Monday, January 03, 2005

Blog-Entry - archived without a date

As Christ allowed forgiveness 7 times 77 times towards our brothers, revenge was never allowed an option, according to his only two Laws of Reciprocity ~ Love your God with all your might, your heart, your soul, and, love your neighbor as you would love yourself.

Therefore, the only revenge I allow myself, as a sister of Christ and as your sister, is achievement on my own merit, without flaunting it.
“The past does not dictate the future” - “El pasado no dicta el futuro.”
Pasado no tiene que dictar Futuro.
Nadie debe ser ido afuera en el frío.
Cuando amor prevalence, abundancia se comparte para todos.
Pero, relaje su corazón un poco sentir la belleza de su querido, y ábrase El Curativo Divino.
Nuestro Señor no fuerza sus bendiciones cariñosas en sus niños, ni almas dulces fuerzan sus riquezas santas sobre ustad.
Como Jesús dicho
''Y yo os digo: Pedid, y se os dará; buscad, y hallaréis; llamad, y os será abierto.”

''let go of the rope'' ~ FullMoon in Pisces, Sept 17

Full Moon in Pisces
Saturday, September 17, 2005
7:01 pm PDT / 10:01 pm EDT
Sun at 25.16 Virgo, Moon at 25.16 Pisces

Letting Go of the Rope
by April Elliott Kent

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A few days after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, I went to my favorite salon for a haircut. I was admiring the results in the mirror and writing a check when I overheard a heated conversation coming from the neighboring chair. A stylist was asking her customer, in a rather incredulous tone, whether he believed the federal government's response to Hurricane Katrina had been acceptable. "Yes," he declared. "The federal government couldn't do anything until the state asked for help." His stylist paused, mid-snip, and asked him about the people who died, who still were dying nearly a week after the hurricane hit shore. "They should have evacuated," was his terse reply. "Why did they wait around for the government to help them?"

I felt my blood pressure rising, opened my mouth to retort, and then bit my tongue, hard. Unbridled hostility never wins hearts and minds. With a quick farewell to my stylist, I hastily decamped… and fumed all the way home. It wasn't just the conversation in the salon that was eating at me, but also the realization that many other Americans must share his attitude of indifference. How far had our nation wandered from our essential humanity, I wondered, if blaming the victims of a disaster trumped our tradition of helping those who suffer? Have we become so politically polarized that defending our ideology overwhelms our charitable impulses to help our fellow citizens?

In my self-righteous fury, I could see that I was indulging in the same kind of judgment I was condemning in others. Then, out of nowhere came the blinding realization: It takes two sides to play ideological tug-of-war. What if I simply let go of my end of the rope? The game of tug-of-war involves two sides pulling on a rope as hard as they can, with each side trying to topple the other. To win, you can either pull the rope hard enough to drag your opponent over to your side—or you can let go of the rope at the peak of the contest, when both sides are straining as hard as they can in opposite directions. Then your opponent goes flying, because your resistance was what was holding him up. As long as I held fast to my end of the tug-of-war rope, full of fury and self-righteous condemnation, the other side would keep pulling just as hard in the opposite direction. My struggle doesn’t weaken my opponent’s position—it supports it.

A tug of war describes the energies at play every Full Moon, when the Sun and Moon are in opposing signs. At Full Moons we can catch a glimpse of ourselves in the mirror of our opponents and become all too aware of our similarities. We can also bring a new illumination to the issues brewing since the New Moon. The chart for the September 3 New Moon featured a volatile opposition between the Sun and Moon in Virgo and Uranus in Pisces. The horrific scenes from the Gulf Coast illustrated the Virgo/Pisces tension of organization vs. chaos and criticism vs. compassion, and the Uranian lawlessness, rootlessness, and flat-out insanity that turned a natural disaster into something unnatural. Now, at the Virgo/Pisces Full Moon, the light of Virgo’s practical insight and Pisces’ compassion will illuminate the destruction - not just in the Gulf, but across the nation – and reveal the full extent of our helpfulness and our criticism, our compassion and our denial.

There is work to be done, and it’s too important and too daunting for either side to handle alone. To solve hurricane-size problems requires a collective effort, employing both our practical and insightful Virgo selves, and our Piscean empathy and creativity. Yet the harder we yank on the invisible rope that connects us, each side trying to drag the other over to our point of view, the harder the other side will inevitably pull away. We have to let go of the rope - or, better yet, use it to pull together toward the center that connects us. For my part, this means finding compassion not only for those who suffered and died, but also for those who did not show compassion for their suffering. That isn’t easy, friends. I'm a lot better at being playing a critical Virgo than an empathetic Pisces.

The day after the incident at the salon, though, I had a glimpse of that whimsical, ecstatic Piscean compassion and its ability to melt the harshest criticisms of my inner Virgo. As I gathered with a group of friends to honor the New Moon, I asked that the Sun and Moon in Virgo help me untangle the knots in my heart, and invoked the consciousness-changing gift of Uranus to help me "let go of the rope." As I spoke, the solemn ritual was interrupted by the loud, continuous bleat of a car's horn. Irritated, we all turned to look out the front door. "What in the..." "Can't they do something about that?"

The noise grew louder and louder - and we grew more and more annoyed - until the source of the racket pulled up and parked directly across the street. The hapless driver leaped from the car, and as we watched him frantically poking beneath the hood, trying to disconnect the horn, our annoyance softened –transformed first into sympathy, then into mirth. After several long minutes, with the sound of the horn modulating comically and his face flushing deeper crimson by the minute, the driver finally gave up and drove away, slinking low in his seat, his horn muffled but still bleating as he disappeared into the distance.
And watching from inside, our little group laughed until we cried, the cranky knots of annoyance and criticism completely dissolved – at least for the moment - in the glorious, heart-opening waters of Piscean laughter.
© 2005 April Elliott KentAll rights reserved

NewMoon in Libra, Oct 3 ~ FullMoon in Aries, Oct 17

New Moon in Libra / Solar Eclipse
Monday, October 3, 2005
3:28 am PDT / 6:28 am EDT
Sun and Moon joined at 10.19 Libra

''Bow'' - artist Claudia Fernety Posted by Picasa

Join our moon-circle for October...

NewMoon Libra, Solar Eclipse Posted by Picasa

The Libra New Moon:
"Dancing on Ball, Balancing a Tray of Crystal and a Crying Baby"
Dana Gerhardt
"I feel like I’m living through a hurricane," was the message left on my answering machine. It was not a call from someone in the Gulf states. When Katrina tore through New Orleans, when the pre-Rita exodus snarled Texas highways out of town, I heard from many people whose lives had been overwhelmed by a devastating event. An honor student was killed by a drunk driver, a marriage of seventeen years was washed up, a mother learned her son was dealing drugs at school. When large-scale tragedies occur, we all partake, not only with our sympathy and shared grief, but the same energy rippling through the event, ripples through us all. Like we’re all on one great table and a giant hand yanks the tablecloth out from under our collective feet. Some of us will land. Some of us will wobble. Some of us will shatter. But we’ll all feel it.
Although planets don’t cause disasters, they do picture what we’re going through. Uranus, planet of sudden and shocking events, is currently in Pisces, the sign of storms, sea, gas and oil. Astrologers have predicted this period—from 2003 to 2011—will bring accelerated natural disasters and crises in oil and natural gas, which is good reason to keep emergency kits well stocked, and investigate alternative energy sources. But it still begs the question, why now? Uranus will be in Pisces for another six years. Why do we feel so wobbly at this moment? That’s what New Moon charts are for, carrying the sky-written message of what’s important now.
Three factors distinguish this month’s chart. There’s a solar eclipse. Mars has just gone retrograde. And four planets are aligned in a "Finger of God" aspect. For those who know little astrology, these terms might sound like I’m speaking Chinese. But without making the astrology too complex, let’s try to decode their message.
Eclipses often bring dramatic or sudden turns of events; their impact can be felt weeks in advance. They can bring hidden problems to the surface, open or shut doors, accelerate change. Generally they suggest turbulent times that require we grow. But eclipses happen regularly, twice a year, in fact; and some years they’re not so turbulent. To understand the different character of eclipses, astrologers have grouped them into families. This month’s solar eclipse comes from a family with a strong Mars/Pluto gene. That means it’s particularly potent. Says eclipse expert Bernadette Brady, this eclipse holds an "immense power, anger and force" that can suddenly clear huge obstacles or manifest as a rapidly moving crisis. An example of the first is the under-reported story of an American hostage held blindfolded and bound in a tiny underground cell in Iraq for ten months. The door to his cell was sealed with concrete. Yet incredibly, he was found, the cement door was cut through, and he was rescued. An example of a rapidly moving crisis is, of course, a hurricane. We got two in rapid succession. Whether positive or negative, with this eclipse, says Brady, "everything is moving at great speed."*

And yet, Mars going retrograde means that things will also be slowing down. A planet is called "retrograde" when, due to earth’s relative position and speed, it appears like it’s moving backward. Mars does this once every two and a half years. It turned retrograde October 1 and will go direct on December 9, but its astrological influence began in August and will continue through February 2006. That means we’ve already been feeling it, and will continue to feel it for some time. Mars represents our warrior nature. It’s our ability to go after our desires, to get things done. When it retrogrades, we can feel like we’ve lost our sword and shield. Or like we’re running through molasses—dramatized by the disastrously slow relief efforts for Katrina and the stalled traffic and out-of-gas cars in the pre-Rita evacuation. If we try to hurry through this period, we will be stopped—or frustrated at the least. If we push, something or someone may push us back. A more positive use of the time would be to slow down and go over what we’ve done. Mars asks that we take a deep long look at how we’ve been approaching important matters.

