It’s time to move on. A better future beckons. If you can cut the cords that have bound you to old ways and outworn conventions, you could free yourself to join the sweep of incoming light. This is not an excuse to reject others or hurt them in any way. It is simply a time to move toward your ultimate best interests, willing to go through whatever it takes. Do not allow nostalgia and outworn loyalties to hold you back.
11: Long-Term Potential
You have the potential to be a wise, inspiring leader in your community.

When the King of Cups is in this position, your generous motives and clear vision have the power to attract the right people, resources and the most harmonious ingredients to fulfill your dreams. The blessings of the King of Cups act as glue to help hold a family, community or business enterprise together. He uses his love to lift everyone’s spirits, providing reassurance wherever it is needed. He generates confidence and encourages peoples’ best work and creativity. People like to validate his warm confidence in them with their best performance. Getting this card in this position is a strong vote of confidence for you. You have what it takes to become an example of strength and wisdom in your community.

8:34:40 AM
RE any unfinished transformation to do with my past.
I know I needed my past hardships to temper my ego for future good work, know that true friends and partners are yours if they’re meant to be, and my work will get done whether or not I worry about it. Patience, faith and open-mindedness are always hard, compassion always a feel-good.
Celtic Cross

1: Self
Cultivate your investments using good timing and skillful management; protect your interests.

The Horseman of Coins in this position portrays you as someone who is responsible, patient, and of practical service. You realize that with right timing and proper attention, wise investments multiply, like a field which has been cultivated. This does not have to do with greed or even the profit motive as we think of it now. Your contribution is like that of the farmer who sows a field of grain for the sake of the entire community. Your service does not stop there, however. The crop must be allowed to grow unmolested by predators or thieves. That’s another reason we need to summon forth the stalwart knight who can be trusted to protect and defend the community and its harvest. This card implies generous usefulness of all types.
2: Situation
A magnetic soul draws others with beauty and abundance.
A charismatic individual in the environment is attracting people like bees to a flower. This person helps us see and feel the truth of an inspiring ideal. Naturally this is a valuable person to have around. Such a person creates and spreads boundless love and acceptance for everyone to be nurtured by. Seek to emulate people who manifest creative harmony, inclusiveness and warm acceptance.
3: Challenges
Resist the temptation to rest on your laurels; there is still work to be done before you reach your goal.
The Seven of Coins in this position points toward a time of apparent peace and abundance. Your hard work is yielding consistent, strong results. But do not become complacent and think a good result is guaranteed, because there are still more steps to go before completion. Do not rest until you have covered more ground. Stay with the steady approach you have cultivated up to this point, and don’t let any events distract you from the regular care of your business.
4: Foundation
Knowing that the world is benevolent toward you provides a feeling of optimism and security.
The Nine of Cups in this position suggests that you have learned to embrace the point of view that we live in an abundant universe. This somewhat rare foundation is a priceless resource, a gift from your elders, as it were. It could also be the result of appropriate choices you’ve made, ones that truly supported you emotionally and psychically. As such, your feeling of safety and security does not depend on outer circumstances. It comes right from your own heart’s realization that you are loved, wanted and taken care of. It seems the world itself is positively disposed toward you and colludes with you on your success. These qualities and gifts provide a solid foundation to your personality that a lot of people simply don’t have.
5: Recent Past
Choosing to take a stand is better than being forced into taking a position.
The Four of Cups in this position says you can now see what you couldn’t see before. Lack of attention set you up for a wake-up call, and something jolted you into focusing on your needs and goals. This is the card of changing gears quickly. One minute you are relaxing; in the next you are thrust into action. You may say you are glad you have been awakened, even though you wish you hadn’t been revived so rudely. Now that it’s happened, however, you have to admit you are better off having been energized. It’s better that you take a more proactive stance, even if you had to be forced into it. Count your blessings, then use the new drive, passion and power you have for constructive purposes. That is what makes the experience worth it.
6: Higher Power
You are poised to make a significant impact upon generations to come.
When the World appears in this position, you are positioned to do something beneficial for future souls to enjoy. It may be that you invent a new technology, create an original literary or cultural work, or awaken a new art form that stirs the souls of humanity. You are being singled out to affect the evolution of human consciousness.
You are a conduit for the energy of the divine, the evolutionary driving force of creation. As long as you allow yourself to be used in this way, good things result from your choices and actions. Don’t resist this development. It may be the reason you came here. It’s connected to your ultimate quest for meaning. Watch and witness. Let all be revealed to you, and willingly cooperate.
7: Near Future
You are getting ready to open like the chrysalis of an insect and emerge with wings.
With Judgment in this position, it appears that you are either accidentally or intentionally heading toward an encounter with a catalytic force that will literally raise the dead in your personality. This is a total transmutation in which you process who you used to be and rededicate those resources to who you are becoming. A sense of reunion prevails because all the individuals pictured on this card are incarnations of the same soul meeting in a timeless place. You are uniting with your own likenesses as you find them in yourself and in your world. You will assimilate all of them into your sense of self. You will be a larger person—deeper, more expanded, more universal.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Try doing nothing about your concerns for awhile. Take a break and see if the flow will carry you.
The Horseman of Swords in this position says that your tendency to react interferes with the formation of strategic alignments that will give you an advantage in a conflict or competition. Maybe you have been on the front lines so long it’s hard to be normal and stop fighting. Your inclination toward persistent watchfulness and defensiveness makes you overreact even in neutral situations. Perhaps you are contentious or you are feeling pessimistic. Evaluate whether you are overly suspicious or stressed in this situation. Ask yourself if there is a way you can relax and trust that things will work out.
9: Allies
Committed friends encircle you, supportive and unquestioning.
The Three of Cups in this position suggests that you have exceptionally good friends who are always there for you, ready and willing to be at your side like a family. The presence of these wonderful people empowers you to take risks, experiment and be more creative with your life. This source of security and serenity makes you rich in comparison with many, many others. Fully appreciate your emotional safety net — you’ve earned it, you deserve it, you yourself wove it, and it’s there for you whenever you need it. Your own loving intentions are coming back to you.
10: Advice
There is an important place for rest and recuperation in any endeavor.

When the Nine of Wands is in this position, you have done everything you can to bring a situation to its best conclusion. The full range of possibilities has been exhausted and all the creativity, energy and determination that is available has been put to use. This is a great time to lay down your concerns and enjoy a rest. You can’t bring anything more to the mission if you don’t regenerate and restore the energy you have put into the cause. It is praiseworthy to give all you have for something or someone who means a lot to you, but masochism and martyrdom are ill advised. Take a break; no one can fault you for it now.
11: Long-Term Potential
Acknowledge that your intellectual and intuitive gifts are among your most valuable assets.
With the Six of Swords in this position, the potential is to realize, possibly for the first time, that you have a very sharp mind coupled with a high degree of intuitive sensitivity. The combination may even approach a special streak of genius that is a scarce resource in your community or workplace. You have taken this acuity for granted, yet it’s one of your most valuable attributes. Look for situations where quick assessment and good decision making followed by assertive action toward the good is rewarded. You will earn great acknowledgment as well as more tangible forms of compensation. Ascertain the market value of your gifts, and find ways you can be paid for some of the talents you now use for enjoyment. It may be sensible to do some specialized studying so others respect your credentials as well as your gift. When you are ambitious enough to present your talents to the world in a more professional manner, your position will undoubtedly advance.

8:49:03 AM
Connecting with a possible mentor — wiser to wait?
Celtic Cross

1: Self
Judge well and wisely; you are the one with the final say.
The King of Swords in this position stands for fairness and even handed treatment. He settles disputes, assists in the resolution of conflicts and mediates. Bringing analytical and interrogative skills to bear on whatever the current drama may be, the King of Swords is by consent of his community the impartial adjudicator. He works hard to maintain that reputation and that position. Patient listening and penetrating questions are his signature, and those qualities are just what are presently being asked of you.
2: Situation
Your unique comprehension of the situation can help clarify the confusion which is currently threatening forward progress.
With the Ace of Swords in this position, circumstances indicate that although there is only one path that leads to your destination, it winds and meanders like a maze. You can avoid confusion, however, because your insight can make sense of the apparent muddle. You possess an outlook or vision that can harmonize competing interests, motivations and needs. Ultimately it is up to you to reveal the big picture and point out the middle path. You know what the next step is, as long as you continue to focus solely upon it without letting yourself or others be distracted.
3: Challenges
Make the best of what remains after adversity has set you back.
When the Five of Cups is in this position, maximize what is left after loss. The receiver of this card received copious potential in the five cups shown, but three of them have been upended and their contents spilled into the earth. Whether it was carelessness or destiny that spilled these cups isn’t ultimately important. What matters now is that the two full cups be tended and utilized as intelligently as possible. Resources can be built up and the core value of what was passed on can be cultivated again. You have this opportunity to make the best of what is left to you after a tumultuous upset. If you sink into depression about what is lost, you are going to get nowhere. Focus on the value that still remains, and make the best of it as optimistically as possible.
4: Foundation
A model of unwavering generosity and love provides you a source of strength and wisdom.

The Empress suggests that at some time in your life you were exposed to an inspiring model of female dignity, generosity and love — someone who was steady and supportive. How fortunate you were! This experience taught you to go within and find the source of right action and clear thinking within yourself. Even if this person is no longer available to you, the learning you received can continue to provide a strong, reliable foundation.
5: Recent Past
Your fading attachment to the past gives you an opportunity to mature.
With the Ten of Coins in this position, you are leaving behind family connections or traditional sources of support and coming into a certain maturity. Your perspective has changed as a result of this shift. You know more of what the wide world holds and you can assume a stronger stance. Your dependence upon the past is fading, and this bodes well for you.
6: Higher Power
When you examine self-centeredness closely, you can restrain its influence on your choices and relationships.

When the Five of Swords presents in this position, your greater self reminds you what a powerful and spiritually-binding force self-centeredness can be. It reveals itself when we take the bigger share for ourselves, knowing that someone else will have a bit less, or when we resort to the habit of blaming others when things go wrong with our plans. A self-absorbed person compulsively seeks to be right at other peoples’ expense. The Five of Swords is an energy that takes a self-flattering stance that diminishes others. Your Higher Power is asking that you observe this tendency not just in yourself, but in the lives of others. It’s time to face down your own self-centeredness and limit its impact on your important choices and relationships. You have some moral accounting to do, and amends to make, in order to rectify the “me first” habit.
7: Near Future
You understand your personality and your life pattern in an entirely new way, one that is nurturing, healing and regenerative for all concerned.

The Star in this position is focusing on your prime motive, the mission you took this incarnation to accomplish. This revelation can settle old, unresolved feelings that have been churning within you. As you understand more fully why you are here, you will understand and finally accept a lot of the circumstances you used to view as setbacks. You will be able to forgive the world of limitations and be of service to it. This coming awakening is the gentle and natural consequence of the work you have done on yourself. Relax and let it happen.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Diminish the influence that fear or other negative emotions have over you; take action now.

When the Seven of Wands falls in this position, fear can get in the way of successfully achieving a goal, overcoming competition or proving your worth. Perhaps you are feeling at odds with the idea of success; when you awaken to the power this block can have over you, you can stay alert to it and diminish its influence. It’s not necessary to regret your feelings — just don’t let them incapacitate you; when action is required, get busy and make something happen. There is no excuse for not taking charge, even if you have mixed emotions about having to do so.
9: Allies
Certain people around you are like psychic litmus paper — they register the slightest change in the environment. Watch them closely for signs that it’s time for you to shift your focus too.
The Moon in this position suggests that you seek and spend time with the most intuitive people you know. Turn to those who understand transformation, who can lead you into the shamanic depths. They are like sherpas on Mount Everest. They know the territory and what to do when they meet its strange inhabitants. Notice and consort with those who become tuned in when everyone else is losing focus. A shift is coming that will be challenging to those who were not tracking the subtle signs.
10: Advice
Admit that you have sacrificed time and energy on a situation that simply doesn’t work.

The Nine of Swords in this position advises you to face your fear of being alone, and release the impediments that have held you back. Face the limits you have put on yourself in many different ways. In the name of being “safe,” you have held yourself to lower standards than you knew you could achieve, or you have resisted striking out on your own. Perhaps you have bargained away creativity and joy in order to avoid controversy. These kinds of tradeoffs never work. Cut your losses and recognize how much time and energy you have sacrificed to a way of being that’s not right for you. If you can do this you will look back at this time in your life as a turning point. This is an opportunity to heal as you shed a heavy burden that is weighing you down.
11: Long-Term Potential
The natural progression of events will bring you into a place of empowerment; your will is not the controlling factor.
With the Six of Cups in this position, if you follow up on the established trend, there is potential to outgrow your previous limitations. Nature itself will push you into a new mode of operation. You don’t have to figure it all out or will yourself into it. The natural flow of these events will eventually release you from feelings of helplessness and emotional vulnerability. You will build back up to a place of strength, self assertiveness and a knowing of your own mind. You are in a situation now where you can make a turnaround and be supported for it. Just follow the trend in good faith.

9:06:22 AM
Q: I'm sending the October horoscope to my friend
Celtic Cross

1: Self
You can divine true meaning using your penetrating intuition.

The Queen of Coins in this position indicates that you have come into full possession of your instincts and intuitions. You trust your body’s wisdom, know how to decipher the signs and clues within daily events, and can feel the energies at work to discern the direction in which things are moving. You may be the diviner or oracle for your family or tribe. You can open yourself to a question and decipher the natural response your body/mind gives. You may work with oracle systems like the Tarot, I Ching or Runes — or you may not. The feedback you give others is invariably useful, practical, and educational. You are grounded in the practical world and your hunches are trustworthy; others can bank on them. This card is quite a compliment to you.
2: Situation
Reconciliation is becoming urgent as the situation is advancing toward pitched battle.

When the Three of Swords is in this position, you are witnessing preparations for a battle among equals and opposites, a battle that may look like a fight to the death. This situation calls for someone who, using dialogue, can take it from the brink of disaster to a meeting of minds and hearts. You know it was unnecessary for this quarrel to go to such an extreme, but the parties involved seem determined to attack each other, negatively stimulated by an escalating misunderstanding. Paranoia, blame and accusation prevail. A mediator is needed before hostilities go too far. Restoring peace through dialogue is a major challenge.
3: Challenges
Get in touch with your deepest passions and instinct, so they can be channeled to benefit everyone.

The Devil card in this position challenges you to feel your desire, passion or attraction fully, but to unleash that powerful force only for the greatest good. Be in touch with your vital force, its passionate energy and urges, but don’t lose your head. These powerfully transformative times demand that we learn to handle unpredictable and unimagined experiences with poise. That can’t be done if you fall into judgment, unbridled lust or any other form of emotional or physical addiction. If you can participate in this arousing situation without completely losing your composure, you will be of great value to your friends, family and community. You have some powerful energy within you. Let it express, but channel that expression for good.
4: Foundation
You have come to possess uncommon understanding that can help you achieve your goals.

The Hierophant in this position suggests that your past provided you with a blueprint for your dreams and aspirations. You have apparently been exposed to a mother lode of sensitive and scientific thinking that attuned your awareness and can now clarify your current situation. The Hierophant is trained in the art of magical thinking, self affirmation and natural laws. Using this foundation, leverage those laws, putting them to work rather than being subjected to them. Trust your intuition and your hunches —you are receiving relevant information from a deep, instinctive, historical well.
5: Recent Past
Your level of proficiency has been put to the test, with positive results.
The Page of Coins in this position indicates that you’ve been tested on what you’ve learned as a student in your chosen field. There’s been an accounting of how well you have mastered your medium and your level of competency. You have probably come through it looking pretty good, achieving expectations and moving right along. If you have had doubts about your abilities or have been burdened by perfectionist thinking, try to be more accepting, patient and faithful with yourself. If you can win the acknowledgment of teachers or mentors in your field, that’s a very good sign. Appreciate your achievements and how far you have come.
6: Higher Power
You may suddenly find yourself in the spotlight taking a stand, speaking out and inspiring others.

