New Moon in Libra / Solar Eclipse
Monday, October 3, 2005
3:28 am PDT / 6:28 am EDT
Sun and Moon joined at 10.19 Libra
''Bow'' - artist Claudia Fernety
Join our moon-circle for October...
NewMoon Libra, Solar Eclipse 
The Libra New Moon:
"Dancing on Ball, Balancing a Tray of Crystal and a Crying Baby"
By Dana Gerhardt "I feel like I’m living through a hurricane," was the message left on my answering machine. It was not a call from someone in the Gulf states. When Katrina tore through New Orleans, when the pre-Rita exodus snarled Texas highways out of town, I heard from many people whose lives had been overwhelmed by a devastating event. An honor student was killed by a drunk driver, a marriage of seventeen years was washed up, a mother learned her son was dealing drugs at school. When large-scale tragedies occur, we all partake, not only with our sympathy and shared grief, but the same energy rippling through the event, ripples through us all. Like we’re all on one great table and a giant hand yanks the tablecloth out from under our collective feet. Some of us will land. Some of us will wobble. Some of us will shatter. But we’ll all feel it.
Although planets don’t cause disasters, they do picture what we’re going through. Uranus, planet of sudden and shocking events, is currently in Pisces, the sign of storms, sea, gas and oil. Astrologers have predicted this period—from 2003 to 2011—will bring accelerated natural disasters and crises in oil and natural gas, which is good reason to keep emergency kits well stocked, and investigate alternative energy sources. But it still begs the question, why now? Uranus will be in Pisces for another six years. Why do we feel so wobbly at this moment? That’s what New Moon charts are for, carrying the sky-written message of what’s important now.
Three factors distinguish this month’s chart. There’s a solar eclipse. Mars has just gone retrograde. And four planets are aligned in a "Finger of God" aspect. For those who know little astrology, these terms might sound like I’m speaking Chinese. But without making the astrology too complex, let’s try to decode their message.
Eclipses often bring dramatic or sudden turns of events; their impact can be felt weeks in advance. They can bring hidden problems to the surface, open or shut doors, accelerate change. Generally they suggest turbulent times that require we grow. But eclipses happen regularly, twice a year, in fact; and some years they’re not so turbulent. To understand the different character of eclipses, astrologers have grouped them into families. This month’s solar eclipse comes from a family with a strong Mars/Pluto gene. That means it’s particularly potent. Says eclipse expert Bernadette Brady, this eclipse holds an "immense power, anger and force" that can suddenly clear huge obstacles or manifest as a rapidly moving crisis. An example of the first is the under-reported story of an American hostage held blindfolded and bound in a tiny underground cell in Iraq for ten months. The door to his cell was sealed with concrete. Yet incredibly, he was found, the cement door was cut through, and he was rescued. An example of a rapidly moving crisis is, of course, a hurricane. We got two in rapid succession. Whether positive or negative, with this eclipse, says Brady, "everything is moving at great speed."*
And yet, Mars going retrograde means that things will also be slowing down. A planet is called "retrograde" when, due to earth’s relative position and speed, it appears like it’s moving backward. Mars does this once every two and a half years. It turned retrograde October 1 and will go direct on December 9, but its astrological influence began in August and will continue through February 2006. That means we’ve already been feeling it, and will continue to feel it for some time. Mars represents our warrior nature. It’s our ability to go after our desires, to get things done. When it retrogrades, we can feel like we’ve lost our sword and shield. Or like we’re running through molasses—dramatized by the disastrously slow relief efforts for Katrina and the stalled traffic and out-of-gas cars in the pre-Rita evacuation. If we try to hurry through this period, we will be stopped—or frustrated at the least. If we push, something or someone may push us back. A more positive use of the time would be to slow down and go over what we’ve done. Mars asks that we take a deep long look at how we’ve been approaching important matters.
Mars being in the sign of Taurus suggests we especially examine our relationship to earth and its resources, also our personal resources, namely our money, our talents. We must question how we’re using our energy… in all ways, from ourselves, to our nation, to our planet. If we undertake this investigation sincerely, this can be a productive time. If our lawmakers debate this seriously, these months can be a key moment in reversing our mounting debt and the addiction to diminishing energy sources. Will this happen easily? Mars is in a fixed sign, suggesting there will be difficult aspects to Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune in the months ahead. Patient determination is required. Mars will go forward again and so will we. But our future efforts will be more effective if we go slowly now, with great awareness.