Mars being in the sign of Taurus suggests we especially examine our relationship to earth and its resources, also our personal resources, namely our money, our talents. We must question how we’re using our energy… in all ways, from ourselves, to our nation, to our planet. If we undertake this investigation sincerely, this can be a productive time. If our lawmakers debate this seriously, these months can be a key moment in reversing our mounting debt and the addiction to diminishing energy sources. Will this happen easily? Mars is in a fixed sign, suggesting there will be difficult aspects to Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune in the months ahead. Patient determination is required. Mars will go forward again and so will we. But our future efforts will be more effective if we go slowly now, with great awareness.
The Libra New Moon is traditionally a time to find balance. And it couldn’t come at a better moment. Libra is the peacemaker, the graceful aerialist, the mediator, the angel of "Let’s make this beautiful. Let’s find our common ground." Yet there are four planets in an unusual pattern in Libra’s New Moon chart. Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Venus are assembled in a
"Finger of God" aspect, so-named because there is a sense of destiny about it, a sense that we’ve got to do something brilliant with the energy—or else. Mars is at the foot of this pattern, in an uneasy relationship with the other three planets. What does this mean? It’s like being invited to stand on a slippery ball, balancing a tray of crystal glasses in one hand and a crying baby in the other. There’s no logical way to succeed. You can’t do it the way you normally do things. You need a little magic. And you need to try something new.

Exactly what sort of magic is indicated by the planet opposite Mars—which is Venus. She is the goddess of joy, grace, peace, and love. When you are at your most radiant, most accepting, most beautiful, Venus is working her magic through you. Call on her to help you meet whatever faces you now, with not only calm, but pleasure and joy. "Finger of God" patterns call for transcendence, as though God were pointing directly at you and saying, "Grow, or else." It’s nice to know the same divine finger points at everyone else too. But this month, pretend it’s pointing only at you. What can you do differently? How can you help the current situation? If we all do this, we will have gotten the sky-written message. We will serve each other, and the needs of this time, with unbounded grace and charm.
* Bernadette Brady, The Eagle and the Lark (Weiser, 1992), p. 318.

New Moon Meditation: “Seeking the Balance of Peace
by Pythia Peay
The world is evolving from imperfection towards perfection; it needs all love and sympathy; great tenderness and watchfulness is required from each one of us. -- Hazrat Inayat Khan
Solar Eclipses often represent a pivotal moment in the human story. This is especially the case with today’s New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra. With the Sun and Moon closely conjunct the South Node in Libra, many of us may find ourselves dealing with issues around karma, fate, and destiny - especially in relationships. In addition, stationary-retrograde Mars in heavy-weight Taurus opposes Venus in passionate Scorpio (the ruler of this lunation), forming a yod, or "finger-of-fate" between Jupiter, Pluto, and Mars.

In astrology, images are used to convey the essence of a sign. Like a treasure chest, these images contain a wealth of accumulated wisdom and insight. For Libra, that image is the scale, the symbol of balance and moderation - and an important pointer in how to cope with the energies of this eclipse. The religious history of the scales yields rich insights. In ancient myths, the scales were pictured at the critical juncture between life and death, just as the soul was about to pass into the next realm. In Egypt, the soul was weighed against the weight of a feather. In the Persian tradition, the angel Rashu weighed souls at the Bridge of Fate, while in the Christian faith St. Michael, Archangel of the Day of Judgment, was pictured with a set of scales. And in Greece, the goddess Themis, the embodiment of law, was represented with scales.
The symbolic meaning of the scales teaches us that we cannot move on to a new stage of evolution until we have examined our intentions and come to terms with our past actions. Yet the meaning of the scales has psychological significance, as well. A psyche that tips too far in one direction or another is considered unhealthy, manic, one-sided, or "bipolar." And physically, good health revolves around a lifestyle that includes equal portions of work and pleasure, exercise and rest, and a balanced diet. An awakened conscience, mental equilibrium, homeostasis - these are healing qualities that regulate the human condition. Too much despair, for instance, and the soul is eclipsed by helplessness. Too much optimism and we are at risk of denial. Either we cannot see the darkness for the light, or the light for the darkness. Radical extremism in either direction leads to demonizing or divinization of "the other."

Thus like no other, this New Moon is a time to practice the art of spiritual, emotional, and physical equanimity. For your meditation, imagine that you are seated in the cosmic Temple of Balance. Contemplate the image of the scales, entering deeply into the living meaning of this symbol. Center yourself at the all-important fulcrum that holds the scales. In this place, carefully weigh and measure your feelings. Examine your actions, past and present. Be circumspect with your thoughts. Exercise prudence in the face of extremism, whether it arises from within or without. Hold strong to the clarity provided by your spiritual faith. Imagine that your body is a focal point of stillness and strength.

Peace, instruct the sages, stems from stability. Says the Dalai Lama, "...the practice of Dharma, real spiritual practice, is in some sense like a voltage stabilizer. The function of the stabilizer is to prevent irregular power surges and instead give you a stable and constant source of power."
Practicing peace this way, perhaps each of us can become a powerful center radiating peaceful equilibrium - a spiritual rock in the foundation of peace that, by our individual actions, we are helping to construct for future generations.
Pythia Peay is the author of Mercury Retrograde: Its Myth and Meaning, and Soul Sisters: The Five Sacred Qualities of a Woman’s Soul

3-Minute New Moon Ritual,
with Dana Gerhardt
The energy of Libra is gathering in your circle. It is radiant, graceful, peaceful and balanced. Libra is a fragrant rose-petaled goddess who weaves harmony and beautifies space. She makes us comfortable around those who are different from us, who hold opposite opinions, who push our buttons because they mirror the rejected parts of ourselves. She knows how to be fair, how to see all sides of a situation without losing herself. She is an artist, conjuring just the thing to make any space an altar to Beauty. Libra likes to please us. But don't be confused. She is not into people-pleasing, self-sacrifice, or indecision.

...ground your body, clear your mind...

Become aware of your body. Notice how gravity holds and connects you to earth. It's as though your body is an ancient stone temple-solid, strong, secure. Sanctify this temple. Imagine a priestess is pouring sacred water and scattering rose petals, all the way down, from your head to your toes. Any anxiety or negativity washes away. Notice the thoughts and feelings leaving the temple-your judgments, your distracted mind, your worried heart. Be sure to honor them. Give each a smile and a piece of cake as it departs.
...draw a circle of protection, call for blessings...
Visualize a ring of fragrant flowers surrounding you, protecting you. Know that you are safe and relaxed. Breathe deeply. Feel the power of the Sun and Moon pouring into your circle. The energy of Libra is gathering in your circle. It is radiant, graceful, peaceful and balanced. Libra is a fragrant rose-petaled goddess who weaves harmony and beautifies space. She makes us comfortable around those who are different from us, who hold opposite opinions, who push our buttons because they mirror the rejected parts of ourselves. She knows how to be fair, how to see all sides of a situation without losing herself. She is an artist, conjuring just the thing to make any space an altar to Beauty. Libra likes to please us. But don't be confused. She is not into people-pleasing, self-sacrifice, or indecision. Those strategies come from people trying to act like the goddess without being the goddess. Feel inwardly for the honest presence of this goddess as you read Libra's affirmations.
...allow seed intentions to form...
Your intentions for this cycle are gathering. You may already know what you wish to accomplish. Or you may not. Trust that all will unfold perfectly in time. Know that this brief ritual has aligned you with spirit. Now ask your heart if it has a closing message for you. This may come in words or as a picture, perhaps as a body sensation or sound. Give yourself time to receive this message. Digest it. Write it down. Then, in gratitude to yourself and spirit, return to normal awareness. Place a symbol of your Libra New Moon message on your altar.


NewMoon in Libra - Chart Oct 3 2005
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New Moon in Libra - Monday, October 3
This New Moon in Libra is an annular eclipse of the Sun, making it a powerful event that can shake the course of relationships. The integrative North Node of the Moon is in self-interested Aries, so focus on what you want first. This provides a clear foundation from which to negotiate, rather than starting out by trying so hard to placate others. Being true to yourself is worth more than denying your needs simply to keep the peace.
Chiron Direct - Tuesday, October 4
The Wounded Healer turns forward in the last degrees of Capricorn, sloughing off the pain of unfulfilled ambitions as we move towards new standards for success that grow more intellectual than material as Chiron starts heading back to Aquarius.
Venus in Sagittarius - Friday, October 7 - November 5
Venus is adventurous in Sagittarius, searching for new playmates and games to play. Old sources of pleasure grow stale. We may seek new sources of enjoyment, even if it's risky to an ongoing relationship. The fun is in the chase now, rather than familiarity and commitment. Broadening minds and tastes with foreign cultures can be especially rewarding now.
Mercury in Scorpio - Saturday, October 8
Minds grow deep, even suspicious, as we seek information hidden below the surface. Conversations are not trivial; words aren't wasted. The power of communication is amplified as language is charged with feeling. Research is rewarded, but trust may be challenged by skeptical thinking.

FullMoon in Aries - Chart Oct 17 2005
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Full Moon in Aries - Monday, October 17
This lunation is a partial eclipse of the Moon that pulls down the shade on habits of impulse and isolation that hinder relationships. Old defenses can be dropped in recognition of battles that are finally over. Pluto's harmonious trine to the Full Moon clearly shows what needs to go and the rewards to be gained by making change. The opposition between the Sun in cooperative Libra and the Moon in pugnacious Aries need not be one of conflict, but a new awareness of the dance between I and Thou.
Sun in Scorpio - Sunday, October 23
The Sun's entry into the Fixed Water sign brings consciousness from the edges to the interior. Desires and values are re-examined from the depths of our being. Agreements that sounded good in principle may not feel right inside, but it's better to discuss this than to sit silently with resentment. Passion brings power as untapped resources are discovered that help overcome obstacles.
Jupiter in Scorpio - Tuesday, October 25
The planet of expansion plunges deeply within, finding gold hidden in the darkest of places. Hopes are shadowed with fear that can kill optimism, yet doubt can temper aspiration with pragmatism that can make dreams come true. This is a year of alchemical transformation when truth is turned upside down, light becoming dark, dark becoming light. There is wisdom in the shadows, so look in the scary places to understand yourself more fully.
Neptune Direct - Wednesday, October 26
The forward movement of this compassionate planet allows hopes to surface, countered by the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in Scorpio, of course. Dreams are measured against the resources required to make them real and desire is needed to distill thought into action.
Mercury in Sagittarius Sunday, October 30
The planet of data entering the sign of principles encourages open communication. Optimistic statements, though, may lack precision, turning good ideas into vague promises. Back up beliefs with facts if you want to transform this mental ride into an enduring experience, rather than just a good sounding promise.