When the Ace of Wands presents in this position, your over-soul is handing you the torch and saying, “Please keep this light aloft for a little while. We won’t make you hold it long. Another runner will be sent to collect it from you. But while you wait and hold the torch, be of good cheer. You’re helping the world by standing forth in this way.” Don’t be surprised when all the attention is focused on you as you speak out and motivate others. This is a great opening; you will finally have the opportunity to reveal your strengths and courage.
7: Near Future
Timing and conditions are right for stimulating personal and collective success.
When the Six of Wands is in this position, a challenging opportunity arises and has the potential to prove your or your group’s competence and special abilities. You can afford to accept this opportunity because you know you are reaching a peak — personally and collectively. Everyone can enjoy success, feel a strong sense of achievement and receive enthusiastic recognition. When you are thanked and acknowledged for the special role you played, accept it as part of your due. Timing and circumstances are coming together for both personal achievement and collective success.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Take responsibility and find solutions rather than dwelling on problems or finding fault.
When the Four of Swords is in this position, you seem to be assigning blame rather than taking responsibility for your part. This “keeping score” behavior builds up resentment against friends and colleagues. As others feel your attitude souring and receive little or no communication about what’s wrong, they withdraw. This initiates a trend toward unhealthy isolation. Resist every temptation to catalogue your resentments or rehash your turbulent feelings. Make an effort to move your attention from the problem to the solution. A more positive train of thought will open more options to you.
9: Allies
An ally can test your mettle and teach you how to command respect.

The Five of Wands in this position suggests the presence of someone who can put you through a rigorous and challenging training to develop your will, physical stamina and endurance. This devil’s advocate will reveal your weaknesses and blind spots to you, hone your instincts and upgrade your strategy. Then you can prevail despite competition, prove the value of your ideas and command respect. This mentor or trainer might seem harsh, even a bit militaristic, challenging you to work past your fears and previous limits, but when you are through working with this ally, you will be a formidable contender.
10: Advice
Rouse your ambition and the competitive aspects of your nature to push beyond limits. Launch yourself.

The Seven of Wands in this position tells you that the time for peak performance is now. Even if you feel slightly unprepared, awaken your ambition, think in larger terms, and tweak your competitive nature — so you can push yourself beyond your usual limits. Time and effort spent in preparation will pay off; you can be the one who vaults right over the heads of those who thought they could best you. Move beyond rhetoric and verbal challenges; prove what puts you head and shoulders above the rest by demonstrating it in action.
11: Long-Term Potential
You can direct the situation without controlling it. Be creative and flexible.
With the Horseman of Swords in this position, change is afoot; no longer drifting with the currents, you are assertively directing the flow. Although we often wait until things happen to us, the Knight of Swords likes to be the prime mover in a situation. If you are respectful of natural timing, the innate enthusiasm of this horseman can facilitate change. Nevertheless, be careful not to try to control the outcome. You will serve the situation best by being receptive, so the finest ideas have a chance to emerge. Avoid second guessing what the highest and best outcome should look like. The best this horseman has to offer is creative intellect combined with mental resilience.

9:23:27 AM
Q: Hoped to create a venue for mutual inspiration through creative play vital to imagination with my music friends when, in actuality, I spoiled my chances with emotional clumsiness - continued embarrassment and regret
Celtic Cross

1: Self
Card: The Magician
You have a talent for creating something from nothing.

The Magus symbolizes imagination, creativity and an inventive nature. Your unique intelligence and talent for clever experimentation is a valuable asset. The Magus serves as a catalyst and change agent. His influence is a fresh breeze blowing through any situation. So be playful, and stay open. Don’t limit yourself, the possibilities are endless. Try things, see what happens and correct your course as you go. Tease open the minds of those who are watching to see what you will do.
2: Situation
When each member of a group becomes self-directing, hierarchies can be transformed and the situation organized in a more equalitarian way.

When the Nine of Wands falls in this position, a situation is calling for re-organization. The current structure of a group is actually damaging the leadership it depends upon for survival. The person who has been keeping everybody motivated or on track would be best served by taking some time off to rest and regenerate. The ideal solution is for each participant to become as self-directing as possible. This will actually be an evolutionary step in the group consciousness, with the leaders or role models no longer as vulnerable to criticism or resentment from those they have been trying to inspire and direct. Instead of one person being the hero, everybody can share both the responsibilities and the rewards.
3: Challenges
Speak up only when you are clearly aware of your motives and intentions. Maintain the highest standards.

With the King of Swords in this position, you are challenged to rigorously examine all your cherished assumptions in order to maintain the highest possible standard of ethics and morality. In other words, you cannot earn the right to influence others if you haven’t first ordered your own life. Listen to everyone else first, and speak last. After others have said their piece, make the pronouncement that resolves the issue. When the King of Swords makes a choice or takes a stand, he does so with the highest and most broad minded motives. Take this opportunity to point out progressive, democratic and noble paths of action. Stake out the higher ground and stay with it.
4: Foundation
Look at your situation objectively so you can avoid potential pitfalls.
The Eight of Coins in this position suggests that role models from the past demonstrate how much a hardworking, extremely productive individual can accomplish when she or he stays on task. With an eye to detail, study those who went before you, so you will know how to eliminate false turns, wrong assumptions and immature approaches. This process will teach you how to winnow out those endeavors that are worth the effort and which may turn out to be fruitless and ephemeral. This will provide you with a great head start on your projects.
5: Recent Past
Now is your chance to recover personal power and self esteem.
With the Eight of Cups in this position, you have been through a situation that left you feeling assaulted. You felt exhausted, overwhelmed, drained — as if a plug had been pulled within you. Take heart; because this card implies that difficult conditions are on the wane. The worst of your sadness and feelings of being overwhelmed have lifted. But you have yet to collect yourself and move forward, which is what you must do in order to fully recover. Take special care to get closure on this episode. As the future brings new influences, you don’t want to be dwelling on the past.
6: Higher Power
Be ready to take action, risking others’ approval or disapproval if necessary
When the Horseman of Swords comes up in this position, you are urged to seize the day. It’s time to draw the line and be willing to defend it. Leap on your charger, grab your weapon and proceed as if you intend to forcibly change the situation. It’s not always imperative to follow through with such a threat, but be ready to if necessary. Avoid flinging yourself into a conflict over a slight to your ego, but do prepare to defend your limits when appropriate. This is a heroic role. There is no way to know in advance whether you will be supported or rejected for taking this stand, but for moral reasons and your own self esteem, you must be willing to take that risk.
7: Near Future
You are worthy of the abundant recognition you receive.
With the Nine of Cups in this position, you are about to receive a warm welcome from people whom you respect and admire. This will not be faint praise; this is very specific acknowledgment — a blessing you will cherish. You stand to be elevated by people who want to further you, who see your talent and gifts, what is special about you. They want to open doors for you, as well as invite you into their lives. Recognize the situation when it happens and consciously relax into the safety it provides. Your dignity will remain intact because you have earned this positive reaffirmation. The more you learn to be comfortable with a flow of support and love, the better you will be at whatever else you try to achieve.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Ask yourself why you feel unworthy of the harmony and benevolence you need and which is abundantly available to you.

When the Ace of Cups is in this position, you are struggling with a belief that there is not enough approval to go around. You have internalized the conviction that someone has to do without; apparently you think that person is you. Although the Ace of Cups traditionally represents the fountain of love, abundance and affirmation, times of considerable deprivation cause us to act as if we are unworthy of receiving divine love or the love of others. Aggressively question your feelings of inner guilt and shame because they are preventing divine, beneficent, universal love from pouring down upon you just as it does upon everyone else. Why separate yourself from it at a time when you need it so much?
9: Allies
You are nurtured by a compassionate person who is pleased to champion your best efforts.

The Empress here suggests the presence of a powerful role model — a person with a warm, embracing demeanor who thinks expansively and inclusively. She or he is happy to help you nurture your genius, develop your creativity and locate the resources you need to complete important projects. This feminine spirit — so soft, warm and magnetic — makes things easy and enjoyable. She models an attitude of confidence in Nature, a feminine form of strength who gives people permission to ask for and receive what they need. The conciliatory and open handed style you are learning from her creates enjoyable relationships that bear fruit for everyone.
10: Advice
Rise to the occasion with confidence in your talent and ability.

With the Eight of Swords in this position, you are being reminded that every setback you experience is a teacher awakening you to renewed effort. This is a learn-by-doing situation; there is no formula that guarantees outcome. You can be sure, however, that an open-minded and optimistic attitude will serve you better in the face of surprising developments. Be willing to put forth the rigorous effort that is being demanded now; perform wholeheartedly, with good faith and hopefulness. As such, you’ll forestall bickering and criticism, prevail against negative forces and overcome the demons of doubt and resistance. Get excited about your challenges; be confident that you have what it takes to improve the situation. If you do your internal homework, the external situation will open up for you.
11: Long-Term Potential
Be the person to analyze the situation with fresh perspective.
The Ace of Swords in this position indicates that you have a future in the world of ideas, in the collective discussion about beliefs, values and ethics. Perhaps you will invent a new vocabulary for naming truths that were obscured by the old worldview. Your imaginative approach gives you the ability to help people clarify their needs and how they can satisfy them. You have an idea that is both inspiring and stimulating and an obligation to share it. The time is ripe for someone with fresh perspective to effect new thinking. Be that person!

9:40:33 AM
Q: variety in friendship better for me. Secure friendships at home, music friends working together as creative muses, geek friends to chew the fat it possible in only the best of all possible worlds?
Celtic Cross

1: Self
Card: Ace of Wands
Position No. 1: Self
Stay attentive to your goal even as change accelerates.
With the Ace of Wands in this position, unified will, also known as point of focus, is the principal element. The nature of fire is to activate and accelerate change, chemical transformation, communication, realizations. Much to your benefit, change is ignited as you make the challenging transition from theory to action, but you must remain clear about your goal. An ace signifies the seed, the start point, a first step; if you handle yourself properly, if you take advantage of this opportunity, your situation can mature into a great success. Stay unified with your goal.
2: Situation
Card: The Empress
A magnetic soul draws others with beauty and abundance.

A charismatic individual in the environment is attracting people like bees to a flower. This person helps us see and feel the truth of an inspiring ideal. Naturally this is a valuable person to have around. Such a person creates and spreads boundless love and acceptance for everyone to be nurtured by. Seek to emulate people who manifest creative harmony, inclusiveness and warm acceptance.
3: Challenges
Card: The Universe
You have mastered the elements of your life to the degree that success is a regular occurrence.
The World in this position challenges you to maintain a dynamic balance between inner pressures and outer circumstances, your male side and your female side, innocence and wisdom, action and response. You have grown into your potential. It’s wonderful to find yourself at the center of the universe, in the right place at the right time.
To stay centered is the real challenge, however, considering how the center itself is always moving and changing. There is no pat formula for keeping up with change. Only sensitivity and awareness can help you now. Your natural instincts, life pattern and sincere heart have brought you to this place. They will continue to work for you if you keep up the balancing act.
4: Foundation
A warrior of peace is coming to the fore; the eternal seeker within you is responding to the call.
The Knight of Cups in this position suggests that it is your natural inheritance to be a pioneer. You actually strive for experiences that others only wonder about. Then you return from the front and describe new horizons of consciousness and understanding. You are a spiritual warrior, and you are striving to win the higher ground. In this situation, it is easy for you to call up the quality of energy that can send you on a crusade and numerous challenges for the sake of the greater good. Perhaps you are now being called to, or are preparing for, another great adventure of this kind.
5: Recent Past
Ask yourself whether the outcomes of a partnership effort correspond to your original objective.
When the Five of Coins is in this position, you have had a chance to team up with someone whose attributes and qualities complement your skills and talents. Look closely, however; do the others involved have the skills to function as a team, as equals? No matter how attractive or tempting this partnership may seem, it is important to examine whether the results of this connection truly align with your personal goals. Perhaps they do, but on the other hand, it could be a glamorous illusion that will set you back. Use this moment for some objective analysis.
6: Higher Power
Your exemplary work and its fruits are getting some limelight. Your self discipline is paying off.
When the Seven of Coins presents in this position, you are getting acknowledgement for exemplary results, impressive achievement, the fruitfulness of your efforts. This is a blessing you deserve, one you have earned through your focused efforts. A magic element influences this moment, but don’t let the celebration of your success go to your head. This card also emphasizes the performance of duty despite all changing conditions, so don’t let your discipline slip away. The promise of abundance and fulfillment is supported by your work, not blue ribbons.
7: Near Future
Be grateful for the intimate assessment you are about to receive.
When Justice is in this position, you will have an opportunity to see something of yours critiqued. You will be able to see which parts have substance and which are undeveloped. Interesting new questions will emerge. The penetrating intelligence of your adjudicator will show you how closely your personal vision matches standards of balance and harmony. This judge is the grandmother of humanity in whose mind resides tribal law. When you come before her with your questions and needs, she cuts to the quick and reveals the solution. Be humble and receptive when you come before Justice. Do not resort to denial if she reveals your unfinished business.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Ask yourself what you think you gain by repeated delay.
When the Horseman of Wands falls in this position, it seems there is difficulty getting started. The outset is hampered by a tendency to find reasons to delay, hold back or be dissatisfied with preparations. That may be acceptable to a point: preparedness is crucial and good timing essential. But if a new beginning is repeatedly delayed, you may have to ask yourself what you may be afraid of that would cause you to go to such great lengths to stall or postpone its development. When that question is answered, you can begin to overcome your blocks and allow your energy to flow smoothly toward the goal again.
9: Allies
You count among your friends those whom you used to admire.
The Star suggests that you are absolutely in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing. You may need feedback from higher ups or other sources to call your attention to this fact. But in truth, the self you have cultivated is worth the attention and emulation of people you respect. It could be that you are looking up to individuals as your teachers, while they see you as theirs. This is truly wonderful. Acknowledge how far you have come and how well you are doing.
10: Advice
Give up your agenda and be open to change.

The Fool in this position advises that you lighten up. No advantage will be gained by thinking you are the one who knows, has the power or can direct the flow. Let there be spontaneous developments beyond the realm of logic. Open and receive without question; don’t tinker and tamper and try to manage things. The Fool has no ambition to determine an outcome. Be happy just to be part of the situation. If you like, witness and record what you see and figure it out later. For now, just be in the present and release any demands or expectations.
11: Long-Term Potential
Stick to your profound quest. It’s well worth the commitment and time it takes.
The Hermit in this position suggests that the line of inquiry you are following has great long term potential. Perhaps you are pursuing a passionate study or a spiritual quest. Any path of mastery will consume major blocks of time and energy. You may be old and gray by the time you answer the questions you are posing. The pursuit of the answers, however, will lead you through profound life-changing experiences. When you make the commitment to this path, others will support you out of respect. Your inner crone or shaman is getting ready to take her place in the seat of leadership and right use of power. Don’t decline the invitation. Wrap your dignity around you and step up to the challenge.