The Libra New Moon is traditionally a time to find balance. And it couldn’t come at a better moment. Libra is the peacemaker, the graceful aerialist, the mediator, the angel of "Let’s make this beautiful. Let’s find our common ground." Yet there are four planets in an unusual pattern in Libra’s New Moon chart. Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Venus are assembled in a
"Finger of God" aspect, so-named because there is a sense of destiny about it, a sense that we’ve got to do something brilliant with the energy—
or else. Mars is at the foot of this pattern, in an uneasy relationship with the other three planets. What does this mean? It’s like being invited to stand on a slippery ball, balancing a tray of crystal glasses in one hand and a crying baby in the other. There’s no logical way to succeed. You can’t do it the way you normally do things. You need a little magic. And you need to try something new.
Exactly what sort of magic is indicated by the planet opposite Mars—which is
Venus. She is the goddess of joy, grace, peace, and love. When you are at your most radiant, most accepting, most beautiful, Venus is working her magic through you. Call on her to help you meet whatever faces you now, with not only calm, but pleasure and joy. "Finger of God" patterns call for transcendence, as though God were pointing directly at you and saying, "
Grow, or else." It’s nice to know the same divine finger points at everyone else too. But this month, pretend it’s pointing only at you. What can
you do differently? How can
you help the current situation? If we all do this, we will have gotten the sky-written message. We will serve each other, and the needs of this time, with unbounded grace and charm.
* Bernadette Brady, The Eagle and the Lark (Weiser, 1992), p. 318.
New Moon Meditation: “Seeking the Balance of Peace”
by Pythia Peay The world is evolving from imperfection towards perfection; it needs all love and sympathy; great tenderness and watchfulness is required from each one of us.
-- Hazrat Inayat KhanSolar Eclipses often represent a pivotal moment in the human story. This is especially the case with today’s New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra. With the Sun and Moon closely conjunct the South Node in Libra, many of us may find ourselves dealing with issues around karma, fate, and destiny - especially in relationships. In addition, stationary-retrograde Mars in heavy-weight Taurus opposes Venus in passionate Scorpio (the ruler of this lunation), forming a yod, or "finger-of-fate" between Jupiter, Pluto, and Mars.
In astrology, images are used to convey the essence of a sign. Like a treasure chest, these images contain a wealth of accumulated wisdom and insight. For Libra, that image is the scale, the symbol of balance and moderation - and an important pointer in how to cope with the energies of this eclipse. The religious history of the scales yields rich insights. In ancient myths, the scales were pictured at the critical juncture between life and death, just as the soul was about to pass into the next realm. In Egypt, the soul was weighed against the weight of a feather. In the Persian tradition, the angel Rashu weighed souls at the Bridge of Fate, while in the Christian faith St. Michael, Archangel of the Day of Judgment, was pictured with a set of scales. And in Greece, the goddess Themis, the embodiment of law, was represented with scales.
The symbolic meaning of the scales teaches us that we cannot move on to a new stage of evolution until we have examined our intentions and come to terms with our past actions. Yet the meaning of the scales has psychological significance, as well. A psyche that tips too far in one direction or another is considered unhealthy, manic, one-sided, or "bipolar." And physically, good health revolves around a lifestyle that includes equal portions of work and pleasure, exercise and rest, and a balanced diet. An awakened conscience, mental equilibrium, homeostasis - these are healing qualities that regulate the human condition. Too much despair, for instance, and the soul is eclipsed by helplessness. Too much optimism and we are at risk of denial. Either we cannot see the darkness for the light, or the light for the darkness. Radical extremism in either direction leads to demonizing or divinization of "the other."
Thus like no other, this New Moon is a time to practice the art of spiritual, emotional, and physical equanimity. For your meditation, imagine that you are seated in the cosmic Temple of Balance. Contemplate the image of the scales, entering deeply into the living meaning of this symbol. Center yourself at the all-important fulcrum that holds the scales. In this place, carefully weigh and measure your feelings. Examine your actions, past and present. Be circumspect with your thoughts. Exercise prudence in the face of extremism, whether it arises from within or without. Hold strong to the clarity provided by your spiritual faith. Imagine that your body is a focal point of stillness and strength.