A New Moon in Libra generally plants seeds for new relationships. This one, however, is a solar eclipse, so there is some pruning of the garden needed before the next cycle can take root. Conflict, which Libra generally avoids, can be a positive experience now. When it reveals the truth about yourself, even if it's not pretty, you'll learn a valuable lesson. Instead of tempering emotions with airy detachment, this New Moon has a fiery quality that places honesty before politeness. That can feel harsh at times, but the greater cruelty is in lying to oneself.
Have a great month!
Jeff Jawer, Publisher,
...because timing is everything!
Venus in Sagittarius: October 7 - November 5
Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is off to adventure in experience-seeking Sagittarius. Lust for life and expansion of the boundaries of pleasure are supported now. Love is about expanding limits here. We may give up some of the comfortable patterns of the past and risk relationship safety for new levels of experience. Love needs to grow now; it will not stand still.
Travel, learning and a taste for all that's foreign may be heightened. It's hard to stick to the old routine when the planet of pleasure hits the road. This desire for the new and exotic may reveal some weakness of judgment. Purchases are more likely made with joyful abandon rather than with an eye on long-term value. People, too, can be overrated, particularly if they offer the promise of adventure or enlightenment.
Among those born with Venus in Sagittarius are spiritual teachers Sai Baba, Paramhansa Yogananda, Alan Watts, Albert Schweitzer and Deepak Chopra. Rockers David Bowie, Jimi Hendrix, Tina Turner and Pete Townsend have Venus in Sag, as do both Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel.
Quite a number of writers were born with the planet of the arts in this literary sign. Art Buchwald, Lewis Carroll, Kurt Vonnegut and Mark Twain were some who wrote from a humorous perspective. Political figures with Venus in Sagittarius include Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher from England's Conservative Party, and Russians Boris Yeltsin, Joseph Stalin and Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
Finally, we must thank Venus in Sagittarius for her great sense of humor. Two contemporary examples of Venus in Sag's "almost anything goes" comedy are the free-spirited Whoopi Goldberg and Roseanne. Laughter lifts our spirits, opens the heart and shows us the limitless boundaries of joy symbolized by Venus in Sagittarius.

Mercury in Scorpio - October 8 - 30
This planet of communication gets down to the depths whenever it's in Scorpio. The mind melds with emotions, descending into the body, into the past and into life's mysteries. This can be a very powerful period for talking about difficult issues regarding relationships, money and mortality. Psychological awareness is more acute now, as perceptions take us under the covers of the obvious, seeking hidden meaning and motivations.
The dark side of Mercury in Scorpio is represented by the mistrusting mind, one that holds secrets and fears them at the same time. Communication becomes a means of control, rather than connection. However, seeing our fears doesn't mean that we have to perpetuate them. The opportunities are ripe for discussing heretofore forbidden subjects, resulting in greater degrees of trust and intimacy.
Deep thinkers born with Mercury in Scorpio include Deepak Chopra, Jodie Foster, Carl Sagan, Sylvia Plath and Hillary Rodham Clinton. Joni Mitchell, Paul Simon and John Lennon expressed their deep thoughts in songs.
Martin Scorcese's Mercury in Scorpio puts the lens on life's dark side, unlike Jesse Jackson, Prince Charles and John F. Kennedy Jr. Movie star Merc in Scorpios are Winona Ryder, Demi Moore and Richard Dreyfuss, while television brings us Suzanne Somers, Henry Winkler, Susan Lucci and Chris Noth.
Mercury in Scorpios Whoopi Goldberg and John Cleese make us laugh, while Bonnie Raitt and Luciano Pavarotti please our ears. Dr. Bernie Siegel teaches us how to face the fear of disease and transform ourselves through spiritual awareness. This reminds us how changing our perceptions changes our reality.
***For more on Mercury see An Interview with the Messenger by Alice DeVille.

Sun in Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Signs are Seasons
Scorpio arrives with the falling leaves in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the middle sign of autumn, marking the deepening shift from light and warmth to a darker and cooler time of year. Some are saddened by these changes, reminded of their mortality and the ephemeral nature of life. Others, though, revel in exploring the inner side of human nature and understand that death is always followed by rebirth.
Scorpion or Eagle
The symbol of the Scorpion is not a particularly attractive one. It is a poorly understood animal, best known for its capacity to sting and kill other creatures, and sometimes itself. For astrologers, though, Scorpio represents the possibility of a new world created out of the ashes of the old.
Scorpio is a fixed sign, meaning that it occupies the middle of a season. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo and Aquarius are the others) do not change easily. Pressures can build, issues may need to be examined deeply before letting go. Scorpio is a water or feeling sign. (Cancer and Pisces are the other water signs.) Fixed water is about emotions that are profound and tend to dominate the personality. Scorpios, of course, can be reasonable, but the bottom line is that feeling is likely to be more important than thinking.
Scorpio and Sex
Many people relate Scorpio to sex. It follows the relationship sign of Libra. In a sense, we meet in Libra and consummate the partnership in Scorpio. However, this sign is really about extremes in sexuality. Scorpio can be celibate or profligate depending on the time, the place and the individual. Some Scorpios are crude about sex like Larry Flynt or Roseanne, and others can delicately reveal eroticism through art like Georgia O'Keefe.
Scorpio deals with most of the "forbidden" subjects such as death, sex and power. Some of the difficulty we have with this sign is due to a failure to deal with these essential human issues in mature and open ways. Psychological sophistication, a Scorpio trait, is one way to meet these issues in a healthy manner.
All or Nothing at All
A primary role of Scorpio is to push past the surface and get to the heart of the matter. Scorpio is about essence, not fluff. Sometimes this means that Scorpios seem distant when you want to be light and playful. They are not uncaring. In fact, they sometimes feel too much. Behind those intense eyes is a very sensitive person, one who knows what it's like to be hurt.
Scorpio often seems cautious until passion takes over, and then all limits are ignored. This is not a sign of half measures. It's usually all or nothing. Extremes of loyalty, commitment and intensity are balanced against cool detachment and apparent disinterest. If you want to play with these folks, bring all you've got. They won't settle for any less.
Scorpios are often intense, passionate or powerful people like Hillary Rodham Clinton, Demi Moore, Meg Ryan, Dennis Miller, Bill Gates, Julia Roberts, Sean "Puff Daddy" Combs or Ted Turner.
***See Jeff Jawer's article Scorpio: Beyond Reason for more about this fascinating sign.

Jupiter in Scorpio - October 25 2005 until November 23, 2006
Jupiter is the largest of all the true planets. Its mass is greater than all the rest of the planets combined. If it was only 20% larger it would develop enough heat at its core to become a star. Astrologically, Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth and optimism. Known as The Greater Benefic, it symbolizes good luck and fortune. In the ancient Indian language Sanskrit Jupiter is called "guru" or teacher. This fits its association with the higher mind, philosophy, truth and religion. Perhaps Jupiter's good fortune derives from the capacity to give us a larger view in which to see the world.
Outgoing Jupiter in inward-looking Scorpio makes for a complex combination. The normally optimistic outlook of the giant planet is tempered by a need to consider costs, including the possibility of loss and emotional complications arising from ambitious actions. There's a calculating quality, one that measures risks more carefully now. While this may temper the most grandiose hopes and dreams, it offers a dose of reality that can help to produce concrete results.
Jupiter expands, so while in Scorpio we can expect issues such as debt, sexuality, pollution and psychology to grow more prominent in the collective consciousness. Fears can be exaggerated during this period, as well, but some alarm might be necessary to provoke action in critical areas.
Scorpio is an intensely emotional sign that deals with intimacy and the exchange of deep feelings. Jupiter's presence offers a more generous assessment of these complex matters, allowing us to explore previously forbidden areas of behavior in a less judgmental manner.
Opportunity can arise out of situations of loss and benefits may be gained from objects and individuals that have been undervalued. This is a time to recover ambitions that have been set aside and reawaken interest in subjects that were abandoned long ago. Jupiter in Scorpio reminds us that we have untapped resources within ourselves and in the world that can be freed for use when we have the passion to pursue them. And while it's true that expanded desire can lead to dangerous situations, it is this intensity that can also clear away barriers to success.
Britney Spears, Prince William, Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon, Andre Agassi, Uma Thurman, Queen Latifah, Tim Robbins, Sharon Stone, Stephen King, Arnold Schwarzegger, Carlos Santana, Glenn Close, Donald Sutherland, Manuel Noriega, Elvis Presley, Napoleon Bonaparte, Joan of Arc, Jules Verne, Richard Krafft-Ebbing, Albert Schweitzer and Alesiter Crowley are among those born with Jupiter in Scorpio.
Mercury in Sagittarius:
October 30 - November 26
December 12 - January 3
Mercury will turn retrograde on November 13, back into Scorpio on November 26, turn direct on December 3, and return to Sagittarius on December 12.
Mercury, the Info Guy, has very mixed feelings about being in Sagittarius. Expansive Sagittarius can be overwhelming to detail-oriented Mercury. Small things are easily blown out of proportion. Facts are out of whack. Tall tales abound. Yet, this is also when the lens of perception is widened and the mind opens.
Mercury in Sagittarius can be a time of enthusiastic words, confident messages and creative communication, but big promises may stretch the truth. The trick is to drop your prejudices, but not your reason. In the desire to find one big answer to all of life's questions it is easy to overlook nuance and appreciate different points of view.
Sagittarius looks toward the future, so that perceptive Mercury's presence here supports visions of tomorrow. The trick is to fill in all the details so that the picture you're selling is the one that actually develops.
The humorous side of Mercury in Sagittarius is well expressed by Woody Allen, Roseanne, Randy Newman, Tracey Ullman, Goldie Hawn and Bette Midler. There's something rock 'n' roll about Mercury in Sag because it shows up in the birth charts of Neil Young, Stephen Stills, Jimmy Hendrix, Little Richard, Tina Turner, Jakob Dylan and Patti Smith.
Athletes and actors born with Mercury in Sagittarius include Troy Aikman, Bobby Hull, Calista Flockhart, Jeff Bridges, Ed Harris, Sally Field, Diane Keaton and Jamie Lee Curtis. Others born with this placement include defrocked preacher Jim Bakker, friend taper Linda Tripp, radical activist Abbie Hoffman, director Steven Spielberg and author Umberto Eco.