9:52:16 AM
My voice recordings sound terrible. I sing better when there’s background instrumental, no vocalist for me to mimic. I need to be strict and simple in my singing style before I can improvise.
Celtic Cross

1: Self
The wise apprentice merges willingly with his new profession.

With the Page of Coins in this position, you are typified as a person who is reinventing her or himself to create a better fit with a chosen profession. The wise apprentice shapes him or herself to the needs of the work and embraces a lifestyle, not just a job description. This requires a certain amount of contemplation and study, not to mention the actual physical experience of getting in there and wrestling with your medium until you become adept at it. As you master the skills and techniques as well as the laws and rules of your trade or profession, you create value in yourself and a niche for yourself in your field.
2: Situation
An influential person can pave the way for you.
When the Emperor comes up in this position, you are about to be granted an audience with a powerful individual who has the wherewithal to help you with personal plans. The Emperor administers and governs the realm you wish to enter. You cannot achieve your dreams without this person’s blessing. By making a visit to the leader in the field, you can begin to benefit from the established structure. With the Emperor’s support, you have a much better chance of actualizing your dream.
3: Challenges
What brings sorrow may also give rise to feelings of liberation.

With the Nine of Swords in this position. you are facing the paradox that what is cause for grief and sorrow can also produce a great release. Sometimes the catastrophe you fear the worst is actually the end of an impossible situation; this may be one of those times. Consider the possibility that binding obligations to an old situation are now ended. You are now free to choose your own direction, to explore and grow beyond circumstances that used to hold you in. The very fact that this is happening indicates your readiness to make this transition. Somewhere beneath the distress and loss is a reserve of strength that has been building for this kind of opportunity. Point yourself toward healing, release from bondage, and freedom from suffering. Focus on the positive. Collect visions and ideas that will help you rise above feelings of hopelessness.
4: Foundation
You know how to keep setbacks in proper perspective, and can avoid compounding your problems with unskillful emotional responses.

The Five of Cups in this position suggests that sometime in the past you faced a situation of great loss and pulled yourself back from the edge of despair starting over from scratch. You know how it’s done; it’s not a mystery to you. You have learned not to put too much store in the emotions of the moment and know how to avoid compounding your misery when things go awry. As long as inner values remain intact, externals can be amended, allowing you to catch up again. This is an important thing to know in your heart of hearts. In the face of any current discouragements, you remember that not all is lost. Some people spend their lives in desperate fear of scarcity. You have overcome that tendency with the help of your past experience. This is a source of serenity for you when you can remember it.
5: Recent Past
Feel free to follow your heart to those healthy, simple and guiltless pleasures that make life sweet.

The Ace of Cups in this position suggests that some enjoyable and fulfilling contact has put you in touch with a deep personal enthusiasm about your life. The feelings of satisfaction, of something deeply familiar and emotionally warming, continue to nourish you long after the actual experience is over. Pay attention to and develop a relationship with this imprint and its effects on you. Don’t limit it to a mere one-time event. You are discovering that it’s possible to bring more joy into your life. As long as it brings harm to no one, follow those feelings.
6: Higher Power
The process of releasing the past is transforming; don’t resist it.

When the Death card appears in this position, it symbolizes releasing past attachments and moving forward toward an entirely new agenda that circumstances seem to be imposing on you. It is wiser to take your cues from the new situation than try to hold firm and resist the trend. This fertilizing, progressive change requires you to strip down, disconnect your ties to the past and shift your focus from the surfaces of things to the bones. In the process, your goals shift from the short term to the long term. You no longer identify with your mortal self, but with your immortal self. Under these circumstances, allow your priorities to transmute. Willingly release any limiting conditions that keep you from expressing your essential nature. Nothing you lose at this point will cost you as much as resisting change.
7: Near Future
Your heart of hearts is finally illuminating the inner ideal that has been fueling your prodigious labors.

When the Ten of Wands is in this position, you will be presented with an opportunity for reflection and perspective that will take you behind current positions and activities. You will get a glimpse of your heart’s true motivation, the real reasons you are involved in present choices and challenges. This can be a startling realization. You may be reminded of decisions made in your distant past that set you on your course to the present. You will gain perspective into the process that has shaped your personality, matured you and brought you to your present level of power and drive. When you arrive at that level of self-realization, the reasons behind the current events in your life will become clear to you.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
You are too attached to a need for self control.
When the Fool comes up in this position, lack of trust in your authentic, original nature causes you to resist spontaneity and freedom. Without trust in your essential nature, you can’t afford to move in any direction, take any steps, make any decisions. Without trust, you are riddled with fears and insecurities. Don’t inhibit yourself by the fear of what might go wrong. Determine what you would like and how to get it to happen. Look at your current situation as an opening rather than a trial. It’s a chance to go where you have never been before and experience new dimensions.
9: Allies
Certain people around you are like psychic litmus paper — they register the slightest change in the environment. Watch them closely for signs that it’s time for you to shift your focus too.
The Moon in this position suggests that you seek and spend time with the most intuitive people you know. Turn to those who understand transformation, who can lead you into the shamanic depths. They are like sherpas on Mount Everest. They know the territory and what to do when they meet its strange inhabitants. Notice and consort with those who become tuned in when everyone else is losing focus. A shift is coming that will be challenging to those who were not tracking the subtle signs.
10: Advice
Stay focused and resolute; you are about to reach your objective.
The Ace of Swords in this position advises you to be steadfast — you are about to hit the target. Don’t hesitate; concentrate only on making your impact. The arrow is in the bow, the bow is drawn, it’s pointed straight at the target. Your eye is keen, your grip is firm — let that arrow fly! You will be rewarded with insight, clarity and truth. Don’t consider the cost; don’t worry about the consequences. When you access this sort of truth, you cut through all illusion and nonsense. This is your moment.
11: Long-Term Potential
Be a warrior, defending your rights and speaking up for yourself.

The Queen of Swords in this position shows a potential for resolution when the correct stance is taken. If you adopt this queen’s no-nonsense, take care of business style, you will find the straightest path to your goal. If you concentrate on being polite, deferring to others or modifying what you are inclined to do in order to please others, you will abandon your best interests and be dissatisfied with the results. It’s time to be a little more assertive so you won’t be victimized. To avoid disappointment, don’t allow yourself to be manipulated.

10:05:24 AM
Q: some friendships from my past bring out the worst in me, esp. when they patronized me and treat me like the village idiot. I feel bitter and angry, demoralized. Nothing ever changes.
Celtic Cross

1: Self
A legacy of some kind provides a stable foundation upon which to build.

The Four of Coins in this position suggests that you have been blessed with some kind of inheritance which you are still learning how to put to good use. This endowment may be monetary or it may be some other form of generous support. It gives you a relatively stable base upon which you can build. When you are fully aware of what a blessing it is, you can cultivate a feeling of gratitude and make the best use of your advantage. On the other hand, there is a chance you will squander its value. It’s OK to be playful, but beware of irresponsible pleasure-seeking.
2: Situation
It is necessary to put forth intense effort even if it takes you to your limits.
When the Eight of Coins is in this position, you may find yourself in an environment that demands an extreme effort, possibly pushing you to your limits. Unfortunately, the need to produce at high volume may be to the detriment of what you consider to be the aesthetic or quality aspects of your work. In addition, you may be feeling pressured to make an effort that exceeds what is healthy. If this is so, take a careful look at how long exposure to this environment will affect your mind, body and spirit. Refuse to let yourself be ground down or used up because of the intensity of the situation. After all, should genius be sacrificed to speed? Or quality to quantity?
3: Challenges
Don’t get too fixated on the details. Look at the larger picture.
The Magus in this position tells you to keep your mind open to divine inspiration. Focus your attention on the hidden piece, the unspoken question, the unchallenged assumption. Look for a larger pattern. Relax and keep your mind free from trivia, so you shift your outlook to a new and higher vantage point. Your challenge is to leave old habits of thinking behind.
4: Foundation
You possess the taming power of the feminine, which inspires rather than demands.

The Strength card here suggests that someone somewhere showed you how spirit can dominate matter by motivating it to rise to a higher expression. It is the essence of true Strength to draw the best from all participants, without forcing anything on anyone. Because of your experience, you are certain that such a thing can be done. You know there is no chaos so fierce or frightening that it can’t be tamed and led to serve the greater good. This skill gives you the courage that empowers you to go with confidence into the lion’s den.
5: Recent Past
Accept responsibility for your part in an unfortunate situation and figure out how you can take action to correct it.

With the Five of Swords in this position, a conflict between personal agendas has already happened that will be difficult to undo. The Five of Swords represents the temptation of self-centeredness over collective responsibility. Your best option is to scrutinize and examine how you may have contributed to any small minuends, defensiveness, emotional or verbal hostilities that have arisen. Recent events have highlighted the importance of vigilance over selfishness and divisiveness. Sometimes we have to learn our lessons the hard way. Face the situation by asking how you can improve things from this point forward. Find a way to take personal responsibility for issues that are yours so you can come back into balance and a rediscovered ability to trust. Examine what happened so you will be sure to avoid repetition of past mistakes.
6: Higher Power
Your exemplary work and its fruits are getting some limelight. Your self discipline is paying off.

When the Seven of Coins presents in this position, you are getting acknowledgement for exemplary results, impressive achievement, the fruitfulness of your efforts. This is a blessing you deserve, one you have earned through your focused efforts. A magic element influences this moment, but don’t let the celebration of your success go to your head. This card also emphasizes the performance of duty despite all changing conditions, so don’t let your discipline slip away. The promise of abundance and fulfillment is supported by your work, not blue ribbons.
7: Near Future
Face your responsibilities, direct your will and leverage optimism to achieve your objectives.
With the Five of Wands in this position, a situation may require focus, disciplined will and wise use of time and energy, so whatever holds you back from success can be overcome. Temptations to get sidetracked by conflict, ego or laziness continue to arise, but your responsibility lies in keeping the goal in front of you, staying awake to it, and not allowing your life force to be dissipated. Have confidence that your efforts will be rewarded. Choose to be optimistic and you will feel optimistic.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
You forget to direct your optimism toward yourself.

When the Star appears in this position, you may believe that good things never happen to you. In some ways you stand in the way of your natural brightness, goodness and truth. Remember that the same love and service you extend to those around you is also being held for you. Try not to discount or resist your blessings.
9: Allies
Someone with the power and influence to create change is interested in your abilities.
The Emperor in this position suggests that powerful interests have noticed you and want to take you under their wing. These influential people are positively disposed toward you. They are not only interested in and approve of you, they bring important resources and connections that will help advance your goals. Consider yourself fortunate if the Emperor is looking in on your endeavors. Try not to waste his time and energy. He is capable and energetic, and he is looking for like-minded people to align himself with. Make an effort to bring to the surface similar qualities from within yourself, so you and the Emperor can meet as equals.
10: Advice
Don’t be hard on yourself for not measuring up; your positive influence has in fact facilitated favorable outcomes.
The Empress in this position advises you to trust in the good sense you have shown up to this point. Recognize your good intentions and your steady performance of responsibilities as a compassionate human. You are capable of demonstrating the finest aspects of your personality — caring actions, a forgiving and generous attitude, and wise understanding of others’ needs and struggles. Bring a healing influence to the current situation. And give yourself credit for the supportive part you play.
11: Long-Term Potential
Take time out to care for and develop your spiritual connection.

The Queen of Cups in this position indicates that you may underestimate how gifted you are in the realms of intuition and empathy. You have tremendous potential to serve others if you cultivate your talent and take it seriously. Perfect your skills through regular practice of skillful relating and diligent study of some form of the intuitive arts. Such cultivation requires considerable self discipline, in order for you to be able to interpret symbols both creatively and accurately. Start now so your talent and skills will be well honed in a few years.

10:17:07 AM
Q: I could really use enouragement from good company. My patience, pain tolerance very low now - I must practise resting, self-care and keeping boundaries so I don’t get bad-tempered. I neglect my husband, my chores and our pets...

Horoscope Spread
Wild Card: The Eight of Coins
is the card of works. We see here the successful artisan spending time at his bench, hammering out the commissions he has attracted because of his skill. His name is synonymous with "the best in its class." He is so popular that he can barely keep up with demand. Therefore, he is paid whatever he asks and accepts only the most prestigious requests.
If there is a problem in this card, it has to do with the trap of workaholism; the feeling of being so indispensable that you will not ask for help or delegate any part of a project. There is also the issue of becoming so identified as the creator of elegant objects, that the works themselves consumes the personal identity of the creator. The maker seldom gets to have a home life, time-off, friendships or the like. This card lobbies for a balanced perspective.1: House of Identity

Card: Ace of Wands
Position No. 1: Self
Stay attentive to your goal even as change accelerates.

With the Ace of Wands in this position, unified will, also known as point of focus, is the principal element. The nature of fire is to activate and accelerate change, chemical transformation, communication, realizations. Much to your benefit, change is ignited as you make the challenging transition from theory to action, but you must remain clear about your goal. An ace signifies the seed, the start point, a first step; if you handle yourself properly, if you take advantage of this opportunity, your situation can mature into a great success. Stay unified with your goal.
2: House of Work
Use the larger force of transformation active in this situation to bring about change and new directions for you, too.

When the Chariot is in this position, an electrifying force is driving you towards your personal victory. The wheels of the chariot symbolize both the wheels of time and the motion of the planets. Unstoppable change is sweeping through this situation. It’s an exciting time, though it can seem chaotic. Those who can’t move and grow with the times may feel overwhelmed by this driving force, but don’t let that happen to you. See if there is a way you can hitch a ride on this chariot and use it to help advance your goals and aspirations. There is no reason why you should let it go by without you.
3: House of Ideas
An opportunity to surpass past performances can be enjoyed; rivalry and vindictiveness are indefensible.

When the Seven of Wands is in this position, stay focused on surpassing your current record of performance in a clean, fun, energized way, avoiding the snares of stressful competitiveness. Resist falling back on negative comparisons, vindictive thoughts or actions that disable emotional energy. Rivalry and petty one-upmanship is not your style — no matter what people may expect of you. Don’t lose your focus, which should be fixed on securing a “personal best.”
4: House of the Family
Take stock of your many blessings and honor your powerful roots.

The Four of Coins in this position suggests you are blessed with substantial gifts of one kind or another. Some families are culturally rich, some are spiritually rich, while others have financial wealth. All can be invaluable experiences. Take stock of your inheritance, your many blessings, and honor your powerful roots to maximize the natural resources granted to you through your lineage.
5: House of Magic
You have struggled to meet your inner strengths and allies.

The Hermit in this position has taken the time and put in the energy to confront his or her inner self, and it has been a revelation. There is a whole realm of forces at work that you had been hardly aware of. The Hermit within you knows the names and character of these inner entities and how to call them up in an emergency. This is a profound learning — what was once an amorphous unconscious is now a realm filled with magical allies and sources of creative awe and inspiration. Try not to lose touch with this realm. It brings depth and richness to your personality that you don’t want to live without, no matter what it costs you.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Your capacity to inspire and persuade encourages others to contribute their best.
When the Queen of Wands falls in this position, you may be called upon to inspire others and help them understand the meaning and higher benefits of staying on task. You are in the process of learning what it means to be the kind of person others strive to be and are motivated by. You provide a figurehead for the group vision; you design the dream. As a result, your approval alone becomes reward enough to inspire others to put forth necessary effort and achieve their utmost. Use your influence and position to motivate others to rise to their personal best.
7: House of Relationships
In a controversial situation, compromise is needed in order for all sides to win.