Peace, instruct the sages, stems from stability. Says the Dalai Lama, "...the practice of Dharma, real spiritual practice, is in some sense like a voltage stabilizer. The function of the stabilizer is to prevent irregular power surges and instead give you a stable and constant source of power."
Practicing peace this way, perhaps each of us can become a powerful center radiating peaceful equilibrium - a spiritual rock in the foundation of peace that, by our individual actions, we are helping to construct for future generations.
Pythia Peay is the author of Mercury Retrograde: Its Myth and Meaning, and Soul Sisters: The Five Sacred Qualities of a Woman’s Soul
3-Minute New Moon Ritual, with Dana Gerhardt
The energy of Libra is gathering in your circle. It is radiant, graceful, peaceful and balanced. Libra is a fragrant rose-petaled goddess who weaves harmony and beautifies space. She makes us comfortable around those who are different from us, who hold opposite opinions, who push our buttons because they mirror the rejected parts of ourselves. She knows how to be fair, how to see all sides of a situation without losing herself. She is an artist, conjuring just the thing to make any space an altar to Beauty. Libra likes to please us. But don't be confused. She is not into people-pleasing, self-sacrifice, or indecision.
...ground your body, clear your mind...
Become aware of your body. Notice how gravity holds and connects you to earth. It's as though your body is an ancient stone temple-solid, strong, secure. Sanctify this temple. Imagine a priestess is pouring sacred water and scattering rose petals, all the way down, from your head to your toes. Any anxiety or negativity washes away. Notice the thoughts and feelings leaving the temple-your judgments, your distracted mind, your worried heart. Be sure to honor them. Give each a smile and a piece of cake as it departs.
...draw a circle of protection, call for blessings...
Visualize a ring of fragrant flowers surrounding you, protecting you. Know that you are safe and relaxed. Breathe deeply. Feel the power of the Sun and Moon pouring into your circle. The energy of Libra is gathering in your circle. It is radiant, graceful, peaceful and balanced. Libra is a fragrant rose-petaled goddess who weaves harmony and beautifies space. She makes us comfortable around those who are different from us, who hold opposite opinions, who push our buttons because they mirror the rejected parts of ourselves. She knows how to be fair, how to see all sides of a situation without losing herself. She is an artist, conjuring just the thing to make any space an altar to Beauty. Libra likes to please us. But don't be confused. She is not into people-pleasing, self-sacrifice, or indecision. Those strategies come from people trying to act like the goddess without being the goddess. Feel inwardly for the honest presence of this goddess as you read Libra's affirmations.
...allow seed intentions to form...
Your intentions for this cycle are gathering. You may already know what you wish to accomplish. Or you may not. Trust that all will unfold perfectly in time. Know that this brief ritual has aligned you with spirit. Now ask your heart if it has a closing message for you. This may come in words or as a picture, perhaps as a body sensation or sound. Give yourself time to receive this message. Digest it. Write it down. Then, in gratitude to yourself and spirit, return to normal awareness. Place a symbol of your Libra New Moon message on your altar.
New Moon in Libra - Monday, October 3
This New Moon in Libra is an annular eclipse of the Sun, making it a powerful event that can shake the course of relationships. The integrative North Node of the Moon is in self-interested Aries, so focus on what you want first. This provides a clear foundation from which to negotiate, rather than starting out by trying so hard to placate others. Being true to yourself is worth more than denying your needs simply to keep the peace.
Chiron Direct - Tuesday, October 4
The Wounded Healer turns forward in the last degrees of Capricorn, sloughing off the pain of unfulfilled ambitions as we move towards new standards for success that grow more intellectual than material as Chiron starts heading back to Aquarius.
Venus in Sagittarius - Friday, October 7 - November 5
Venus is adventurous in Sagittarius, searching for new playmates and games to play. Old sources of pleasure grow stale. We may seek new sources of enjoyment, even if it's risky to an ongoing relationship. The fun is in the chase now, rather than familiarity and commitment. Broadening minds and tastes with foreign cultures can be especially rewarding now.