Libra Meditation ~ The Red Wall

This article was originally published at in Oct. 2004.

Libra Meditation: The Red Wall
by April Elliott Kent

Libra Meditation: The Red Wall Posted by Picasa

Recently, an artist friend gave me a delightful, whimsical painting that I immediately hung in a place of honor, above the living room fireplace. But the painting’s colors are so rich and exciting that, by contrast, they transformed the pale, yellow walls of my living room from tastefully neutral to washed-out and boring.
I liked the colors in the painting much more than the color on my walls, so I decided to adapt the room to fit the painting. I began with the wall behind the fireplace, painting it deep, bright red. The result was gorgeous; it practically glows. And it shows off the painting to perfection… but it made the other drab, yellow walls look even more insipid. So, an adjoining wall got a coat of warm khaki - a dramatic, but pleasing contrast with the red wall.
You can probably see where this is going. Now, of course, the other two walls look even blander. So tomorrow, I’m off to the paint store for more colors - perhaps a pale aubergine, a light straw-colored gold. The final effect may very well turn out to be a bit too much like the Partridge Family’s gaudy, multi-colored bus; but for now, I find the contrasting colors unexpectedly harmonious. I don’t have my friend’s talent for drawing, but I’m enjoying the artistic challenge of transforming the room one color at a time, carefully balancing one tone against the next. It’s a bit like creating a painting of my own.

The artistry associated with Libra, the sign highlighted by this New Moon, is a reflection of Libra’s genius for combining one element with its natural complement. Libra, with its inherent sense of cosmic balance, delights in bringing together the right mix of people for a stimulating dinner party, two single friends who might find each other interesting, or yes, an interesting selection of paint colors for a room. We tend to imagine that such artistry is a mysterious talent granted to some and not to others, a cosmic gift that can never be truly taught or learned. But is this true? After all, Libra is an air sign, more analytical than instinctual. Surely the gift of gracious living is available to all of us who are willing to learn.
In fact, Libra’s artistry seems surprisingly akin to math: each requires that we know what must be added or subtracted to get the right result. The mathematics of Libra guides the writer who carefully deletes a turn of phrase she dearly loves, not (as Virgo might) because it is thematically inconsistent or grammatically awkward, but because it simply doesn’t harmonize with the rest of the piece. It is present in the hostess who recognizes that a gregarious guest of honor is an exotic flower, one that finds its complement in fellow guests who are generous in their praise, yet interesting enough in their own right that their praise is worth having. Libra even lives and breathes in the consummate salesman who is able to match a product with the buyer by identifying some intangible common ground between them. Somewhere in your chart, Libra is present; and somewhere in your chart, you are an artist.
Solar eclipse in Libra: The red wall in your living room.

Along with the inner artist, this potent New Moon, with the Sun and Moon flanked by Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter, summons the powerful energy of a solar eclipse. Eclipses signal that we’ve reached a scary, prickly moment of truth. Don Juan speaks of "the assemblage point," your innate point of view, which can suddenly "shift" in response to the unexpected. Likewise, an eclipse signals that something in you has recently shifted, as surely as an earthquake shifts the foundation of a house. Sometimes the shift is subtle; a crack in the plaster, a picture that falls off a wall. Other times, as when the eclipse point makes a close aspect to a planet in your birth chart, your whole house is picked up and shaken.
Look to the house of your chart that contains the twenty-first degree of Libra. This house describes an area of your life where a single focal point has exerted itself as boldly and incongruously as the red wall in my living room. The rest of your life has been thrown out of balance by this concentration of energy, and at this New Moon, the energy of Libra is rushing in to restore equilibrium with a contrasting point of view. Since the New Moon/eclipse point makes a square to Saturn, it may not be a message you’re particularly ready to hear. Nevertheless, like advice from a bossy older sister, it may be the one message that can help you restore your balance.

Complementary colors
What needs to be added or subtracted to make your inner landscape more pleasing? Just as a color’s natural complement can be found on the opposite end of a color wheel, look to the house opposite Libra’s to find the solution to the problem. The house Aries rules in your chart identifies where you’ve been leaking energy, the room whose demure tones suddenly seem pale and uninteresting next to the single, vivid wall.
In my chart, Aries rules the fifth house. In recent months, I’ve been consumed by politics – ruled by the eleventh house. My almost desperate concern about the upcoming elections reached its peak with the high-strung intensity of the Virgo New Moon. But just after the full moon in Aries, I took a spontaneous mini-vacation from worrying about politics. I stepped into the creative, playful energy of the fifth house, turning on the local jazz radio station, picking up my paint brush and boogied along while I painted in broad, red strokes. I didn’t go anywhere, I saw almost no one – a self-imposed Saturnian exile into hard but joyful labor. At the end of two days I was rejuvenated, as if the act of turning my metaphorical red wall - of eleventh house political distraction - into a literal one had opened me up to other creative possibilities.
Now the Libra New Moon eclipse is energizing my eleventh house, urging me to put down the paintbrush and rejoin the affairs of the world. But this time, I’ll surround myself with complementary colors. I’m hosting a campaign phone party, where friends can gather with potluck dishes and cell phones and work together toward a common goal. My new, fifth-house crazy quilt of colorful walls will serve as a lively backdrop not just for my treasured painting, but for the eclectic group of friends that Libra has expertly chosen for me.

At this New Moon, let "unity" be our meditative mantra. Unite your strong voice with those of people who think like you and, more importantly, people who don’t; like artists whose canvas is the world, persist in blending your colors with those who have a different artistic vision. Paint in bold strokes and vivid hues, and remember that the most beautiful paintings don’t rely on matching colors. Indeed, as I learned from my single red wall, there is unexpected pleasure to be found in contrast.
2004 All rights reserved

Weapons of War - and Other Conjugal Tools

[archived Journal-entry - revived]

The day of infamy, the day I flooded half the house. Carpets are sodden? And the linoleum? Curled ponds. I did it in solitary, all by my very own self. I never cease to amaze myself. Not “amused”? I was in such a state of furor and frustration – honestly? Self-directed rage. And sheer terror, sheer as a perpendicular cliff with not a fissure.

Mr. M, or “Mike” as he called himself at the discos, “shared” my anger and disappointment. Using that appealing feminine quality I have practiced with greater rigor then I did coloring inside the lines the way my Mama practiced and my Papa dictated, I gathered my forces labeled under a term as old as “woman”: submissiveness.

Submissiveness has its tactics and weaponry as militant in nature as that I have found deployed b y my Father, male “best-buddies”, bosses, husbands, bosses, and Male Authoritarian Bosses. I once thought boys were born under rocks. Sometimes I still think men/boys crawled out from them, like those, well – a head of steam – the stoking argument is all the hotter when it has a chance to build. The instructions of these anti-brute tactical forces are multigenerational, passed on faithfully from mother to daughter. Let us take a look at a few:

TACTIC #1: When interrogated about the nature of your transgression, real or imagined, assume “The Stance of The Hunchback of Notre Dame”, shrugging shoulders, eyes staring unfocused at His shoes throughout the lecture/tantrum, peppering your humble mumblings with, “I dunno”; these are considered “Standard Operational Procedures”.

TACTIC #2: Regular derogation may apply to any subject and it may be camouflaged, but it as old as the hills, universal as the world is round:

  1. “Why didn’t you have the sense to…?
  2. “Are you dumb, or are you just stupid?”
  3. And my personal favorite: “How many times have I told you, you should have (name your assigned poison here)?”
Your comeback as “the weaker sex” consists of precious little effective weaponry. Warding off abusive Significant Males -- caregivers and sundry other males -- from positions as second-rate girl-child’s, as pregnant Moms, as “little-old-ladies” subjects our “self-image” too even a life-time of starvation and malignity until it is shriveled and impaired until it is handicapped, unreliable to engage in basic life-skills. The reasoning is this: “If your shoe is too worn and small to wear, you simply make your foot fit into it” – my real-life experience speaking here.”

TACTIC #3: Restrict communications to Name, Rank, and Serial Number to guard your skin and anybody else’s under your care. This is standard procedure for Prisoners of War. One would think this might antagonize The Oppressor even more, but no. Assume passivity in order to deflect fury and further blows. Attempts to reason with a maniacal Uniform, to use constructive assertiveness, or to initiate2-way “punch’em-out-and-drag’em-out” aggression are futile, not to mention costly.

TACTIC #4: The Logistics of The Man of Your Dreams may not be the “kill-the-bitch-with-you-bare-hands” approach but, alternately, the sophistication of Guerilla Warfare. It’s the cursin’ and blamin’, the cheap shots and such like, the “You scum, low-life, just like your Mother” invectives followed by full-frontal expletives. Any woman knows Passive Aggression is the feminine approach, her Swiss knife. It’s the blows to his Emotional Gotchas bruisin’ and painin’ and explainin’-to-the-doctor’s crap that packs with targeted force.

When engaged in domestic combat it furthers you to not return volleys of equal ilk – he may sustain surface dents to his armor but you will hurt in a way that won’t soon heal. Truly, why bother? It’s beneath you. You do have a couple of things on your side, like fortitude and character that grows with the blows like weeds, undetectable to the senseless. That sounds like sour grapes but whatever gets you through the night.

TACTIC #5: Most importantly, you must perfect the habit of keeping your eyes averted, not even a momentary glance. Never let his crazed glare fool you – a lifesaving defense when your significant other has a penchant for getting “Black Drunk”. Those alcoholic crossed-eyes may say, “Nobody’s home” when an eye-flicker on your part may translate to Red Flag and on a dime he sobers into a merciless sharpshooter.