With the Two of Swords in this position, it appears that you will be facing a necessary negotiation that may involve offering an apology or conceding a point in a dispute. The purpose is to facilitate a win/win outcome in a controversial situation. Your mission is to strike a bargain that confers mutual benefits, even if you can never fully agree with the opposing party. An opportunity exists to find common ground and use your mutual differences to enhance each other. This does not require a sacrifice of essential principles; it requires arbitration that can support the resolution of tough issues. Compromise will be called for.
8: House of Secrets
Internal conflict can scatter you, preventing you from accomplishing your goals.
When the Five of Wands falls in this position, divided loyalties are interfering with your ability to stay focused well enough and long enough to complete your top priorities. Your energy is in danger of becoming scattered; you feel like you are going in several directions at once. Stop blaming the world. By not getting clear on your highest priority, you have let yourself get distracted. Stop and recognize that you can’t commit to several projects and serve them all very well. You will continue to feel internally conflicted until you clearly grasp your situation and commit to your highest priority.
9: House of Visions
A break is opening for you now; gather your energy and will in order to move forward.

The Four of Cups in this position suggests that no matter how helpless, undermined or overwhelmed you may have been feeling about your current situation, a positive path of action with support is now emerging. You have an ally who wants to come forward on your behalf. This benefactor is there to provide an opening. If you can summon your energy and follow up on it, your willpower will liberate you. It is necessary, however, that you shake off the hypnotic undertow that has been holding you back, and move quickly to catch up with the tide of events.
Have faith that positive change is possible. Gather your energy to respond enthusiastically to offers of assistance.
10: House of Reputation
Card: The Magician
Trust your inspiration; you are smarter than you think.

Have faith in your creativity, questioning nature and free-associating mind that explores the subject at hand like an open-minded and curious scientist. You bring a freshness and a clarity into the situation that is stimulating and catalytic. You don’t have to understand it all intellectually; trustworthy instincts and intuition are your ace in the hole. Spontaneously respond to what is right in front of you; stop holding yourself back. Your natural urges are exactly what is needed. Your performer’s sense of timing and style will smooth over any awkwardness.
11: House of the Future
Be a warrior, defending your rights and speaking up for yourself.
The Queen of Swords in this position shows a potential for resolution when the correct stance is taken. If you adopt this queen’s no-nonsense, take care of business style, you will find the straightest path to your goal. If you concentrate on being polite, deferring to others or modifying what you are inclined to do in order to please others, you will abandon your best interests and be dissatisfied with the results. It’s time to be a little more assertive so you won’t be victimized. To avoid disappointment, don’t allow yourself to be manipulated.
12: House of Surrender
When you choose to persevere, it’s because your integrity demands it.

The Nine of Wands in this position requires extra effort no matter what the cost. This is not a time to give in to perceived weaknesses. There may not be anybody else who can truly fill the responsibility, and you can’t afford to risk the possibility that someone else may fall short of what is needed. This is the kind of time when you find out what you’re made of. It would be more meaningful if you held this vigil because your integrity demands it, not because it pleases others. There are certain sacrifices that nobody should ask you to make. Whether you succeed or not is less the question than whether you are willing to do all you can for the cause.

10:32:55 AM
Q: I like music as it’s a group activity; a singer is usually the focus, but I like Carlos Santana’s way of only going centre-stage for his solos and staying side-stage so all band members are showcased and get turns to solo.

Horoscope Spread
Wild Card: The Four of Swords
sends a strong message to take some time out, surrendering worldly concerns and retreating to a place of serenity sheltered from the hustle and bustle. The oldest images suggest a visit to "the sepulcher of your ancestors," to contemplate your mortality and breathe in the dust of those who brought you here. On a vision quest or pilgrimage to your own center, you can contemplate your roots, your values and your goals. Here you will see your own place in the flow of time and unfolding generations.

1: House of Identity
Past patterns that once confused you can be overcome; take action to change them.
When the Five of Cups is in this position, you are assessing mixed messages about relationships you received from your past, an emotional legacy of highs and lows which you may now be inclined to repeat. Every family creates an emotional climate that ultimately shapes the character and style of each child. Early confusion about whether you were loved or wanted colors how you react to and interpret people in your present life. The Five of Cups suggests that you may be agonizing over a pattern from the “bad old days” which is arising in your present life. Don’t let yourself simply sink into feeling miserable. Get up and try to make it right again.
2: House of Work
The warrior returns an ambassador of peace; the traveler comes home.
When the Knight of Cups is in this position, something or someone that was lost from your life is returning. It could be an influence, a memento or a person coming back from a journey or quest that separated you long ago. A cup of wisdom, initiation or awakening will be presented to you. Some great clarity has been achieved which can be transferred to others. This journey, a formidable sacrifice for the one who took it, will now be beneficial to those who stayed home. Be prepared to welcome the weary traveler, and be open to the message that is being delivered to you.
3: House of Ideas
Muster courage for a journey that will test your confidence and optimism as you are faced down by challenges.

The Horseman of Wands in this position is a call to muster courage and embark upon a sacred journey filled with faith, but don’t expect that all will proceed as planned. Pay attention to your feelings. Strengthen yourself as you recognize how extraordinary it is to deeply feel a sense of mission, purpose and destiny. Keep a balanced outlook and recognize that whatever confidence and optimism you summon will be tested in the course of reaching your goal. No matter how it works out, you have the potential to serve a higher cause that is both exciting and worth the effort.
4: House of the Family
Give your expectations a rest. Be generous to yourself.

The Nine of Wands in this position points to a background of hard work in which there were no acceptable alternatives but to carry the load by yourself and strive against all odds. This attitude invariably leads to extremely high expectations for yourself that are sometimes even inhumane. Try relating to yourself as your own best friend rather than as a taskmaster. Give your expectations a rest and be generous to yourself. Fight a tendency to be tyrannical; let go of the “shoulds” you put on yourself.
5: House of Magic
Another’s complaints about you may contain some truth. Take the opportunity to do some soul searching.

With the Page of Swords in this position, you recently felt stung by another person’s roster of grievances against you. Without your knowing it, this person has characterized you as an adversary. Because the Page of Swords tends to keep his own counsel and say only what is expeditious, you may not have realized how deep this vein of resentment actually goes. Now that the truth has been revealed, you understand better what you are contending with, freeing you to create more opportunities for communication. You may simply choose to dismiss this person as ignorant or eccentric, but it’s wiser to credit his or her complaints with at least a grain of truth. Use this experience to improve yourself. Don’t give this person even more reason to see you in a negative way.
6: House of Apprenticeship
Transform victim psychology into victory by bringing power to change out of the self.

Temperance calls upon you to find healing power in the heart of the wound and transform your woundedness in the process. Such a process enables us to finally discard the attitude of helpless victim and become an active and dynamic force. We take responsibility for the impact our experience has on us, and we work with the experience until we extract its value. We skim out the dross, concentrate the essence and pour ourselves into a new shape. This alchemical process is not easy or necessarily enjoyable. It is, however, inherently redemptive.
7: House of Relationships
Your deliberate, focused efforts will launch a successful endeavor.

When the Seven of Swords falls in this position, you have an opportunity to see your dreams of achievement play out step by step according to grand plan. As you cause your intended goal to materialize, everyone around you will gain confidence that evolutionary change is possible. This is not just about successfully completing a challenge. You have disciplined your mind, and formed clear insight and attitudes that benefit the goal, without letting yourself be derailed by transient concerns. Continue to demonstrate the focus and directed will that serves as an exemplary role model for those around you.
8: House of Secrets
When you feel uncomfortable about showcasing your unique talents, fully experience the discomfort in order to break through the blockage.

When the Three of Coins falls in this position, it indicates that you may be hesitant or unwilling to showcase your talents and skills at this time. Perhaps the thought makes you feel particularly vulnerable. But you need to bring your talent out of the closet if you are to connect with colleagues and supporters who can appreciate and encourage your vision, talents, and skills. You need to stretch beyond your comfort zone to fully experience the discomfort you feel when you reveal your unique skills. Then you will be able to simply accept your uneasiness, which is the first step towards freedom. Breaking through this blockage will bring incredible rewards. You will jump with joy!
9: House of Visions
Natural consequences need to happen; don’t try to block them.

The Tower in this position suggests that someone on your team has the power of Thor, the power to throw down disruptive bolts of creative chaos, liberate entangled energy and force new growth. This is not a force to be unleashed lightly, nor should you put yourself in the position of making judgment on other people’s lives. This card is principally about the cumulative result of inappropriate actions that eventually attracts an adjustment. Eventually correction becomes necessary and a sudden change brings the structure down. Cooperate with the inevitable.
10: House of Reputation
Rouse your ambition and the competitive aspects of your nature to push beyond limits. Launch yourself.

The Seven of Wands in this position tells you that the time for peak performance is now. Even if you feel slightly unprepared, awaken your ambition, think in larger terms, and tweak your competitive nature — so you can push yourself beyond your usual limits. Time and effort spent in preparation will pay off; you can be the one who vaults right over the heads of those who thought they could best you. Move beyond rhetoric and verbal challenges; prove what puts you head and shoulders above the rest by demonstrating it in action.
11: House of the Future
You are languishing in a dangerous morass of self gratification; your spirit requires fresh energy and challenges.

The Four of Cups in this position says that if you continue with too little to do and too little interest in what is around you, you will fall into a dangerous period of self-absorption, narcissism and unhealthy emotions. Separated off from the fresh, flowing stream, you have been swept into a muddy little cul-de-sac that lacks the cleansing effects of the current. There is danger of emotional, physical or mental toxicity from laziness or self indulgence. How far do you really want to persist in this? How long can you tolerate something this boring and alienating? How can you break this trance and come alive again?
12: House of Surrender
Although you may feel ready to rise in the world, it may be to your benefit to remain in a position of service for a bit longer.

The Page of Coins in this position requires that you linger in the position of apprentice longer than you may feel your skills already warrant. Something is going on that makes it necessary for you to delay the full bloom of your potential and continue performing as a junior partner or a student. You may have passed those beginner’s exercises long ago and feel capable of much more. Nevertheless, it might be that, in terms of the good of the whole, you serve a more important function by remaining in your current position for the time being. It is not tragic or sad to be in service, especially if you are working in a field that you care about. Consider this as a period of gestation. When you complete your service, a great birth will soon follow.

10:47:13 AM
Q: Further, Drum rules African music but is background for Western music. All band members important - with humility and intuitive teamwork - they could become "One Song" as well as offer a solo— solo musicians and band's music dovetail into higher level.

Horoscope Spread
Wild Card: 4 The Emperor

In practical terms, the Emperor is the boss or leader, the head of state, the most exemplary and powerful person in the realm. His word is law, and the positive outworking of affairs of state is directly proportional to his well-being and happiness. The more enlightenment and cosmic perspective he possesses, the better life is for all under his reign. He has mastered the realm of the Cube, the world of Matter and of Manifestation. When you apply this card to your situation, grant yourself the power to be master of all that you survey, and acknowledge your self-sovereignty despite any appearances to the contrary.

1: House of Identity
Significant change is brought about rapidly and unexpectedly.

The Tower represents a rapid, creative charge that is unplanned and uncontrollable but presents a brilliant opportunity for transformation. Because of circumstances beyond your control, you have no choice. Try not to judge whether this development is good or bad. You won’t know for awhile whether this was the worst disaster that ever happened or a significant breakthrough. It could be a combination of both.
2: House of Work
Transformation is difficult now; look within for solutions.
The Ten of Wands in this position suggests that this is a time of stability and security, a much needed break from striving and stress. This is good, but at the same time, the situation is somewhat resistant to transformation and progress. Your recent surge of creativity is winding down; resources that once seemed endless can no longer support continuous expansion. The next stage or project has yet to be discovered. It will be found within, not in the external environment. Relax in this moment of stability; don’t distract yourself from an opportunity for greater clarity by trying to stay busy.
3: House of Ideas
Protect all areas of your health to increase your vigor and self reliance.

The Nine of Coins in this position challenges you to stay healthy and fit — emotionally, physically and psychologically. Don’t let yourself become soft and out of shape. You can’t expect this period of relative abundance and support to last forever. Even in the best of situations there are fluctuations; no situation is immune to change. As you proceed on your way, be aware of maintaining your muscle tone as well as your intellectual and emotional vigor. Use this situation to improve yourself and prepare for whatever may come next.
4: House of the Family
Pioneering role models have taught you how to motivate yourself to feel passionate even about necessary duties and tedious details.
The Horseman of Wands in this position suggests exposure to inspired, successful, crusading people who have the determination to make headway toward new frontiers. These pioneering role models inspired you to organize yourself carefully to carry out your mission well and with full commitment. Understanding how to motivate yourself to feel passionate about the completion of even humdrum duties is an important skill. It is the best insurance you can have against overconfidence and hastiness.
5: House of Magic
Card: The Moon
To live a conscious life means being responsible for all your truths.

You have had profound experience. At some point, your usual boundaries and self-definitions were torn away, forcing you to look into a vast, expanding emptiness contrasting with your own vulnerability. Such a vision can help you more clearly perceive what you cherish in your heart of hearts, your most sacred inner place. You have had a chance to learn what fills you with fear, what inspires you with passion, and what lives within the confinements of society. Such deep insight is empowering. From it you can create strategies to channel this powerful energy, give it a place in your life and become more competent with it.
6: House of Apprenticeship
True generosity teaches self reliance and nurtures independence.

When the Six of Coins comes up in this position, you are being called upon to serve as another link in the chain of benefactors to the human race. It is not the destiny of every soul to master the material plane, but some souls do achieve it. Those talented beings are in a position to turn around and share their acquired knowledge with those who come after them. It’s a high form of generosity to impart to awaken skills and natural abilities in other people. Be generous in your acknowledgment of people at every level of society and be willing to encourage anybody with a spark of genius. See if you can fan that spark and bring it into full flame. In this way you are privileged to serve as a conduit for blessing. Be grateful for, and humbled by, that opportunity.
7: House of Relationships
Sincere and idealistic enthusiasm received from an unexpected source indicates the goal is nearly reached.

With the Knight of Cups in this position, you will be receiving a visitor, message or insight that will open the way to greater optimism, meaning and completion. Be prepared for fulfilling developments that are not only what you had hoped for but what promises to be good for everyone. A transition is at work that is allowing everyone involved to feel upbeat and optimistic. The prodigal son is returning home.
8: House of Secrets
Relax and allow yourself the benefits of one of your deepest strengths.

When the King of Cups comes up in this position, it indicates that you may have internalized the message that feeling things deeply is the wrong thing to do. You must come to realize that feeling deeply is one of the most profound ways to inform yourself about what is really going on. To deny yourself that knowledge is not only limiting, it is out of balance. It’s your duty to learn how to stay afloat and navigate the ongoing accidents of fate and Nature. To do so, be as kind to yourself as you naturally are to others; forgive yourself and grant your feelings the credit they deserve. Then you can go forth fully informed instead of inhibiting your wonderful sensitivity, a choice that impoverishes us all.
9: House of Visions
Explore the wisdom of tradition and learn from the masters in your field.

In this position, the Page of Coins suggests that when the student is ready, the master appears. Perhaps in your case the teacher appears in the form of a book or a manuscript that is centuries old. A living role model is not absolutely necessary, but we need to perceive and utilize the traditions and founding fathers of our craft as allies, a support structure for our development. Study with your masters, student, and take refuge in traditional wisdom.
10: House of Reputation
You are seen as a fair-minded party whose opinion matters.