Mercury in Scorpio - Saturday, October 8
Minds grow deep, even suspicious, as we seek information hidden below the surface. Conversations are not trivial; words aren't wasted. The power of communication is amplified as language is charged with feeling. Research is rewarded, but trust may be challenged by skeptical thinking.

FullMoon in Aries - Chart Oct 17 2005
Full Moon in Aries - Monday, October 17
This lunation is a partial eclipse of the Moon that pulls down the shade on habits of impulse and isolation that hinder relationships. Old defenses can be dropped in recognition of battles that are finally over. Pluto's harmonious trine to the Full Moon clearly shows what needs to go and the rewards to be gained by making change. The opposition between the Sun in cooperative Libra and the Moon in pugnacious Aries need not be one of conflict, but a new awareness of the dance between I and Thou.
Sun in Scorpio - Sunday, October 23
The Sun's entry into the Fixed Water sign brings consciousness from the edges to the interior. Desires and values are re-examined from the depths of our being. Agreements that sounded good in principle may not feel right inside, but it's better to discuss this than to sit silently with resentment. Passion brings power as untapped resources are discovered that help overcome obstacles.
Jupiter in Scorpio - Tuesday, October 25The planet of expansion plunges deeply within, finding gold hidden in the darkest of places. Hopes are shadowed with fear that can kill optimism, yet doubt can temper aspiration with pragmatism that can make dreams come true. This is a year of alchemical transformation when truth is turned upside down, light becoming dark, dark becoming light. There is wisdom in the shadows, so look in the scary places to understand yourself more fully.
Neptune Direct - Wednesday, October 26
The forward movement of this compassionate planet allows hopes to surface, countered by the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in Scorpio, of course. Dreams are measured against the resources required to make them real and desire is needed to distill thought into action.
Mercury in Sagittarius Sunday, October 30
The planet of data entering the sign of principles encourages open communication. Optimistic statements, though, may lack precision, turning good ideas into vague promises. Back up beliefs with facts if you want to transform this mental ride into an enduring experience, rather than just a good sounding promise.
A New Moon in Libra generally plants seeds for new relationships. This one, however, is a solar eclipse, so there is some pruning of the garden needed before the next cycle can take root. Conflict, which Libra generally avoids, can be a positive experience now. When it reveals the truth about yourself, even if it's not pretty, you'll learn a valuable lesson. Instead of tempering emotions with airy detachment, this New Moon has a fiery quality that places honesty before politeness. That can feel harsh at times, but the greater cruelty is in lying to oneself.
Have a great month!
Jeff Jawer, Publisher,
...because timing is everything!
Venus in Sagittarius: October 7 - November 5
Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is off to adventure in experience-seeking Sagittarius. Lust for life and expansion of the boundaries of pleasure are supported now. Love is about expanding limits here. We may give up some of the comfortable patterns of the past and risk relationship safety for new levels of experience. Love needs to grow now; it will not stand still.
Travel, learning and a taste for all that's foreign may be heightened. It's hard to stick to the old routine when the planet of pleasure hits the road. This desire for the new and exotic may reveal some weakness of judgment. Purchases are more likely made with joyful abandon rather than with an eye on long-term value. People, too, can be overrated, particularly if they offer the promise of adventure or enlightenment.
Among those born with Venus in Sagittarius are spiritual teachers Sai Baba, Paramhansa Yogananda, Alan Watts, Albert Schweitzer and Deepak Chopra. Rockers David Bowie, Jimi Hendrix, Tina Turner and Pete Townsend have Venus in Sag, as do both Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel.
Quite a number of writers were born with the planet of the arts in this literary sign. Art Buchwald, Lewis Carroll, Kurt Vonnegut and Mark Twain were some who wrote from a humorous perspective. Political figures with Venus in Sagittarius include Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher from England's Conservative Party, and Russians Boris Yeltsin, Joseph Stalin and Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
Finally, we must thank Venus in Sagittarius for her great sense of humor. Two contemporary examples of Venus in Sag's "almost anything goes" comedy are the free-spirited Whoopi Goldberg and Roseanne. Laughter lifts our spirits, opens the heart and shows us the limitless boundaries of joy symbolized by Venus in Sagittarius.