Never fool with body language when your guy comes home before dawn and you don’t know if he’s partied with a blonde or a bottle. I dared to eye-ball my drunk – once upon a time. Eye-to-eye contact would drive him clean off the deep end. In hindsight it may have been my contrasting control coupled with, ultimately, his knowing that my rage was so much greater, which drove him ultimately Blotto.

It’s a theory that remains unproved. There are family members that live to tell the tale but would have to resort to the Witness Protection Program.

TACTIC #6: Mohammed Ali’s “rope-a-dope” style, i.e., gloves to face and back to rope, was an enervating stance meant to tire his opponent a few rounds. Once his opponent had become too fatigued to defend himself, Ali would make one or two well-placed flicks and watch the guy drop to the tarp. However, unlike Ali you are not the Aggressor and you certainly not the designated bought-out winner in this Match, Set, Game. Your Oppressor’s unchecked wrath has nothing to do with “Fighting Style” and abides by no rules other than the laws of Physics to do with Force. Besides, isn’t it an unwritten universal law that the spirit of sportsmanship is alien to the arena of The Bedroom – something all’s fair or like that?

TACTIC #7: It is crucial to approach ire-diffusion, or victimization-dissipation by eating profuse Crow, that is, take the humiliation and “Shut-up!” For every invective, retort with the words of The Victim. Practice the following degrading confessions with the practiced look of contrition as genuinely:

  1. “I don’t know what came over me, Honey. I’m so very sorry. Please, can you forgive me somehow?”
  2. “Honest, I didn’t mean it, and I promise not ever to do it again!
  3. “Sweetheart, have mercy, I’m so sorry, believe me…Dear-Heart!”
  4. My tried-and-true ploy? Pleading wide-eyed innocence: “Holy Man, Gabe, I can’t understand it ‘cause it wasn’t me. I never did it but I feel real bad.” Gabe knows me long enough to know better than to take my lame excuse and I’m getting too old to fake naiveté. It’s about time I should cease and desist, but my barefaced lie still sticks as I work under the radar. Nobody bother with me much, so nobody questions me.
Tactic #8: In the event that you need to run and hide somewhere safe but do not possess any of the following resources for uncompromised safety:

  1. A hide-away, i.e., food and shelter other than begging by day and a park bench by night
  2. Pamphlets about shelters, United Way Agencies and such like
  3. A plan and an emergency bag to make The Move, as in fly the coop, because you don’t have your mental shit together or worse, you believe in “Romancing the Stone” when all else fails, lock yourself in the bathroom. “Retreat to the Bathroom”.
My reasoning for this move lay in the hopes of keeping the wave of blows at bay. With Mr. Boozy it only inflamed his rantin’ and ravin’ all the more. I still don’t understand it – the door jambs, hinges and locks of all the bathrooms in the lengthy chain of places we occupied – were gouged, pried loose or torn to smithereens. No bathroom door stayed in tact for long whenever we moved.

He sure must’ve “wanted me bad”. For love and affection? I don’t think so. Think, if the door was so violated….Dogs chase bicycles and buses. What would happen if dogs successfully caught their prey – chew their tires to smithereens? It’s different for me. Man-Predator knows he has an encaged Wife-Prey to use as he chooses, whenever he chooses – except when there’s a locked door between us.

I guess that’s why it drives Man-Predators so crazy. “So near and yet so far….”

TACTIC #9: Throughout the dirty episode, you’re listening to the pounding on the other side of the door, your crouched in the corner of the living room next to a palm tipped over, or you’re thrown on The Marital Bed with Him….Believe it or not, you have some recourse of Sanity Defense. Keep positive thoughts. Such affirmations as, “But I stayed a virgin for Him”, “He’s always been my one true love”, and “with my patience and good example, I’ll make Him a happy Man!”

Survival-assertions such as these are the gauze and antiseptic – they may not last long but mentally they go a long, long way. “Keeping the old chin up” is the panacea to freedom, yeah, freedom to intellectualize your fantasies and romantic dreams you dwell on, gazing through your greasy kitchen window in moments of safe solitude. Yet, your sodden dishrag drags forgotten. It was once a Shower Gift, a set of three….

TACTIC #10: Remember the lesson you were taught in kindergarten – to share your toys, your recess snack and any precious belongings your best friends and the class bully, without discrimination? Well, remember how it felt when your stuff got destroyed and learn not to buy into that lie again. Safeguard what precious little integrity, trust, self-esteem and privacy you have left – survival is at stake here, not the sensibilities of “The Class Bully”.

TACTIC #11: And The Saga continues, day after day, trigger after unpredictable trigger out of “the deep” of your victimizer’s grey matter. Today it’s yet another breath-of-life crisis – is beloved thread-bare thermal underwear has finally shredded within Washing Machine Wasteland. Look out…

In the event that His argumentative rage escalates into a blow-out physical attack, do what we were taught in the dark of the school hall to prepare for the onslaught of The Bomb, namely, “Duck-and-Cover”. Trust me, I’ve used it on many an occasion. To what avail is the magical question.

The verbal volleys are seriously insidious in their effects. As the cornered one my perfectly-honed course of action, one developed since before memory, is the “at-my-fingertips” relief of Numb-Psyche Distancing. I retreat into a self-devised Twilight Zone. This two-tiered presence involves a split with-Him/void-of-Him personality. The paradox lies in the fact that I am in nobody’s presence, not even my own – a serious blunder on my part in retrospect, and so ingrained it is not easily rectified.

This withdrawal experience is not to be confused with “brain-numbed-by-sexual-preoccupation” experience most, correction, all of our “male counterparts” live by 100% of the time. Oops, did I just sin the Mortal Sin of Male Bashing? Did I make it any less scathing by generously calling?

Them “counterparts”? Good Heavens, I hope so.

TACTIC #12: If impending doom hovers, and I mean brutality with intent to kill, take your skin and those who need you for their macaroni-and-cheese-product-dinner, and get the Hell out the door. Pretend you’re the fireman and it’s a “3-Alarmer”.

You do know how to pretend, don’t you? Think back,”…Hey, Joey, let’s play house. I’ll pretend I’m the Mommy and you’ll be…No, Joey, don’t tear the leg off Becky – she’s my best doll! Hey, Joey! C’mere with Becky’s leg!”

Once in the safety of the streets, usually within the cloak of night, make like a bag lady, babes-in-arms, and hit the local shelter. Don’t have a clue where? Buses aren’t running? Are you about to return to the scene of His crime? Get a grip: head for a phone. Anyone in your position is likely to be prepared enough to have the quarter to dial “911”. Once the Emergency Operator comes on the line, don’t clam up the way your Closet Mentality tells you. Disclose your location and don’t be afraid to admit, “It’s an emergency!”

Looking back, I abandoned the marital home of my youth with such regularity that my friends listed two phone numbers in their address books:

  1. my parents’ home
  2. my husband's domicile.
Having secured shelter, you get the chance to gather forces, the arms of emotional combat are gathered once again, “The Tactics for Feminine Tact” are tested and, with a hope and a prayer and whatever counseling you are willing to tolerate, your psychiatric balance has equalized. That is your assumption, “no ifs, ands or buts about it”. You’re going to make this relationship work. Where there’s a will there’s a way. Your heritage heckles, “You made your own bed. Now you lie in it.”

Sensitivities safely tucked in Netherworld ever deeper, and with your upgraded Smile Mask you return to the scene of the crime with bigger and better Intentions of Love. Or, if Luck is in your camp and you’ve replaced your Perp – domestic violence jargon for Perpetrator – for a promising replacement “what rage like wild bull”.

Theoretical Tactic: Upgrade the universal “Battle of the Sexes” to “Battle of the Brains” with the following strategies:

  1. A war based on skill rather than might
  2. An authentic exchange of wisdom and experiential knowledge, simulating dialogue even
  3. Competition based on such qualities as creativity, innate abilities, vision
  4. Even a contest - a dare of raw nerve
No contest. End of male/female antagonism. Yet another theory forever to remain unproved since the fall of Adam, attributed to Eve.

How unbecoming that would be for a woman, how brazen of her to display her intellectual, let alone spiritual wares, as a prostitute bares her breasts and tush for her John. It remains the feminine to use prayer beads and hope for the Beatitude of Mercy, “Poverty of Spirit”.

Back to the gravity of the issue, The Self-Humiliation Rap is not truth, granted. It is a matter of survival. Survivals on the outside, but a seized-up chest, a throbbing head, ad nauseam, on the inside are telling the tale. Still, when you’ve rendered him too tuckered out or plainly bored to do “combat duty”, actual victory remains yours. Feel free to indulge in silent, “Checkmate.”

Check it out: Your spirit and strength to survive are intact.

FACT: Members of the male species who rave unreservedly, unpredictably – and there are more than statisticians care to admit – generally do not dress in standard issue Army Fatigues when they spend their alpha-aggression for “the open hand”, “the closed hand”, “the fisted hand”, or the more sophisticated intimidation tactics like verbal assault, negligence or financial abuse.

Their headspace, predominantly Reptilian Brain is void of would-be satisfying passions. You know, playing Catch with the kids, going to a Ball Game with the guys, keeping his blood-alcohol level within legal driving-limits or offering you Gourmet Sex on Valentine’s Day instead of the McDonalds fare. “Rotsa Ruck, Babe!”

FACT: Chances are you’ll throw caution to the wind sooner than later, and return to your Conjugal Battle Zone. Know that you can cover scars with long sleeves ‘til the cows come home but, they will be there like holocaust tattoos, forever.

FACT: Know you are in a vicious cycle that sucks you away, inch-by-inch from your Self, your dyed-in-the-wool friends the Real World, and ever closer to the realms of Bellevue.
Say you’ve blown on the dice and tossed your cash on the table to play the whole crap shoot. Be prepared to sublimate thoughts of the following nature:

  • “I must be crazy. I don’t have to put up with this Bullshit!”
  • “When’s the last time I was migraine-, ulcer-, grief-, panic-, anger-, (name your poison)-FREE?”
  • “I don’t remember when I had authentic, unadulterated fun, a good night’s sleep, rest, peace and quiet….”
  • “I know I’ve never truly experienced love, approval or kudos people talk about. I don’t think I’d recognize affection if I tripped over it!”
    Replace those with the following “reality checks”:
  • “The whole stinking dung heap has taught me some hard lessons about the real me, that I’m nothing but stepped-on dog turd in this life”
  • “I do not deserve love, humane treatment, nice things, a life.”
  • “My mission in life is to under-function at a futile job for pittance or as volunteer.”
  • Bottom line: “My tacky blood is good for sign the sales-contract of my soul to Satan.”