Justice in this position advises that you listen carefully as others come to you and explain their version of events and the parts they played. You are not required to give feedback. Your role is simply to watch and listen closely, give a full hearing to everyone and keep your wits about you as the story takes shape. As you simply bear witness, you will learn a significant amount beyond the words you hear. Subtle inferences and clues will reveal the truth; then you can make a wise and accurate assessment. Be like a wise, compassionate and firm parent.
11: House of the Future
With new eyes to see, you transform your awareness of who you are.

With Judgment in this position, there is long term potential to go way beyond personal limitations you had accepted. The value you once placed on the outer is being shifted to the inner. You are gaining new capacities for self knowledge, self trust and awareness of your divine aspect. As you allow your petals to unfold, what a bounty of talent, inspiration and visionary ideas are revealed! You yourself are an abundant universe — a fertile, creative, blossoming place from which new developments are constantly emerging. Explore this new, exciting, fresh energy of transformation.
12: House of Surrender
Move aside and allow the presence of another to engage your interest and attention.
The Two of Cups in this position requires that you take another’s interests as seriously as you take your own. You must give up the kind of selfishness that would have you sacrifice the relationship to advance your personal position. The Two of Cups demands that you forswear all others for the lifetime of this bond. Even though the Cups represent the watery, psychic, emotional heart-plane, what keeps this covenant unbroken is the focused will. As such, you must discipline the self and invest yourself in this relationship. Reject the distractions, superficial preoccupations and the “what ifs.” Focus your attention to a single point and let another human being in. It’s an extraordinary challenge.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Tarot Reading, Sept 25 2005

Sunday, September 25, 2005 at 11:23:28 AM
Question: Is the time right to write a possible mentor?
Spread: Star of David
17 The Star
Despite changes from deck to deck, the theme of the Star is that of reconnecting one's Soul with a larger frame of reference, beyond personality, community, or worldly accomplishments. The Soul is responding to forces impacting it from "outside of this world," forces which provide the personality with such a certainty of orientation that it can ignore what anyone else thinks. Recalling the Gnostic myth of the Soul's descent from on high, the Star card implies a new remembrance of our exalted origins and attraction to the path of return.
An alternate title for this card is "Celestial Mandate" -- that which refers us back to our reason for being, our mission in this lifetime. This Arcanum reminds us that, in a sense, we each are Secret Agents, enacting the Divine Will through our moment-to-moment lives. If we let go of the idea that we are supposed to be in control of our lives every minute, we can study and reflect upon the synchronicities that are nudging us along. Thus we become conscious of the invisible helping hand, and we better understand our place within, and value to, the larger cosmos.

1: Deciding Moment
Your fading attachment to the past gives you an opportunity to mature.

With the Ten of Coins in this position, you are leaving behind family connections or traditional sources of support and coming into a certain maturity. Your perspective has changed as a result of this shift. You know more of what the wide world holds and you can assume a stronger stance. Your dependence upon the past is fading, and this bodes well for you.
2: Consequences
Your performance has attracted the attention of potential patrons.
The Emperor in this position suggests that a powerful ally or a support system is coming available that will carry you to the top. Your sincere efforts may have attracted the attention of someone truly influential. Perhaps some connections you had made are finally bearing fruit. Or it could be that you possess an idea whose time has come and an investor is conveniently at hand to help you out. This isn’t the time for false modesty or insecurity. In truth, your excellence calls forth opportunity. If people who wish to support excellence find their way to your doorstep, consider it a natural consequence of your own efforts and invite them in for tea.
3: Will
You can depend on your creative resourcefulness to reveal opportunities unseen by others.

The Ace of Swords in this position challenges you to define your goals by manipulating current trends. There is a wind sweeping across this card that has an agenda of its own, but you have a map (your plan) and a sail (your mind). Using them both, you can use that wind to empower you on your chosen course. Knowing you can depend upon your own quick wits and adaptability frees you to see opportunities that might be as invisible as the wind to others. Because you hold the map that will help others understand how to sail from chaos to order, determine how you can serve both yourself and this situation creatively. This level of organization is more critical at the planning stages of an enterprise than most people generally realize or remember. You could be a hero by stating clearly what you see at this important stage. Don’t hold yourself back.
4: Relationships
Because you have a good safety net, you feel you can rise to a number of challenges and opportunities.
In this position, The Six of Coins suggests that you have friends in high places that you can depend on. You sense that you are secure enough to take a few risks and challenge yourself without endangering anything. Naturally, the best way to show gratitude for these blessings of support is to learn from the example, turn around and pass them on to others.
5: Advice
Give up your agenda and be open to change.

The Fool in this position advises that you lighten up. No advantage will be gained by thinking you are the one who knows, has the power or can direct the flow. Let there be spontaneous developments beyond the realm of logic. Open and receive without question; don’t tinker and tamper and try to manage things. The Fool has no ambition to determine an outcome. Be happy just to be part of the situation. If you like, witness and record what you see and figure it out later. For now, just be in the present and release any demands or expectations.
6: Conscience
Remember that the bounty and support we enjoy at any moment is temporary, as we reach within and find our best work and highest contribution.

When the Nine of Coins comes up in this position, it signals a move to work with people of genius, connections or financial power. Relax and enjoy the upgrade. Among them you can do your best work or make your best contribution. But don’t forget for an instant that all this abundance, beauty and ease is on loan to us. Let your contribution be its own justification, its own reward. Don’t look for more than the Grace that supports you right now.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 at 11:36:26 AM
Question: Dear Spirit, direct me on the path I can use these new blessings...
Celtic Cross

1: Self
A sacrifice mediates the situation and returns it to normal.
The Hanged Man represents the taking of a loss. He’s the sacrificial lamb, whether it’s accepted with grace or only because it’s been forced upon him. In either case, his ordeal serves to clear the air of general tension, denial and game playing. The Hanged Man’s predicament brings issues to a head, making it possible to clear the slate and allow everyone to start over. Whether it’s purely symbolic or has to do with real events, it clears the collective conscience and helps to break old patterns. It’s a good thing that it’s you playing this vulnerable role, and not someone else who may be broken by the situation. You are resilient and regenerative, someone who can view this experience as educational and not be totally victimized by it. This is the enlightened attitude. Your sacrifice will make a difference in the larger flow of events, even if it’s not fair and you don’t deserve it.
2: Situation
Be careful not to polarize the situation, supporting a struggle between darkness and light.

The Devil card in this position suggests that you are facing a shadow force you have always feared. Far from crushing you, however, it is educating you. If you refrain from judging things to be good or bad, you will see there is a tremendous amount of life force and vitality coursing through this situation that could go either way, depending on how it is directed. It could express as a vital passion of love, or devolve into some sort of self-centered gratification. You may want to follow someone else’s lead, but no matter what decision is made, it’s important to keep your head above water in this powerfully moving situation. Pay attention to how this life force wants to move, so that you can follow the flow and keep learning. A deeper spiritual dimension beckons you; no matter how bedeviling they may seem, face your instincts or problems with tenacity and a touch of humor.
3: Challenges
If you use breaks in the action to rest yourself and refresh your awareness, you will be strengthened.

The Two of Wands in this position provides a challenge to learn to use down time productively. Creativity requires leisure. There is no available energy for forward progress at this time anyway, so rest and restore yourself. Rather than waste time during such an opportunity, use it for contemplative relaxation or meditation. Don’t worry about how to orchestrate things just yet; just open yourself to the sights, sounds and realities of the situation as it is. This will put you in a more favorable position when the time for action arrives.
4: Foundation
The most emotionally honest people you have known have also been the most independent and self reliant.
The Queen of Swords in this position suggests that somewhere in your past you had an excellent role model available to you who was an assertively self defined person. She spoke her piercing insights in a clear and truthful way, without sparing anyone, not even herself. Having known such a lucid being is very helpful to you. That person’s voice still speaks to your subconscious, reminding you that you know what is going on and what needs to be done. Increase the volume of that internal voice, so that it’s with you on a regular basis, because this is part of your inherited wisdom. This voice is helping you be centered, define your boundaries, get ready to state your truth and assert what you want and need. Apply this quality to your current situation.
5: Recent Past
Card: The Moon
To live a conscious life means being responsible for all your truths.
You have had profound experience. At some point, your usual boundaries and self-definitions were torn away, forcing you to look into a vast, expanding emptiness contrasting with your own vulnerability. Such a vision can help you more clearly perceive what you cherish in your heart of hearts, your most sacred inner place. You have had a chance to learn what fills you with fear, what inspires you with passion, and what lives within the confinements of society. Such deep insight is empowering. From it you can create strategies to channel this powerful energy, give it a place in your life and become more competent with it.
6: Higher Power
Throw off the tyranny of ego and meditate on your relationship to the One.

With the High Priestess in this position, your Higher Self is calling you to spiritual practice. Serenity and inner peace come from stilling the waters of the emotions and expanding the mind as large as Nature itself. By opening yourself to the great mysteries, you can air out your ego and let go of narcissistic tendencies. Remember that you are one with Nature. Get back in touch with what is really important and let go of self centered points of view.
7: Near Future
You can take your rightful position among pragmatic and successful leaders and be seen as a peer.

The King of Coins in this position indicates that you will be brought to the attention of one or more successful and practical leaders who can see that you have the potential to become one of them. They feel a burning desire, as you do, to grow their empires and increase their influence. It will feel good to take your place in this company and be recognized as a peer. You will also find greater opportunities to succeed as a result. The respect and honor you get from this group is worth its weight in gold.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Ask yourself what you think you gain by repeated delay.
When the Horseman of Wands falls in this position, it seems there is difficulty getting started. The outset is hampered by a tendency to find reasons to delay, hold back or be dissatisfied with preparations. That may be acceptable to a point: preparedness is crucial and good timing essential. But if a new beginning is repeatedly delayed, you may have to ask yourself what you may be afraid of that would cause you to go to such great lengths to stall or postpone its development. When that question is answered, you can begin to overcome your blocks and allow your energy to flow smoothly toward the goal again.
9: Allies
A respected elder and possible benefactor has taken an interest in you.
The King of Cups in this position suggests the presence of someone in your environment who is positively disposed toward you and has good hunches, intuitions and advice for you. Investigate this relationship so you have all the information you need — the guidance, support and insight you don’t personally possess. This King of Cups is a perfect patron for your work because he has no competing agenda of his own and excellent motives toward you. Trust him and listen to him. Open your heart and mind to what he (or she) has to say, then adjust your course accordingly.
10: Advice
Express the love you feel. Offer reassurances to those you love, so they don’t feel alone or insecure.
The Two of Cups in this position advises you to speak your heart. There is little question that the person you are trying to connect with feels the same. This is already known, but perhaps it’s not yet declared or confirmed. So why not make it clear, and why not now? We know the Two of Cups is not the image of a ceremony, but it is the image of the vow. This card advises that you pledge yourself and put your heart on the line. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Life is a relationship game.. It’s a great privilege to share with others who are so complementary and compatible. You will feel more complete on the other side of this pledge. Go for it!
11: Long-Term Potential
Finding a common vocabulary gives proponents of differing viewpoints a basis for future agreement.
With the Two of Swords in this position, there is a potential to learn to work with differing sets of priorities and world views. Diversity is actually an important and necessary ingredient which adds creative spice to a group. On the other hand, superficial differences may, upon deeper inspection, reveal serious divisiveness beneath the surface. It’s important to continue the dialogue — keep talking until you have fleshed out the truly defining elements of the situation or dilemma. This process takes time, so be patient.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 at 11:47:46 AM
RE greater understanding of my possible mentor...dear Spirit?

Horoscope Spread
The Page of Coins
is a student of abundance. The Page of Coin's attention is focused on learning the natural laws that pertain to increase, multiplication, compounding, and all forms of growth. Whether the study is about farming, the stock market, or culturing new medicines in the lab, this Page wants to understand the underlying mechanism that supports the creation of abundance.
You may see this person in the position of the attendant or junior partner, but that is only appearances. That demeanor of humility or servitude will soon enough disappear, as the page's sense of mastery increases. By studying the example of everyone around him, successful and unsuccessful, he is building a game plan that will lift him from obscurity and place him squarely among the ranks of the "haves." He just has to collect the necessary education and experience, which he is doing right now.

1: House of Identity
Inner and outer harmony is cause for celebration.

With the Ten of Cups in this position, you have achieved a level of harmony — both within yourself and with those around you. Your cause for rejoicing outweighs normal tendencies to bicker or compete. Your life is like one big happy family — all the players enjoy a sense of fulfillment. Your psychic life is in order. Likewise, your inner family — the inner child, parent self, confused adolescent, sharp and capable professional — are working together. A major effort has been brought to fruition, satisfying you on all levels. Take note of what this feels like and keep it conscious, even as circumstances change and your sub-personalities try to reassert themselves. This is the optimal state for mental, physical and spiritual health.
2: House of Work
Be careful not to polarize the situation, supporting a struggle between darkness and light.
The Devil card in this position suggests that you are facing a shadow force you have always feared. Far from crushing you, however, it is educating you. If you refrain from judging things to be good or bad, you will see there is a tremendous amount of life force and vitality coursing through this situation that could go either way, depending on how it is directed. It could express as a vital passion of love, or devolve into some sort of self-centered gratification. You may want to follow someone else’s lead, but no matter what decision is made, it’s important to keep your head above water in this powerfully moving situation. Pay attention to how this life force wants to move, so that you can follow the flow and keep learning. A deeper spiritual dimension beckons you; no matter how bedeviling they may seem, face your instincts or problems with tenacity and a touch of humor.
3: House of Ideas
Prepare yourself for the lightning strike coming your way.

The Tower challenges you to make yourself strong enough to channel a high voltage blast. When the lightning strikes, most people feel fearful of their ability to assimilate the impact of sudden, forceful change. A few others go into overdrive — they feel enlivened, creative, more intelligent and intuitive than usual. It all depends on your ability to sustain shock and carry the charge. Prepare yourself to ensure that you are well grounded, as well as psychologically open and flexible. In this way, you can leverage some of the positive force of this energy when it’s released and experience the least amount of negative kickback.
4: House of the Family
The ability to achieve closure will serve future projects well.

The Ten of Wands in this position suggests that you have learned from past experience when to end a cycle and come to closure, and this ability is essential to your present situation. A wise person knows when to leave well enough alone. Before you take up a new quest, be clear of lingering entanglements, then fortify yourself with wisdom gained in the past.
5: House of Magic
The end to a daunting period of pressure requires respite.
The Queen of Wands in this position indicates that you are finally concluding the demanding task of overseeing a job to completion. It’s been an exhausting challenge that asked a lot of you. You have needed patience, firmness and stamina to keep all the variables organized. Even though the results of your work inspire pride, you’ve also worn yourself out providing willpower for an entire group of individuals. Take a hard-earned respite from your labors and turn responsibility over to someone else for awhile.
6: House of Apprenticeship
As core truths emerge, accept their influence and allow your life to be changed.

When the Queen of Swords comes up in this position, your inner grandmother is taking her throne. Male or female, we all have living within us a wise crone or powerful Queen of Heaven figure, a mature mother archetype. She is stepping forward now in your own psyche. Her higher reasoning is flowing into your consciousness, helping you see things in a broader way. This involves a peeling away of appearances to yield a clearer disclosure of core issues. She is trying to remind you about what is true, what works and what you can do to positively affect your situation. Don’t resist her; accept her influence.
7: House of Relationships
You are narrowing in on your objective and are ready to pick up your tools and get to work.