Mercury in Scorpio - October 8 - 30
This planet of communication gets down to the depths whenever it's in Scorpio. The mind melds with emotions, descending into the body, into the past and into life's mysteries. This can be a very powerful period for talking about difficult issues regarding relationships, money and mortality. Psychological awareness is more acute now, as perceptions take us under the covers of the obvious, seeking hidden meaning and motivations.
The dark side of Mercury in Scorpio is represented by the mistrusting mind, one that holds secrets and fears them at the same time. Communication becomes a means of control, rather than connection. However, seeing our fears doesn't mean that we have to perpetuate them. The opportunities are ripe for discussing heretofore forbidden subjects, resulting in greater degrees of trust and intimacy.
Deep thinkers born with Mercury in Scorpio include Deepak Chopra, Jodie Foster, Carl Sagan, Sylvia Plath and Hillary Rodham Clinton. Joni Mitchell, Paul Simon and John Lennon expressed their deep thoughts in songs.
Martin Scorcese's Mercury in Scorpio puts the lens on life's dark side, unlike Jesse Jackson, Prince Charles and John F. Kennedy Jr. Movie star Merc in Scorpios are Winona Ryder, Demi Moore and Richard Dreyfuss, while television brings us Suzanne Somers, Henry Winkler, Susan Lucci and Chris Noth.
Mercury in Scorpios Whoopi Goldberg and John Cleese make us laugh, while Bonnie Raitt and Luciano Pavarotti please our ears. Dr. Bernie Siegel teaches us how to face the fear of disease and transform ourselves through spiritual awareness. This reminds us how changing our perceptions changes our reality.
***For more on Mercury see An Interview with the Messenger by Alice DeVille.Sun in Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Signs are Seasons
Scorpio arrives with the falling leaves in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the middle sign of autumn, marking the deepening shift from light and warmth to a darker and cooler time of year. Some are saddened by these changes, reminded of their mortality and the ephemeral nature of life. Others, though, revel in exploring the inner side of human nature and understand that death is always followed by rebirth.
Scorpion or EagleThe symbol of the Scorpion is not a particularly attractive one. It is a poorly understood animal, best known for its capacity to sting and kill other creatures, and sometimes itself. For astrologers, though, Scorpio represents the possibility of a new world created out of the ashes of the old.
Scorpio is a fixed sign, meaning that it occupies the middle of a season. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo and Aquarius are the others) do not change easily. Pressures can build, issues may need to be examined deeply before letting go. Scorpio is a water or feeling sign. (Cancer and Pisces are the other water signs.) Fixed water is about emotions that are profound and tend to dominate the personality. Scorpios, of course, can be reasonable, but the bottom line is that feeling is likely to be more important than thinking.
Scorpio and SexMany people relate Scorpio to sex. It follows the relationship sign of Libra. In a sense, we meet in Libra and consummate the partnership in Scorpio. However, this sign is really about extremes in sexuality. Scorpio can be celibate or profligate depending on the time, the place and the individual. Some Scorpios are crude about sex like Larry Flynt or Roseanne, and others can delicately reveal eroticism through art like Georgia O'Keefe.
Scorpio deals with most of the "forbidden" subjects such as death, sex and power. Some of the difficulty we have with this sign is due to a failure to deal with these essential human issues in mature and open ways. Psychological sophistication, a Scorpio trait, is one way to meet these issues in a healthy manner.
All or Nothing at AllA primary role of Scorpio is to push past the surface and get to the heart of the matter. Scorpio is about essence, not fluff. Sometimes this means that Scorpios seem distant when you want to be light and playful. They are not uncaring. In fact, they sometimes feel too much. Behind those intense eyes is a very sensitive person, one who knows what it's like to be hurt.
Scorpio often seems cautious until passion takes over, and then all limits are ignored. This is not a sign of half measures. It's usually all or nothing. Extremes of loyalty, commitment and intensity are balanced against cool detachment and apparent disinterest. If you want to play with these folks, bring all you've got. They won't settle for any less.
Scorpios are often intense, passionate or powerful people like Hillary Rodham Clinton, Demi Moore, Meg Ryan, Dennis Miller, Bill Gates, Julia Roberts, Sean "Puff Daddy" Combs or Ted Turner.