Soon enough you’ll have crossed the psycho-line and refer to yourself in the third-person as if you were watching your body move from the fly-on-the-wall viewpoint:

  • “You know you aren’t worth a plug nickel.
  • “When I see you in the mirror, I want to puke.”
  • “I can’t stand what you stand for.”
  • “I’m so sick of you that I have come to HATE you. In fact, I loathe you so much that if it weren’t for – choose one or more – the kids, my family, my religion, I’m obsessed with killing you.”
  • “You’re such a Wimp he has full rights to call you, Wussy.”
  • “Ha! You’re making cheap excuses to blow this Pop Stand because you don’t even have the nerve to get off your butt and sober up long enough to face the music.”
  • “You are a poor excuse for a human being. I don’t know what you are. You’re nothing is what you are…”
Warning, WARNING!
Pity party, pity party!

Your path is veering dangerously close to His Assigned Boundary for you – Come, come, now, it can’t be as bad as all that. Look on the bright side. Think Positive and R-e-l-a-x. Your relationship has never really been life-threatening. You’re imagining the worst. He’s merely a little ego-threatening, an innocent mischievous monkey – like he was as a youngster skinning cats and setting them on fire. Here, take some of these with some water – it’ll settle your stomach.

Well, then, let’s get on with it. Preparations for emotional combat, crucial reminders, instructions not to indulge in self-pitying illusions, and a prescription for perpetual PMS in tow, you may be pieced together enough – or, more likely, be sufficiently absent of mind – to return to the marital domicile, that is, The Oppressor’s Domain. In exchange for hard work and consummate obedience, you glean the following:

  1. Food
  2. Shelter
  3. Pocket change, and, if you’re so graced,
  4. A rare moment of companionship for you to lap up gratefully, that is if The Man permits you to watch the football game on TV with Him.
Alternative Tactic: Allow me to present to you the surprisingly common “Alternate Move”: Leave. Go alone “low-rental” which is all many women are able to afford; go the “warehouse/thrift-shop/flea-market” route for your shopping sprees; eat macaroni-and-cheese-product-dinner to stave off the hunger pangs; and cockroaches to stave off the loneliness. If the cockroach scuttling across the kitchen table looks as big and juicy as a chicken, and your first absentminded impulse is to reach for a fork – don’t. Consider it in social terms, to stave off loneliness. You may even find it therapeutic to talk to it in safety, without argument or coming to blows. Who defined “Sanity” anyway?

IF you actually did “get a life” it may be low on the creature-comfort scale, at first granted, but delightfully peaceful almost immediately.

Face it – you’re scared as Hell of genuine freedom, the unknown of normalcy and moderate success. For most lily-livered-through-bondage females, authentic living connotes Absolute Crazy-making ABSOLUTELY. Abused women will memorize this vow to premature death:
“Forget ‘A Life’. Shell-shocked I may be but I’d rather die a Mrs. with my combat boots on than a Ms. with suede pumps. Give me body-and-soul subservience and hands-on-neck manhandling. It’s my life; it’s all I know. It’s “he and me as us”. Decision made, my aim is Truce all costs. Battle-quelling techniques and grenade shielding come with the job description.”

Your focus is three-fold within the camp of war:

  1. Preserve cease-fire with as few uprisings as possible.
  2. Ceasefire under Martial Law, or Neutral Battle-zone of safe, mutually-beneficial exchange developed to replace the theater of abusive operations in order to reach the long-range objective of…?
  3. A Tentative Peace Agreement for the marital home – the location of meteorite-size emotional craters, housing for the shells of family members whose personalities are compartmentalized and dissociated, for bloodstained tiling and psyches, a field of forgotten landmines in the form of raging hearts.
Researching “Truce Tactics at all Costs” Approaches and Developing Methods for Maintaining a Nuclear Holocaust-proof Bunker

Forego personal health and sanity, completely. Master “Slave Mentality” as seriously as political prisoners interred in enemy camp. Learn about this phenomenon from Vietnam POW’s, deprogrammed former cult-members, Patty Hearst, or the Nordic hostages taken in a bank-robbery gone awry after whom this phenomenon was named, “Stockholm Syndrome”.

Women’s Masters take on the role of prison guards only they wear the civilian clothes of fathers, uncles, step-fathers, schoolyard bullies – anything owning the family jewels. You get the picture.
Although significantly proven in statistics, the domestic minefield is common as sewer rats, and as ubiquitous – equally common on snowy Canadian tundra, cultured Swiss slopes and swampland in Bangladesh. Equal opportunity is not a blessing but apparently a right when it refers to verbal terrorism, domestic guerilla tactics and closet bondage.

Equally universal is the retort, “Over my dead body will I ever divulge my crippling Secret, not even to my best friend!”, said every day in every language.

The predator’s MO smells like fresh road-kill across-the-board as well. Sick spouses stick to signature styles – Perp keeps Vic in bondage until Vic enjoys nothing more than pleasing her Perp-of-choice.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Code of Conduct a Disciple of the Holy Spirit

1. Be ever conscious that you aspire to the full expression of God, and devote all your Being and service to that end, as expressed so ably in the First Commandment.

2. Learn the lesson of harmlessness; neither by word nor thought nor feeling inflict evil upon any part of life. Know that action and physical violence are but a lesser part of the sin of harmful expression.
3. Stir not another’s sea of emotion, thoughtlessly or deliberately. Know that the storm in which you place their Spirit will sooner or later flow upon the banks of your own Lifestream. Rather, bring tranquility to life and be, as the Psalmists so ably put it, “oil on troubled waters.”

4. Disassociate yourself from your personal delusion. Let self-justification never reveal that you love the self more than the harmony of the Universe. If you are right, there is no need to acclaim it; if you are wrong, pray for forgiveness. Watching the self, you will find the rising tides of indignation among the more subtle shadows on the path of right, called “Self Righteousness.”

5. Walk gently through the Universe, knowing that the body is a temple in which dwells the Holy Spirit that brings Peace, Truth and Illumination to life everywhere. Keep your temple always in a respectful and cleanly manner as befitting the habitation of the Spirit of Truth. Respect and honor, in gentle dignity, all the other temples, knowing that oft times within a crude exterior burns a great Light.

6. In the presence of Nature, absorb the beauties and gifts if Her Kingdom in gentle gratitude. Do not desecrate Her by vile thoughts or emotions or by physical acts that despoil Her virgin beauty.

7. Do not form nor offer opinions unless invited to do so, and then only after prayer and silent invocation for guidance.

8. Speak when God chooses to say something through you. At other times, remain peacefully silent.

9. Make the ritual of your living the observance of God’s rules so unobtrusive that no one shall know that you aspire to Godliness, lest the force of their outer will be pitted against you or lest your service become impinged with pride.

10. Let your heart be a song of Gratitude, that God has given unto your keeping the Spirit of Life, which through you chooses to widen the borders of God’s Kingdom.

11. Be alert always to use your faculties and the gifts loaned to you by the Father-Mother God of all Life in a manner to extend God’s Kingdom.

12. Claim nothing for yourself, neither powers nor principalities, any more than you claim the air you breathe or the Sun. Use them freely, knowing the God ownership of all.

13. In speech and action be gentle, but with dignity that always accompanies the Presence of the Living God that is within your temple.

14. Constantly place all the faculties of your Being, and all the inner unfoldment of your nature, at the Feet of the God Power, especially when endeavoring to manifest perfection through one in distress.

15. Let your watchwords be Gentleness, Humility and Loving Service, but do not allow the impression of humility to be mistaken for lethargy. The servant of God, like the Sun in the Heavens, is eternally vigilant and constantly outpouring the gifts which are in his/her particular keeping.

From “What On Earth is Going On?” by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Ramadan dawns for billion Muslims - Oct 5 2005

By Joseph Mallia
Staff Writer

Four weeks without daytime food or drink, extra sessions of prayer for peace and forgiveness, and a recitation of the Quran begin today with the Muslim holiday of Ramadan.
The monthlong religious observance is like a crash course in spirituality, said Dr. Farouque Khan, president of the Islamic Center of Long Island, in Westbury.

"Going a day without food, water, coffee, the things you enjoy, you learn the art of self-discipline," Khan said.
"At the end of the day you realize that if you put your mind to it, you can do many things," Khan said. "Not eating all day brings us closer to those who are too poor to eat, to the billions of people who are starving."

Muslims give more to charity during Ramadan, and they examine their lives in the light of spiritual ideals. Families awaken before dawn for suhoor, a meal that helps them make it through the day. Then each evening they gather with other families to break the day's fast. At the end of the month, entire communities and neighborhoods gather to celebrate.

Observing Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, along with having faith, praying, giving to the poor and making a pilgrimage to Mecca.

The holiday will last 29 or 30 days, based on the end of the lunar month. It starts with the sighting of the new moon. Joining more than 1 billion others worldwide, some Muslims in New York started fasting yesterday, based on the sighting in their home countries, such as Egypt or
But most American, Mexican and Canadian Muslims followed the direction of the Islamic Society of North America, Khan said. "The preponderance of opinion is that unless the new moon is sighted in the place you live the month doesn't start," Khan said.

One of the month's highlights will come Oct. 22 when Muslims and Jews are scheduled to celebrate Sukkot and Ramadan together in a 4 p.m. service at Temple Beth-El in Great Neck, followed by a shared meal to break
their fasts.

Copyright (c) 2005, Newsday, Inc.
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Article I found on Oct 4 2005 re Rosh HaShanah

Those who sin must make five stops along path to forgiveness

Full story:

By Rabbi Mark S. Glickman
Special to The Seattle Times

"Rabbi," she said. "I need to talk with you about forgiveness."