When the Ace of Wands is in this position, choices are narrowing; you define what you really want to do and how you are going to do it. Like water surging through a funnel, your energy narrows down upon itself and bores on through. You proceed with ultimate focus and concentration. Your opportunity is imminent, so get rested and organized. If you are unable to do so, forewarned is forearmed; keep a state of readiness about you.
8: House of Secrets
Don’t let fear of others’ reactions hold you back from being authentic.
When the Knight of Cups is in this position, a part of you is fearful of judgement or rejection. Even though you know what steps you must take to make things better for yourself, the fear of looking foolish or not being accepted is holding you back from breaking through to the joy you know you could find. Go ahead; take the risk and show your hand. No matter how others respond, you will feel more authentic when you come out of hiding and reveal yourself. Don’t hesitate; there is nothing real to fear.
9: House of Visions
Trusted allies carry on your work while you pursue new opportunities.

The Eight of Wands in this position suggests a need to gather people to you who are responsible, trustworthy and committed and have stamina that matches your own. Your creativity and capability can draw numerous opportunities to you, and you want to engage in some of them without losing your momentum. With your allies in your camp, you can take a break from your present work and start something new, knowing the continuity of your efforts will not be lost.
10: House of Reputation
Pooling resources allows you to make bolder moves and larger investments in future projects.

The Five of Coins in this position advises you to create contractual agreements with those around you who have similar interests. In this kind of situation, there is strength in numbers. Put your heads together and devise a bold plan for future objectives and decide how to invest in their success. This Five of Coins recommends teamwork and its mutual benefits.
11: House of the Future
The world needs the example of those who choose to heal and grow beyond their previous boundaries.
With Temperance in this position, there is a potential for you to become a healer. You are displaying relevant skills in your chosen medium whether it’s physical, emotional, mental or psychic. The greatest test of all, however, is the ability to heal oneself. Choose to develop yourself consciously, and model what a restored and regenerated body-mind looks like. Humanity depends upon certain pioneers who choose to cultivate themselves and model what is possible.
12: House of Surrender
Card: The Magician
Don’t become so inflated that you lose touch with the needs of those around you.
Let go of the idea that you are the only genius around. True, you may have a capacity for stimulating creative thinking, catalyzing change and discovering new approaches. But let go of identifying with that role, because the situation may require the creative genius of others as well. Add to your own knowledge base by accepting the good ideas that others have. Support teamwork for the sake of the endeavor. Acknowledge the contribution of others wherever you see it.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 at 12:05:17 PM
Question: I’ve begun channeling for him, correct?
Advice Spread

1: Situation
You have an opportunity to help bring a group to a single, harmonizing focus.

The Ace of Wands in this position reminds us that certain truths unite us across every divisive line ever invented, and one of those igniting, self evident truths could be coming into focus around you. You could witness or facilitate the gathering of the collective mind into a single focus. This is both awe inspiring and educational. You have an excellent opportunity to rally the troops if you can remain non-competitive. You have a chance to lend your individual will to the greater good of the whole and in the spirit of collaboration raise a standard that inspires people.
2: Advice
Creative compromise helps you accept your commitments fully.
The Lovers card advises that you study your options, and make the wiser choice. Consider carefully your best long-term interests. At the same time, perhaps you may still be able to enjoy some of the best aspects of rejected options. There is no judgment on what you choose to keep from the array of possibilities before you. Just look out for choices that will produce regret. Be willing to compromise in order to stay attuned to the commitments you finally make. Trust your intuition along with your rational intellect. Act with conviction.
3: Near Future
Be prudent. Concentrate on what is most realistic and practical when it comes to your immediate prospects.

With the Queen of Coins in this position, you will soon have a chance to test your dream against reality. The effort and time you have invested is about to bear magnificent fruit. You are going to find out whether you behave sensibly when there are no external limits on where you spend your energy and money. To maximize what is good about the Queen of Coins, you should immediately focus on what is practical and sensible. Place your funds into sane investments. Otherwise her more exuberant side could take over and your gains will devolve into one long, expensive party.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 at 12:08:51 PM
Question: do I need to focus immediately on work partnership?
Advice Spread

1: Situation
A dear and sensitive soul needs steadying while he or she goes through an awakening.

The Page of Cups in this position represents someone whose naivetŽ and innocence is beautiful yet dangerous to themselves. Your task is to help that person become awake to the full implications of his or her situation without dashing hopes or diminishing ideals. Gentle handling is required when you encourage this individual to become more practical and look beyond her or his dreams to the reality of problems to be solved. Donât throw cold water, just temper his or her innocence a little.
2: Advice
Make your own decisions; exercise as much independence as you know you can handle.

The Queen of Swords in this position advises that you refrain from remaining dependent on others at this time. Don’t place too much confidence in the promises people have made. Harbor only those ambitions you know you can accomplish yourself. The Queen of Swords doesn’t want to wait to see what others would think, say or do. She knows what she wants, she knows how to get it, and she doesn’t ask permission or even subject herself to much influence. There are times in life when no one can take care of you as well as you can take care of yourself. Leave sentimentality behind; get practical and take action. Make important decisions for yourself because you are the final judge. It’s up to you.
3: Near Future
Sincere and idealistic enthusiasm received from an unexpected source indicates the goal is nearly reached.
With the Knight of Cups in this position, you will be receiving a visitor, message or insight that will open the way to greater optimism, meaning and completion. Be prepared for fulfilling developments that are not only what you had hoped for but what promises to be good for everyone. A transition is at work that is allowing everyone involved to feel upbeat and optimistic. The prodigal son is returning home.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 at 12:16:16 PM
RE “when the student is ready, the master appears” - Vivian had to be a God-send. She can use great healing from music; as well, I encouraged her when she needed extra help, thus, she was the last to leave. Her sight challenge forces speedy learning from my music friends who must help her without causing her indignity.
Celtic Cross

1: Self
The final steps of a long journey are about to be completed.
With the Knight of Cups in this position, you are pictured as a road-weary traveler finally making it home. Arrival is the principal concept here. You have wandered far and wide, during which time you have had to rescue yourself from some challenging situations. Facing your illusions during this odyssey has caused you to appreciate what you once thought of as trivial or mundane Now you are ready to return to the place you set out from with a changed attitude. It promises to be a joyful reunion.
2: Situation
A relationship can no longer be forced to work; change persists despite one’s preferences.

When the Queen of Swords is in this position, you are in the process of releasing yourself from what used to be a close relationship. The overall feeling is one of impersonal detachment. Certain ideas have taken hold which emphasize differences between you. Because the basis for the relationship is in question, naturally there is a change in the quality of interaction. What used to be a river of feeling between you is now a trickle, perhaps just a memory. There is nothing there to cling to or be sentimental about. Think of it as you would a change of season: the situation or environment you are in is chilling over. Temperatures are dropping into frosty zones; you may need to thicken your skin or put on a few more layers of emotional padding. Don’t let yourself be injured during this climactic shift. It’s not really about you, it’s about change.
3: Challenges
Do your homework. Gain a thorough and deep understanding of your situation and devise a workable plan to see it through.
With the Horseman of Coins in this position, you are being asked to go to the roots of things. So, start from the beginning and gain some experience to match your intellectual grasp of the situation. Temper whatever power you possess with patience and sensitivity to detail. It would be wise to steep yourself in the traditions of your field of endeavor so you can tap the spirit and ideas of your predecessors as well as their source materials. In this way you will not stray far from the truth, the substantial reality which supports your vision, and your greater goal. Too many people have a big dream and move immediately into action with no research, understanding, game plan or skills. See to all of these things so that your ventures can be successful from the beginning.
4: Foundation
Seeing that success is conceivable and not just a fantasy is an empowering lesson in your life.

The King of Coins in this position suggests that you have already learned the right way to administer your personal domain, perhaps through a role model who was around in earlier times. There was at least one person in your life who had achieved certain levels of success. As a result, you saw that it was possible, not just a fantasy, and that enterprise and commitment can add up to sovereignty and security. Seeing this has empowered you. Your current situation is recalling that image. You can again benefit from that knowledge in order to grow and prosper.
5: Recent Past
The company of inspired contenders provides a thrilling incentive to excel.
When the Seven of Wands is in this position you may have recently witnessed an astounding performance that has both inspired all participants and raised the stakes for all who follow. It’s thrilling to witness or take part in an event that brings so much courage, heroism and strength to its participants. Once your imagination has been stirred by contact with these inspired contenders, you begin to consider where in your life you can emulate this model. How can you encourage yourself and arouse your own heroic nature?
6: Higher Power
Your high standards make you an excellent role model.
When the Eight of Coins is in this position, stop and admire your achievements. Through persistent effort at maintaining the highest standards of excellence, you have become a role model to others who want to follow in your footsteps. Your personal imprint and style will be recognized and acknowledged. Your refinements and improvements will be honored and duplicated for years to come. Whether this was intentional or a byproduct of your single mindedness, you have established a hallmark. All you need to do now is keep doing what you do best.
7: Near Future
Someone with wide experience and wisdom is called forth to provide explanations and answers.

The King of Swords in this position indicates that soon a leader, a parental guide and mediator will come forward to help you with evolving challenges. Your need is drawing forth answers in the person of a sage elder who has “seen it all” and can report from experience. Whether this card represents a person appearing in your environment or a part of yourself emerging from your own depths, this sober-minded thinker knows the probabilities, trends and overall laws governing your current situation. Use this new awareness to expand your vision to the big picture.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Because someone’s personal criteria are dominant, a relationship lacks balance and harmony.

When the Five of Coins falls in this position, you are experiencing inequity in relationship. Respect is not flowing freely in both directions. One person’s agenda may be dominating another’s. It’s important to examine this trend before the situation becomes more unbalanced. Instead of feeling overwhelmed or annoyed, prepare to question these relationships, both within yourself and with significant others.
9: Allies
Absorb good advice so you can refine your focus.
The Three of Wands in this position suggests the presence of a friend, advisor or mentor who can help you refine your focus and stay out of trouble. This person’s seasoned wisdom is ready to serve you. Individuals like this have a stock of learning experiences that could pave the way for you. Their good advice allows you to start where they left off. You will be spared a lot of struggle if you accept what your friend or mentor has to say and adjust your course accordingly.
10: Advice
Unveil and showcase your skills and talents.
The Three of Coins in this position suggests that you let the world see your unique capabilities. Let the world in on who you are; expect recognition, accept it and savor it. Allow others to see your accomplishments. Expect new offers and when they come, accept them. Don’t hide your light under a bushel basket. And avoid false modesty — it doesn’t become you. Practice saying to yourself, “Thank you, I accept your compliment” until you really can let the experience into your heart with graceful ease.
11: Long-Term Potential
As you discover the proactive, courageous leader within yourself, you will free up qualities that can improve all areas of your life.

The Seven of Swords in this position suggests that if you leverage your present circumstances in the context of a plan, instead of simply reacting, you will not only overcome current challenges but you will learn a whole new approach to life. Your current experiences and the problems you are now solving will instruct you for years to come, so don’t allow current limitations to block your vision. By seeing problems as opportunities and seizing them, you can affect trend-lines that reach far into the future. Challenge yourself to do the best possible job. Raising your standards and expectations will improve the quality of return you get from these efforts and all that follow. Stretch for excellence! Form the habits that will make it natural for you to deliver your best work.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 at 4:07:44 PM
Question: He has probably heard old music tracks I made when I was still regenerating in health and unskilled in singing. Nobody has really heard my singing except for my husband. I have confidence as a visual artist and as a writer, but feel embarrassed about my love for singing. My age and medical history, plus the fact that I never dreamed of pursuing music until now, makes the odds of me being able to pursue singing possible only by an Act of God. Miracles though, are common in my life.
Spread: Celtic Cross

1: Self
Assess your situation with patience and self restraint.
The Two of Wands in this position indicates a need to stop and get your bearings. Your path has seemed erratic and unclear, necessitating new choices every few steps. Make no moves that will produce permanent consequences until you have worked your way through this period of confusion, insecurity and lack of clarity. Uncertainty will pass and you will see the bigger picture again. If you are patient and sincere, the right path will be revealed to you.
2: Situation
You have it in you to see what needs to be done. Now it’s time to get organized and use your skills as a manager.

When the Queen of Coins is in this position, you are being called upon to help steer the collective enterprise. Call up the manager within you or procure the assistance of someone who is a natural manager. Perceive what needs to be done, in what order it should be administered and with what amount of support or staff. It’s time to be organized and be energetic about it. This effort will not only benefit you personally, but just as importantly, it will support the well being of those you are involved with.
3: Challenges
Become a patient observer so you will know how to fit in when it becomes necessary.
The Page of Coins in this position asks you to become as transparent as possible within the current situation. Make yourself invisible so the patterns of powerful forces which are shaping events willl reveal themselves to you. For the time being, resist the urge to do anything other than observe and take notes. Be open and awake and listen to your body — it is telling you something interesting is going on. Some kind of transformation is in the works. When it comes to a close you will be able to help those who remain to regroup and regain their place in the new order of things. The skill that makes it possible for you to mutate through such changes and come through intact will be something you can teach others in due time.
4: Foundation
Conditions from the past will be repeated unless you awaken to alternatives.

The Page of Wands in this position recognizes something very familiar in your situation that takes you back to a time when unexpected news changed your life. It could either have been a positive experience with a pleasing outcome, or the opposite. At any rate, take time to remember the event in detail because your current situation will echo your earlier response unless you consciously make an effort to react differently and create a new pattern. Your intuition, like a faithful messenger, is prodding you to awaken to what is unfolding and the new choices you have. Be clear about what you want to happen this time so that past mistakes are not repeated.
5: Recent Past
Take responsibility for your own world of feelings.

When the Queen of Cups is in this position, you have just had or witnessed an experience of intuitive learning and communicating from the heart. Perhaps you have been in the presence of someone whose primary mode of learning and communication is emotional rather than logical. Or perhaps it is you yourself who has had a noteworthy experience of heart-centered activity. If this is unfamiliar territory, notice that the wisdom of the heart can be as effective as the intelligence of the mind, sometimes more so. Learn to appreciate the strengths of a heart-centered approach and let your heart open a little more. Become more familiar with your own innate sensitivity. Don’t leave all the processing of feelings to those around you.
6: Higher Power
Clear judgment, accountability and responsibility are demanded.
When the Eight of Swords is in this position, it is up to you to sharpen your focus, demand accountability and question authority, including your own. There is no room for denial or dissembling. You must take a firm line with yourself and the situation. Careful analysis is necessary in order to eliminate blind spots and be ready for any contingency. If you are not willing to undergo rigorous self discipline, discipline will be inflicted upon you by the environment. You will then feel as if you have no choices left. Discard false logic, rationalizations and denial. If you don’t throw intellectual baggage overboard now, you may be sunk by it later. Face the truth and speak it, even if it’s unflattering to you. You will then come through this experience as part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
7: Near Future
You are about to be inducted into the society of teachers and healers.

With the Hierophant in this position, it appears that you will soon receive some acknowledgment, certification or approval from experts in your field. You are about to be recognized for your efforts, long term dedication and the passion it has taken to absorb the wisdom of those who came before you. In recognition of your dogged commitment, you are being brought into the inner circle. This is no accident; trust the flow of events as they unfold. You may be needed to help with the transmission of sacred knowledge from the past into the future.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Internal conflict can scatter you, preventing you from accomplishing your goals.

When the Five of Wands falls in this position, divided loyalties are interfering with your ability to stay focused well enough and long enough to complete your top priorities. Your energy is in danger of becoming scattered; you feel like you are going in several directions at once. Stop blaming the world. By not getting clear on your highest priority, you have let yourself get distracted. Stop and recognize that you can’t commit to several projects and serve them all very well. You will continue to feel internally conflicted until you clearly grasp your situation and commit to your highest priority.
9: Allies
Take advantage of an excellent opportunity to confer with sages or experts; such opportunities are rare.