***See Jeff Jawer's article Scorpio: Beyond Reason for more about this fascinating sign.
Jupiter in Scorpio - October 25 2005 until November 23, 2006
Jupiter is the largest of all the true planets. Its mass is greater than all the rest of the planets combined. If it was only 20% larger it would develop enough heat at its core to become a star. Astrologically, Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth and optimism. Known as The Greater Benefic, it symbolizes good luck and fortune. In the ancient Indian language Sanskrit Jupiter is called "guru" or teacher. This fits its association with the higher mind, philosophy, truth and religion. Perhaps Jupiter's good fortune derives from the capacity to give us a larger view in which to see the world.
Outgoing Jupiter in inward-looking Scorpio makes for a complex combination. The normally optimistic outlook of the giant planet is tempered by a need to consider costs, including the possibility of loss and emotional complications arising from ambitious actions. There's a calculating quality, one that measures risks more carefully now. While this may temper the most grandiose hopes and dreams, it offers a dose of reality that can help to produce concrete results.
Jupiter expands, so while in Scorpio we can expect issues such as debt, sexuality, pollution and psychology to grow more prominent in the collective consciousness. Fears can be exaggerated during this period, as well, but some alarm might be necessary to provoke action in critical areas.
Scorpio is an intensely emotional sign that deals with intimacy and the exchange of deep feelings. Jupiter's presence offers a more generous assessment of these complex matters, allowing us to explore previously forbidden areas of behavior in a less judgmental manner.
Opportunity can arise out of situations of loss and benefits may be gained from objects and individuals that have been undervalued. This is a time to recover ambitions that have been set aside and reawaken interest in subjects that were abandoned long ago. Jupiter in Scorpio reminds us that we have untapped resources within ourselves and in the world that can be freed for use when we have the passion to pursue them. And while it's true that expanded desire can lead to dangerous situations, it is this intensity that can also clear away barriers to success.
Britney Spears, Prince William, Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon, Andre Agassi, Uma Thurman, Queen Latifah, Tim Robbins, Sharon Stone, Stephen King, Arnold Schwarzegger, Carlos Santana, Glenn Close, Donald Sutherland, Manuel Noriega, Elvis Presley, Napoleon Bonaparte, Joan of Arc, Jules Verne, Richard Krafft-Ebbing, Albert Schweitzer and Alesiter Crowley are among those born with Jupiter in Scorpio.
Mercury in Sagittarius:
October 30 - November 26
December 12 - January 3
Mercury will turn retrograde on November 13, back into Scorpio on November 26, turn direct on December 3, and return to Sagittarius on December 12.
Mercury, the Info Guy, has very mixed feelings about being in Sagittarius. Expansive Sagittarius can be overwhelming to detail-oriented Mercury. Small things are easily blown out of proportion. Facts are out of whack. Tall tales abound. Yet, this is also when the lens of perception is widened and the mind opens.
Mercury in Sagittarius can be a time of enthusiastic words, confident messages and creative communication, but big promises may stretch the truth. The trick is to drop your prejudices, but not your reason. In the desire to find one big answer to all of life's questions it is easy to overlook nuance and appreciate different points of view.
Sagittarius looks toward the future, so that perceptive Mercury's presence here supports visions of tomorrow. The trick is to fill in all the details so that the picture you're selling is the one that actually develops.
The humorous side of Mercury in Sagittarius is well expressed by Woody Allen, Roseanne, Randy Newman, Tracey Ullman, Goldie Hawn and Bette Midler. There's something rock 'n' roll about Mercury in Sag because it shows up in the birth charts of Neil Young, Stephen Stills, Jimmy Hendrix, Little Richard, Tina Turner, Jakob Dylan and Patti Smith.
Athletes and actors born with Mercury in Sagittarius include Troy Aikman, Bobby Hull, Calista Flockhart, Jeff Bridges, Ed Harris, Sally Field, Diane Keaton and Jamie Lee Curtis. Others born with this placement include defrocked preacher Jim Bakker, friend taper Linda Tripp, radical activist Abbie Hoffman, director Steven Spielberg and author Umberto Eco.