We'll call her Helen. She was a stay-at-home Mom in her early 40s who came in to speak with me a few years ago looking frazzled. The previous Friday night, she had heard another rabbi speak about Judaism's view of forgiveness, and something he'd said had unsettled her. "When I heard Rabbi Birnbaum's sermon, I was really surprised. I'd expected him to give us the same old line that I hear from psychologists and read in self-help books -- about how we should forgive everyone, that forgiveness is the ideal. But that's not what he said at all."


"He said that Judaism teaches us not to forgive people unless they deserve it."

"Yes ... "

"Is that really the Jewish view?"

"Absolutely. Judaism says that we should forgive only those sinners who are truly repentant."

"So, for us to forgive them they have to apologize for what they've done?"

"Apologizing is the least of it, Helen. They need to atone. The Hebrew word for repentance or atonement is teshuvah, which literally means return. It's a difficult, gut-wrenching process, and it involves much more than just apologizing. In fact, there are five steps.

"The wrongdoer must (1) take full responsibility for his misdeeds, (2) change his behavior, (3) apologize, (4) compensate his victims and (5) maintain the changes long-term. It's a humbling process, and it usually isn't very much fun."

"And if somebody wrongs us and doesn't do all these things ... ?"

"Then we don't owe them anything in the way of forgiveness."

Helen paused. "Rabbi," she sighed, "I've got a problem with my ex-husband, Bill. We've been divorced for about 10 years now -- I left him after discovering he'd had a series of affairs with other women.

"Back then, I was so hurt and angry that I could have wrung his neck.
After all, not only did he betray me, but then he tried to tell me that his fooling around was my fault. Now I can at least talk to him about things having to do with the kids. But whenever I'm actually in his presence, the hurt starts all over again.

"Well, now, as you know, we're getting ready for David's bar mitzvah in a few months, and instead of looking forward to it, I've been dreading it because Bill will be there. I mentioned this to my mother, and she said, 'Honey, do you really think you need to bring all of that up again? It was so long ago. Why can't you just forgive him and let bygones be bygones?'

"Rabbi, I tried to forgive him. I really did. But I just can't bring myself to do it."

"Helen," I said, "has Bill ever apologized to you for what he did?"

"No. He tried to blame me for it instead."

"Well, until he apologizes -- until he goes through his teshuvah -- I don't think you owe him one whit of forgiveness. Forgiving him would amount to your saying that you won't hold him accountable for betraying you. But you should hold him accountable, Helen, and I hope you have enough respect for yourself to do so. No, don't forgive him, Helen. He doesn't deserve it. At least not yet."

Helen paused. "My mother says I won't be happy until I do."

"So let's find you some tools you can use at the bar mitzvah and at other times to prevent the memories from hurting so much. Whatever those tools might be, I'm certain that saying, 'Bill, don't worry about having had all those affairs because it's all OK now and I don't really care any more that you betrayed a sacred trust' isn't one of them."

The following week was Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Early in the evening services with which we began the celebration, the cantor chanted in Hebrew, "Eternal God, cause all your works to stand in awe before you, and all that you have made to tremble at your presence. ... "

I looked over at Helen, sitting upright in the third row. From behind the somber expression on her face I noticed that there shone a new ray of hope and dignity.

On Tuesday night, Jews around the world with gather to celebrate Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, and begin a 10-day period of repentance that will culminate Oct. 13 with Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

Rabbi Mark S. Glickman leads Congregation Kol Shalom on Bainbridge Island.
He and four other columnists -- the Rev. Patricia L. Hunter, Aziz Junejo, Pastor
Mark Driscoll and the Rev. Patrick J. Howell -- take turns writing for the Faith
& Values page.
Readers may send feedback to faithpage

Copyright (c) 2005 The Seattle Times Company
Your Life. Your Times.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

The Twelve-step Program

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
The Twelve-step Program
A twelve-step program (or programme) is a fellowship which aims at the recovery of its members from the consequences of an addiction, a compulsion, or another harmful influence on their lives, with the help of the Twelve Steps. Also the specific program of recovery that is applied within such a fellowship, is called a twelve-step program. The fellowship, a bond of loosely organized, autonomous groups, functions on the basis of principles, formulated in the Twelve Traditions. Synonyms are anonymous program and A-program; the original twelve-step program is Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.).
Twelve-step programs are famous throughout the West, but in popular literature only the first step is frequently referenced.

All twelve-step programs follow some version of the Twelve Steps. They meet regularly to discuss their problems and share their victories.
One of the most widely-recognized characteristics of twelve-step groups is the requirement that members admit that they “have a problem”. In this spirit, many members open their address to the group along the lines of, “Hi, I’m David, and I’m an alcoholic” — a catchphrase now widely identified with support groups.
Visitors to group meetings share their experiences, challenge successes and failures, and provide peer support for each other. Many people who have joined these groups report they found success that previously eluded them, while others — including some ex-members — criticize their efficacy or universal applicability.

The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous:
  1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable.
  2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
  3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
  4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
  5. Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
  6. We’re entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
  7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
  8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
  9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
  10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

(Source: Alcoholics Anonymous)
Other twelve-step groups have modified these steps slightly to refer to problems other than alcoholism.

The first such program was Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), which was begun in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith, known to A.A. members as “Bill W.” and “Dr. Bob.” They established the tradition within the “Anonymous” twelve-step programs of using only first names. The Twelve Steps were originally written by Wilson and other early members of AA to codify the process that they felt had worked for them personally. The Twelve Steps were essentially a rewriting of the 6 steps of the Oxford Group with whom Wilson had contact. This “codex” is the book “Alcoholics Anonymous”, often referred to as the “Big Book.”
The Twelve Steps were eventually matched with Twelve Traditions, a set of guidelines for running individual groups and a sort of constitution for the program (eg, AA) as a whole.
Many other programs since have adapted AA’s original steps to their own ends. Related programs exist to help family and friends of those with addictions. These programs also follow modified versions of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.
One organization which is often confused with an “Anonymous” twelve-step program, due to the intentional similarity of its name — but is not one — is Narconon. Narconon is a branch of the Church of Scientology, presenting Scientology doctrine and practices as a therapy for drug abusers. Narconon does not use the Twelve Steps, and is not related to Narcotics Anonymous.

Relation to religion
A primary belief of members is that their success is based on giving up on self-reliance and willpower, and instead relying on God, or a “Higher Power”. Critics of these programs, however, often hold that this reliance is ineffective, and offensive or inapplicable to atheists and others who do not believe in a salvific deity. Proponents of twelve-step programs argue that many atheists have been helped by the program and that one’s higher power may well be the group itself.

The role of religion in twelve-step groups is an argument of significance in some parts of the United States, where the criminal justice system has held out group participation to inmate addicts as a condition of parole or shortened sentences. Governments in the U.S. are disallowed under the First Amendment from granting privilege to religious belief. Thus, if twelve-step groups are religious (which some people believe a facial reading of the Twelve Steps makes plain) then this condition is unconstitutional. Members of twelve-step groups commonly attempt to finesse this conflict by making the semantic distinction that they are “spiritual, but not religious.”

Some critics — again, particularly atheists and humanists — also question directly the idea of giving up on self-reliance, which can be seen as a form of idealized despair. Secular alternatives to twelve-step programs, such as Rational Recovery, are for this reason in many ways opposite to the twelve-step process. Others, such as YES Recovery, acknowledge a debt to the twelve-steps movement but do not have a culture of belief in God.

As with the Bible and other similar texts, there are many different ways of interpreting the intent behind twelve-step programs. And as with the Bible, there are those who argue strongly for a relatively literal adherence to program literature (often referred to as “Big Book Thumpers”), and then there are those who advise “take what you like and leave the rest” and advocate a much more liberal approach. (Note: The phrase “take what you like and leave the rest” cannot be found in the Basic Text of AA or any other A.A. literature.) Two books that look at the twelve-step literature from a more liberal point of view are The Zen of Recovery by Mel Ash and A Skeptic’s Guide To The Twelve Steps by Phillip Z.

A clear distinction needs to be drawn between the original A.A. program fashioned in Akron which was described as a Christian Fellowship, held “old fashioned prayer meetings,” stressed Bible study and prayer and the reading of religious literature, and insisted on bringing people to an acceptance of Jesus Christ as the way to a relationship with God. While meetings were held by drunks and Oxford Group members, the work was said to be that of a “clandestine lodge” of the Oxford Group because its stress was on helping drunks to recovery, abstinence, resistance of temptation, old fashioned revival meetings, and conversion to Christ — which seemed to derive from the ideas, principles and practices of United Christian Endeavor Society of Dr. Bob’s youth.

This program achieved a 75% to 93% success rate. Its adherents said they felt the answer to their problems was in the “Good Book” (as they called the Bible). There were no Steps, no basic text, only one regular meeting. The emphasis was on Bible study, prayer, seeking God’s guidance, conversion, visiting hospitalized drunks, fellowship and witnessing. In a word, it was called “love and service” — the watchwords of United Christian Endeavor.

After the unusual cures were realized by Bob and Bill, the Akron group authorized Wilson to write a book about the program. But Wilson returned to New York and wrote an entirely different program based primarily on what he had learned from the Rev. Samuel M. Shoemaker, Jr., rector of Calvary Episcopal Church in New York, and a leader of the Oxford Group people in America. To Shoemaker’s ideas, which are found almost verbatim in the Twelve Steps, Bill added in his Big Book (the new basic text) ideas about alcoholism from Dr. William D. Silkworth, ideas about the necessity for a conversion from Dr. Carl G. Jung, ideas about a so-called “higher power” primarily from Professor William James and New Thought writers, thoughts from Anne Smith’s (Dr. Bob’s wife) Spiritual Journal, practical techniques from Richard Peabody set forth in his Common Sense of Drinking book, and a smattering of words and phrases with New Thought and New Age origin such as “Universal Mind,” “Czar of the Universe,” “fourth dimension of existence,” and “higher power.” Then Wilson declared there had been a program of recovery which consisted of Twelve Steps the pioneers had taken to find God. Bill asked Shoemaker to write the Steps, but Shoemaker declined. The Steps can be recognized in the Oxford Group teachings Wilson received from Rowland Hazard and Ebby Thacher in late 1934 and early 1935, but neither the Oxford Group nor early A.A. in New York or Akron had any “steps” at all.