The Six of Swords in this position tells you that someone in your immediate circle could serve you as an ideal sounding board. This person understands the issues. Mature and objective, he or she knows how the process works. A little mentioning from this person is worth more than all the how-to books you could find. Don’t be too proud to ask for this person’s help — it’s not common to have such excellent resources so close at hand. Humility and asking for what you want are in order. This is a great chance to ask questions, request assistance, pursue expert opinion and deliberate with others who are seekers like you. Keep scrupulous notes; they could help you piece together a truly brilliant game plan that will both meet current needs and win you a wider sphere of influence.
10: Advice
Free yourself from a past that no longer serves you well, and proceed toward the future.
Death in this position advises you to detach from the old order, close old accounts, gather your harvest, complete unfinished tasks and pack your bags. It’s time to move on. A better future beckons. If you can cut the cords that have bound you to old ways and outworn conventions, you could free yourself to join the sweep of incoming light. This is not an excuse to reject others or hurt them in any way. It is simply a time to move toward your ultimate best interests, willing to go through whatever it takes. Do not allow nostalgia and outworn loyalties to hold you back.
11: Long-Term Potential
You have arranged your life to serve your highest dreams and aspirations.

With the Sun in this position, there is long term potential to have what you want in this life. You can fulfill your dream, change the world, gain friends and influence those around you. As you stand up for your highest values, they will be affirmed, acknowledged and supported by others. When you practice the willingness to repeatedly come back to your center and cultivate it more and more, you will see your life bloom in all directions. Perseverance is the key.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 at 4:22:59 PM
Question: what if I described my situation to this elder—could he advise me? Am I strong enough to maintain personal boundaries and maintain self-confidence to develop the mutual regard within partnership?
Celtic Cross

1: Self
The King brings order to the realm. Others feel safe and calm in his presence.

The King of Cups symbolizes the bestowing of blessings that serve like a refuge for your heart — a lap of stability and support. A powerful, quiet presence brings a reassuring sense of order and peace to the situation. The King energy makes it easier to feel optimistic, to have faith in reliable support and to express your feelings with confidence. The King of Cups is the archetype of the strong, kind, and loving father figure. This is a powerful energy that you can call up from within yourself and depend on.
2: Situation
Potential remains dormant and requires leadership or direction to arouse it.
When the Four of Cups is in this position, your situation is pregnant with possibilities, but not yet stimulated into action. Vast potential power is languishing, dozing in the sun, unaroused. Something exciting, focusing or catalytic is required. The situation is begging for some direction or a new statement of purpose. This is both good and bad. On the plus side, anything is possible; all the raw ingredients for success are in place. On the other side, without leadership and a goal, the result is likely to be unfocused and chaotic. Look to the “Self” card to get a sense of whether you are the hand bringing in the fiery cup or whether you are merely witnessing an opportunity that is waiting to happen.
3: Challenges
When you willingly step forward to be a leader, you win recognition and gratitude.

The Seven of Swords in this position suggests that you volunteer to fill an emerging void in leadership. You may be the person who can serve as an inspiring figurehead and rallying point for existing unfocused mental and emotional energy. It is possible that you have a hero latent inside you who is being called forth by current circumstances. If that is the case, don’t resist; accept the invitation. It’s not often that we get a ready made opportunity to be gallant. It’s to everyone’s benefit that you think of yourself as a person who is able and willing to make a positive difference.
4: Foundation
Apply the benefits you have secured for yourself to improving the greater good.
The Nine of Coins in this position suggests that you come from a situation of being valued and supported which gave you the inner permission to seek what pleases and fulfills you. Identify the personal touchstones that help you feel nourished and safe and indulge in them regularly — you will then be more generously disposed toward the needs of others. There really is no conflict between treating yourself well and being in service to the greater good. Enjoy the benefits you have earned for yourself and let your overflow improve the world around you.
5: Recent Past
Accept responsibility for your part in an unfortunate situation and figure out how you can take action to correct it.
With the Five of Swords in this position, a conflict between personal agendas has already happened that will be difficult to undo. The Five of Swords represents the temptation of self-centeredness over collective responsibility. Your best option is to scrutinize and examine how you may have contributed to any small minuends, defensiveness, emotional or verbal hostilities that have arisen. Recent events have highlighted the importance of vigilance over selfishness and divisiveness. Sometimes we have to learn our lessons the hard way. Face the situation by asking how you can improve things from this point forward. Find a way to take personal responsibility for issues that are yours so you can come back into balance and a rediscovered ability to trust. Examine what happened so you will be sure to avoid repetition of past mistakes.
6: Higher Power
Non attachment and objectivity will propel you most efficiently toward your goal.
When the Six of Swords presents in this position, your greater self, your oversoul, is reminding you to think scientifically, ecologically — like the forces of Nature. View current circumstances with the detachment of a physicist. When you refrain from personalizing situations and make yourself see the larger laws that govern the way things happen, you can position yourself in alignment with prevailing forces so they serve your agenda. The traditional image on this card is often a sailor trimming his sails to adjust to the wind so he can navigate toward a safe harbor. When you are objective, you sensibly trim your sails so the prevailing winds bring you safely to your goal. Logical thinking would advise you not to waste effort fighting the flow; instead, harness the flow and let it carry you and power your craft.
7: Near Future
A vision has absorbed you; as you emerge from your preoccupation, it’s clear that you and your work are highly respected.
With the Three of Coins in this position, you may be coming out of obscurity. You have been so absorbed in your vision that you have forgotten how many fans you really have, how many people there are who respect you and wish you well. In fact, you may find yourself receiving invitations to join more illustrious company as you move up the rungs of the professional and financial ladder. This is more than just an accident. It’s also more than just your brilliance being recognized; your work is meeting their needs. A spotlight may shine on your genius and ability to inspire others, and your creative work will flourish with daring and original ideas.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
You can’t continue to rigidly meet others’ expectations, fearing their disapproval if you don’t.
The Devil card in this position represents fear — specifically the fear of being told that you are bad, unnatural or out of balance. Such fear kills all joy, creativity and progress. That being the case, learn to get off on creating a little disapproval from time to time. Learn to maintain equanimity no matter how people react toward your energy or ideas. Free yourself up to more fully and authentically explore issues that are unique to you. Be comfortable with the fact that you have passions outside the norm. When you do so, others’ responses won’t have so much power to diminish your confidence. Tap your authentic self.
9: Allies
Withhold action until you consult experienced guides; they can provide profound insight into your options.
The Two of Wands in this position challenges you to discern your full spectrum of choices. Guides are available who can provide realistic insights into your choices, help you evaluate the implications of your options and intercept any hasty decisions. Ask your mentors and elders to assess their lives and the fruits of their labors — not in terms of fame or monetary achievement but on deeper levels. If you don’t get them to reveal information and insights beyond the obvious, you may miss the essential message for you now. This is an important time to make good choices. A small deviation in your path today can create a widening wedge of change in your life tomorrow.
10: Advice
Let your light shine, confident in the sacred power of your original nature.
The Sun advises you to have confidence in your natural divinity. Throw off the negative cultural conditioning that keeps you from being real with yourself. Step into the full light of truth so that your true motives, principles and mission are revealed. Once done, you will no longer lose energy to the people, projects or belief systems that shame you or emphasize what is negative. Focus on the good rather than fighting the bad. Your authentic shining self can be a light for others if you project it without contrivance.
11: Long-Term Potential
You could be a catalyst for charged communications; wherever you stand is a flashpoint.
With the Tower in this position, if you persist in your current line of thinking and behavior, you may build such a static charge around yourself that you will evoke a major electrical event. That is to say, you will increasingly attract forces of chaos and coincidence. If it is your goal to go against the grain until you raise a reaction, then you are well on your way. If that is not your goal, then it behooves you to reevaluate why you persist in following this line of thought and action. Keep in mind that lightning follows a long period of irritation, accumulated static and ungrounded energy.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 at 4:43:45 PM
Question: right action, attitude re music friendships at this point
Celtic Cross

1: Self
Past patterns that once confused you can be overcome; take action to change them.

When the Five of Cups is in this position, you are assessing mixed messages about relationships you received from your past, an emotional legacy of highs and lows which you may now be inclined to repeat. Every family creates an emotional climate that ultimately shapes the character and style of each child. Early confusion about whether you were loved or wanted colors how you react to and interpret people in your present life. The Five of Cups suggests that you may be agonizing over a pattern from the “bad old days” which is arising in your present life. Don’t let yourself simply sink into feeling miserable. Get up and try to make it right again.
2: Situation
Enthusiastic response to a cooperative, challenging effort goads participants to greater heights.
When the Seven of Wands is in this position, a number of excellent players in your environment are challenging each other to rise to personal bests. Because participants in a cooperative effort are being encouraged by an enthusiastic audience in this exciting, stimulating situation, they are performing better than they ever thought they could. In this friendly competition there are rewards for all who have participated, and clearly the greater good is enhanced by the excitement of people engaged in challenging themselves.
3: Challenges
Be prepared to change your point of view; use analytical thinking to see that which you have been overlooking.

The Six of Swords in this position challenges you to examine the technical aspects of your current situation. Logical, rigorous analysis will empower you now, substantially clarifying important issues. When unseen patterns become visible, you will realize with surprise that they were active all along. You have to first reorganize your mind in order to clearly see factors you usually take for granted. Don’t wait for someone else’s solution. Reach deep into yourself and confirm that you have what it takes to figure this out. If you study the situation, you will know just what to do.
4: Foundation
Confident enthusiasm learned in the past can create a foundation for success.

The Three of Wands in this position suggests that you have had innovative and industrious people in your past who were optimistic and forward-looking; they experienced setbacks as problems to be solved. Such a “Just do it!” attitude, worth its weight in gold, can be used to your advantage. It’s to your benefit to take time to remember the person or people who imprinted you with this kind of confidence. When you bring the information to consciousness it will provide a firm structure for success.
5: Recent Past
Your taste for adventures and challenges borders on compulsion.
The King of Wands in this position points to a need to recover from a period of fast personal expansion that required intense willpower which was exciting and exhausting. Those who seek such experiences, however, tend to deny themselves the respite they need because they love risk and the thrill of the unknown. So, rest on your laurels for a while. Cultivation of composure, cooperation and self nurturance can restore one’s energy to previous levels and serve one well in the next campaign.
6: Higher Power
Your high standards make you an excellent role model.
When the Eight of Coins is in this position, stop and admire your achievements. Through persistent effort at maintaining the highest standards of excellence, you have become a role model to others who want to follow in your footsteps. Your personal imprint and style will be recognized and acknowledged. Your refinements and improvements will be honored and duplicated for years to come. Whether this was intentional or a byproduct of your single mindedness, you have established a hallmark. All you need to do now is keep doing what you do best.
7: Near Future
You are narrowing in on your objective and are ready to pick up your tools and get to work.
When the Ace of Wands is in this position, choices are narrowing; you define what you really want to do and how you are going to do it. Like water surging through a funnel, your energy narrows down upon itself and bores on through. You proceed with ultimate focus and concentration. Your opportunity is imminent, so get rested and organized. If you are unable to do so, forewarned is forearmed; keep a state of readiness about you.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Ask yourself why you feel unworthy of the harmony and benevolence you need and which is abundantly available to you.
When the Ace of Cups is in this position, you are struggling with a belief that there is not enough approval to go around. You have internalized the conviction that someone has to do without; apparently you think that person is you. Although the Ace of Cups traditionally represents the fountain of love, abundance and affirmation, times of considerable deprivation cause us to act as if we are unworthy of receiving divine love or the love of others. Aggressively question your feelings of inner guilt and shame because they are preventing divine, beneficent, universal love from pouring down upon you just as it does upon everyone else. Why separate yourself from it at a time when you need it so much?
9: Allies
You count among your friends those whom you used to admire.
The Star suggests that you are absolutely in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing. You may need feedback from higher ups or other sources to call your attention to this fact. But in truth, the self you have cultivated is worth the attention and emulation of people you respect. It could be that you are looking up to individuals as your teachers, while they see you as theirs. This is truly wonderful. Acknowledge how far you have come and how well you are doing.
10: Advice
Find the confident and capable inner resources you possess to get the task completed.
When the Emperor is in this position, get in touch with your inner sovereignty, your natural self-possession. Realize that somewhere deep inside you is the memory of royalty. Reach within to find that strain of natural nobility and leadership. These innate qualities will help you better manage your current situation. The Emperor suggests that you are not only willing to be the final authority, you have the necessary abilities. This situation is an opportunity to showcase your competence and skill. Proceed as if you knew just what you were doing. Be bold, have confidence and take care of business.
11: Long-Term Potential
In a time of change it is essential to be free to move with those changes.
With the Horseman of Wands in this position the potential for resolution is considerable, provided that any effective work currently being done is continued. Get on with it while the opportunity presents itself or it may pass you by. Don’t concern yourself with who or what could be left behind, because this mission is a moral, emotional and psychological imperative. In this time of change it is essential to be free to move. If you are honest with yourself you will not choose behaviors that look as if you want to grow roots and stay put. Those who love you and want to stay in contact will adapt to the circumstances, and those who are uncomfortable with your moving on may have to be left behind.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 at 4:52:22 PM
Question: right attitude, approach to the mentor I have in mind
Celtic Cross

1: Self
Card: The Magician
You have a talent for creating something from nothing.
The Magus symbolizes imagination, creativity and an inventive nature. Your unique intelligence and talent for clever experimentation is a valuable asset. The Magus serves as a catalyst and change agent. His influence is a fresh breeze blowing through any situation. So be playful, and stay open. Don’t limit yourself, the possibilities are endless. Try things, see what happens and correct your course as you go. Tease open the minds of those who are watching to see what you will do.
2: Situation
Because your situation is in flux, your future seems uncertain. Take heart and wait it out.
When the Wheel of Fortune is in this position, your circumstances are constantly changing. Don’t take it personally — it’s a force no mortal can control. Because your destiny and immediate future are so uncertain, no one can blame you for feeling a bit overwhelmed or confused. Think of it as the great washing machine of life: you simply have to wait out the churning, the rinse cycle and the final tumble. In the end, however, everything will be resolved. It’s a challenge to keep your composure, however, because the part of you that prefers control is helpless. It’s an uncomfortable feeling. Wait and watch, and as you do so, try to absorb and understand the process. Don’t make any moves yet.
3: Challenges
Manifest excellence and leadership at the same time you respect the accomplishments of others.