A.A. was, at its origins, most assuredly a “religion” and a “religious organization.” The concept of “spiritual, not religious,” seems to have derived from the church’s desire to keep religion separate from A.A. even though the precepts and practices of A.A. were Biblical in roots and nature. Thus early A.A. meetings in New York were those of “A First Century Christian Fellowship” then also known as the “Oxford Group.” The “spirituality” idea was originally defined by Wilson as reliance on the Creator — truly a religious idea. But as time went on, New Thought and New Age substitute words seemed to drive A.A. talk and writing more toward unbelief and substitutionary, secular, universalism than to a relationship with God — the avowed Big Book purpose of the Steps.

The A.A. Service Manual combined with Twelve Concepts for World Service by Bill W.. 2004-2005 Edition, New York: Alcoholics Anonymous, 2004.
Alcoholics Anonymous. The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism, New York: Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th ed. new and rev. 2001, ISBN 1893007162 (‘Big Book’).
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, New York: Alcoholics Anonymous, 1953, ISBN 0916856011.

For more literature, see Alcoholics Anonymous, Literature; Bill W., Literature; Dr. Bob, Literature.
“The Steps We Took”, by Joe McQ. (of “Joe & Charlie”) 1990 August House ISBN 0-87483-151-2
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Categories: Addiction Alcohol abuse Twelve-step program

In other languages

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Alcoholics Anonymous (known commonly as "A.A." or "AA") is a world-wide fellowship of alcoholics whose primary purpose is to stay sober and carry the message of recovery from alcoholism through the Twelve Steps. A.A. is the original twelve-step program and has been the source and model for all subsequent and separate ones, such as Gamblers Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Sexaholics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, and Al-Anon/Alateen.
An earlier group for alcoholics, known as the Washingtonians, fell apart when it tried to branch out to different goals, which A.A. has tried to avoid.
There is some controversy over the A.A. approach of abstinence as a goal as opposed to other programs which aim for moderation. [1] A.A. draws a line between a "real alcoholic" and a "hard drinker", claiming that unlike a hard drinker, who may have the habit badly enough to cause gradual physical and mental impairment but retain the ability to stop or moderate drinking (given sufficiently strong reason (Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 20-21)), a real alcoholic has a disease and no amount of logic or persuasion or desire can bring a real alcoholic to lasting sobriety. A.A. considers alcoholism to be a diagnosis which can only be made by oneself, and has no opinion on abstinence for others.
There also exist a number of purely secular non-12 step programs which promote abstinence as a recovery goal, as well as programs which promote a goal of moderation for "problem drinkers" as opposed to "alcoholics." A listing can be found in the external links section of this article.


In other languages

History and development
A.A. was started by two alcoholics who first met on May 12, 1935. One was Bill Wilson (William Griffith Wilson), a New York stockbroker; the other was Dr. Bob Smith (Robert Holbrook Smith), a medical doctor and surgeon from Akron, Ohio. In A.A. circles, the former is known as "Bill W." and the latter, "Dr. Bob."
Wilson had been sober for some months when he met Smith, although he had struggled with sobriety for years. In that time he had made several important discoveries about his own alcoholism.

Firstly he had learned from a New York alcoholism specialist, Dr. William Duncan Silkworth, that alcoholism was not simply a moral weakness. Silkworth told Wilson, during one of Wilson's admissions to his drying-out clinic, that alcoholism had a pathological disease-like character. He told Wilson that, in his view, alcoholism was akin to an allergy, in the sense that it produced abnormal reactions to alcohol that were not observed in non-alcoholic drinkers; he called these reactions a "phenomenon of craving" -- once started drinking, the alcoholic finds it very difficult to stop. In addition, Dr. Silkworth told Wilson that alcoholics had a mental obsession that gave them reasons to return to alcohol after periods of sobriety, even knowing that they would then develop overwhelming cravings. This "double whammy" (as he called it) meant that the alcoholic could not stop once started, and could not stop from starting again. This explained the enormous recidivism rate of alcoholics.

Wilson also discovered that some alcoholics were able to recover on a spiritual basis. This approach had been used by one of Wilson's old drinking buddies, Ebby Thacher, to get sober. Thacher had learned about the spiritual approach from Rowland H., an American business executive and alcoholic who had undergone treatment with the famous Swiss analytical psychologist Dr. Carl Jung. After a prolonged and unsuccessful period of therapy, Jung told Rowland that his case, like that of most alcoholics, was nigh on hopeless. Rowland was horrified and begged Jung to tell him anything that might help. Jung replied there was only one hope: a genuine spiritual conversion experience. History, he said, had recorded isolated examples of recovery from alcoholism that appeared solely attributable to the spiritual conversion of the alcoholic. He told Rowland to seek out a conversion experience.

Rowland H. returned to America and found a means to a spiritual awakening through the Oxford Group, a self-styled first-Century Christian movement that advocated finding God through moral inventory, confession of defects, restitution, reliance upon God, and helping others. It appeared that a spiritual awakening would relieve alcoholics of the mental obsession that kept sending them back to alcoholism after periods of sobriety.

Finally, Wilson found that by sharing his personal alcoholic experience with other alcoholics, his own sobriety seemed to grow stronger and it helped the other person as well.

These were the ideas that he presented to Smith, who had been struggling with his own chronic drinking addiction. The two struck up a solid friendship and together they put Wilson's discoveries into practice. Smith's last drink is said to have been June 10, 1935, and that is considered within A.A. to be the date of the founding of A.A. Their first publication in 1939, Alcoholics Anonymous, the first 164 pages of which have remained virtually unchanged since then, has been a perennial best-seller. Given this start, it is no surprise that A.A. groups and members are frequently called "Friends of Bill W."

The AA Grapevine is the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous. It is written, edited, illustrated, and read by A.A. members and others interested in the A.A. program of recovery from the disease of alcoholism.

The growth of A.A., especially in its early years, was striking. In 2002, the General Service Office of Alcoholics Anonymous reported more than 100,000 A.A. groups in 150 countries, with a total membership of approximately two million alcoholics.

How the A.A. program works
Although some believe that A.A's success lies in the sense of support its members gain from attending regular meetings, many members, as well as A.A's literature, hold that the essence of the program is the Twelve Steps. The Steps incorporate Dr. Silkworth's description of the two-fold problem of physical allergy and mental obsession in Step One, Dr. Jung's description of the spiritual solution in Step Two, the Oxford Groups' method of reaching a spiritual awakening in Steps Three through Eleven, and Wilson's experience in helping others in Step Twelve. The process of working the Steps is sometimes summed up as "Trust God, clean house, and help others." (See twelve-step_program for a list of the steps themselves.)

A.A. members are encouraged to "work the Steps", usually with the guidance of a voluntary sponsor. (A sponsor is a more experienced member who has worked the Steps before, usually of the same sex as the sponsee, and freely chosen - and just as freely "fired"- by the sponsee.) The Steps are designed to help the alcoholic achieve a spiritual, emotional and mental state conducive to lasting sobriety. There are many long-term A.A. members who claim that working the Steps has freed them entirely from the urge to drink alcohol. Whereas staying sober was once difficult and uncertain, these members report that sobriety is now much easier, provided they keep working the A.A. program.

Most members regard attendance at A.A. meetings as important to their sobriety (although there are groups in A.A. made up of loners and members living in remote locations who communicate by mail and internet). Even members with decades of continuous sobriety still go to meetings regularly. There is no compulsion or requirement to attend. Members may attend as few or as many meetings as they wish, as frequently or infrequently as they like. However, new members are encouraged to go to 90 meetings in 90 days, and a sponsor may set his or her own expectations for a sponsee's attendance. No official membership or attendance records are kept at any level in A.A. However there are annually published estimates which are available through AAs headquaters in New York City, known as "GSO" (General Service Office).
With the above in mind, a typical individual program of recovery for a newcomer may include:

Above all, avoiding the first drink.

Attendance at one or more meetings daily for 90 days or longer. Some people coming into A.A. have attended meetings daily for the first year. (Note: nowhere in A.A. literature is there a reference to frequent attendance at A.A. meetings. Many A.A.s believe this notion started in the treatment center industry; graduating patients were advised to attend many A.A. meetings, presumably in an effort to acquire a new peer group of abstinent friends to reinforce the effects of treatment. Regardless of source, this recommendation is consistent with a suggestion commonly heard in A.A. that one in recovery should "change playgrounds and playmates.")

Contact with one's sponsor daily in order to work the steps and to discuss whatever problems one may be having in one's life, problems which may, if not addressed, lead the alcoholic to take the first drink: "One [drink] is too many and one thousand [drinks] never enough."

Daily prayer and/or meditation, as suggested by Step 11: "Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood him, praying only for knowledge of his will for us and the power to carry that out."

Daily attention to Step 10: "Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it."
Service work, which, for the newcomer, can be as uncomplicated as making coffee at meetings, helping to set up and break down tables and chairs, etc.

It will be noted that the program is to be worked daily and done so one day at a time. Frequently heard at meetings: "I'm a winner today, no matter what happens, as long as I don't pick up that first drink."

A common feature of A.A. meetings is that members are asked to speak to the group about their experience with alcoholism and recovery. However, there is no requirement to speak. Some members speak every time they are asked; others simply sit and listen in meetings for years before they say anything; some may choose to never speak.
A.A. does not charge membership fees to attend meetings, but instead relies on whatever donations members choose to give to cover basic costs like room rental, coffee, etc. Contributions from members are limited to a maximum annual amount. A.A. is self-supporting and is not a charity. It accepts no subsidies from any non-A.A. source and donations of money or other items of value from such sources are not accepted.
A.A. receives proceeds from sale of its book Alcoholics Anonymous along with other A.A.-approved books and literature, which are periodically reviewed from a cost standpoint so that printed materials can be priced to be self-sustaining while not actually being a source of profit for the organization.

Many A.A. groups use the famous Serenity Prayer.