The Three of Coins in this position reveals an opportunity to find a way to showcase your unique talents and gifts. If you can do this without stimulating envy or competition, your ability to achieve greatness will be enhanced. Your challenge is to manifest excellence and leadership, at the same time respecting the accomplishments of others who are working toward common goals. Mutual respect encourages all to perform to their highest ability.
4: Foundation
You have come to possess uncommon understanding that can help you achieve your goals.
The Hierophant in this position suggests that your past provided you with a blueprint for your dreams and aspirations. You have apparently been exposed to a mother lode of sensitive and scientific thinking that attuned your awareness and can now clarify your current situation. The Hierophant is trained in the art of magical thinking, self affirmation and natural laws. Using this foundation, leverage those laws, putting them to work rather than being subjected to them. Trust your intuition and your hunches —you are receiving relevant information from a deep, instinctive, historical well.
5: Recent Past
To live a conscious life means being responsible for all your truths.
You have had profound experience. At some point, your usual boundaries and self-definitions were torn away, forcing you to look into a vast, expanding emptiness contrasting with your own vulnerability. Such a vision can help you more clearly perceive what you cherish in your heart of hearts, your most sacred inner place. You have had a chance to learn what fills you with fear, what inspires you with passion, and what lives within the confinements of society. Such deep insight is empowering. From it you can create strategies to channel this powerful energy, give it a place in your life and become more competent with it.
6: Higher Power
You are poised to make a significant impact upon generations to come.
When the World appears in this position, you are positioned to do something beneficial for future souls to enjoy. It may be that you invent a new technology, create an original literary or cultural work, or awaken a new art form that stirs the souls of humanity. You are being singled out to affect the evolution of human consciousness.
You are a conduit for the energy of the divine, the evolutionary driving force of creation. As long as you allow yourself to be used in this way, good things result from your choices and actions. Don’t resist this development. It may be the reason you came here. It’s connected to your ultimate quest for meaning. Watch and witness. Let all be revealed to you, and willingly cooperate.
7: Near Future
You are narrowing in on your objective and are ready to pick up your tools and get to work.
When the Ace of Wands is in this position, choices are narrowing; you define what you really want to do and how you are going to do it. Like water surging through a funnel, your energy narrows down upon itself and bores on through. You proceed with ultimate focus and concentration. Your opportunity is imminent, so get rested and organized. If you are unable to do so, forewarned is forearmed; keep a state of readiness about you.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Past blockages that hid your spiritual self are no longer necessary or desirable.
When the Sun is in this position, you are seeing through self imposed limits that have held you back from manifesting your divine nature. A new level of spiritual and psychological openness can create a stronger foundation for self esteem. Relax and cooperate with the light that illuminates the psychological, emotional and instinctive complexes that used to bedevil you. Say good-bye to the smaller world view — you are leaving it behind.
9: Allies
You will move more quickly toward your goal when you involve others who can share your vision.
When the Four of Wands is in this position, you are advised to describe your dream, vision or ideal to everyone who will listen, including that growing network of active, forward looking people you are a part of. Take the pulse of your community. Seek out connections to people who may want to get involved. This gives you the opportunity to see who warms to your ideas, who is ignited by your dreams. You will move toward your goal quickly and more efficiently when you understand the minds of the people you are trying to reach.
10: Advice
Identify and acquire the ingredients that will most help you complete your mission; leave the rest behind.
Temperance in this position advises you to identify and seek the missing ingredients in your life. In addition, you must marshal your known skills and abilities and do what needs to be done to complete your mission. Prepare to use whatever practices, studies, lifestyle changes or community efforts that can assist you in this quest. A tremendous amount of benefit is available if you can organize yourself and be disciplined at this time.
11: Long-Term Potential
A potential alliance should be structured as a relationship of peers.

When the Five of Coins is in this position, a partnership arrangement, relationship or alliance that is forming has potential for growth. You will need to guide that potential, to take necessary steps, but this is the beginning of something that could be profoundly successful. This new alliance should avoid imbalance and concentrate on equality and objectivity.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 at 5:10:42 PM
Question: my tolerance level is at an all time low re mu husband, my two sisters and anybody related to my old life; as well, most activities. When is the waiting going to be over? I’m afraid of tough responsibility as it defined my past, but by now I’m ready for anything that's different.
Celtic Cross

1: Self
You are called upon to be a loving master of emotional integrity.

The Queen of Cups is the archetype of loving kindness, someone imbued with a strong concern for the well being of others. This is a good thing to develop and practice. At the same time, make sure you don’t get carried away and lose track of what is healthy and sensible for yourself. Like a mother, the Queen of Cups is accepting and nurturing, with a natural capacity for bonding. The vulnerability of openness and empathy are important qualities sorely lacking in today’s world. Learn to develop these capacities in yourself, but avoid codependency. Love is ultimately about dissolving boundaries, but not at your personal expense. Feelings of emptiness will do you no good. Know your boundaries and make sure you are not being taken advantage of or relied upon too heavily. Express loving kindness, but don’t let an intense concern for the welfare of others compromise your own well being.
2: Situation
The situation is unpredictable.

When the Fool is in this position, the situation is undefinable and open ended. This can create a feeling of panic or one of relief, because when there is no blueprint, you are freed from rules and restrictions. But only a truly secure individual can stay calm under such uncertain circumstances. It will become apparent who is in tune with the flow and who is not. Watch closely and learn.
3: Challenges
Evoke the wise elder to help you lift yourself above problems and worries.

When the King of Cups is in this position, you are challenged to find the wise, kind and spiritual part of yourself. Bring this mature king energy forward so you can evoke, direct or support the education or healing that is needed. Use forgiveness to help yourself and others lift out of sorrow, shame or unfinished business, reassuring all, including yourself, as to how precious they are. This King of Cups is akin to a pope: he bestows blessings, benedictions and absolutions. He helps people heal by reminding them of their inherent nobility. As you discover and activate this inner king, lend moral support to those around you. In doing so, you will benefit as well.
4: Foundation
Focus on passing on what you have received.

The Three of Coins in this position suggests that your background and conditioning have supported the pursuit of your interests. You have been sufficiently encouraged to follow your passion and develop real expertise. This is a precious inheritance, to be cultivated and passed on to others who are also in the process of self discovery for the enrichment of the world. You are in a position to become a benefactor: it’s your turn to pass on what you have received.
5: Recent Past
Pay attention to the details of a current transition. Awareness will stave off discomforts later.
The Knight of Cups in this position indicates that an extended effort has brought you to the position you have now achieved. Yet the transition between a lifestyle of striving and that of arriving is somewhat disconcerting. The card depicts a road-hardened traveler who has finally arrived at his destination. But what is not obvious from the image is the restlessness that arises from adjusting to the mundane predictability of domestic life. Take some time to decompress between the adventure that just ended and the new sort now beginning. Be fully in the moment; let go of behaviors that were more suitable when you were still struggling. Evaluate what you have learned that you want to pass on, and focus on that You have a chance to make a clean break from something that should be left behind.
6: Higher Power
The process of releasing the past is transforming; don’t resist it.
When the Death card appears in this position, it symbolizes releasing past attachments and moving forward toward an entirely new agenda that circumstances seem to be imposing on you. It is wiser to take your cues from the new situation than try to hold firm and resist the trend. This fertilizing, progressive change requires you to strip down, disconnect your ties to the past and shift your focus from the surfaces of things to the bones. In the process, your goals shift from the short term to the long term. You no longer identify with your mortal self, but with your immortal self. Under these circumstances, allow your priorities to transmute. Willingly release any limiting conditions that keep you from expressing your essential nature. Nothing you lose at this point will cost you as much as resisting change.
7: Near Future
You are getting ready to open like the chrysalis of an insect and emerge with wings.
With Judgment in this position, it appears that you are either accidentally or intentionally heading toward an encounter with a catalytic force that will literally raise the dead in your personality. This is a total transmutation in which you process who you used to be and rededicate those resources to who you are becoming. A sense of reunion prevails because all the individuals pictured on this card are incarnations of the same soul meeting in a timeless place. You are uniting with your own likenesses as you find them in yourself and in your world. You will assimilate all of them into your sense of self. You will be a larger person—deeper, more expanded, more universal.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Don’t discount reality with ideals of perfection.

When the Six of Swords falls in this position, you may be rigidly insisting that the world be logical, predictable and controllable. Although all of Nature is governed by laws that conform to guiding principles, random, chaotic events can still catch you by surprise. In that context, you are unable to foresee the full consequences of the choices you make— no one can! The best any of us can do is control known variables and try to hedge our bets against the unknown. With that in mind, you must not condemn yourself for what you could not have seen coming. Separate your standards of perfection from what your current best effort has actually accomplished. You have done the best you could. Now you must release yourself from guilt and shame about aspects that were not perfect.
9: Allies
With the help of an objective person, examine the assumptions you may unconsciously be making.

In this position, the King of Swords suggests that you seek the assistance of a mentor in communications. Find someone with enough broad experience to help you sharpen your logic, define the issues before you and refine your arguments. This person will be a strict but fair judge of your development. He or she will critique you and give you assignments for self improvement. It’s like having a personal trainer, who will hold up the mirror and show you the parts of yourself you cannot see without help. With this person on your side, you will improve your ability to stay on top of events and issues. Such helpers are worth their weight in gold; don’t stray too far from her or his advice.
10: Advice
Express the love you feel. Offer reassurances to those you love, so they don’t feel alone or insecure.

The Two of Cups in this position advises you to speak your heart. There is little question that the person you are trying to connect with feels the same. This is already known, but perhaps it’s not yet declared or confirmed. So why not make it clear, and why not now? We know the Two of Cups is not the image of a ceremony, but it is the image of the vow. This card advises that you pledge yourself and put your heart on the line. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Life is a relationship game.. It’s a great privilege to share with others who are so complementary and compatible. You will feel more complete on the other side of this pledge. Go for it!
11: Long-Term Potential
Be meticulous as you consider all the ramifications, then commit yourself whole-heartedly.

The Ace of Coins in this position indicates that you are locking your sights on a goal that will take you through many adventures. You may be on to something big; don’t fool yourself into thinking you are making a simple decision right now, or that it really doesn’t matter. In reality, the choices you make now are pivotal to your future, so think long and hard before you decide to commit. Then commit yourself fully. You’ll look back at this time in your life and think, “I had no idea I would get all the way here from there.” It’s quite likely you’ll be living with the consequences of the choices you make now for a long time to come. Be true to yourself.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 at 5:20:15 PM
RE my husband today
Celtic Cross

1: Self
This is your moment to be tested and tried. It will be demonstrated whether your methods are working or not.
With the Eight of Swords in this position, you are being investigated in some way. This rigorous scrutiny could feel like an inquisition. In one sense it’s a challenge to prove that you are a master of your medium. Refuse to take any of it personally. Intellectually, you must sharpen your thinking, your sword of truth, in order to answer your examiners. As your design or idea is being questioned and dissected, you are being asked to justify each and every detail. Consider this card a reality check. Does the concept or ideal stand up to scrutiny? If you can safely navigate this mine field you will emerge on the other side, proud of how you maintained your integrity under duress.
2: Situation
Be careful not to polarize the situation, supporting a struggle between darkness and light.
The Devil card in this position suggests that you are facing a shadow force you have always feared. Far from crushing you, however, it is educating you. If you refrain from judging things to be good or bad, you will see there is a tremendous amount of life force and vitality coursing through this situation that could go either way, depending on how it is directed. It could express as a vital passion of love, or devolve into some sort of self-centered gratification. You may want to follow someone else’s lead, but no matter what decision is made, it’s important to keep your head above water in this powerfully moving situation. Pay attention to how this life force wants to move, so that you can follow the flow and keep learning. A deeper spiritual dimension beckons you; no matter how bedeviling they may seem, face your instincts or problems with tenacity and a touch of humor.
3: Challenges
Prepare yourself for the lightning strike coming your way.
The Tower challenges you to make yourself strong enough to channel a high voltage blast. When the lightning strikes, most people feel fearful of their ability to assimilate the impact of sudden, forceful change. A few others go into overdrive — they feel enlivened, creative, more intelligent and intuitive than usual. It all depends on your ability to sustain shock and carry the charge. Prepare yourself to ensure that you are well grounded, as well as psychologically open and flexible. In this way, you can leverage some of the positive force of this energy when it’s released and experience the least amount of negative kickback.
4: Foundation
Familiarity with change makes us unafraid of its liberating power.
The Death card in this position suggests that you have been pruned before. You have come to learn that the process of death and rebirth is highly beneficial in the long run. Even though it is always a challenge, you have learned to not resist the sickle as it sweeps through your field and prepares it for the dormancy of winter. You know how to let go of old attachments and entanglements. You have been stripped down to what is truly essential before and have experienced the freedom of it. For now, hunker down and wait out the dark times. Focus on the benefits of transformation.
5: Recent Past
There are some rules that will not yield, and we will be shaped to match them.
The Justice card in this position indicates you are recovering from an encounter with the immovable, implacable force called justice. Whether the issue involved human laws or natural ones, you have recently come up against its firm authority. The sword of truth that Justice holds cuts through hyperbole, rationalization and blame. We seldom emerge from such encounters unscathed, but the truth was revealed to you. Now you must align your desires with the greater good or your personal desires will be disregarded. Your future will be cleaner and more sane if you learn the lesson Justice has compassionately taught you.
6: Higher Power
As the dream takes shape, you are encouraged to take pleasure in your accomplishments and accept recognition from others.
When the Eight of Wands presents in this position, you can now perceive the vast spectrum of human potential as you review your own accomplishments. A plan coupled with will and enacted through repetition and time actualizes the dream you have long desired. Natural forces are animating and enriching it. Your Higher Power encourages you to look over your shoulder at the abundance you have achieved through your devoted labors. You are filled with satisfaction as you live your dream and it enriches everyone around you, but you still have to work hard to keep up with it all.
7: Near Future
You will get the support you need to remain confident and capable.
With the Three of Wands in this position, some of the good fortune and cooperation you have been hoping for is on the horizon. Forces are willing to support you and your good idea is catching on with others: it augurs well. You need to be organized, focused, and ready to face challenges; with a confident and open minded attitude, you will be able to work with changes as they unfold. This is a compliment to your capacity for energetic optimism.
8: Blocks and Inhibitions
Rather than dwell on what has been lost, emphasize the potential of what remains.

When the Five of Cups falls in this position, you may be feeling flattened and dispirited. It’s impossible for you to comprehend why things had to happen the way they did. You may feel so demoralized that you cannot see the good that’s left in the situation, what you could learn from it or how you can still turn the experience to your advantage. You may be overlooking the fact that two out of five of the cups are not spilled. All value is not lost, the potential is still there — even two cups can serve to amply support whatever you choose to do from here. Refuse to fall into a state of depression over what is lost. Instead be grateful for what remains. It may well be that you could only have handled two cups worth in the first place.Starting now, emphasize the positive or an identification with the negative will defeat you.
9: Allies
Take advantage of spiritual role models.

The High Priestess in this position points to a mentor or role model who exemplifies true objectivity. This person is skilled in the high art of intuitive receptivity. Like an undeveloped film, the High Priestess can enter a situation and take an impression of all it contains without needing to project personality into it. Such cultivated neutrality and openness to the bigger picture is the foundation of wisdom. Study this person. Develop clarity and humility in your own personality, and use these qualities to uplevel all your interactions and relationships.
10: Advice
Express the love you feel. Offer reassurances to those you love, so they don’t feel alone or insecure.
The Two of Cups in this position advises you to speak your heart. There is little question that the person you are trying to connect with feels the same. This is already known, but perhaps it’s not yet declared or confirmed. So why not make it clear, and why not now? We know the Two of Cups is not the image of a ceremony, but it is the image of the vow. This card advises that you pledge yourself and put your heart on the line. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Life is a relationship game.. It’s a great privilege to share with others who are so complementary and compatible. You will feel more complete on the other side of this pledge. Go for it!
11: Long-Term Potential
A lasting impact on future generations can spring from your willingness to manifest it.
With the Four of Wands in this position, you’re planting the seed for something that may last far into the future because of its enduring usefulness to many people. Perhaps it’s a methodology or a philosophy; perhaps it’s a new profession, industry or school. In any case, this spontaneous act of brilliance could prove momentous for a long time to come. Proceed with due deliberation, with respect and integrity, remembering the potential impact you can have on the world. Accepting this seminal mission is your responsibility.